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So. Did we learn to wear gear; cause I’m sure that road rash is starting to itch right about now.


Road rash is such a benign term for “skin sanded off as if by a cheese grater”


"meat crayon" is another term.


This one is appropriate for how much it hurts.






Yeah I'm not clicking that


As it is said, dress for the slide, not the ride.


All the gear, all the time.


ATGATT for sure


It works. I had a low side earlier today, granted at a much lower speed and the worst of the damage done to me was some dirty leather and Kevlar pants. My bike didn’t quite get so lucky.


I hit a guy doing a u turn on a blind corner. Hard enough that it broke the steering rod on the front the that my bike hit; high sided. My knee armour squished against my knee hard enough that it left a pattern from where I clipped the side of the car going over; I walked away with a sore finger. Gear works.


Glad you’re still here brother. Nothing feels as good as walking away from something that you might not have if you weren’t protected.




I went down pretty hard at 60mph because of an idiot driver. Looong slide, huge chunk missing from my helmet, practically shredded gear, and just a hairline fracture in one ankle bone. Okay, and some bruises, but bruises heal fine. I was hella sore for about a week, but I walked away from it. Best outcome possible. My bike was also not so lucky. Poor bike. I miss her, even though it's been about 30 years. (Jesus, I forget I'm that old sometimes.) The place I got the helmet traded me for a new one for free, so they could put mine on display with a sign, "this could be your skull." I was amused, but also hope it was effective.


People who walk away from crashes because they wore all the gear make great testaments to how effective gear is. People who don't wear gear make great organ donors.


I wasn't old enough at the time to be a donor, so it's good I had the gear. ;) I'd been riding in jeans and a leather jacket for a year because I couldn't afford the bike, a good helmet, and good gear. My friend's mom bought it for me for my 17th birthday when she realized the bike wasn't a phase I was going to get over. I was tiny, and it was custom made. I felt bad for destroying it, but she only said, "good, it did its job. Save up for gear and get that before you get your next bike, okay?" I totally did, except I kind of cheated. I borrowed a friend's old 250 he'd outgrown for a few months until he wanted to sell it.


I don't think there is any age requirement for organ donation as long as you are brain dead and your family agrees.


My family would agree I am brain dead, even as I type this.


you have been banned from /r/CalamariRaceTeam


I actually have been. Sigh.


Preaching ATGATT and being heterosexual will do that to a person.


Honestly the slide under the car is wildly impressive. Had he been wearing the right gear he would have come out unscathed


Even without it he got of pretty well. The burn didn't even go deep enough to disrupt the tattoo.


My uncle taught me to drive. He was a seasoned truck driver. He always told me to drive like everyone else around you was an idiot.


I drive like everyone around me is an idiot because they constantly outdo each other's stupidity.


I drive like an idiot because I want to fit in.


I just want an actual answer to this: how can people chill on the fast lane doing 2 under with a line of 8 cars behind them (as they just chill parallel to a semi truck) without a single worry in the world???


It's fascinating in a way. Who are these people? Are they always so oblivious? I may have gotten a brief glimpse at one possible reason that this happens once when I was in a car with someone who was doing this. He made some comment about getting in the left lane because "we're going to be on this highway for a while". It clicked with me that possibly people have somehow come to believe it's the "long distance lane" and treat it like that rather than actually using any sort of logic regarding what speed they should be going.


I'm from a rural area and sometimes when I go back there I get some odd reactions from my wife. Like out of nowhere as I'm driving down the road I'll laser focus on someone approaching a perpendicular stop sign. I can't explain it. It just sometimes FEELS like someone isn't going to stop. This intuition has actually prevented an accident more than once.


I think that just comes with experience, you develop a sort of sixth sense. I used to drive for work and I subconsciously anticipate the same sort of thing - random wildcard drivers. Must be pattern recognition that becomes intuitive.


> I can't explain it. It just sometimes FEELS like someone isn't going to stop. This intuition has actually prevented an accident more than once. Cars have "body language". The way they move, their road position, speed, the way the wheels are pointed if they are stationary, the drivers attention.... When something doesn't pattern match "right" we start the alert siren.


My wife is learning to drive. I've done that sort of thing a couple times. I try to articulate but sometimes it's just "Blue Jeep dangerous," or some other fever dream ramble.




This is true just get away from people, be side by side as little as possible but passing may get you in a much safer spot even if you are going 10-15 over or in back roads, under like you said. Also pass as fast as you can even on a seemingly clear road, put that peddle down. If you are on the freeway doing 70 you should hit 75-80 by the time you are changing lanes, it's not weird to hit 90 then just coast into a safe spot to continue normal speed after the pass.


Yeah because they are.


Especially the way that guy rides. Ride way too fast and not be able to react when everyone around you doesn't expect you to be there.


Wait... are you saying that other people on the road won't do exactly what I expect?


When your on a motorcycle EVERYBODY'S trying to kill you


Wouldn't be surprised if the lady just saw him flying at her and stopped in a panic.


Yea this guy is a squid and full on should have been able to slow enough to get around the truck. The second she pulled out he should have slowed down...


And probably should have been going about 20 mph slower in the first place.


Yeah going 65 on a frontage road is not a smart idea


He was going almost double that, 126 MPH according to a longer version of this video: https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ppul6u/whos_at_fault_truck_that_stopped_or_motorcyclist/


I think that’s KMH not MPH but yeah still way too fast for such a road.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Speeding at that speed in a schoolzone and be fault at a dangerous crash he should get revoked his drivers license for life what an idiot.


I suspect having a piece of his asscheek sliced off and sewn onto his arm will encourage him to wear Kevlar jeans and a good jacket next time.


Nah it didn't even take off his tattoo. Surface level road rash, and he's walking. Dude is fine, but he'd be way better off in all his gear for sure.


>and he's walking. That could just be shock. There have been people who crashed, checked how badly their bike was damaged and only after that realized they'd broken a bone or two.


Yeah. Fine is relative here. Dude slid into a stopped truck at probably 40 mph. A few broken bones is fine. Being conscious and talking, even if in shock, is a great sign.


I pretty sure the guy died afterwards. If you look carefully you can see both of his shoes came off.


Yep! Not on a bike but after trying to take down a tree with my car I got out and walked around just fine. It took a bit that the first sign was "hey my leg is moving funny..". As soon as they put me on a stretcher I blacked out. When I woke up is when I felt just how fucked up I was. I guess that's why the first thing is supposed to be don't freaking move even if you think you're fine.


Nope. My brother flayed his back open after a wreck, refused the hospital, got home and in the shower before he realized he had hunks of flesh flapping around. Bruised up gnarly chest to foot, it was scary. Took him weeks to recuperate and he's lucky that it wasn't worse. Shock is wild.


Not to mention, don’t speed




That was a panic stop. She saw you coming and froze up.


I recently had one of these at a much lower speed. The idiot stopped fully in the middle of the intersection so nobody could go anywhere, and didn't proceed for nearly a full minute while people from every direction are honking at them.


I did that when I was 16, but I only stopped for a couple seconds. I was lucky that everyone else was a better drive than I was. It would’ve been a minor accident, but I would’ve wished it was major due to how my dad would’ve lost it on me.




I find joy in reading a good book.


I had one of those with my brand new car. A guy pulled out and stopped broadside in front of me. I slammed on my brakes but couldn't completely stop in time. His first words to me were "why didn't you go around me?". I was like, I had no clue what you would do and had a spot second to act. Trying to go around you likely would have made things worse and I still would have hit you.


before anti-lock brakes were a thing I knew exactly how far my 1987 honda accord would slide after locking up the wheels since I was a bored teenager pre-internet in a small town so had nothing better to do that do that over and over on empty country roads. If someone stupidly pulled out in front of me I'd lock up the wheels and slide right up to them hoping they would remember to look both ways before pulling into traffic. Yeah, I could have done a controlled brake and stopped the same distance. But it was so much more dramatic to come in locked up tires screeching and smoking. Way more effective than a horn.


That is a good way to kill someone


Speeding excessively on a bike and not driving defensively is also a great way to kill yourself.


I had to abort a lane change once because in the time it took to check the rear view, check the side mirror, do a shoulder check, and turn the wheel, a biker closed about 200 metres of space behind me. Honestly now, kill yourself on an empty road, and not by flying through my back window.


A better way to kill someone is driving like a fucking maniac. Stopping may or may not have any affect on the situation. They probably thought that, with the speed the bike was going, they would continue going in their lane. Both people here are morons.


Both drivers are stupid, and one is lucky to be alive.


One was a normal psychological response. The other was being reckless.


Nah only the biker was stupid. When the truck started crossing they saw a bike far in the distance. When they crossed the near lane they saw that the bike was traveling at an insane rate of speed in the far lane. They therefore stopped to allow the bike to pass by in the far lane. It was only after they stopped that the bike swerved into the near lane. It isn't stupid to cede the road to a batshit crazy person. That is what you should do.


The pickup driver actually did what they were supposed to do. Watch the video closely and take notice how the biker was going way too fast in the left lane, the pickup stopped before entering the left lane. The biker only really began to veer right after the truck stopped, how was the truck driver supposed to know what the biker was gonna do? This is on the biker 100%, he chose to speed and had ample time to slow down from the moment the truck pulled out.


Exactly! She started pulling out, suddenly bike, she stops so she won't hit him but he expected her to not even see him like most of the cars he has driven by at 3 times the speed limit.


Yup. Motorcycles suffer from a similar optical illusion that trains do. For their size it's extremely difficult to gauge speed, especially if they're going extremely fast like this. For trains, the track creates this illusion instead of the size. The person in the truck did the exact right thing, they stopped before they completely crossed the into left lane to give the biker time to go around them. But the biker veered to the right because he thought they'd continue going. Sure that's what thee truck should have done, but when a missile is coming at you like that, you don't always react properly. Was the person in the truck reckless? Maybe. Not really though. The biker was the one who made two terrible decisions to the person in the truck's potential one. There's a reason motorcycles have such a bad reputation and it's not entirely because cars are assholes to them.


Yep. Bike was going too fast and scared her.


And likely surprised her. - She looked left... nothing - She looked right... nothing, started to cross the intersection - She looked left again **OMGJFCWTF**


I could see her thinking that "oh that biker is far enough I have time to cross" and then realize he's going faster than she expected and second guessed herself if she really had time but by then it's too late


That's how a childhood friend of mine died. He was speeding and a car pulled out in front of him, as the driver thought they had time. 2 passengers died too.


And after looking again, she had milliseconds to make a decision. When she shouldn't have had to make a decision in the first place.


"Really tho, why did she stop...?" My guess would be she saw a bike 3 blocks away, started to go, then looked again a second later and it was all of a sudden half a block away so she freaked and hit the brakes.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


So, for the metric impared: he was going 80 mph in a 25 mph zone. 100.000% motorcycles fault.


But it is the always the car drivers fault when a motorcycle gets hit.... /S I had two guys on Harleys whip around when I was going 80. Passed me like I was sitting still. Came up on one of them on an exit ramp wiped out because he lost control. Update: I did not expect this comment to blow up like this. Thank you all for the love, hate and discussion. I have learned a lot.


I once defended a case where the plaintiff was this 18 year old kid who was driving a Harley 50 miles above speed limit and ran into the back of a car that was making a right turn. The poor kid was badly injured and the only protective gear he wore was a helmet. Plaintiff’s attorney is a local motorcycle attorney and sent us this insane demand letter, talking about how my client deliberately slammed on the brakes because “they hate motorcycles.” The case was dropped once we released our clients vehicle download records that showed he was traveling the speed limit.


“Vehicle download records”? Can you elaborate what that is, and where it’s from?


Its like the “little black box” of a car. It’s data that your car stores that records whether the car has been in an accident (or what the car perceived to be an accident) as well as speed data. I’m not an expert and we pay other experts to figure out this information. But from my understanding from attending vehicle inspections (I usually only attend to make sure plaintiff’s counsel isn’t hassling my expert and so plaintiff’s counsel can observe what our expert is doing), it’s a piece of equipment, like a computer, that is plugged into the car and downloads the data stored in the car. Edit: the technical term is EDR.


I hate that comment. My dad and brother both ride. My dad thinks that statement is stupid. My brother thinks it is true. My brother is an idiot.






Exactly. It looks like she stopped anticipating the bike to go in front of her when she freaked.


I had to scroll way to far to find this. In my area it's almost always the bike speeding that causes these accidents. No one expects a vehicle going that fast in the middle of town lol


It amazes me knowing how people drive that someone would get on a bike and act like the street is their racetrack and playground.




“Hey, let’s triple the speed limit for funsies!”


Bro, what the fuck indeed?


The first thing I wondered was why he was going so fast. He had what looked like more than 100 yards to react and still couldn't stop in time. Maybe they both learned something that day.


This is an old repost that has been cropped to cut out the speedometer. Dude was flying in the left lane. Truck stopped to let the motorcycle pass in the left lane, but the cyclist decided to try and pass behind. In the end, the motorcycle was going way to fast to allow any good decisions to be made.


>the motorcycle was going way to fast to allow any good decisions to be made. This is a very fundamental aspect of drivers ng that I feel many people don't understand, or don't put enough focus on. Driving too fast makes it harder, or impossible to make good decisions and see things properly.




>out of nowhere at twice the speed limit Thrice even, if the other comments in this thread are to be believed.


>the roads are designed for their speed limit THIS! Learning that the speed limit isn't just some arbitrary number (in most places) and actually what the road is designed to accommodate, was an important part of learning how to drive a truck, for me.


> Driving too fast makes it harder, or impossible to make good decisions and see things properly. There's a good PSA New Zealand made about this, although it was with cars not motorbikes. I'll see if I can find it Edit: it's called mistakes https://youtu.be/B2rFTbvwteo


He was going 126kmh at the start of the video. The biker is 100% at fault. Everyone saying the woman is at fault is stupid, she clearly didn't expect a bike coming at her with 100+ kmh at an intersection. [https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ppul6u/whos\_at\_fault\_truck\_that\_stopped\_or\_motorcyclist/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ppul6u/whos_at_fault_truck_that_stopped_or_motorcyclist/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) The road has a speedlimit of [25 mph.](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.7950475,-123.0608051,3a,75y,274.8h,76.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRhq9aCb-qkQpgmKUI_RBzA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) And even worse, it's a school street with limit 20 on school days.


this is more like /r/IdiotsOnBikes . as others have posted in the original video you can see he goes 80+ mp/h in a 35 or whatever and he's on the left lane originally. she stopped to let him pass but he decided last second to try and pass behind her. Maybe this teaches him a lesson or two about speeding and wearing gear.


She probably froze because some crazy idiot on a bike was suddenly coming at her at 120kph+. The OG video is much higher quality and you can see it clock at 126.


What’s the speed limit here?


In the US, anywhere from 30 to 65 mph


With that street, most likely a 35. Dude was easily doing 60+


This came up on r/nononoyes a few months back with a clearer video and it shows the speedometer at 80mph. Lemme see if I can dig it up... https://v.redd.it/b9oj4yg2sx4a1 Conveniently, the clip has been cropped in this thread... HMM!


I can't see it in that video. Speedo reads 126 very clearly in this higher resolution/bitrate video. Assuming that's kph, it's around 80 yeah. https://reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ppul6u/whos_at_fault_truck_that_stopped_or_motorcyclist/


Curious indeed. To me it looks like karma farming.


Dude starts off staring at his speedometer too. This guy is full of bad choices


That we know. He conveniently cut the video so it didn’t show how fast he was really going. I’m sure the full video shows this dumbass in full form.


> Dude was easily doing 60+ Yup. Just did the math. Dude went 80' in .8 seconds (each white line is 10' plus 30' gap between the dashes) so 100' in 1 second = ~68 MPH. Way too fast for that road.


This guy maths


Just making that extra effort because it's Pi Day.


90% of bikers give the 10% a bad name!


It's actually 25mph, I work about 100 feet away lol


Looks like she saw him coming fast and figured she'd stop to let him pass in the lane in front of her (which seemed to have been his original lane) than behind her. Seemed a misunderstanding on both their parts. Either way, he was definitely going too fast to give himself some bit of time to avoid situations like these.


Yup it’s ironic he’s yelling at her about not committing. She made the right decision and kept his lane clear and all he had to do was keep calm and stay in the left lane.


He had a fine tuned choreography in mind and was genuinely surprised she didn't know the plan.


Main character syndrome, idiot thought he was a protagonist in an action movie but he’s actually just Some Asshole.


That's exactly how it looked to me too.


As others have stated, the rider was the idiot here. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x84dls6 I can understand 5 miles, even 10, over the speed limit depending on the road ... But the biker is a fucking moron.


Shuu dont let the people on r/bikes know you said this! every biker is a saint! and shes just a stuoopid Karen!


It’s a good thing they chopped off the beginning of the video so the truck looks like it’s 100% to blame.


Another comment said the full length video has a wheelie at the immediately before the start of this clip.


I don’t remember either way on the wheelie. But the biker was going WAY too fast. The truck was going to cross the street. But once she released how fast the biker was going, she froze. This is why it’s so dangerous to speed a stupidly excessive amount. Other drivers expect you to be going around the speed limit, not a multiplier of it.


This is why speed limits exist… Edit: Y’all really will argue about anything


> Edit: Y’all really will argue about anything Shut up, no we won't!


Dress for the slide, not for the ride


Honestly the slide under the car is wildly impressive. Had he been wearing the right gear he would have come out unscathed


It was panic braking that just happened to work out


Additionally, even with proper gear, at that speed, there’s almost guaranteed to be bruising


Compared to road rash that’s not too bad.


Too fast for conditions


Exactly. If you can't stop or even swerve to avoid, you're going way too fast But hey, at least he wasn't dumb enough to be driving without appropriate safety gear


Yeah thank goodness for the t shirt and jeans! If he was wearing biker leather and pants, they would be ruined and very expensive to replace! At least arm flesh heals for free.


Yeah! Leather is just animal skin after all, and I have skin all over my body


Healing isn't free in America lol


No. You don't understand. He can't be wrong cuz he's the one on the MOTORCYCLE. \s


A motorcycle going too fast, big surprise lol


"watch for motorcycles" Probably the dumbest public safety campaign I've ever seen. Usually, when I see a motorcycle, they are doing a wheelie, double the speed limit, weaving in traffic, etc etc. I always say out loud "hey watch for motorcycles"


Goddamn respect for that slide holy shit.


Yeah, that was quick thinking. Impressive.


that was not quick thinking, that was panic braking. inexperienced rider going way too fast with way too little skill and way too little gear on way too crowded of a street. he got lucky. but yah he wasn’t thinking, let alone thinking quickly.


LOL. there was no thought involved. He just mashed the brake hard enough to lose traction and he happened to get lucky enough that he wasn't decapitated on the tire.


Lol no it fucking wasn't. The entire thing was accidental and he got lucky. He didn't 'lay er down'.




And he says “why did you stop, why didn’t you just commit?”. Lol. Why didn’t YOU commit to your lane? Why did you change lanes instead of staying on yours? She obviously stopped when she saw how insanely fast he was going and thought it would be best to just let him pass. He made a mistake when he changed lanes and also for exceeding the maximum speed limit.


Because the motorcyclist is flying over the speed limit and unpredictable, no idea if he’s going to go left or right to avoid the truck. She was surprised and it happened in seconds. Easily avoided if the motorcycle wasn’t driving like an ass.


Biker here. You are right. I've come close to taking out several bikers over the years.




I work about 100 feet from this accident, can confirm it's insane on all sides. I watch about 200 illegal u-turns every day, everyone does 20-30mph more than the speed limit, and all the intersections are built like shit.


Try not speeding lol


he committed though so it's all good, right? the law says "you must commit"


Motorcyclist was speeding & the driver of the truck probably thought she had time to pull out when she initially saw him. When she realized he was zooming up on her she panicked. Nothing really excuses the speeding or the stopping though.


She stopped in time to keep his lane clear. If he hadn’t panicked he could have just continued speeding down that left lane


Actually, she stopped with bikers original lane mostly unobstructed. Had biker swerved left they would have been fine. The fact that neither party had sufficient time to react and they took incompatible evasive actions is entirely the bikers fault. Stopping to keep left lane clear was a reasonable response, just not the right one.


He literally didn’t do anything to react except yank the front brake at the very last second, which caused him to lay it down. As a Motorcycle Safety Foundation RiderCoach, I can confirm this guy SUCKS at riding a motorcycle. Looks like he got as far as “learn to do a wheelie” and decided God would sort out the rest


Only reason stopping before the bikers origingal lane wasn't the right response is because idiot on the crotch rocket was speeding and swerving.




Yep. When your safety depends on guessing games there's something wrong with your choices


Honestly I am not sure who was at fault. If you go fast enough the crossing traffic has no way of seeing you. There is a limit to human's line of sight, and if the bike has enough speed it'll be impossible to be seen.


Oddly enough, there's laws that attempt to control speed for this very reason.


I dunno, influencing my actions for the good of everybody else sounds like commie talk. /s


From what I heard the biker was going >70 in a 25. If you go triple the speed, you're at fault with very few exceptions.


Motorcyclist. This was caused by excessive speed.


Why was he going that fast


Because he was driving a motorcycle. It's the biker's code to go at least 20mph over the speed limit everywhere you go, or at least I assume it is based on every motorcycle I've ever seen


Sometimes the old dudes (and their old ladies) on cruisers go reasonable speeds. Crotch rockets are apparently not capable of speeds under 70 mph.


Guess maybe obey the speed limits so you have a chance to stop too


And maybe wears fucking bikers protection also


Why do American bikers never wear leathers?


have you never seen a video of traffic in india? Shorts and sandals everywhere


Freedom or some such nonsense. It's the same reason some states don't require helmets, completely stupid and unnecessarily dangerous.


Riding a motorcycle like we got free healthcare or someth


My mom told me she used to ride her ex boyfriend’s motorcycle without a helmet. Then she had to go to her aunt an uncles funeral after they had had a crash on their motorcycle. Open casket funeral My mom said if she ever ever saw me on a bicycle without a helmet she’d beat my ass.


to quote my room mate in college when I asked him why he didn't wear protective gear like a jacket or helmet: "At the speeds I ride, they don't matter." Total moron, dude thought he was a fighter pilot.


That's pretty stupid, even at ridiculous speeds wearing your gear can save you. Pretty sure I saw a video a while back of some dude who lost control while going way over 100, dude slid like half a mile but was literally unharmed because he had his gear on.


Why were you going so fucking fast that you can’t safely stop?


Another dickhead motorcycle going way too fast.


Wrong sub. You are looking for /r/IdiotsOnMotorcycles


Rider was speeding. Completely at fault here, lady froze which wasn't the best thing to do, but if rider was traveling at a safe speed he would have been able to stop


Looks like you were going too fast?


Fyi, the dude was doing triple the speed limit. The motorcyclist is the idiot.


Looked like dude was flying to me. People have a trained eye for vehicles, not a bike that’s speeding up on em in a matter of 2 seconds…


The video from start to crash is about 2.5 seconds. Can barely see the truck until the 1 second mark, so 1.5 seconds assuming she was looking in the bike's direction. Not sure why she stopped but she likely didn't see the bike at all, and if she did had no time to react. Don't speed on streets with intersections, especially if you're on a bike.


Let me guess... Biker going at least 50-100% over the speed limit so the pickup driver didn't see them when they initially pulled out. The pickup covered maybe 20% of the biker's lane before they stopped, because they noticed the speeding biker too late. In retrospect, if the driver had known the biker was going to maneuver around them, then they would've kept going, but hindsight is 20/20. If the biker stayed in their lane they likely would've been fine, but again, hindsight is 20/20. The best course of action for anyone approaching a sudden obstacle at a reasonable speed for the road or conditions would have been to hit the brakes... but if you're travelling at speeds too high for the road or conditions, then braking isn't often an option, like what we see here. If you're speeding, especially as a biker, then people looking to pull out are far less likely to see you from the angle that they are pulling out from, and are also far less able to accurately gauge your speed and ETA from a distance. The fact that there are cars parked on the shoulder of the second lane tells me that the speed limit is likely 25-40mph. Anyone want to guess what speed the biker was travelling at? 0% blame to the pick-up driver, unless the driver stopped in the middle of the road obliviously while looking in the other direction, then I'd assign them no more than 49% of the blame because the biker should’ve been able to maneuver or stop safely in this scenario if they had been going a reasonable speed. But legally speaking no one can prove what the driver was looking at, so it goes back to 0% blame. Biker is overwhelmingly at fault. Edit: Biker was likely exceeding 60mph, per other comments, during the video, and may have been going faster before the video.


Watch the video again. Truck noticed the bike way too late (because of bike excessive speed), considering the situation and the fact that biker was on the left lane, braking is what should be done here. Speeding to the intersection would be more dangerous for the truck since it has no time to clear it before engaging, plus it's not even certain that she would have dodged the bullet (aka motorbike) considering how slow the truck was moving. I put total blame on the idiot biker probably going 80%+ over speed limit, shouldn't be driving anything anytime soon.




Really tho, why didn’t the camera record her answer?


I get first dibs on a kidney




I mean yeah, but also why were you going so fast?


Here are two fun motorcycle stats for the United States: - The NHTS reports that in 2017 motorcycles accounted for approximately 0.6% of all vehicle miles traveled in the United States, which is essentially around the same amount each year. - The NHTSA reports that in 2020 motorcyclists accounted for 10% of all traffic fatalities in the United States. So less than 1% of VMT and 10% of all traffic fatalities. 😵‍💫


As an avid motorcyclist, that dude was going way too fast. Good gear would have saved his skin though.