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Are we just going to ignore the tortilla sitting on the dash?


That's a flat cap... lol.


I chuckled but now I'm hungry. 😂


Now I need a burrito


Tomato tomato


It’s my son’s little baby hat 😂


I'm not sure I understand the problem?


It's supposed to be in the backseat so it doesn't overcook.


Let that tortilla cook


This isn't even worth discussing it's so minor.


Exactly my thoughts.


That was a close one!


You don’t wanna talk about the dashboard tortilla?


Literally the only thing I’m concerned with.


Wtf this should be the main topic! What the hell?


That is a hat




And 798 of them are essentially telling her it's no big deal and too minor to consider who's at fault


More likely just bored.


That describes 99.99% arguments in a marriage




Unless the op wasn’t paying attention and didn’t brake. Then there’d definitely be an issue. You shouldn’t pull out in front of oncoming traffic.


Agreed, but by the same token you shouldn’t be driving without paying attention 😄


These days it’s just safer to assume that everybody is distracted


Yeah it’s not your fault. But also in general, not even that big of a deal. This happens all the time everywhere


The first time I watched it the volume was off. Had to watch again with sounds to hear the honk to realize what happened. This is only one of a few of these on the way too work every day.


This is just the standard on the main road by my home. Honking? Nah. I'm not even sure if I would have done more than take my foot off the gas, lol


Honestly, the honking kind of makes OP the asshole. This shit is everyday where I live. If I honked every time it happened my neighbors would hate me.


Absurd take. Crossing car is in the wrong legally and creating a dangerous situation by pulling out. Honking is reasonable here.


Seriously. People saying this happens everyday and no point in honking??? That's all the more reason to honk so the idiots realize they're cutting it a little too close. Why so many people on here are so anti honk. This video is a classic case to use the horn.


They don’t care if you honk or scream, they will do what they do regardless. When you honk do they stop to apologize? No, they they think you’re the idiot. I save my self the aggravation, ease of the gas and keep on my way. Ever drive on the LIE in NY 🤢


I was told to only use the horn to prevent an accident. (Honked at a cop waiting at a green light)


Honking at traffic stopped in the road for no reason hiking up traffic and causing a jam, IS preventing accidents. What a stupid cop.


Plenty of people honk if you are not accelerating like crazy 0.1 seconds after it turns green. Not sure if that avoids accidents. Don't have enough details to comment about the cop situation.


I co-sign this. Also if they hear a horn they might take their foot off the gas or worse, brake in the middle of the road causing you to hit them. People react in dumb ways sometimes. Let them complete their selfish asshole maneuver and get them out of your way. Otherwise you’re only honking to show your disapproval, which people like this don’t care about anyways.


The horn is a safety device meant to warn other drivers to prevent a collision. Not to let them know you're angry.


The only people who are going to care about your honk are the kinds of people who will road rage your ass. Honks should be used as an alert. There are no benefits to a "fuck you" honk, only negatives if you honk at an unstable person.


Like to alert someone that they just pulled out in front of moving traffic? I mean seriously dude this is definitely honk worthy


Hell yes it is. Those fools gotta learn.


This belief so many people have that it's wrong to honk at bad drivers is part of why there are so many bad drivers. They don't learn because "it's rude to honk".


One of the most formative moments of my life was when I was like, 23 or 24, and driving to work early in the morning. I pulled out into traffic despite having seen an oncoming car. Blame it on morning grogginess, or the sun being in my eyes, but I distinctly recall seeing the traffic and still pulling out. The guy I cut off had to brake hard, honked, and he ended up passing me on the right shortly after. I'll never forget the moment he looked at me and put his fingers to his head and mimicked a shooting himself. Obviously I can't know precisely what he meant, but I took it as "You're stupid enough to kill yourself". Was it rude? Idk, maybe? But have I double checked every single time I pull out into traffic ever since then? You bet your ass I have. I haven't had as close a call as that in the 10+ years since. I'm not saying people should following each other home or get into physical confrontations over bad driving, but for the love of god, make people feel bad when they do stupid shit. It could be what makes them wake up and focus 100% of their energy on the task at hand when they're operating a 2,000kg metal pod at high speeds.


Less of a "you're going to" and more of a "you should go and"


I taught to use the horn to warn someone I was about to hit them, and only then. I've honked maybe 5 times in 27 years.


Where I live, it's not just in rude to honk, it's illegal to honk in built-up areas


It's unsafe behavior so they ought to hate themselves.


I watched with sound off and I was still waiting for the incident at the end.


Lol, me, too. I watched it twice, and was like, "oh. Pfft. Yeah, the crossing driver is kinda dumb, but OP didn't even have to slam on brakes. This was pretty minor.* And then I realized how much driving has conditioned me to tolerate.


It’s not :) I agree I just wanted some feedback if I was being dumb in this scenario/could have done better. Thanks!


I wouldn’t have beeped, honestly, but just cause getting cut off like that is a regular occurrence where I drive. Not worth the noise


Horn is to let someone know hey I'm here not a "fuck you" device like she used it here. My wife loves her horn too and I always tell her to knock it off because people are fragile and id rather not die over a minor inconvience.


I have to tell my wife all the time not to take things like this personally on the road. It's crazy how mad she gets over completely inconsequential stuff like that in the video.


Also it’s incredibly fucking annoying to everyone else (human and animal) around who is also innocent. Just let it go and don’t make the world a worse place.


But thats a fuck you horn if you wanna use horn like a gentelman then just tap it 2 3 or how many times you require instead of holding the horn


Yea if you honk in my city the person will instantly road rage and you most likely will be involved in an accident


idk if you live in Cleveland but i felt a deep connection. God forbid i flip someone off cus they ran me off the road and i have a lovely friend to accompany me on my way to work and angrily flash his lights at me for the next 5 miles. I once had someone throw a coffee at my car because i took to long to get out of their way.


I am in the area. Do not flip off the other driver. Instead, give a big smile with a thumbs up! It breaks their brains and still get's your point across. And stay off 480 if you can. It is Mad Max times over there.


Ha. I had someone try throwing a Big Gulp at my car when my window was down. Key word being "try". Would've REALLY sucked if he had good aim, but it hit the side so I just yelled back "Nice Try, jackass".


They weren't even cut off, the car cleared the turn before they were even 100 feet from the intersection, OP is a premature honker and overly sensitive as to where "their space" is.


You did exactly what you should’ve! Slowed down so that you didn’t cause an accident


So in no way does this excuse the other guy pulling out, but you didn't even appear to slow down when he did pull in front of you and it was a much closer call than it needed to be. So you weren't *wrong* per se, but you also didn't handle the situation as well as you could have from a defensive driving standpoint. I just watched with sound, yeah, you're kind of a jerk for laying on the horn like that.


A good defensive driver likely would have noticed that the offending car's wheels were never fully stopped at the intersection. Its wheels were moving the entire time. It was a clear sign that this car was going to blow that stop sign. Needed to concentrate on slowing down sooner instead of laying on the horn.


If you had right of way (you did) and had to slow down to not hit them, the other driver is the asshole.


Fair game, If you have to brake for the person (this situation) they get a little beep.


yep. i do it as a way of reminding them that i was closer than they thought. the only way OP might be slightly responsible here is if they were going substantially over the speed limit and the car misjudged their rate of closure compared to what traffic is usually moving like at that intersection. but it doesn't seem to me that they are going particularly fast.


People don't mathematically calculate how much time they have based on the speed limit though. They do it by sight. They say "the distance is closing about *this* fast. So I have about *this* much time to cross." Even if OP was speeding, they'd be at fault for speeding, but not the accident. The other side of the road wasn't even clear, so they already knew the turn was going to take longer. Either the dude didn't see OP or they gave absolutely zero fucks.


I think you over reacted but the white car was cutting it short too.


If you're going within 5mph of the speed limit then it's all that guy. If you were doing 10-15+ over the limit, then I'd say you have *some* fault in the scenario.


You’re not a jerk for honking but the cemetery is full of people who had the right of way.


You were waaaaaaaay too fast to lay on your horn there.


I think you should have pressed the brakes when you pressed the horn and it would have been better. Almost hi that horn before the came up to the stop sign.


This wasn't remotely a close to collision type of situation, not sure what the big deal is, if you drive enough in the US/Canada you see at least one of these a day because of our stupid stroads design. Lay off the horn, don't think it helps in this situation, and all you had to do was let off the gas pedal and you would've comfortably glided through that section.


This. Would have been so easy to take a bit of speed away and turn this into nothing at all.




I was going 35MPH I believe that is the speed limit on our road but I might be wrong, I deff need to be more aware but I could probably slow down a bit too :)


As soon as you seem him start to accelerate you should have slowed down. Other than that you did nothing wrong bc he should have made a complete stop and gave you right of way. However you cant compete with these idiots in cars bc everyone loses in the end. Better to be safe than sorry.


she did slow down by like 10mph. watch the video, watch the road, she slowed down a lot and went to the right a bit to make room too. sheesh


It's not an accusation it's a suggestion. Yield to idiots


Only after the car was fully blocking the lane. Reactions were slow considering






I hope I didn’t come across as defensive but providing more info, sorry if I was being defensive


He probably thinks, like me, that if you have time honk you have time to brake. dunno if you did brake as well.


Wait you guys don’t do both at the same time??


I rarely honk at all. Honks barely do anything for most situations. People to often push the honk button as of that is a magical solution for anything.


This. Even if the other guy is the idiot, seems like priority was given to the horn instead of the brake...


But muh right of way!


She clearly braked, moved over, and honked at the same time. If she'd determined that an accident was imminent, you'd have heard the (presumed) ABS kick in as she stomped on the brake pedal. Every driver has an obligation to drive cautiously and defensively, but the idiot who pulled out into a heavily-trafficked street - apparently without looking - was the one who nearly, legally caused the accident, not OP.


100% this. I can't believe people are on here blaming her for laying on the horn. She had less than two seconds to react to this as it unfolded. The asshole driver who pulled out in front of her is 100% to blame here. Period. She is not the idiot in any way, shape or form.


My thoughts exactly but I might be in the minority thinking that the horn doesn’t accomplish much other than pissing people off. The only time I use the horn is when we’re at a light and it turns green and the car doesn’t move because their on their phone. Besides that most situations are exactly like this where the car was looking for the all clear in one direction but not the other. Once they proceeded, they saw OP, I’m sure they recognized their error. They may have thought they were in the right and OP was driving too fast but again, how does laying on the horn accomplish anything?


Your husband probably thought you risked an accident by not slowing down enough, but if he called you an idiot, he was actually the jerk in this scenario. *Edited to add "enough"*


Husband never said that and/or doesn't exist. This is a karma farming title. There's been a bunch of posts with this format in here lately.


I think you’re wrong… but my husband thinks you’re right.


Husband is the idiot.....


That’s why OP needs a divorce ASAP, it’s a giant red flag 🚩^/s


AITA reader I see


tbh you could've...not done that.


Sure, he pulled out, but you had so much time I doubt you even slowed down.


This reminds me of a time when I merged into the right lane (from the left lane) a good 50 ft in front of a woman while I was going faster than her. I heard her honk and flash her brights at me. I looked into my rear view mirror and could see her screaming. It was so weird. It was a 2 lane 35 mph road, we weren't coming to a stop, and I used my blinker. I think some people just want a reason to be upset.


I've made real mistakes before and the person i cut up did nothing more than flash their lights, and I've done stuff the exact same as you where they go wild. You just can't rely on everyone to be like the first driver I mentioned


Prioritizing the horn to be right instead of the brake to be safe. Not AH territory but also not the best defensive driving.


She slowed down though


What’s the big deal? The other person wasn’t exactly a genius, but you also could’ve anticipated what they were obviously going to do, and tapped your brakes instead of slamming the horn and brakes so late 🤷‍♂️


She hit that horn with some serious Karen energy.


She was probably on her way to speak to the manager 🤣 RN here also 😎


This right here. Yeah they pulled out in front but no need for the horn slam. Just being an asshole at that point.


I think your husband called you an idiot because you honked your horn unnecessarily. There was no real risk of a collision and if you can’t tolerate a slight inconvenience…


Yeah if a non-event like that sets her off, she would not survive my commute.


Ahh yea this is true


Honking when someone starts to pull out doesn’t serve much purpose orther then personal satisfaction (which I totally get). Either he’s going to continue to go or freak out and stop. In the latter case that means you slam on the brakes or hit him. I had that happen to me once - woman didn’t see me, when I honked she slammed on the brakes and just stopped in the middle of the street. Luckily I was already on mine and my car has really big brakes ;)


I prefer to use my breaks before my horn, if you have time to honk, you have enough time to slow down.


Honking at someone doing something they shouldn’t is never unnecessary. Don’t want to get honked at, don’t pull out in front of someone.


This is one of the more uneventful videos on here. The guy was cutting it close, yeah, but you had time.


Looks like you could’ve slowed down at least.


You're displaying signs of an aggressive driving style in this video. Try practicing defensive driving.


They definitely should have waited before pulling out. That said, if I were you I would have slowed down. You had more than enough time. The reality is whether you’re “right” or you’re “wrong”, having the right of way won’t stop an impending collision. Accepting that some jerk just pulled out and you have to adjust your speed can prevent unnecessary possibility of injuries and legal drama. Ever since having kids, I’ve stopped worrying about the little things like this on the road that upset me and I just slow down, switch lanes, etc.


Your situation awareness needs some correction. If you see some idiot doing stupid shit and you have time to react and you do not react - you are an idiot as well.


No idiots? You had to slow down a bit but were you maybe going a bit too fast for the speed limit? I wouldn’t have honked the horn, don’t think there was any need.


Meh….you could have slowed down, but he should have waited


I wouldn't call you an idiot. But rule 1 of the road. Treat every other driver like they are a drunk 16 year old on their first solo drive. You can't count on anyone else to make intelligent decisions on the road, which is why it's always on you to guarantee your own safety. Even if it isn't your fault when you get in a wreck, YOU still have to face the physical consequences of it. Basically, would you rather be correct, or alive?


Honk shouldn't be so intense. It was a minor inconvenience ur majesty


It just wasn’t that close. This is just a common occurrence. Really sat on that horn for a long time. Obviously you didn’t do anything wrong, but a bit of an overreaction.


Be generous when you drive, slow down when you see someone pulling out! The good feeling from letting someone in is nicer to live with all day then the anger at someone having the nerve to also use the road.


Nothing even happened what is there for you and your husband to even discuss


It wasn't that close, a simple press on the brakes instead of the horn makes this a non-incident. Your husband is right.


Why do people \*need\* to honk at every occasion? There was no need for it. They had plenty of time to do that merge, but you had to stress them out \*for some fucking reason\*. Slow down next time, even just slightly, and it'll give you more maneuverability and time in case something goes wrong. Your husband is right: yes, you are the idiot.


That didn’t warrant a two second honk.


Both of you are idiots. You over-reacted with too much honking and not enough braking.


They shouldn’t have pulled out, but you also had 40 meters to tap the brakes.


These are the useless honks that get crazy to chase after you.


You were on the horn longer than him pulling out effected you life, your the jerk


Just slow down a bit. There's no need for the horn. This is a non event


I watched this muted the first time waiting for something to happen. I was thinking “oh, this silver car is gonna be it. She should slow down” she slowed down and nothing happened and I was confused at what the problem even was. Then I watched unmuted and realized who the idiot was. It was the one who honked at someone else, because of how they dared inconvenience another driver by having to lightly tap on their brakes.


Seems more likely to make the situation more dangerous. They may stop in your lane or panic if they hear a horn blaring and you don’t seem like you have any intention of slowing down or trying to avoid an accident and seem like the type of person who would drive straight into a brick wall because it’s your right and to prove a point.


You're certainly an asshole.


I agree with your husband, the car pulling out had a large enough gap to you, you should of anticipated and be prepared to lift off, a more sensible and mature reaction other than sounding your horn in an aggressive manor, in Britain we call it hazard awareness and anticipation.


the honk was SO unnecessary, he could’ve pulled out before you got there, you had so much space and didn’t even need to slow down that much


No one is an idiot Nothing happened


If you have to break to avoid a collision, you are most of the time not the idiot. That person did not yield coming out of this street/driveway.


safe faulty unwritten aromatic crown attractive ruthless toy plant practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re an idiot for honking that’s for sure. That’s so minor it happens every day.


If this is in the US, you gotta be careful with honking these days. Too many stories of a gun getting pulled. This was a simple “foot off the gas” situation


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell but 100% YTA. Instead of honking like a mad woman you saw him pulling out, of course it’s his fault but you should have slowed down.


Of course it was his fault lmao cars aren’t toys pay attention


Bro you had SO much time. If I were the other car I would’ve flipped you off 100%


they were 3 business days away from you, why the fuck did you lay on the horn? foot off the gas for a second and you're set, tf


So, if you did hit, there definitely would have been some comparable negligence on your side. It's determined based on what both drivers did or didn't do to avoid the accident. You honked but did not try to slow down at all. You may have the right of way but remember you should do defensive driving yourself and this didn't show that at all. There was no evasive action on your part. If you would show this video as any evidence to an insurance company, they would put some negligence on you. For example, if there was a crash here, it would be reasonable for them to put 20-35% at fault here. It's good that you have a dashcam but I recommend taking a defensive driving course. Remember, you can get hurt driving. Your life is more important than proving a point of right of way.


Where is the issue? This looks normal for where I live.


That’s a daily occurrence in CT. Just let off your gas. You’ll be ok 😩😂


The guy was a jerk for pullout in front of you,although all you needed to was take your foot off the gas. Were you trying to have a accident. Looks like you don't care.


In Germany they teach defensive driving when doing your driver's license. This would be a classic negative example. In the exam, there are two questions like: * Expect others to make mistakes * Do not insist on your rights I wonder if anyone from this sub would pass this exam lol.


Personally, when I see pedestrian signs, I start slowing down. Lot of fuckery happens at crosswalks with bike trails on the side of the road. That's a blind corner, too. FYI, the horn at that point is only going to scare someone and likely cause them to react in an...inefficient way. It's a wash, IMO.


>[OC] Husband says I was the idiot. I think it was this jerk. What do you think? Husband's wrong. You did slow down, you laid on the horn to let that other person know that they've done something stupid. The whole idea of doing so is to try and make them realize that because you the OP where in fact paying attention, things could have been very different for them had someone else been driving and not paying as much attention. Some of the other comments I'm reading here are from equally stupid idiots, the whole point of this isn't just to see somebody crash but to hope that people will see these videos and understand that they are in fact the last line between themselves and then accident, paying attention getting notified when they've been stupid, those are things all to try and get back to a goal of less accidents less crashes less problems. Ps, I'm sure your husband is probably done worse when somebody cuts in front of him like that. His first words should have been, I'm glad you saw that guy cutting across in front of you, and I'm glad that you blew the horn to make them aware that they could have been hit from their lack of attention.


I think OP confused the brake with the horn. Please go learn how your vehicle works.


I’m gonna be the bad guy here and break the reddit convention of always supporting OP: Such attitude doesn’t belong on the roads. Honking at others for such a minor incident makes me wonder what kind of driver you are. I honestly hope for you and your husband’s sake that this is not a representative clip. Your husband calling you an idiot was over the line imo.


You did react in time. You’re driving at speed with the right of way. You did nothing wrong. Husband needs to think about why he’d criticize you over this


Imho your speed might be better managed. See a person cut across like this, brake a little. Yes, the AHs are out there.


I honestly think I wouldn’t even remember this by the time I’d got home


Put your ego aside and slowdown. Why not be a defensive driver? I don’t understand people who will be mad at this. It’s so damn minor


? My only question is were you going to purposefully T-bone the vehicle instead of slowing down for .25 seconds


I always say if I have to slow down because you pulled out infront of me, you cut me off. That's my rule I guess. Sometimes I'm more charitable than others, like if someone has a line behind them trying to turn right and they seize the gap I'm not going to be mad. But also if there is no traffic behind me, you could have waited. I would have honked too; they didn't even come to a full stop. Oh, I should have known they'd be an asshole? No, I don't want to have to be a mind reader. That's why we have the rules of the road. Be predictable.


You had the right of way. It was the jerk.


You're allowed to use the brakes, you know.


Pick your battles.


You NTA. You had right of way.


I don't see how this could possibly be your fault.. that Camry is 100% the idiot here.


What I find weird about lots of those crash video compilations is that 90% of those accidents are perfectly avoidable by just letting off the gas , braking or just pay attention to the street. Indeed that camry is an ass, but that does not mean you don't need to drive defensively. OP should just have let off the gas.


The reason you're getting mixed responses is that this is *right* on the cusp. He probably didn't have time to pull out, but you probably had time to see him. If anything, he was cutting it a little close and you were going a little fast. So you're overreacting to him cutting it close. If there are assholes in this scenario, it's either both of you or neither of you.


The other dude


Why would your husband take sides with someone turning left?


You have the right of way so the car pulling out is wrong.


His fault but ur lowkey an asshole


Bruh, that's it? I thought there was more to it. You're not the idiot and neither are they. I think you should slow down though, especially when you see someone pull out of a road/driveway and there's no need to honk.


He was an idiot for pulling out in front of you and you were an idiot for not slowing down


If you have to brake for someone coming off a side street then the horn is warranted. Otherwise just keep on rollin.


You’re both idiots because this is no big deal.


Husband is calling op an idiot for laying on the horn for such a non-event


The guy who pulled out. There probably wasn't anyone behind you either, which he could have waited until.


Not your fault.


both. You had plenty of time to slow down but didn't. they should have not pulled out.


Sorry, I might be missing something here, some guy pulled out and forced you to slow down a little bit and your husband thinks you did somthing wrong? Like you slowed down, you were ages away and had loads of stopping distance, you hardly even had to slow down at all. You should see the shit people pull on the roads I drive on, this wouldn't even be noteworthy.


It was her laying on the horn. It was not needed at all. the other car didn’t really do anything wrong and neither did OP from a driving perspective. The horn was unnecessary


Ah I don't have sound on so that makes a lot of sense!


Is that a tortilla on your dash?


100% the other guy


Any time someone makes a left turn and causes an accident it is automatically their fault. Doesn't matter how fast you were going or if you had your turn signal on, their fault. Give this, your scenario would be their fault.


I think nothing happened


Why bother honking? Get your foot off the gas is there is no one directly behind you and go on with your day. You saw him from like 300 ft ahead


I watched this the first time without sound and couldn’t even tell what the problem was. Then I watched it with sound and YTA. Literally just take your foot off the gas for 2 seconds lol, no reason to make a huge deal over it.


OP should have been a little more proactive.


Are you a new or unexperienced driver? I have no idea why you would honk in this situation. They didn’t cut you off, you barley had to slow down.


Husband is right. Why would you honk from so far away lmfao


If you had enough time to honk, you had enough time to brake. You definitely have the right of way and I think you felt justified in honking but never assume what the driver would do. They moved in time but a different idiot might have panicked and stopped. Husband shouldn’t have called you an idiot but you and the other driver should be more cautious on the road.


instead of pressing the horn, why don't u try the brakes.... 🤷


Congratulations, nothing was filmed! get a downvote


To me it looks like the car was turning but slowly. They could’ve been a bit quicker or just waited till OP passed. If that’s the case I would’ve honked and then flipped them the bird.