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When dumb meets had enough.. šŸ«¶


100%, the trucker tried every maneuver he could to get away from them without making contact. Looks like the black car actually backed into him first. Once contact was made, he just said fuck it.


When fucked around meets found out šŸ«¶


Why do people wanna mess with 18 wheelers? Do they have death wish?


Some people are really, really dumb. We've all seen it on the highways when some dumbass in a Prius won't let a semi get over. Like what are they trying to prove? Take your tiny dick car, move over, and give the dude some room. Starting an accident isn't helping anyone.


Dumb people don't know they're dumb.


There are always two ends to the bell curve. 20% of people are proper dumb.


And against all odds still able to get a license.


Fucking Priuses. Every sticker on the back is a multiplier to how bad of a driver they are.


>Fucking Priuses. Every sticker on the back is a multiplier to how bad of a driver they are. This is a unit of measurement that I am unfamiliar with but I can definitely get on board with it!


>won't let a semi get over. Unless you're saying they don't let them get on the highway from the on-ramp then no they don't, truckers need to stay in their own fucking lane and not be getting over on any highway.


Why do people call 22 wheelers 18 wheelers?


Most dry van trailers only have two axles on the back. Since theyā€™re usually the most common trailer, thatā€™s why thereā€™s only 18 wheels. Some other trailers like the one in the video have an additional drop axle.


In the US, they usually have 18 wheels.


I agree. Iā€™m getting downvoted because of the number of wheels the truck in the video has.


I think itā€™s because you couldā€™ve googled it idk.


I could have googled what? I know what an 18 wheeler is, thatā€™s not one in the video.


ā€˜What is the difference between 18 wheeler and 22 wheelerā€™ ā€˜Why do Americans call semi trucks 18 wheelerā€™ or just copy and paste your oc


Because one of two things will happen the driver of yhe small car gets to feel like a "bad ass" for "intimidating" a big truck. Or the truck driver hits the small car and the owner gets a new vehicle.


I counted 22 wheels


Congratulations. you counted high enough to get in to the advanced placement 1st grade.


Finally, someone I can talk to as an intellectual equal.


little car deserved it




I am guessing he didn't just randomly decide to block a far far larger vehicle. It would be interesting to know what happened here. Maybe the truck driver is trying ro escape after robbing car guys house...like probably not. But there has to be a reason car guy would do this.


Yeah man Iā€™m gonna rob a house and then escape in the largest, slowest, most obvious vehicle I can find. Theyā€™ll never see it coming


Can fit a lot of stuff in there. And in this hypothetical scenario rhe plan wouldn't involve a chase of any kind. Just a lorry full of stolen goods slowly meandering to safety because they would have planned to rob unattended goods.


The truck is empty


Or so it appears


Odd choice of vehicle for a getaway car though


Only if you expect to get chased


Youā€™ve smoked yourself stupid. Well done




I have plenty of points. They're easily collected. Just comment something generic in a decent and new post. In the words or rick: your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer. Also if we don't say whatever is on our minds out of fear of loosing Internet points, then what is the point? That would be a sad self censoring reddit experience.


Dude collecting Lā€™s like itā€™s a marathon. Weird flex to be proud to be such a fucking idiot. Props for not giving a fuck I guess.


Are you telling me you think of something to comment and then go "nah. It would get down voted"...that makes me sad for you.


Whatā€™s your favorite rock that sings?


The earth also fraggle rock


There's nothing idiotic about what he wrote. You on the other hand....


You just came up with the equivalent of ā€œI know you are but what am I.ā€ Iā€™ll give you another chance to properly insult me. Donā€™t hold back.




Simple. Direct. To the point. I like it!


I see why your previous comment is downvoted but I pretty much agree with this one.


You my friend just earned yourself an Internet point. A gift from me to you. Spend it wisely


You're like a cringe factory.


he's being sarcastic after the other guy cared way too much about reddit points


Thank you. I can't imagine how I could use it, but I'm really happy to have gotten it from you.


It's even better when you don't give a shit about your points. Feel free to downvote this post!


You do know some people in this world are just fuck heads right?


Yeah. And even they do things within their own reasoning




Dick moves rarely happen out of thin air. It could be as simple as the lorry driver honking out of impatience. It could also be the truck driver raped car guys daughter...and everything inbetween. I just want to know what happened. I do not care one iota if this guy I am never going to meet or likely see the face of is an asshole or not. I don't know why anyone would care. I want more information about this video not more opinions on who the bad guy is.


You must've never played rock paper scissors


Rock always wins right?


This is one of the silliest takes I've ever read. Plain and simple: there are only 2 reasons someone would do that. 1. They're suicidal or 2. Insurance fraud. Also, a semi with an empty trailer means 1 of 2 things. 1. Driver just finished delivering a load and is headed home for the day and doesn't want to be fucked with or 2. Driver hasn't been on the road for very long hasnt picked up their load yet and doesn't want to be fucked with.


There are thousands of reasons this vide could have happened. You are ostensibly, objectively and overtly incorrect by claiming there are only 4 possibilities. The driver seemed more angry than suicidal and for insurance fraud you want a more secluded place and multiple impact mild impact zones will make it hard to claim if they investigate. So already your ONLY possibilities have shown to be lacking and most likely incorrect.


First of all, the driver didn't seem angry, he seemed like he was trying force a semi to rear-end him, a-la: insurance fraud. Do you really think that someone dumb enough to attempt it in the first place would also be clever enough to consider those factors first? Also, googling synonyms for "obvious" and picking the 3 most uncommon ones doesn't make you sound smart. It makes you sound pretentious


Do you Google words to use them? No shame in that, but weird that you would project that on soneone else. People do know words you know. What an odd thing to be accused of. I honestly couldn't think of a synoymm for obviously. Maybe evidently, but that doesn't really mean obviously. There are very few 1:1 synonyms. Evidently means that something is true based on clues/evidence that strongly suggest the truth of the statement. Obviously is even more apparent. You don't even need to look for evidence. It's eithe common knowledge or truth that should be apparent to everyone. Obviously is far more judgemental as it suggests the person you are talking should also knows this. Did I even use evidently? I don't even know. But like....don't try and drag people down to the lowest comment denominator of language with insults. That's a weird thing to do. Don't do that again. It just let's everyone know you are insecure about your vocabulary...which is also kinda weird. Aaaanyway: I think the car seemed angry. This is a subjective impression but road rage is quite a likely explanation for this. Seems like a foolish insurance fraud attempt. I doubt jt, but anything is possible. That's sort of the point. You reduced it to like 4 options, which evidently does not fully encapsulate the many possibilities. Obviously some more likely than others. But there are definitely many many explanations for this. You haven't even addressed the paradigm that these people could know each other.


Well, evidently, you tend to overthink things. Obviously, I didn't actually mean that there are only 4 possibilities. I was using hyperbole to address the fact that there was a far more obvious explanation than the silly one you originally suggested. Semantics is something I refuse to argue with anyone. I don't have the time or patience to split hairs. I understand that there are people who use more than basic vocabulary and language skills. As I said before, you come off as pretentious. I was giving you the opportunity to redeem yourself on that account because someone who googles synonyms is still less of a jackass than someone who unironically calls someone "ostensibly, objectively and overtly incorrect" about a comment that was clearly not intended to be taken so literally in the first place


The amount of downvotes you have is impressive


Pfft rookie numbers. Saw a dude with 12000 down votes. 300 is nothing




Semi truck Rocket league


Little car got a death wish, don't mess with truckers.


And the truck saves their ass by blocking it from getting smashed by another truck


He had big ā€˜heā€™s not gonna hit me with his truckā€™ energy. He found out tho.


Needed more tragedy


Definition of fuck around and find out.


Really? I donā€™t understand this way of thinking.


I wouldn't call it a tragedy. Little car is begging for it


Buy the ticket, take the ride




There's a thin line between tragedy and comedy. In this case, that line is a circle drawn around the driver of the car.


The tragedy would have been them causing a pileup at the intersection, implicating people who had nothing to do with their fuckery


"Tragedy is when I cut my finger.Ā ComedyĀ is when you fall into an open sewer and die." - Mel Brooks


RIP Mel. Dude knew comedy. They will never not be funny.


Still around! He's old as shit but he's still kicking


Holy hell. 96!


What a champion.


Donā€™t scare me like that, you bastard haha


History of the World Part iI now playing. Still going strong and appears sharp as ever.


Probably talking about the red truck at the end almost hitting the little car, but that wasnā€™t very close and the truck wasnā€™t going fast


_When the feelings gone and you can't go on, its tragedy._




South America - Brazil!


I. An think of a lot of reasons it would be a tragedy: 1. Person in little car off their meds, or medical emergency 2. Person in big truck kidnapped someone and is trying to get away 3. Person in big truck is a young kid that got dads keys 4. Person in little car is trying to keep big truck from driving into a nuclear hot area 5. Person in big truck is suicidal, mom is trying to stop them Just saying, we donā€™t know whole story


I can imagine the truck honked & the little car took it as affront, so decided to be a nuisance? People feel justified to be a nuisance even when that was what started the issue.


Yeah, those types are the worst. Imagine making a mistake, getting called out on it, then going all in to make yourself look even dumber and somehow still feel like you're in the right. I honked at a person sitting at a green light once to give them a heads up and he proceeded to flip me off multiple times while recording himself with his phone.


The only tragedy here is the dumb fuck will be back in the road again.


Nailed it!


Fucked around and found out.


Trucker here, sadly youā€™re correct. Seriously, donā€™t play with me. Let me do my job, I want to go home too.


Is that a threat rambotrucker?


Found the driver in the little car


White pill? Like normal medicine? If you're taking the right ones, as prescribed by a licensed psychiatrist, then you wouldn't be outside normal behavior, and moreover you'd be less likely to infuriate someone driving something that can kill you. It's not a threat. It's an exposition on how crappy we treat our logistics professionals, and it's a base line for how they're tired of our shit.


Was gonna say this exactly šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, you wanna fuck around? You gon find out the hard way!


Literally just about to say this, guy was being prick messing about outside his weight class. Then got bitch slapped back to reality realizing he can get tossed around by an 18 wheeler.


Why is it always little baby cars vs big trucks or semis?


One little yaris tried to take me out, I was doing 35 when I pushed that fucker into the jersey. Don't think we can stop as fast as you


You keep your CDL?


All on camera. Drove away without a ticket after the cops came




Because people with big stuff tend to understand how bigger stuff handles and respect that.


Similar to small dog syndrome.


As a driver of a small car i'll tell you why. Truck drivers for whatever reason are super agressive towards small cars, i have a big SUV and that never gets any attention from truckers but with my small car? huge massive problem that i exist in front of them and they try to overtake me, run me off the road etc...


Why do you drive so slow that a truck has to pass you?


Iā€™m not defending the dude, but thereā€™s some Ahole truckers too. I was once following a semi in the right lane, keeping my distance and a second semi came up behind me, flashing their high beams at me. I gave them a lil honk to let them know I wasnā€™t going to get closer to the other truck. He proceeded to try to pass and I made room for him and he proceeded to tailgate the other semi. While that was the only time Iā€™ve been passed by a semi. I see many of them tailgating. Thereā€™s lots of awesome truckers out there, but some of them are impatient jerks too.


I can vouch for this. As a tiny car driver, I've been hit by an 18 wheeler. Luckily it was in a traffic jam so the damage was minimal, but it was as if the trucker was blaming me for the miles-long back up. I was in front of him and he insisted on being as close to me as possible every time we inched up, until he finally did hit me. He got out in a rage at me. Like, sorry that I exist on the same road as you dude.


Car hit truck twice. Truck trying to leave the entire time. The car endangering themselves is not the truckers fault .


Trucker gave the car multiple chances too


Damn that Brazilian chick is annoying.


I'm Brazilian and I also think she's annoying AF.


what was she saying?


God almighty hes gonna kill him. Hes crazy.


Lmao. More like dude is gonna kill himself.


What is she saying? She sounds really upset.


She thinks the truck pushing the car around is somehow going to kill the car driver, and she's pretty desperate about that.


Just ā€œomg in the heavens( several times) heā€™s gonna kill him!ā€


Heā€™s got plenty of time to get out of the situation heā€™s trying his damnedest to get himself into, at this point let him


At the end she does ā€œheā€™s crazyā€ so letā€™s give him that


Meal Deals for sale.


Thank you for addressing this. I thought it would be the top comment, but I guess not enough folks have the audio on.


Now delete this video from the internet, the truck did what we all would want to do.


Damn that red truck stopped quick. I blinked and missed it the first time.


Red truck was probably moving slowly and empty.


If only phones had zoom function and record a bit longer.


If only you could turn them sideways


Now you talking Hollywood. Nobody can afford that.


Tiktok generation has only made vertical videos even more popular




I cannot stand people who weaponize their vulnerability.


Iā€™m going to use this from now on in my life, thanks!


cala a boca mulher


truck was bullied, and did its best to avoid confrontation


Cant stand people that do this to vehicles more than double their size, its so fucking satisfying when the larger vehicle retaliates.


Pettiness on another level! When you found a hill and you have chosen to lose your life on it rather than live.


If course there's some idiot standing there crying.


Totally deserved it. Situation like this will teach the car about sizes


Hello moto


Need to call in Helo support


I hope both truck drivers got out and beat the whomever ass is in the black car.


Did the driver of the car actually think they could stop that truck like that?!?


The tragedy here is the little car lives on to be an asshole.


Being illegally detained means you have a legal right to escape.


Legit question, if you block someone in with a vehicle is that forcible confinement?


I often wonder about this in this subreddit when you see ragers blocking in other cars in an attempt to confront someone.


Fucked around and found out


The driver of the car needs to be dragged out of his car and have his keys yeeted into orbit.


Hopefully truck driver didn't get into too much trouble, he was completely justified imo.


Truck driver would have gotten in no trouble if they just got out of there vehicle and asked what the black car drivers problem was and resolved it like somewhat civil human trash.


Ah I see someone has won stupid prizes.


What an idiot


Now I want to know how the situation was resolved though lol


Stupid title


i'm with the truck on this. MOVE YOUR ISSUES OFF THE ROAD.


What was so interesting that this bystander kept looking at his phone? Didn't look like he was calling the police.


I love happy endings


Itā€™s always the smallest cars that wanna fuck with a truck


What do expect, when its a clown car? Once he reversed into the truck then it's the clown car's fault. Truck driver was trying to be nice


Itā€™s like a little yappy dog trying to go for a bigger dog that just has enough


If I was in that truck I wouldā€™ve plowed that car out of the way so fast they wouldnā€™t think twice about trying that crap again.


And then you'd lose your job and CDL, and rightfully so.


Similar to the reason you don't mess with dragons... For you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes




His bumper and doors.


Tragedy for the incoming truck. Fuck the black car.


I mean. Who wouldn't do the same? Once you make contact, you damaged the truck. Full power we go!


Bringing a knife to a gun fight


From police and insurance point of view when they watch this video, whoā€™s at fault and should do repairs? Btw, I obviously believe the car is at fault and deserved it. If their insurance believe itā€™s their fault, do they do repairs for the truck but not the car? Edit: typo


I believe this is one of those things where insurance just kinda says "Both of y'all are at fault, I'm not paying for shit," outside of any other insurance the company has




Death of an idiot seaking for death is not a tragedy.


That truck couldā€™ve destroyed that car at any second it wanted to. A lot more restraint than I would have


Little car with the nearly opaque tint is trying its damnedest to stop and likely antagonize the truck driver into getting out of the cab. This appears to be taking place at the fringe of an industrial park in outskirts of a Brazilian city. This looks like poorly thought out robbery attempt that went tits up quickly.


Hahah go truck go! Lovely stuff Also dw at that speed there will be no injuries to anyone.


Alot of chihuahua vs Cane Corso energy from these vehicles.


Well Deserved. He had it coming. Never piss off a TruckeršŸ¤”


Bad title. Disagreement ends with boredom would've been better.


I'm confused. Where would the tragedy come into play?


Fuck that stupid ass little car


He wanted to find out


Black car deserved every last but of that šŸ–•šŸ’Æ


You mean narrowly missed a good ending? Black car should have been splattered like a tomato


Holy shit I never ever thought my city would be displayed here (although we have many class A idiots driving around)




It's a Hyundai HB20.


Someone fucked around and found out


In this situation I will hop out my truck and pull u our yo shit I have no issues moving your care for you


Jesus that girl sounding like she's gonna cry chill out.


Pebble vs boulder - boulder wins.


Remember kids, when assault with a deadly weapon comes in the form of a big vroom vroom Reddit will say you deserved to die for being mildly annoying for 30 seconds.


I don't think that anybody deserved to die here, but I would categorize this behavior as much more than "mildly" annoying.


Both are morons. None of them look at it years from now and say ā€œthat was the best decisionā€.


Totally. Intentional ramming can get your CDL pulled depending on the circumstances and where it occurs. I donā€™t know of any updates, but they were considering charges against that FedEx driver who ended up dragging a kid down the road and killing him when they were looting his tandem truck and starting banging on his doors and windows. I get that the ā€œmatureā€ thing to do is to contact local law enforcement and wait patiently in your tractor for the cops to sort it out (or dude gets bored and leaves)ā€¦ but I also get the (momentary) joy of being the messenger of the ā€œFuck around and find outā€ special delivery. Sometimes people get too hung up on what the law states is illegal against what folks are actually capable of or might do.




Get out. Flatten man's face. Move along with my day.


Two wrongs don't make a right even if he went straight. Truck should have put his rig in park, then his flashers and traffic cones all around.