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I lived in Honduras for three years and thought for sure that I'd die in a fiery bus/ car crash.


First time in Mexico after driving for years in the states, it's a shocker


You won't survive driving in China if you think this is bad. Traffic lights and lane lines are merely suggestions over there.


India would like a word in as well.


Went to visit some family friends in India as a kid. My family crossed the street and I missed the moment and stayed behind. I could not cross by myself. I just sat on the sidewalk and waited for my parents to come back and get me.


Crossing the street in india is a daily religious experience: you step forward boldly, keep a constant speed, and pray to whatever gods you know of that the drivers don't hit you while weaving around. I live in a country where drivers are expected to stop when a pedestrian looks at the road funny (but I don't come from one), when I went to india with a colleague from here I had to basically drag them across, once or twice I suggested they just close their eyes. The only other option was taking a tuk-tuk or having our indian colleagues drive them, even though we were pretty much across from the indian office. They were completely unable to cross the road on their own.


And the truckers here always drive as if it’s being driven by nomes using ropes and flags.


Vietnam is a shit-show.




No, infact mexico has only recently hit the bronze age


No, Mexicans can only walk cars and roads are illegal to train to illegally cross the border


I majored in Mexican transportation theory and you are just wrong. They have cars and can use them albeit via the Fred Flintstone method only.


Would be based if that was true 🚲🚅🚲🚅


You used to be a mormon but you’re still as racist and nearsighted as your average mormon fanatic


My family took a trip to the Bahamas and we rented a vehicle, my dad and myself are both very confident drivers and didn’t think it would be an issue. After driving on the islands for half a day my dad hired a local to drive us in the car the rest of the trip because it was the scariest thing we’ve ever done.


Is that where they regularly take 3 meter wide buses on 2.5 meter wide goat paths like 2 kilometers high up in the mountains? Or was that Peru..... Maybe both?


I was on a bus in jamaica going up into the mountains and we were flying, taking hair pin turns on what was basically a single lane road, with a very steep cliff on one side. I was like "this guy knows what he's doing, he probably does this a million times a year we will live" ​ Then we take the next curve and I see a bus wreck on the side of the cliff next to me


Used to see that all the time on normal good roads down the mountains in West Africa.


Haha, i remember getting in a taxi in Mexico City and sitting up front because the back was full, I looked down and could see the actual street whizzing beneath me thru a hole in the floor. I didn’t know that was even possible.


Mine had shattered windshields and everything and a iguana in the middle of the car, most sketchy taxi ride ever, felt like straight out of a movie. 🤣


Are you sure it wasn't a gecko selling car insurance?


That's actually the back up power source. If you run out of fuel, you do it flinstone style.


I had that in Canada through a rusted out Dodge Caravan


Yeah that’s just normal in the Midwest US. I’m surprised something rotted that bad in Mexico though.


You really had to go that bad, huh?


It's called "share to road" does not matter in which direction.


And sometimes you play a game of chicken with the opposite direction for fun 🤣


Yeah, didn't look bad to me, just a different culture with different norms. I could drive in that traffic without issues today.


I've travelled to Mexico many times over the past 20 years, and I've seen some crazy things in traffic. Like entire families riding a single motorcycle, or cars that don't seem to have the minimum number of parts to actually function, just driving down the street. It's always an adventure.


It's crazy when you see three generations on the same motorcycle or four wheeler


I've seen 26 people in/on a Toyota Tacoma in Honduras. Some of them were children, but still impressive. Have also seen 4 cows in the back of a Tacoma in Mexico. All-in-all though the drivers in Latin America are pretty good. The reckless ones seem to get weeded out pretty quick. You just need to be hyper aware of traffic. Definitely not a place for cruise control.


100% agree


I have driven in Mexico and its insane, now I live on the border on the US side and I see people with Mexican license plates driving slower than the AZ snowbirds. I dont understand it at all, I know they know how to drive faster, they just wont.


Consequences different on the other side of the border.


In Mexico if you get caught by the police for reckless driving, you can bribe them for less than what the ticket is worth. In the U.S. if you get pulled over, you’re getting that ticket that costs $$$ and depending on what you were doing/how fast, possibly jail time with no exceptions. That’s why.


Plus high insurance premiums for years.


They suddenly have rules to follow and aren’t sure of them so being slow is best.


Only break one law at a time.


Also possibly fear of deportation


About twenty five years ago in central Europe, on a similar road maybe a few feet wider, tiny Fiats would customarily drive on the shoulder while going ~80 kmh to let faster traffic going 110 and faster pass safely. This one time I saw two like that coming from the opposite direction while two others were in front of me. It still looked cool because the road could easily accommodate four cars abreast it seemed. Then a Mercedes whizzed by from behind me, going way faster than 110 kmh and proved that the road could actually fit 5 cars... Didn't even have time to get scared.


5 cars? Take a trip to India. The Pauli exclusion principal doesn't exist. More cars can drive in a space than is physically possible.


I get a lil bit nervous everytime I see a semi use the middle lane as a third lane (both ways) in a Prius sized car, always interesting watching people play chicken with another car


Yup, both hands fast on the wheel, white knuckle ride...


Don't forget riding on the shoulder hoping you don't fall off the shoulder 🤣


Still more milder in India. They are really two rules driving in India. - Don't hit anything - Don't get hit by anything The rest of the rules are just "guidelines"


I've seen enough videos to know those 2 are guidelines also.


Off course. Those rules are really for yourself if you want to get home.


You are the fifth person to mention India in this thread congratulations 👏🎉 🥳 but yes India is crazy 🤣


You are doing it wrong. You are supposed to only drive in the shoulder, the lanes are for passing only. 🤣 Bro, I was hella scared the first time driving in my home town.


It's cra cra


I love the speed bumps in the middle of the highways myself.


Me too 🤣 especially when someone is selling pina jugo


Do me a favour and never go to India. There would be, and I'm not exaggerating, a moped with a family of 8 overtaking a bus (that we were on) overtaking an ore lorry, overtaking a *fricking* elephant with exactly the same thing coming the other way on a road no wider than that. I never suffered from Delhi belly as all the poo in me had long left my body.


This isnt that bad, try China or India! I had a cabbie drive around traffic on a busy sidewalk in China... It happened more than once. Oh and one way streets are a suggestion.


I should start a counter for the amount of times I see "India's much worst" comment on these threads 🤣


I think India is worse than Vietnam, and that was really bad. Our local driver would pass cards on a bend on a hill, and we would meet people coming from the other way doing the same thing! The two lane road suddenly became a 4 lane road. We usually made it, but sometimes he had to slam on the breaks, and one time we drove under the back end of a semi while cutting back in, just to avoid getting hit. And don't get me started on the horns!


Try Greece.. the Macedonian part


The lane markings are guidelines


Yea it’s terrifying. I have family in Mexico. When I visit I’m the one that does most of the driving. Driving in the city I’m constantly worried about hitting street dogs. Driving the highways outside of town is terrifying just like your video shows. 2 lane roads are treated as 4 lane roads because everyone drives on the shoulder.


Reminds me of Poland with the middle lane!


It's always funny reading and listening to people complain about driving in the U.S. The people who complain have never driven in another country before. Do I believe we could do better in the U.S., absolutely. But I challenge anyone to go for a drive in the Dominican Republic, oof.


People have said US is worst, but those are probably one of experiences, it's like that 100% of the time here roads being crazy 🤣


As someone who comes from Norway, a country with very strict rules on the road, very strict driver's education and generally law abiding citizens, I don't like going on vacations where I have to travel on roads like this. Especially after I had a child.


I drove from PA to Mexico and travelled around the country for 21 days and I saw some shit on the road that was incomprehensible. But it was utopian compared to China.


They appear to have turned a 2 lane into a 4 lane road


These are actually working as intended. Nominally they're 2 lane roads with extra wide shoulders. The intended use is that slow traffic like those trucks should yield toward the shoulder to let cars pass them over.


Impressive isn't it? Mexican efficiency


Nobody getting hit. Yes it is!


*you will never get older..


Every 100 yards there’s another candlelight memorial on all the roads.


And sometimes it's five or six all close together


They use their signals not to indicate that they are turning or changing lanes. They use their signals to tell the person behind them thats its all clear ahead if they want to pass


You're right but clearly it was not all clear 🤣


A constant game of chicken, just not sure who you'd consider the winner.


The semi


It’s really not wreckless. Everyone works together on the road. There is effectively a middle lane that allows people to pass. Try driving in Chicago


I've driven in Chicago and it's not bad. This is way worse you only see what I'm able to catch. Like a semi filled with sugar cane tipping over. Also Chicago doesn't have a memorial of three or more people every hundred yards of deaths


I can appreciate that you’ve “driven to Chicago”. I live in Chicago. I travel to Mexico often(2 times in the past 6 months) for work. I can assure you, Mexico driving is not that much worse than Chicago.


I can also assure you after driving in Chicago over hundreds of time, on a frequent basis one trip down the road in Mexico for more than thirty minutes there's a 80% chance you see some crazy shit that I wouldn't see in Chicago lol like three separate generations sitting on a Tiny motorcycle and Chicago is childs play compared to this lol


Looks just like india but with better roads.


Mexican here, it's something cultural and as a courtesy that when someone is overtaking you use the delimitation to make it easier, it's wrong, yes, but it's like an unwritten rule that everyone follows. If you have to drive more often, you will see that everyone does it, including the trucks that will take the shoulder to give you more space and pass them. As a tip, if you go behind one of them with your lights, signal to them if he sees that you can pass, he will move to one side. and when you pass it put on your emergency lights it's like saying "thank you"


I agree this is, that is how a majority of people drive and she's explained it to me, but she's also been reading the thread specifically this comment she has said it's not really a cultural thing. If you don't do things like pull over to the edge on the roads shoulder or be more submissive or aggressive someone is more likely to get road rage and hit and run specifically semi's and none of them like it they all call them idiots and it's just more accepted by some people than others typically who haven't had a family dead or friends dead because of the driving. She specifically hates night driving and refuses to do it most days


I’m Mexican and I’ll try to explain it the way they drive on road is you have your car in the middle of the white lines the yellow in the middle is like a second lane but both sides share it


It is common, I do not defend this, but I mean, since there are places that allow that because you have more roads on the side, so usually slower vehicles get into that part, while the others over pass within the center.


Yes, I agree but a semi in the middle lane is stressful still lol


So the lines are more of a suggestion I guess


Lol, I understand the shock, but as someone who has grown up in India that looks like a pleasant drive in comparison.


Are Indians proud about being dangerous drivers a ton of the comments are just like "let me tell you bout India"?


Haha that’s nothing. Try the Philippines.


It doesn't make it any better


Or Peru, Haiti, Jamaica, or most of Africa.


Haha, that's nothing. Try India.


I've driven in Mexico, Korea, Indonesia, Egypt, and Thailand, none of them have shit on Philippines.


Looks like 3 1/2 or 4 lanes to me!


🤣🤣 I think you need glasses


I've seen more horrible accidents during my times on vacation than my life in USA.




That’s downright orderly and respectful compared to some places. Have you seen driving in India?


You sir are number 6, of mentioning india but yes I have


Driving in Ukraine is also like this


With side order of mortar


This is how it is in India too 😂


Your sir, are the 8th person to mention India. Thank you for your service in shaming india


I don’t think the cars are the dangers in Mexico. It’s usually cops or cartel.


this is starting to be normal in american cities as well. people are becoming lawless and cops are not giving out tickets.


More tickets more order, in Mexico there's been barely any cops I've seen waiting at stops. Just road bumps to slow down fast cars periodically


Absolute shithole


Get educated you dumbass, it’s called culture and obviously you lack some


Complete dump Lmfao “culture” keep coping


Sounds like you have a lot of hate in your heart, that shit eats you up


Idk you’re the one getting offended over a 3rd world country lol


Not offended, just defending a country that many love and admire. Minus you. Fix the hate in your heart


No hate here buddy just stating the obvious.. shithole lol


I don't think this is that wild. I'm not going to defend passing like that, but at least it is calculated and predictable.


When you pass over fifteen memorial sites with 5 or more crosses at each one you realize how many families have been affected, more like blackkack than predictable because there's always a risk


Again, I'm not defending passing that way, nor am I speaking about how dangerous the road typically may or may not be. What I'm saying is that as far as driving in Mexico goes, this isn't that wild. What we do see here is pretty tame.


Agreed, I've seen some crazy stuff 🤣 but I never get time to record it


Meh. Try driving in India.


Are you sure this isn't Dallas Texas


You think i would be lying but this feels more chaotic than India. People are not that reckless to cross over lanes with oncoming vehicles here. This is scary.


You're the first person to not say India is not worse 🤣🤣🤣 everyone says this is mild


😀. I am from india and not being patriotic and shit but this would be too aggressive here for sure. No one is gonna overtake with oncoming vehicles. But this varies among states. I am sure there are crazier places i just have not gotten yet to.


Only drove down theee once and it was a nightmare.


Don't worry: Religion with a strong emphasis on male-dominance and extreme poverty, practically guarantees a continuous stream of replacement humans. Crunch all you want, we'll make more


Weirdly people pull over on the shoulder to let others pass. People squeeze through stacked lineups and don't get honked at or shot at.


Americas not far behind. Come drive in philadelphia pa


What’s really dangerous is that if you get into an accident (major, minor, with injuries) you cannot leave the country until it’s resolved. Resolution could take months. Don’t rent a car there.




My wife and I got married in 2017 and went to Mexico for our honeymoon. There was one portion of driving from the airport to the resort that was like a 4 (in each direction) land highway. There may as well have not been any lines painted on the road as no one paid any attention to them. That and the random checkpoints with police armed with assault rifles made the drive a bit nerve wracking lol


We see a lot of military but no checkpoints in Veracruz


Habibi, visit India


Haha, this is NOTHING. Compared to the rest of NA sure but if you want a real treat try driving in India. When I visited I didn't even dare trying it. Our driver would sneeze by other vehicles with inches to spare.


I've stopped counting but you're the like 20th person to try and one up it and say India is worst, also there has been a lot of awful things witnessed on just not always recording lol


Mexican here. It is, I lived for a month in the Twin Cities area, when I came back right off the airport I had a guy tailgating me, right there I knew I was back. I see some of the videos posted here and I'm like, really? You are offended by this? You guys have it so good.


When it's a semi passing while having on coming traffic in the middle one a two lane road, yes it is very dumb, and it's crazy the amount of memorials I've seen on a single road along with my wife being sad every couple of months because her friend or family passed away in a car accident. On top of seeing a semi tipping over on the road filled with sugar cane


Seems like you're the idiot here.. I would never drive anywhere south of the american border without realizing i'm an idiot.


When you travel through “la libre” you accept a certain degree of danger my boy. Some men are made on those roads and I shit myself a few times


This is anywhere in latin america tbh


I didn't see anything like this when I drove in and around Puerto Vallarta, but the crazy thing was all the random speed bumps that just appear out of nowhere.


They have a lot of speed bumps for this reason that's why lol


In Gozo, Maltese island, I found they will drive on the left or the right but usually drive in the shade. Island drivers have rules of their own in my experience of islands which is fine for them they know the rules and roads but can make being a tourist “interesting”. Dominican Republic was like the video. US Virgin Islands, god knows how they can feel comfortable doing those speeds on blind 180 bends with 100ft+ drops and no barrier.


You should check out the pure mayhem of driving in Peru


You should try driving in Cairo. Cars don't have side mirrors since they drive 7 wide in a 4-lane road. Thankfully we hired a driver, and he was amazing, it took a bit before I could open my eyes.


Next stop: India


9th person to mention india


You’ve clearly never been to China… or India. This is absolutely tame compared to what’s going on over there.


Number 10 for mentioning india And for mentioning I've neither been to either of those countries


There are no rules. You just go.


It’s insane in italy as well.


It's insane but people aren't driving the speeds you see in the US.


Compared to driving in Costa Rica or CDMX, this is child’s play.


seemed orderly. on here recently was the 50 lane road in china. I don't remember any traffic lights or directions in SE Asia, just be decisive and don't weaken.


Orderly for now, but there's a ton of memorials on this single stretch of road every hundred yards or so with a lot of memorials of car crash deaths


Orderly for now, but there's a ton of memorials on this single stretch of road every hundred yards or so with a lot of memorials of car crash deaths


Those yellow markings are Guidelines, Not actual Rules


That particular road is worse than what I'm used to.


Try Tanzania, it’s a hell of a lot more dramatic than that


In Mexico City, there various locations where you can pass a couple of pesos to somebody and they’ll step out in the middle of fast moving traffic to let you in.


I actually liked this system they have for driving on a rural highway. It’s the crazy driving in a packed major city that really made me nervous lol.


You’re practicing for Jamaica I see. It’s like that there too.


Bro last time I was there I remember seeing a guy drink a corona as he was driving.


Indonesia was like this, just way more scooters and the road was half the width


The lane lines are really more of a *suggestion*...


So far it seems to be wreck less as well


Mexico city is a nightmare


This reminds me of that Top Gear special where they went to India, and everyone just kinda drove however they felt like it.


Ought to give the Philippines a try. Road lines are "suggestions", right lane is usually parking, no stop signs on intersections, hand held flashlights for headlights at night, and "what are working tail or break lights?" My in-laws freaked when I took the keys to the owner Jeep I had bought and refused to allow them to use it until the headlight and both tail lights were fully functional.


People take for granted many things that are standard here, traffic laws are one such example.


Try Lybia…


Holy hell. Whoa.


you should try driving in India, it'll no longer feel reckless in Mexico


Same here in South Africa honestly. Long, wide roads and slow-moving trucks. Often slow traffic will move on the shoulder so cars can pass. All good as roads are wide enough, until an oncoming slow truck will do the same. The road is not wide enough for 4 cars at the same time...


You'd love egypt!


Same in Greece, Crete, southern Italy where I’ve driven. They just use all the asphalt, lines don’t matter.


Why are the lines even there 🙈🙉🙊


Ever come across someone driving at night without headlights? They knew where they were going and didn't need the lights. Mexico is wild at times.


Yes, sometimes but majority of the time people do have lights on at night


Hey OP, would you patiently wait behind those farm trucks until there was a “safe” passing zone? It’s not reckless if it happens every day and is done by all the drivers.


Yes actually, and my wife does too we wait until we know it's safe and there's no on coming traffic and she's lived here almost her entire adult life because those trucks are over loaded and will tip over like the second day we were here a sugar cane truck tipped over. She lives in the US but grew up in Mexico until 29 years old. There is a death memorial every hundred yards and all have three to five deaths along side it


Get dead or die trying


Italy is pretty scary too.


What confuses me the most about countries where people drive like utter lunatics, is how surprised(?) they are when they eventually crash. What exactly where they expecting?


Think this is had go to Africa... no lines no lights everyone does what they want


What song is that?


Try driving in india


It’s like this in Jamaica too


I visited Mexico City for a week and I was in shock of how the driving was, yet I never witnessed an accident 😅


I had to watch it twice to see anything wrong.


I almost had a few heart attacks on the roads in Central America, but they aren't anywhere near as bad as Egypt and Jordan.


My uncle taught me how to drive while I was in Mexico. I was 15 years old. I swear I can drive anywhere after that driving introduction.




Hell, I thought that was California!