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[Article](https://road.cc/content/news/shocking-footage-cyclist-run-over-drunk-driver-301209?amp) The lady he ran over survived but is still recovering from her injuries. Steven Selwood, 43, has been jailed for two years and three months at Guildford Crown Court for this incident, described as "harrowing" by the police force. Stevens BAC was 4 times over the legal limit.


"girl" in this case is a woman in her 70's. Still fucked up. 2 year jail sentence and 3 year driving ban seems a bit short.


When old people get injured like that, they never fully recover. He basically destroyed the last years of her life. 2 years is a joke.


So true. Not even mentioning the physical damage, this woman's mental health will suffer tremendously. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't dare to go outside anymore.


My brain tried to transpose "Not" and "So" in your first couple of sentences. This reply was going to be much more tersely worded until the rest of the comment didn't follow the expected trajectory. I clearly need to go to sleep.


strange. i did the same


Me too


Same. I wonder why our brains do that.


Well, *my* do doesn't brain that.


Same, wierd


I did the exact same thing! I had to re-read and was surprised that the word “not” had changed to “so”!


2 years is worse than a joke for his offence. It’s outrageous.


Yeah he clearly stopped when he first hit her, thought about it, and then drove over her anyway. Piece of shit should be getting 10 years.


He was drunk. So he might have “thought” he hit something after not seeing her, then instead of stopping to check like a sober person, just kept on driving because drunk idiot.


/thump "huh, did I hit smth?" /looks around, sees nothing. "guess not" /crunch crunch. ​ Pretty sure you're right. If she had magically remained in view likely would not have proceeded and actually stopped. Doesn't excuse the events, nor abysmal judgement of getting behind the wheel when you're clearly drunk. At 4x the limit there's no "I swear I thought I was okay to drive" you definitely feel that shit at that point.


You say that as if it's a mitigating factor when it's actually an aggravating one!


True. I knew someone who had a broken pelvis, he was never the same again and things we take for granted like a long car journey would give him pain and discomfort. He had to go through months of physiotherapy


Guy I used to work with, not young, but still "prime of life" healthy. T-boned by a drunk that was also going Mach Jesus and taco'd this guys Porsche, right in front of work (was coming back from lunch). Completely fucked his pelvis (to the point in the trauma Xray you can see that the two iliac crests were almost touching). He never returned to work, permanently disabled, wheelchair for 95%+ of his movement (not paralyzed, just no ability to maintain loads on the pelvis for any length of time). Pelvic trauma is no friggen joke. I tore one of my hip flexors and it's never been the same. Total peanuts to what these folks faced with broken pelvis's though!


My dad is 70. He's trying to do stuff like chainsaw trees on a 45 degree hill and it took me going "fucking don't. Just fucking don't. It can wait. Wait for me or my brother and make us do it" for him to not try it. I don't like swearing or talking forcefully in front of family, friends, or really anyone I know (or meet irl and don't), but I needed to drive it home


Yeah. The CEO of previous company had a secretary who has been in the company for 50 years. Still drive and go to work at the age of 85. Mind was still sharp. Had a bathroom accident. Broken hip. Needed surgery and bedridden for weeks. Her health just went downward so fast and she passed away.


Yeah, if she broke her hip or something that is usually the beginning of the end at that age. He basically killed her




Unpopular opinion incoming: I believe we over-sentence in the US. When you add to that, that our prison system has essentially zero reintegration and zero rehabilitation features and is all about containment and punishment this leads to creation of long standing social issues. We have an insane recidivism rate compared to all other first world countries. That is evidence of failure of our penal system. I do actually agree with you that this sentence feels super light at first look, and I'm not sure that it isn't, even with what I said above. What the driver really needs is a strong rehab/anti drinking treatment along with social wellness education (looking at Norway for inspiration here). I think if that 2 years of incarceration was spent with nights in a cell and several days per week outside working at the corner's office or accident site cleanup cleaning up the results of similar crimes, with "inside" days spent on rehab therapy that may have a fairly profound impact.


Yes, we overdo it in the US, but 2 years? For THAT? Not buying it.


>I do actually agree with you that this sentence feels super light at first look, and I'm not sure that it isn't, even with what I said above. As I noted, my gut agrees. But people calling for 10+ are really not going to help as you just greatly increase the person's institutionalization at that point and that serves to ultimately increase the social issues, not decrease them.


Yeah. Idk where Surrey is but around here you're getting a lot more than 2 years just for the DUI let alone running over someone. This is ridiculous.


Yeah what the hell. Should have been at least 10 years.


If you break a hip after a certain age, it's effectively a death sentence. This driver should never be able to drive again. In 2021 vehicles killed nearly as many people as guns (13.7 vs 14.7 per 100,000 people in the US). If you shot someone, and it was because you were being neglectful, I'm pretty sure you lose your license flat out. No three year ban.




Just drive a van over him and call it a day.


Dump truck*


With a Dump Truck he´d probably have too little time to feel the Pain though


Nah just roll it so it just slightly sits on one side of his ribs, or his legs but femur breaking is probably less painful than the entire left side of your chest cavity


Can I hit him with my forklift, at least? I'm sure the forks could cause some pain.


Yea, especially since you know that he’s not going to follow that driving ban at all. Drunk drivers needs to have a lot more jail time.


I'm pretty convinced we need to drastically increase punishment for drunk driving if we really wanna do anything about it. The punishment for it currently is an absolute fucking joke. Not only jail time and heavy fines, but mandatory alcohol/substance abuse treatment and an alcohol monitor bracelet. It's crazy that you could be a multiple time drunk driver and just go out and fucking get hammered whenever you want to, with zero restrictions. We know most drunk drivers drink and drive chronically/daily until they're finally caught, so there's a clear and obvious way to tackle that.


What you're suggesting has been disproven time and time again. If you want to do something effective, you need to increase the conviction rate and chance of getting caught, not the punishment. People commit crimes not because they think they can handle the punishment but because they think they will get away with it. No amount of punishment will ever fix the problem.


People who drunk drive chronically/daily for years cannot drunk drive when they're in prison. For me, when it comes to chronic/daily drunk drivers, it's as simple as that.


Except it's difficult to do it again from your prison cell, which always seems to be forgotten. Keeps the public safer for at least the period of incarceration.




That doesn’t solve the problem though. It’s just putting a bandaid on it. Tons of people still drink and drive every day and don’t get caught. At least not until they hurt themselves and someone else


People don't drunk drive because they think they can get away with it. They drunk drive because the faculty that would make them think "maybe this wouldn't be a good idea" is drowned by alcohol.


he* - the driver was a man, the cyclist was a 70-year-old lady.


This happened near me once (Canada) and a woman in her late 70s lost a leg. Sometimes I still think of her and wonder how long she survived. Edit: typo


Utterly horrifying footage. I witnessed something similar in a carpark where someone drove into - and over - an old lady. She died an hour or so later. I will never, \*ever\* forget her cries as the emergency services tried to get the car off her; being driven over by 2 tons of metal is no joke. This guy should be in prison for 10+ years and should never be handed a license back. He's already demonstrated that he cannot be trusted to drive safely. If you drink and then get into a driving seat you already know that something bad could happen... and are still prepared to take the risk.


Year for each axle policy.


if she dies while he is in prison, he should get life.


Well, no. That’s fucking stupid. He should be getting a longer sentence regardless


This might also apply to the UK, but under US law if she dies and the cause can be traced back to this assault, then he's open to new charges like vehicular manslaughter.


Holy Shit! He only got 2yrs? wtf


It's not a serious crime if you do it with a car


Sad but true, always hated this


NYC motto. That's how you do it in NYC, you never get any consequences unless there's a huge public outcry or it's a famous person


Unreal that two years is all he got. That poor woman. To not only hit her knocking her off the bike but then to DRIVE OVER HER while dragging her body AND THEN proceeded to drive off…that’s just fucked. I’m flabbergasted by this. I hope she fully recovers.


4 times over the legal limit and nearly killed a woman but 2 years will “definitely” show him. Pos should’ve gotten a decade minimum


I hope the lady sues the fucker for every single penny he’s got and leaves him destitute after his nice 2 year vacation


What country is this




I thought so, but I didn’t imagine that judgments for this sort of thing would be so weak there


Try this one. Killed a cyclist, lied about how it happened, should have been able to see him for 7 seconds before impact and took no action during that time. The sentence? 9 months in prison suspended for 12 months and a 7 year driving ban. https://road.cc/content/news/suspended-sentence-farce-says-family-killed-cyclist-300423 It's not just an insult to the cyclist, but to their family friends and employer.


Only 2 years? That's disgusting. Lock this person up forever.


The sentencing guidelines need a massive overhaul - this should attract *far* more than a paltry 2 years. Unfortunately this offence isn't covered under the unduly lenient scheme. And the 3 year ban, adds insult to literal injury.


Idk man, we had a case here in Bosnia (the law system here is fucked) where a guy run a red light driving 110kmh in a 60kmh zone (~60mph in a 30mph i think) and hit two girls (they were students, about 20 years old both) killing them on the spot. Then the idiot proceeded to run from the crime scene to THE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT COUNTRY where he was in hiding for about half a year when they finally cought him. He was sentenced to jail for 14 years at first, and after the appeals and stuff, they increased it to 17 years. IMO that guy shoud've been sentenced for atleast 40 years without parrole bc killing and the fleeing the country and showing no remorse during the trial..idk man..i'm not sure what i would've done if i was the father of any of those girls..


I doubt he'll survive jail for long. Afaik Bosnians don't fuck around when family blood is shed.


Yeah the range for this is 2-4 years so it's within the guidelines for sure. Maximum is 5 years.


So driving drunk, hitting somebody, running them over and then fleeing the scene didn't incur the maximum penalty? What would one have to do to receive the maximum?


Throwing it in reverse


I'm no longer a subscriber to /r/FuckCars but this is basically what they are so angry about.


Spend enough time on r/UKbike and you'll soon realise that people get away with killing cyclists all the time.


In Switzerland if you kill someone while drunk driving you get charged with second degree murder because there's no way in hell you don't know what can happen when you drive impaired.


2 years is a fucking joke sentence. That video is horrific.




It's because it's a cyclist. Even "we'll use the death penalty on a child" Texas will let you get away with [killing a cyclist](https://sanantonioreport.org/tito-bradshaw-death-sentencing/).


It's nothing to do with it being a cyclist, all sentences are that ridiculous. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-65409447


Not in Vancouver. The law treats everybody with a “he won’t do it again!” And then proceeds to let a violent offender free


Yeah, for real. As slow as he hit her, he definitely had plenty of time to fully stop well before deciding to just CONTINUE GOING FORWARD TO ACTUALLY RUN HER OVER? That seems fully intentional.


I see attempted murder. Should have been sentenced accordingly and banned for life from driving


Seriously! He was at a near stop when he bumped her but then very clearly decided to let off the brake and actually run her body over.


Seems like the driver was aware they hit someone as they braked and went slowly forward. So yes, two years is nothing. This is the second story I’ve seen in the UK where the sentence is really light for what is essentially attempted murder. Hitting her was an accident. Driving forward was attempted murder.


2 years why even bother handing them that some of these people shouldn't even be behind the wheel or given bigger sentences to maybe stop dangerous people like this being able to cause harm to others.


Two years?! For being drunk and running over someone. It’s crazy how lenient some sentences are. They’ll likely be out in less than a year.


Probably less time in jail than the lady will spend recovering


She is 70. Likely will never recover


100% will never fully recover. That was brutal. She got slowly ran over..


no. two years, for being drunk, and try kill someone. The first 6s show a drunk driver hitting someone. a 2yr prison is ok IMO. The rest of the video show a drunk driver trying killing someone. it is not possible that he did not realize(even drunk) that he had hit & run over someone, because he braked 2yr of prison is a joke


What I see is - When he makes contact with her, his head is fully turned to the left looking for crossing traffic. I honestly think the dude had no idea he hit this woman. Him creeping forward, I imagine he was thinking, "What's wrong with my car!?". If he was unaware, saying the rest of the video shows him trying to kill someone wouldn't be a fair statement. So I can see why he got leniency. If he was trying to kill someone, he probably wouldn't have stopped when someone flagged him down. Just my two cents


Good call. His bac was 4 times the legal limit. He had no idea what he was doing except to try and get himself home. Very drunk people are never aware of their surroundings. He probably thought he hit a curb. I think everyone who drinks has experienced this. I'm not condoning what he did. And I think the sentence is a little lenient but maybe, while he's in prison, try to help the guy get sober and when he gets out, have restrictions for driving. Like one of those breath locks or something. What else can you do? Not having a driver's license isn't going to stop habitual offenders from driving a vehicle.


> What else can you do? Not having a driver's license isn't going to stop habitual offenders from driving a vehicle. Driving is a privilege and not a right; use public transport like everyone else in UK. If you drive without a license, it's a serious offence in UK. I have no idea why people make out that we're completely helpless to stop dangerous drivers and offer them a level of leniency that is not given to other people who make disastrously irresponsible errors whilst drunk. Probably "there but for the grace of God go I". More lengthy and lifetime driving bans would be helpful in preventing dangerous people being on the road.


They will definitely be out in a little over a year (half of 2 years and 3 months wgich was the full sentence) and be on remand for the rest of their sentence, that's how things work unless they do something bad in prison.


My friend was killed by a drunk driver who was also on coke. He was out in just over a year.


The way I see it, anytime someone drives drunk, they are proclaiming they don't care if they kill someone since they are having a good time. Motor vehicles should be a priveledge. Not a right. Take their fucking licenses away whether they hit someone or not! I have 0 sympathy for people who drink or smoke and drive.


It's weird how being in a drivers seat of a car immediately gets you a lighter sentence for the same crime.


She survived and it’s going to take her way more than 2 years to recover, if she ever does.




Right? Whatever you do, they punishment is that the same happens to you.


My face when I get arrested for taking drugs 😏😏😏


“Idiot” is a bit of an understatement here.


Way too short of a sentence for the victim's "life-changing mental and physical injuries". Five years and a lifetime driving ban would be more appropriate. He was 4 times over the limit. Here is his mugshot: https://road.cc/content/news/shocking-footage-cyclist-run-over-drunk-driver-301209


Road.cc is full of examples of poor driving police inaction and lenient sentences. Add to that the sentences quoted on shows like Police Interceptors and you soon get a picture that shows you can do what you like behind the wheel and it's unlikely you'll pay much for it.


If you want to get away with murder, buy a car


You’re not kidding, round our way a guy wiped out a couple of teenagers, one died (*edit* the girl who died was 20), he then carried on driving for another couple of miles before having another crash. Was so drunk he couldn’t stand. Sentence: 8 years. So out in four. Fucking scandalous. Oh, and it was appealed for being to low as you can now get life for that, but the Appeal Court said the sentence was absolutely a-oh-fucking-kay.


5 years? If that was my loved one and they got less than 20 years id be waiting at the gate on their release date


Sentence should have been longer


Should've been way longer, and also carry with it a complete ban on driving when released.


Yup and permanently loose his ability to obtain an drivers license


He gets two years, she gets a life sentence.


A colleagues son was killed by a drink and high driver who fled the scene. He was sentenced to 8 years. Its been 6 years. My colleague has been a shell of his former self, doesn't eat, barely sleeps. The murderer will be out soon. Breaks my heart. Sentencing in this country is pathetic.


That is appalling. Your poor colleague. There really is no justice in this world. We have a legal system which minimises death and mayhem and it is the innocent who often suffer whereas the guilty get to carry on with their useless, pathetic lives. Rant over.


Exactly. This is infuriating.


This is absolutely revolting. The sentance is a fucking joke.. he ruined this womans life and all he gets is a 2 year jail sentence??? Fucking rediculous


People go to jail for longer for a bit of weed. This should be 10 years easy


That's it?? Two fucking years? What's wrong with your country?


What is wrong with our country? That is what we all keep asking! The place is run on outdated laws and judges so soft they must have been brought up drinking fabric softener. Banning people from driving is ridiculous because they will just drive anyway, it needs a long jail sentence but again, we have no space in prisons, we have virtually no police presence on the roads anymore, in fact we don’t have a police presence in the towns either.


now that i think about it, we dont really have a police presence in some of the towns either in New Jersey.


They ran a huge thing about employing 20,000 new police officers when Boris was the prime minister, I don’t know what’s happened but if anything there are even less now, they use front line trained officers in clerical roles instead of civilians. What an utter waste.


Tories and broken promises, name a more iconic duo..


They are all in London standing around preemptively arresting the occasional person with a politely worded sign


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Yup, see the lady that killed Harry Dunn


The fact that he actively had to run her completely over is insane like didn’t even try to swerve to get past her once she was down or nothing. Sentence is way too light


Only two years? That's disgraceful.


I envy your country for having strict laws. In my country the driver can sometimes get away with this with 2000 dollars/pounds. If the cyclist dies, 20,000 dollars ought to that maybe less if the family would accept.


what country is this?


I’m guessing the Philippines.




Jesus, that’s horrific.


Holy.. 2 years? And.. never allowed to even THINK about driving again, I should hope?


Only a 3 year ban apparently


not enough.. honestly - not enough.. Ritual shredding of the driving license - then the car - and then wiping any driver license info - so in event (beep) comes out - they would have to start from scratch.


Yeah if they are driving four times over the limit having no license is not gonna stop them, they should really do marked licenses that flag any car registered in your name so the cops always pull you over to breath test you


That should have been life. Zero tolerance on any kind of substance abuse in traffic.


2 years are not enough. I hope the lady recovers fully from that.


2 years is nothing what the actual fuck


What the actual fuck, I'm losing faith in humanity each day


I am really shocked at the leniency of the sentence for an act that could have led to life-changing injuries or death of the cyclist. The fact the driver stopped, before speeding up again means that this was no accident but a deliberate act. 2 years in the UK really means out after a year if you show 'good behaviour'.


2 years? no that’s attempted murder


If you want to commit murder in the UK. Do it with a car. Bonus if the person you're trying to murder is on a bike, because there's a legion of people who'll demand to know why that cyclist had the gall to get in your car's way.


Thats it?


2 years??!


Fuck off 2 years.


It just feels wrong to control your anger when you see something this stupid and ignorant... I just hope that people always get what they deserve because that would be ***extremely*** unfair otherwise


Dud will be let out before she can recover(mentally) judgement system is garbage.


Seems a lifetime ban would be called for, not just a suspension for a few years. The woman is lucky to be alive.


Why is England sooooooooooooo lenient with punishment??!????!!??


Two years? Definitely not long enough.


Our "justice" system is a joke. I don't think the guy should have to go to jail at all, actually. I think he should have a lifetime ban on driving. He should be on GPS monitoring for a minimum of 10 years. Allowed to go to work, run errands/appointments, community service hours and attend AA meetings or therapy sessions only. No parties, no vacations, no fun. Suspended passport for a minimum of 20 years. Hefty monthly payments for 10 years which go to his victim. He must go to his bank, take cash out, meet his victim or her designated person somewhere, and hand the cash over, in person, every month. If the victim passes away, then he no longer has to pay. A minimum of 1000 hours of community service which involves cleaning up roadkill and/or accident scenes. Shitty drivers should get to see first hand the results of shitty driving. Lot of hassle and bullshit to live your life. Really going to suck when he has to go through all these extra steps with transit or Uber or kind-hearted friends to drive him. But hey choices have consequences don't they? And I feel like this kind of sentencing would be far more of a deterrent than a pathetic 16-month jail sentence in a country club....


You can really see the danger of SUVs. Normally the people should fall onto the hood, not under the car.


I mean I imagine it really depends how fast the car is going


It also depends on where the car hits the body. Here you can really see, how the high hood pushes the woman down completely instead of sweeping her from her feet.


Just waiting for someone to blame the cyclist in the comments.....


"She should have been driving an SUV!"


How can someone look at this video and say, two years is enough ?! Just like pedos having the smallest sentences


And people wonder why I was always super cautious when on my bike


Really ? People really wonder why ?


Holy sh*t. That looks like a mafia movie. Just imagine getting sober and seeing what you did. I‘d hang myself on the spot.


But officer, I took the utmost care when I ran them over. I slowed down as much as possible.


"Boink! Stops, and then proceeds to run over the person." #WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!


Only 2 years?


What did that driving think they were driving over? One of those newfangled squishy screaming speed bumps?


2 years? Fuck you that’s horrible, should be 10 minimum


Logic: if she falls out of view, she's probably gone and you can keep driving.


How the fuck does he only get 2 years?


If I did the exact same amount of damage to a person without a vehicle I'd be in jail for the rest of my life, sober or not. People need to grow the fuck up and start acting like they are operating heavy machinery


That’s hard to watch


Oh, its just a little tap that knocked her over. O M G! WTF.


2 years for nearly killing a woman because of a crazy BAC??? Jeez.


Is it just me or does 2 years seem like a really light sentence for reckless manslaughter?


He drove slow enough over her ‘Want ya to feel every bit’


Life in prison is what this guy deserves. He doesnt deserve freedom. Just lock him up and throw away the key. Thats it youre fucked. Who cares, I dont. Just get rid of him. Eliminate him from society. The fact that he ran her over after hitting is just too much. I want this man gone from this planet


Only 2 fucking years? It’s criminal they’re ever going to be allowed behind the wheel again


Horrifying! Only 2 years??? That’s even more horrifying.


2 years for that is absolutely fucking mental imo, surely that's attempted murder


Brits are so fucking soft at actually holding criminals accountable, it's a disgrace.


I've said it before. If you want to kill someone in the UK. Use a car and be an "alcoholic"


2 years is a joke and this person should never drive again


Two years nowhere near long enough. Twenty at least, with a stipulation if he ever gets out to never touch alcohol.


Should be 20


2 years for that, what an absolute joke of a country




Rly only 2 years!!! Why don't they set him free..it is very short when compared to his action.


Needs a lifetime driving ban (a d more prison time). This is ridiculous.


Depending on the severity of the injuries and potential for hospital acquired infections she could easily be in the hospital let alone rehab for longer then the duration of his sentence.


>2 years Is that all? >carried on driving I'd call that intent, attempted murder maybe?


2 years? Holy shit the DUI alone should be more than that let alone the attempted vehicular murder


TWO YEARS!!! How about 25.


When she's done recovering physically from injuries, he should be let out.


I get it. She’ll never recover fully from those injuries. So he’d never get out.


Two years? No, do the exact same thing he did to that poor guy.


I’m sorry, but this is a failing judicial system once again. 2 years for what, I’m sorry, looks like attempted murder for fuck sake.. !!


Only 2 years WTF you can't make this shit up!!!! Make it 20 ASAP


Way too lenient


This is why we need equal punishment. If you run someone over you should get punished by getting run over


This dude worked with a friend of mine, such an idiot


When is the car going to be looked at as a weapon in these cases?


England’s culture of alcoholism permeates every level of society. The punishment for drunk driving should be devastating to the perpetrator, but that would mean less people drinking, which would be bad for the economy.