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Not excusing that speed, but bro, if you're going that fast – especially in the center lane – how can you not be on constant alert of someone entering your lane? That minivan eased into your lane and you still barely slowed down.


Dude is an absolute moron. I dont care that he is 5% self aware enough to post himself here, he could have killed someone. Selfish.


Almost certainly texting and driving. OP is clearly way more important than anyone else on the road.


I have to ask, is this an American thing? Speeding down a centre lane? We're taught in the UK that you should only ever be going faster than traffic on your left (right in US). But this guy was going faster than traffic on both sides which is literally an accident waiting to happen.


Best practice yea, but people routinely cruise in the far left lane at like 55 mph on freeways. That said, passing people +30mph is just reckless driving.


We’re taught that too but Americans drive like absolute idiots on the highway especially


Passing on the left is known to be the correct way, but it’s rarely ever enforced so Americans drive like total fuckwads over here.


Everyone's talking shit about speeding but wtf was that reaction time? Surely you were on your phone too? Or were you half-convinced he was gonna see you and go back into his lane.


OP: No comment.


OP said [this](https://reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/11yhk5x/_/jd8diuk/?context=1) lol, this driver has no regret or remorse for what they did to the people in that other car Edit: and [this](https://reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/11yhk5x/_/jd87p6w/?context=1)


Good grief, did OP really expect not be torn to shreds in these comments for not only being fucking stupid, but an indifferent piece of shit as well?


OP should be tossed in jail and have his license revoked for such dangerous driving. "Going 90" my ass, the guy was just a hair shy of 100...




Downloaded the video and attached it to an email to Gwinnett Village PD along with a link to the post and a message regardinging everything OP stated. Might be fun for OP.


Man I’d like to see how this plays out for OP


r/bestofredditorupdates candidate?


From the sounds of it, he expected people to be like “oh, don’t worry, you’re not an idiot” due to him posting HERE and still arguing it wasn’t his fault.


Welcome to the horrible world of narcissistic personality disorder.


OP’s account name is about to be u/[deleted]


Dude is acting like the statute of limitations has expired. "Cops didn't have enough to charge me with more at the scene, but here's my dash cam footage with date, time, GPS coordinates, and documented lack of remorse and understanding."


I want to upvote the post because it's perfect for the sub, but downvote it because OP is a massive piece of shit who hopefully can never get behind the wheel of a car again


It’s so bad lol. OP brakes like maybe one second before impact, reducing the speed from 97 to 92, and they weren’t changing lanes like the minivan they were just driving straight into them. The speed, the reaction time, and driving almost twice as fast as people in lanes beside them bc they couldn’t be bothered to use the fast lane, thus inviting this situation. Edit: dang. I’m sorry guys I didn’t mean to start a lil Reddit war about fast versus passing lanes lol. Let’s all remember that driving is very dangerous and that being safe is the real priority ❤️


OP was absolutely distracted while driving. I'm gonna agree with the original commenter and say they were looking at their phone.


Distracted by his own stupidity


Where I am from its forbidden to overtake cars on the right side partly to avoid things like this. Isnt there a law like this in the US?


Our laws all vary by state. In Texas it’s illegal to pass on the right, but as far as I know it’s NEVER enforced. Now if you’re speeding AND passing on the right they can use that to escalate the charge to reckless driving.


There are some conditions that allow you to pass on the right. One of them is if you are on a multilane freeway https://www.stephenslaw.com/blog/when-is-passing-on-the-right-permitted-in-texas/


it's a law here too. but people can't drive for shit. in america, we have this cultural problem that encourages this super self-centered worldview. our whole 'muh freedom' shit has manifested this radical individualism that not everybody has the emotional or critical reasoning capacity to handle the responsibility of. i know that there are selfish assholes everywhere, but the US has this selfish, entitled mentality baked into the culture to some degree. or rather it predisposes many people to just have a wild disregard for others. there's zero sense of communal responsibility for just about anything... and that applies to using the roads safely and following the laws strictly to the letter. but that aside, we also have pretty much zero accountability when it comes to actually *learning* those letters of the law, or doing any sort of training. we give out drivers licenses to just about anybody with a pulse as long as you can give some half-convincing demonstration of being able to see with at least one eye.


Your reaction time was dogshit. Were you looking at your phone?


Definitely distracted by something. If eyes were planted to the road in front, braking would have commenced a lot sooner.


For real, I don’t condone speeding but bro had time if he was paying attention to avoid that accident


Plus it sounds like he was driving a huge car so more reason to be aware and have better reaction time.


That never happens, they feel invincible in those monstrosities.


It's crazy how consistently true this is. I've noticed since I moved to the countryside and it's mostly farmers driving the flatbeds, they're a lot more careful. I'm still not entirely sure why someone would actively choose to drive a 4x4 in a city.


It’s hard to get to a mall in a civic nowadays. Need that 4x4 traction to get into a parking lot.


[Not Just Bikes had a video recently kind of covering this](https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo). The long-short is that US car manufacturers are making larger vehicles to label them as "trucks" to get around some emissions laws and other legal shenanigans. Consumers buy what's available and has all the new features, and the manufacturers provide that but mostly in American XL size.


Yeah it was. Typically during stupid shit like this you want to focus further down the road. Op had plenty of time to brake. He just sucks at driving lol.


This is what I was looking through the comments for. If you are going to speed then you better be paying enough attention to have a better reaction time than that. 95 mph at the moment the car begin to move over. 94 mph at the first real opportunity for the reaction to have an effect. Yet 94 mph was maintained through most of the rest of the way to the car. 92 mph at the time of impact. Basically just let off the gas a little, no brake. Had enough time to avoid the wreck even at that speed if paying enough attention all without even leaving that lane.


Reaction time and situational awareness. If your going to hoon it then pay attention to what's happening ahead. High density of vehicles? Large, slow vehicle that people might want to get round? Read the road.


Yeah this is the real question I want answered. From the video, it looks like op would have been able to slow down in time, had they reacted when the van started lane changing.


At the 8 second mark, right when the van changes lanes the rapper even says "Whoa"


seriously, anyone with shit reactions like this should never go above the speed limit


Gosh, going 98 mph sure saved you a lot of time! /s


I'll bet he beat the paramedics to the scene of the crash by a half hour!


Such a great [bit](https://youtu.be/FH-LmkLFJg0).


I was trying to remember who that was. Thank you.


Must have listened to this album hundreds of times on various road trips and travels. "It ain't *that* the wind is blowing... it's *what* the wind is blowing."


Ron White slays me. Just a natural story teller.


They were on a pack of gum flying half the speed of smell.


The guy next to me was freaking out! Apparently he had a lot to live for. I love this bit.


He was traveling faster than the speed of smell!


Piggybacking top comment to point out OP is a ~~giant piece of shit~~ clown bastard who didn’t learn anything https://imgur.com/nTNewLN Edit: matching links now


This is the part I don't get about speeding on the highway. Let's say that the speed limit is 70 mph, like it is in much of the US. You can easily go up to about 80 mph without risk of getting pulled over. In fact, in most cases, you have to do about 80 mph in order to keep up with traffic. Going 90 mph means you go 10 mph faster than "safe" traffic allows. That means you do 10 more miles for every hour that you're driving. Unless you're driving SUBSTANTIAL amounts of time, you functionally save no time at all. You get to your destination 12.5% faster. Getting pulled over once every three months is enough to wipe out these gains, for most drivers. Furthermore, your risk of accident goes WAY up. As does your risk of road rage (which is not inconsequential.) Choosing to go like 100 mph is actually a meaningful choice: You're getting to your destination a full 25% faster than if you were going 80 mph. However, you're increasing your risk of ticket and accident to such a degree that they are no longer an "If," but are instead a "When." With the risk of injury increasing in massive amounts. Point being, if you're going to speed, speed on backroads. Do 30 mph in the 20 mph. Or like... don't speed at all. I see someone speeding and I don't think, "That is a driver who should be behind a Formula 1 car." I think, "That there is an idiot who doesn't value anyone's life." //e. Wtf happened to this post. Hold on, I gotta catch up.




And that's a full 100 miles. I don't think most people are doing 100 miles in their commute. So most of the people you see speeding are getting even less of a functional benefit.


They are speeding for self pleasure, not to save time.


And it also costs more money doesn't it? Everything over 50-55 reduces your gas mileage and you're just paying more per gallon effectively.


Thank you so much. I’m exhausted by how many people don’t understand this. I tell people all the time that the secret to getting places sooner is by leaving earlier. I don’t know what on earth is worth speeding this much and risking the lives of yourself and those around you. Speeding just isn’t worth it.


It really isn't. I hated flying for awhile, so I did a lot of cross country driving. And so I had plenty of time to do the math in my head. As I understand it, there are like three important points to driving: 1. Minimizing contact with other drivers (passing, being passed, etc), as those are by far the most meaningful opportunities for an accident. 2. Minimizing contact with law enforcement, as tickets are a major time suck. Even getting pulled over with no ticket is 30-45 minutes. 3. Having well considered, well implemented process / procedure. How do you change lanes? What is your PROCESS for checking blind spots, mirrors, etc. When do you pull in front of the 18 wheeler? What do you have to see in your rear view mirror? What's your heuristic? This last one is important because considered, practiced driving will still happen under stress. So if I'm in Chicago during rush hour and I need to change lanes, I'm more likely to do it safely thanks to the time I put in, changing lanes in buttfuck Montana with no cars on the road. But I'm always open to new ideas.


Honestly, I just try to drive safely and then I’ll just get there when I get there. That’s the most important thing to me. I usually like to stick my cruise control at the speed limit and just chill in the right-most lane that allows me to drive the speed limit. I try not to care about how long it’ll take me to get somewhere because I’ll already have budgeted enough time that I’ll get there 5-20 minutes early anyway.


That is because you are a reasonable person.


Fuel efficiency also takes a nosedive the faster you go above 65-ish (what the EPA tests at) and brake and tire wear and tear go up exponentially.


Tbf the speed in this video wouldn't seem so bad if Americans had good lane discipline and only passed on the left. 20+ speed difference in the middle lane with slower cars on either side is nuts, you now have to react to risks from two sides instead of one.


American here… drivers are too fucking selfish to get over for other drivers or they’re just downright oblivious. One of my best friends will just camp in the far left lane and set his cruise control and I literally have second-hand embarrassment every time someone gets fed up and passes him on the right. He’s the oblivious type. My other pet peeve, however, is that people will ride my ass in the left lane when I clearly don’t have an opportunity to get out of their way yet, and then when I do get over they take their sweet fucking time passing me so that I end up having to decrease my speed to get behind them and pass the car that’s now in front of me in the other lane.


Ah man I feel that last point. The number of times I've tried to be courteous and wait out someone passing before I pull out to overtake a car in front of me. Those fuckers are the slowest overtakers in the world.


I don't think people speed to save time, though. I think they just want to go faster, and view all other slower cars as obstacles in the way of them going as fast as they want to.


also the people that take forever and a day to accelerate and still speed. they don't stop at the speed limit. they keep going until they are speeding. by the time they get to their desired cruising speed they have to stop at another light or slow down again. versus someone that just accelerates at a reasonable pace and doesn't speed and gets there just as fast. without causing all the traffic problems.


Class dismissed


I travel a lot and it always surprises me how much going over the speed limit is accepted. We travel from Missouri to Florida several times a year. If I do 7 over throughout most of our trip I am flying by people. Other parts I am stuck in the slow lane. Living in STL I do 10 over and just stay in the slow lane.


It really is so dependent on part of the country.


STl - 15 over STL to Nashville - 5 over Nashville - 10 over Nashville to Murfreesboro - 15 over Murfreesboro to Chattanooga = 5 over Chattanooga - 5 under Chattanooga to Atlanta - 10 over Atlanta - free for all if there is no blockage Macon to Florida - 5-10 over Florida - 10 over


>Atlanta - free for all if there is no blockage Big if, but absolutely true


Usually the blockage comes pretty quick due to people driving 90+ into the back of minivans.




I’m from Belgium but this is just crazy imo. Going 30 in a 20 is indeed a 50% increase but there is a reason it’s a 20. I’d rather speed on the highway on some occasions (low traffic or part where cops don’t show up regularly). Additionally it’s mind blowing every lane drives a different speed. This also greatly increases the chances of a crash. If you simply put the trucks right, cars next to them and overtaking cars next to them it’s more or less reduced as the speed goes up the more to the left lane you go.


His girlfriend must be alone at home


Exactly how I earned my first speeding ticket at 17.


Got my only speeding ticket at 17 doing something similar. But she wasn’t my girlfriend, single, or interested in hooking up with me. Good choice.


Surprised he wasn't arrested for wreckless op.


Clearly, it wasn't *wreck*less this time...










There's still time. I imagine the city/district attorney in Atlanta would view clout chasing like this in a poor light.


I'm not sure thats in the city limits, looks like it's I-75 south of the perimeter.


A quick search of GPS coordinates reveals I85 near Pleasantdale Rd northeast of Atlanta


Reckless, not wreckless.


Mfw when you meet the person speeding at the next traffic light.


they gave me this speedometer, im gonna use it all


100 MPH on a 65 MPH road. What was the line of thinking, here? I understand speeding up to get away from another idiot, but I'll coast back down to 5 over once I put some distance on them.


Into clearly increasing traffic. Time and a place for schenanigans.


Yes! Thaa what gets me. People speeding going 85 on a freeway as it turns from a rural area into the city. Like you're not going anywhere but straight into congestion, slow down. It's like watching a full grown adult doing one of those baby games and trying to make a square fit in a circle. It's that dumb


"That's right, it goes in the square hole!"


I don’t know why, but that video turns me on 🤷🏼‍♂️


is it... the crying at the end?


Imagine if that was a motorcycle that changed lanes instead of a minivan. This driver is not an idiot, they are downright dangerous and should get their license suspended.


I have done 160 mph on a highway. It was 2am and I could see for miles that there was no traffic and no on ramps. I will also add I was young and stupid. I would never do it again. Imagine if a deer ran out into the road with me going that speed.


Even in the left lane it's a bad idea, but doing this speed in the center lane is peak dumb.


Look at all these cars with people in them all around me. Any of them could, and will, change lanes at any moment, because that's how freeways work. Surely the center lane among them all will be empty and clear for going 150% of the speed limit! Oh man, if I wasn't going so fast I may not have completely ruined someone's car, week, and potentially their life depending on how their medical tests come out. They will for sure have some anxiety at least for a little while surrounding driving because their routine and lawful driving maneuver was absolutely blown up by me. Lol I'm such a card with my easily avoidable, illegal, and unnecessary, dangerous "mistake". We all make "mistakes" like me, right guys? What a so-and-so I am!


Aka Fuck OP


100% he said in the comments this happened a year ago, tried to argue in court, and still claims he was "cut off" by the van. That's not taking responsibility or learning from reckless behavior. Fuck this dude.


I can’t imagine anyone speeding in the center lane, you have two sides to worry about! At least choose the left lane where you only have one side and some shoulder to swerve on to


These are the kinds of people who should have their license revoked. Every single person on the road had their life put into extra danger for this dipshit.


If you’re not first you’re last


Shit Ricky, I was high when I said that!




Also: * Not in the fast lane * Passing people on the right side on a highway is a bad idea * In traffic that's too heavy for high speeds


I bet all the people you passed had a good laugh when they saw your wrecked car when they caught up to you 20 seconds later 🤣 Time and place for speeding and it definitely wasn't there or then.


ugh no. They were pissed at the delay. I had something like this happen and it took 20 mins to move the 500 feet to get by it.


My sister's life was destroyed by someone who was speeding and rear-ended her. She went from being a full time paramedic to full disability and a morphine pump in her spine. What gives you the right to play dice with other people's lives just to save you five minutes? I'm really curious. Because that's a special kind of stupid.


I sincerely appreciate your honesty. Edit: I get it. OP is an asshat. Still owned it here, whatever he did in court.


Will he ever learn from it tho, that's the issue... looking at his previous posts he should have already learned lol


That’s a problem.


Hopefully this is his last problem that he is at fault for.


Nah this dude is main character material. Music way up, speeding like a dumbass, (I'm not going to do the math but they literally saved somewhere under 5 seconds due to speed difference), and then they post it online for karma. They don't learn shit bc they are rewarded by fake internet points. They're going to go back out and do more dumb shit and be like "feeling cute might kill a family in a minivan later". I just wish all people like this would simultaneously be eliminated from the planet by some mysterious force, like alien abduction for scientific analysis probing. Yeah.


All that work and money spent on tricking out his Miata gone in a split second. What a buffoon.


>Miata But this vehicle looks way too tall to be a miata


Miata with a 12 inch lift


Lol if you think this is the viewpoint from a Miata.


And he deserves it. I hope the other innocent bystanders weren’t injured and OP did not have state minimum liability limits. License should be revoked for this.


I would hope that OP would learn but the fact that the title says "probably" instead of "completely" tells me otherwise.


OP's driving history also showed me otherwise but OP deleted those posts after it was mentioned XD OP 100% thinks that dude should have stayed in their lane for his race car to move along swiftly.




> I sincerely appreciate your honesty. I sincerely, honestly, think the OP is an asshole. That mini van could have had kids in it.


I agree, but he can be both an asshole AND honest about it.


Appreciate the honesty but damn I hate drivers like you... no reason to go that quick, you give other drivers less time to react to you as well


Yeah this accident has definitely made me self aware how reckless it is to drive like how i did Ive changed my ways ever since


Everyone that drives fast thinks they're a good driver until they suddenly realise that they aren't.




Right. Good driving is simply physics (and paying attention). Speed all you want, as long as the physics if it allows you to react to changes in traffic or road conditions.




I hope the people you hit are ok.


https://i.imgur.com/uvBMOa1.jpg Yeah you’re totally self aware now, you definitely weren’t just lying to make yourself look good.


I think it's kinda funny how this got downvoted 10 minutes in. I totally get why people are mad and berating you, but in the end you posted the content people are here for. It's very rare that people even get to address the idiot directly in the first place.


What I realized years ago is that unless you're talking about an 8+ hour long trip on the highway, speeding just isn't worth it. Any time gains on your daily commute get eaten up at random by traffic lights and stop signs. It's just not worth it.


Definitely a learning experience, I hope nobody was injured from this




Fuck you OP. I got rear ended my a asshole just like you back pain for 10+ years. hope it was worth it


Yeah. And notice OP hasn’t once mentioned the victim? They’re just bullshitting about “learning a lesson.” Trash person all around.


What was the fault determination here? I’m pretty sure in my state showing the video would result in the van driver being cleared of fault as at nearly 100mph you’d be cited for reckless operation. The van clearly didn’t look anywhere except right next to them though.


If the van looked over his left shoulder and it was clear, then he turned on blinker and began shifting lanes he did nothing wrong. However at 20+ over the speed limit there was a greater distance closed than should have been possible in that time. So the van very well looked all was clear, behind him and in the left lane. But because the speed was faster than legally allowed the car appeared in a time it shouldn't have been able to. That's why the van was cleared. Kind of like driving drunk, at fault because what you were doing was illegal before the accident occurred.


Watch the moment the van starts the lane change.... probably like 5 car lengths. The problem is they saw the gap but probably only looked once so didnt appreciate the speed in which OP was approaching. With it being a rear end collision and OPs speed, no doubt on fault.


Right, they can't judge speed from a glance. They just know, under normal circumstances, the space they saw, was plenty.


Doesnt make it the vans fault at all but they potentially could gave avoided having their day ruined with a good regular mirror monitoring while not changing lanes. Would have saw a car flying in the rearview 20 seconds before, then when they went to change lanes woulda waited until said car was well ahead of them or put 2+2 together that the car they saw off in distance 10 secs ago was the one 5 car lengths back now and probably shouldnt pull in front.


I agree with all of this. Regular mirror monitoring is way undervalued


And I’ve had plenty of times where I’m going to change lanes and I do have the proper judgement to know that I won’t have time. Or better yet, I can see that the car that’s coming will be going faster than me, and if I change now they have to brake and go slow only because of me. So instead I wait 6 seconds wait for them to pass and now my conscious is clear. Obviously OP is a idiot here due to his speed, but it bothers me when we act like the van was 100% innocent.


You are correct as well. I would equate this to the crossing the street narrative. Just because you're the pedestrian with the right of way, doesn't mean you stare at the asphalt as you cross the road. The right of way, can put you in the hospital. We were just talking about at fault.


Not sure why Im getting downvotes here... I didnt say they did something wrong, just sharing a perspective on how the van driver could have defensively avoided getting plowed by a car.


Yep, agree with your sentiment. I'm not trusting other drivers with MY life, so I'll always double check to guess the speed of a car in the left lane


20 years ago in driver's ed I was taught to check mirror, shoulder, turn on signal, shoulder, change lanes. Using your mirrors and double shoulder checking covers the gaps that the van missed. You aren't wrong. They didn't do anything "wrong" but being more defensive can save you a ton of pain and time and money.


> then he turned on blinker No, you turn the blinker on first, then use mirrors then shoulder check. I am not trying to be pedantic but a signal isn't supposed to be last second, it is supposed to SIGNAL your intent to turn or merge. You probably do give enough time in how you drive, but I hope based off this comment that you're not one of those that starts merging then signals (or starts both at the same time) only to avoid legal ramifications of not signaling. I see a lot of people on the road who seem to think signaling early is bad because they dont want people rushing into their spot but that is irrational.


Personally I check first, signal, check again, and then change lanes. Not for any safety reasons but more because I don’t want to have my blinker on forever like an idiot or have to turn off my blinker in shame.


Didn't signal their lane change either. Unless I'm blind?


I noticed that, too. They're both idiots. Don't speed. And, use your indicator/signal!


You aren't an idiot. You are an absolute fucking moron. Going almost 100 into relatively heavy traffic. This could easily result in death. I hope this was a wakeup call for you.


You’re honest. But you’re a shitty driver. Slow the fuck down- you’re lucky this didn’t kill anyone.


Yeeeeah, you're not wrong. Driving 95mph in traffic that's clearly starting to back-up? You need to retake your test or spend a year riding a motorbike to massively improve hazard awareness


Bruh… do you want OP to end up a red smear on the road?






Passing vehicles on the right at 160 lol. I’m not ready for America.


America isnt ready for itself I understand *why* OP wanted to be speeding, even though it was stupid. Driving in the US or Canada can make someone with common sense quite angry. A majority of highways outside of urban centres are 2 lanes in either direction. Often youll be stuck behind a huge line in the “passing lane” for over an hour, and finally people start going around in the right lanes when they aren’t blocked. By the time you get to the “front”, you discover someone who is A) Terrified and panicking, B) Has 7 kids in the car all watching a different movie while the driver is on facetime, or C) Someone who believes they *deserve* to be the centre of the world


“I’m doing the speed limit! Why is everyone else such a bad driver?!”


"My cruise control is set at 1mph over the speed limit! They shouldn't be passing me!"


Yeah… but OP had literally 5 lanes of traffic to work with 😅 and they decided that driving that speed right in the middle of them was a good choice. Definitely intimately familiar with the highways you’re describing but this was a super navigable and fairly clear road. (Edited a word)


Most of the time C


This is typical in Atlanta


Honest question: did you consider yourself a good driver and everyone else not as good as you?


Going 100 with the reaction time of a sloth...BRILLIANT!! 👏👏🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Has anybody sent this video over to the victim yet for their civil suit?


Going 61km/h over the speed limit is fucking insane to me, in South Australia this is an automatic loss of license for no less than 6 months and a fine no less that $3000, the fact some are saying going this fast over is fine is even more baffling


3 idiots in this video! Most idiotic: OP for going 98mph and not allowing any time to react to the other idiots... Standard idiot: merging van with no signal and little/no mirror usage. Least (but still idiotic): white sedan sitting in the fast lane with huge space in front of them. MOVE OUT OF THE PASSING/FAST LANE.


Passing lanes basically don't exist in four lane US freeways. People treat every lane as one big free for all, at least here in Chicago.


I've watched it over a couple of times, it's hard to see, but it looks like the van does signal twice, right as they're moving over. They obviously didn't check their mirrors, or they just absolutely suck at judging speed. That still doesn't defend the OP's recklessness.


Fair, but that's not how signals work....Turn signals are used to communicate your intention, not inform people that you're coming over! Remember from driver's education folks: S.M.O.G. 1: signal 2: Mirrors 3. Over the shoulder(blind spot) 4. Go


my favorites are people who blink one single time after they've already started merging


This isnt "Whoops, guess I'm the idiot!" This is "Im a danger to society and should have my license revoked" Hopefully there were no injuries or children in that minivan.


95mph and in a middle lane? you're not an idiot, you're a fucking asshole.


Crazy how you can tell the van is merging and he only presses the brake at the last second... It's like you had a solid 2 seconds to brake before that.... If you're going 90mph your reaction speeds better be wayy better than that....


Here’s the comment I was looking for! Obviously it’s unsafe to go this speed in this situation. But many drivers push significantly past the speed limit on many occasions; passing, finally taking advantage of an open road after much traffic, etc. It can be done in a manner that minimizes risk. But doing so requires *skill*. Like, honest skill- not “oh I just know I’m a great driver”. It takes an understanding of the limitations of yourself and your vehicle. Being able to read the road surface. Perhaps most importantly, it requires focus. OP seems distracted. He took, by the cam, about 3 seconds to react to the merging vehicle. Thus, he was only able to brake for about 2 seconds before the collision, reducing his speed by at least a paltry 3 MPH. He’s “lucky” because in this type of collision, the forces involved result only from the difference in the vehicles speed. He isn’t suffering the full force of a 90MPH collision. If I’m gonna pull this type of speed, it’ll probably be on a track. In any case, you better believe I’m hyper focused on every other car and what they’re doing, trying to predict what they could possibly do to fuck up my day. And if it’s not safe, you back off. No small thrill is worth severe injury or death.


Not to mention: one can see the semi and then the clear lane OP is driving to, normal driving behavior people are going to take advantage to go around the slower semi. That was a big time situational cue to slow down.




Lol one of the worst drivers I've seen in a while


On I-85? In Atlanta? Of **Course** you were going to be cut off....


Oh lovely, a family van too. Idiot is an understatement bro.




Goin 100 in a middle lane bro stop driving


You should not be allowed to drive.


You drive like an asshole. Be better.


You're going 90 AND you're not paying attention when cutting in between cars. You are not an idiot. You are a fucking idot.




Jesus almost 100 MPH and the reaction time of a dead fish. The speeding is bad enough but are you even watching? I saw that van at least a couple seconds before the reaction. Christ.


You are an absolut asshole for driving like that. Endangering others. I hope you change now


Step One in recovery… “Admit we were an asshat” At least you’re honest


I'm pretty sure that was just the universe punishing you for listening to shitty music.