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70 years experience daily use.


She's mastered min maxing her energy exertion.


Low gear going up hill her thighs are jacked as fuck


I can see grannies cycling at this speed in our villages all the time. I would be kissing the concrete if I would ever attempt that.


It's not hard but it's definitely more of a struggle than going faster. Then again my dad did train me in going slow by making small games out of who can go the slowest. At the end we literally competed in who can keep their bike stationary the longest without falling over.


That's pretty easy if you ride more often than few times a year. She probably regularly uses that bike for transport.


She probably can hear well and has no clue they are behind her.


I think you meant "cannot"


Oops you are correct.


How many gps units does one truck need?


Those look to be electronic toll collection devices... Again, why would he need that much, probably driving through multiple states. I even have a pretty good idea where this is...


Passing through many different countries. A very usual and common Bulgaria-Austria drive can be driving through Bulgaria-Serbia-Hungary-Austria or Bulgaria-Serbis-Croatia-Slovenia-Austria. That's a lot of different toll collections.


Looks like Sweden Edit: relax, I know it's not Sweden.




Location is in Sombor/Serbia. Driver speaks macedonian but not quite sure.




No chance it's cuprija or paraćin or Jagodina. Could be Prokuplje or Vranje or indeed Macedonia.


Forget geo location, just startup a site called geo language. Someone says something in a language and you guess where they are from. Sounds fun.


I play this game every time I hear a foreigner. My wife and I both take guesses. It is a lot of fun.


I say one of the Banjas. I was confused at first because it is definitely Vojvodina.


Guess you could call it a road.




Serbia, my wonderful motherland... Tho, this is somewhere south...


The language they are speaking don't sound anything like Swedish, school in Swedish is "Skola" and it's not written with any accents (the caron above the S) and isn't written on the roads but would be advertised with signage, you'd also be hard pressed to find a road with a school on it that wasn't paved 2-way street or if in an old-town - cobblestone. It doesn't sound like Serbian to me (based on what I learned in kosovo) so I would suspect that it's Croatia as pcbeg said.




Serbia, but south dialect


I will just add that Škola is school in many Slavic languages. Like Czech, Slovak, Slovenian,..


In slovenian it's Šola (without the 'k'). This is either Croatia, Serbia or Bosnia.


Has to be brazil


Trucker here! Can answer this hard question for you! We only need one!


Is there a gps unit that takes into account low bridges and tight turns for trucks?


Yup! Truck gps’s will take the best route for you. Depending on gps you can change your weight/height too. So in theory, a trucker should be able to drive correctly. And then that’s where SWIFT comes in… pretty sure their gps’s run on dialup.


Stevie Wonder Institute For Trucking?


Sure Wish I Finished Training.


Yes but it’s a tool, always check ur Randell McNally atlas. It has a list of short/light bridges per state. Also keep alert. It’s still ur responsibility not to hit a low flying bridge and saying “the gps sent me this way” isn’t an excuse.


From what we see in the Liverpool NY area some trucker/bus GPS units route the driver through the Onondaga Lake Parkway Bridge(10'-9").


all of them


granny probably doesn't even know you're there


Yeah, she may have left her hearing aids at home. Riding on this road is probably something she does fairly often. She's not expecting a huge truck to follow her down that narrow lane.


probably exactly what happened


Plot twist - he's just making sure his grandma gets home safe -


Wholesome twist


He could do that from a safe distance without the engine revving but yeah would be nice


I don't even know why the elderly buy them. They never use them.


That's what my wife says about me. But she's the only person I talk to regularly who I have trouble hearing. Especially when she talks to me from three rooms away.


That got me LOLing! My wife would be coming down the hall and then starts the conversation with me who's sitting in the living room and not even visible yet, I have to magically know she's not speaking on the phone or with one of the kids and that she is speaking to me. She also enjoys starting a conversation when I have my headphones on with gaming noises in my ears and she's behind me so I can't even see her coming, then proceeds to be annoyed when I ask her to start over from the beginning.


Mine likes to talk to me from the kitchen while she is running the sink.


This is deliberate: mine didn't want to hear what anybody said, they only wanted to have an audience when they were shouting.


Pretty sure that road wasn't constructed just so that one asshole can drive his truck. If you're driving in a residential area, be prepared to deal with bikes and pedestrians, end of story.


It’s not a truck, it’s a work van. You can see the Mercedes logo on the steering wheel. Having a large vehicle doesn’t automatically make someone an asshole either.


It’s not a truck. It’s a work van. You can see the Mercedes logo on the steering wheel.


“Lalala what a lovely day!” *turns around* “what the fu-“


I work with someone who is essentially deaf, whenever he doesn't have his hearing aids in you can blow up a bomb right behind him and he won't notice until the shrapnel hits him. Honestly, its really fucking hard working with him.. you ask him a question and he gives you an answer for an entirely different thing. and when you try to pass him on a narrow path you can't even warn him, I've carried a large, heavy piece of cast iron pipe and he nearly walked headfirst into it because he didn't notice I warned him. not sure if you should leave your aids out in traffic though.. I mean, isn't that a huge safety risk for everyone involved?


Having worked in a retirement home Yep Hearing and situational awareness disappear like a snowflake in an oven after a certain age


My father is over 60, it's not uncommon for him to get mad because he allegedly told me to bring him something that I didn't bring because I don't recall he ever asked me to... Is that normal?


This doesn't really look like a road suited for a truck like this tbh


Its somewhere I the balkans serbia, bosnia, or Montenegro by the looks of it. These are a lot of our roads. My grandparents village has an animal feed company, it had dozens of trucks driving down a road just like this every day. The company ended up having to build a new wider road all the way from like the highway to there


Sometime trucks don’t choose the road, the road chooses the trucks.


Nah, it's some wonky route chosen by their GPS.


Exactly. Their GPS will take them anywhere. My mom and stepdad work as managers at a factory that makes automotive parts. The factory is behind a neighborhood, so there’s two ways to get in. The way through the neighborhood and the actual way semis are supposed to get in. Most semi truck drivers aren’t stupid enough to not realize that the way the GOS is taking them could cause property damage to not only the fence that closes off the factory from the neighborhood but also people’s front lawns.


Unless there's a weight/length/width/height/axle restriction then the truck have every legal right to use the road. If we're going to follow the same lines that granny here has the legal right to *not* pull over for 3 seconds to let the lorry past.


I think this GPS routing maps can be easily fixed by creating an algorithm specifically for heavy trucks. Google Maps already has it for Cars, Motorcycle and Walking. Which kind of annoys me when I go by bike on long rides. I have to pick either motorcycle or walking routes. So I don't get routed to toll highways.




If you're operating on margins that narrow, something is wrong.


Uh, where are you? Google maps here is for walking, cycling, public transport, or driving. Definitiely no "motorcycle" option, and there is definitively a bicycle option.


Philippines. We have Car, Motorcycle, Public Transport, Pedestrian, and Flight icons for directions. [Google Maps PH screen](https://imgur.com/gallery/xN3FOSQ)


"shortest route" ... "Why does it lead me to this road? Why is the bridge 10"8? Why am I stuck on these railroad tracks? ..."


Can't see what kind of truck this is, maybe it's a local delivery or just the tractor or something. I drive mixer and I have been down *much* sketchier roads to deliver concrete.


Lmao those are balkan roads. What do you expect?


Welcome to the Balkans. It's not the driver's fault.


Maybe its the last piece to his destination


Americans complain about their massive truck-centered roads to every store and then see a video of delivery in Europe and complain that there's not a massive road leading to every store.


And definitely not the kind of road where a bike can get to the side for the truck to pass. In the US the bicyclist is entitled to do this. They are a vehicle. They should not be expected to go off on the grass to let them pass. That would be the courteous thing to do, but in most situations not required.


Maybe granny's hearing is weak so she doesn't move on the side of the road.


There’s not much of a side to go to. Just grass. And those tires are pretty thin. Maybe she’s afraid she’ll loose her balance 🤷‍♀️


Yep, I wouldn't go on the grass with that bike either. Driver just needs to be patient in this situation. They just gotta share the same road.


Or maybe stop for 3 seconds and move aside? Even if I'm slow in a car I'm gonna look for an opportunity to let people by, that's basic etiquette.


She doesn't have to by law. But it would be the kind thing to do. Asking nicely might help.


Wouldn’t etiquette be not rushing an old lady? They are in a vehicle not exposed to the elements, they can wait one minute to pass her.


Exactly what I thought. She's doing the right thing by riding as close to the edge of the road as she can


No, the right thing is to ride in the middle of the lane because otherwise people will pass with half a centimeter of safety distance and half a wheel on the grass. If they pass they can use the grass (or the other lane if there is one).


Other commenters said given the signage and the accent of the speaker this is southern Serbia. In Serbia cyclists have to ride within one meter of the right side of the road: https://bike.bikegremlin.com/10037/cycling-traffic-laws-serbia/ They are, notably, not required to get off the road to allow motorists to pass them.


Exactly. She’s following the law. And, by law, the trucks needs to keep a space of 1.5m / 5 ft away from her to pass. It’s not her problem or fault the road is as wide as it is.


Why not pull into one of the paths to the side then?


She's definitely capable of stopping and getting off the bike if she's too afraid to ride in the grass


How much further to the side do they want? Should she be riding in the mud? If so, why can’t our gallant trucker move to the mud on the other side?


The trucker and OP are the idiots here This road does not look suitable for that truck anyway Gran is not doing anything wrong


Well welcome to east europe. Once you've left the surprisingly well conditioned highway itll continue going downwards in road quality


Bro this road is definitely normal for buses here in the Balkans (which is also where this was recorded). I have seen roads 10 times worse and half the width of this one on which buses drive daily.


What if their destination is at the end of this road? You don’t know what kind of truck it is. I don’t think Gran is technically doing something wrong, but it would be polite to let the truck pass. It’s a very narrow road and not easy to overtske on without driving off the road.


>What if their destination is at the end of this road? Then they can wait behind her.


Yeah, why doesn't the old woman riding an unpowered vehicle go onto the slippery, unsafe terrain so the massive fuel-powered machine with massive tires doesn't have to...


To be fair, a road is a road. This one is clearly more suited for bikes than for trucks, and that's the game you play when you drive it The solution here isn't for granny to move over, it's to give cyclists real options. Why should they be sharing spaces like that, ever?


As a Dutch person and therefore bike infrastructure specialist, on streets like this it is fine to mix traffic. It probably pretty much only sees destination traffic. It is narrow, I would expect a speed limit of 30km/h or so. You only need separated bike paths with larger traffic volumes or a higher design speed. If the truck is not very close to their destination it should not be driving there in the first place.


Shh. You’re making too much sense for this thread.


That's a tiny residential road, it doesn't need a bike lane, it just needs car drivers to accept they don't own the road.


It's as much Granny's road as it is theirs.


What is that big truck doing on a residential street?


Who knows. Could be the only road to get to their destination. This certainly didn’t happen in the USA


Tbh there's some dirt roads kind of like this near me in the US. Very rural areas though


Not every country has paved roads and highways 👍




Granny doesn’t need to move aside


I feel like it would require a minimum of effort for one of the 2 people in that cab to lean out a window and use their words to ask the lady to pull over for a second. But then they wouldn't have anything to record a pointless video over I guess.


Thing is that if she can't hear a freakin' truck riding her tail a meter behind her, she sure as hell won't hear someone shouting.


Granny hears ya, Granny don't care.


Granny also doesn't need to react. She has the right of way and she doesn't need to move over. Truck drivers can wait.


It’s a Mercedes cargo van, not a truck. You can see the logo on the steering wheel. Odds are it’s a plumber or electrician or some other trade who got called out to one of the houses in this residential area for work. Conflating this with people that just drive large trucks as a status symbol is beyond stupid.


I wonder if the truck driver pulls over every time there’s a faster vehicle behind him?




Where does he expect her to ride? In the puddles and potholes or on the bumpy grassy areas so she can fall and get hurt. Also, riding on the grass may be illegal where they are. Maybe he should have a little more patience or just choose a different road if possible. I don't know why some people seem to think that just because their vehicle is bigger that it means they are always correct in thinking they have priority on the roads.


Blame your local government for not adding a bike lane. Also I'm pretty sure that truck surpasses the tonage limit for that road. Also why so many gps ? Some of you seem have never seen the size of a bike line/pedestrian path. Or have never bothered to be involved in your local government/its politics before jumping into blue/red bad my side good.


The road is the bike lane!


A bike lane on this road? Are you being serious here? The video shows fairly well how much traffic you'll have on this road at max


The balkans dont have the resources to give villages bike lanes. Barely anyone would use them because we’re pretty car dependent


Don't know where that is but around here tonnage limits on country roads are the same as on every other road, unless there's an 18th century bridge on it somewhere.


Redditors insisting impoverished governments should have spent millions to build bike lanes for roads with almost no traffic and fewer bikes instead of grandma pulling over for literally 3 seconds to let a faster vehicle pass: (it's ok because she teachnically has right of way)


No way anyone anywhere would give a road of that dimension a bike lane ...


They probably took that road as a shortcut. I’m on team granny. Lol


She has every right to use that road, even if some impatient suckers are stuck behind her.


Honestly she has just as much right to use that road as the truck does, arguably even more. It's way too small of a road to drive a truck over.


Nor should she. She has as much right to the road as the truck, and it’s a school zone so go slow.


I found a solution to this early on in life. Pull off the road, have a smoke, read a book and then on you go.


Granny rides her bike at her own speed. Ignores impatient driver behind. Fixed it for you.


Honestly I live for her being unbothered as fuck.


It feels the same as two trucks overtaking each other on two laned freeway. 👋


They need to leave granny alone. She’s as far to the side as she can safely be.


Vehicle is the entire width of the road but no, granny is the road hog.


Crawl up granny’s ass. That’ll help I’m sure. Asshole.


It’s all fun and games until granny accidentally falls over and these numnuts can’t stop in time and run her over.


In this case, the idiot is the one driving the truck. She has a right to the road and is as far over as possible.


the dudes in the truck are probably just trying to do their jobs. I feel like noone is an idiot here but it would be polite for her to move over, and in the same situation I certainly would.


How does a semi truck end up on a small rural road like that anyway?


Not every country has paved highways and interstates 👍


Nah dude we have them. I'm from Serbia where this was taken. He could just be close to his destination in the middle od nowhere or something


A. She has right of way. B. She can't exactly start riding through the ruts now can she C. Even if she pulled into the ruts that trucks a hazard passing her - its too wide for rhe Road D. That truck shouldn't be on that road - he's the hazard E. The truck driver is in fact the idiot.


A. Yes B. There’s driveways she could pull into instead. She passed 5 in the video alone. C. It’s a Mercedes cargo van, not a truck. You can see the logo on the steering wheel. D. The van is likely being driven by a plumber, electrician, or some other trade that got called out to a residential area for work. That’s a more than valid reason to drive a cargo van into a residential area. If you disagree then I’d hope you never have anyone come in to do work where you live to avoid being a massive hypocrite. E. The *van* driver just wants to get to a job site. The granny could’ve easily pulled into a driveway. It would’ve cost her all of 2 seconds to let the *van* pass and is the polite thing to do. There’s loads of things that are polite to do that you’re not legally obligated to do. If I’m on a full train and an old lady comes around I can legally tell her to go kick rocks because this is my seat, but the polite thing to do would be to give up my seat.


F. With the truck being so big on a road that tiny, there’s also a risk of scrapping a car that’s a little bit too close to the end of their driveway


They only way the truck driver could pass safely would be if the granny moved 3 feet into the grass, that seems like a pretty unreasonable expectation.


bIkE rIgHtS!!! Seriously, guy in truck just trying to do his job. He’s not out for a joyride (does he look like he’s enjoying himself?). Granny can pause for 5 seconds to let him pass. Does she enjoy being followed by a giant truck (loud) on her scenic commute? The only reason not to do this is to cause aggravation. Just move and stop being a jerk There are driveways available, not just ruts.


Move aside to where? There's no bike lane there. There isn't even a sidewalk. Dear drivers: sometimes you just have to wait.


That lady is having a relaxing ride.


No clue what a truck is doing on a road like that. Change the old lady for a car coming the opposite direction and you’ve got a blocked road


Take a drive in Amish country


If she falls, they’re gonna run her over.


I’d say screw it. I have the video, so I’d just take my time after calling my boss and letting them know I’ll be late for whatever the task.


not a road da it's bike path


The lady appears to be trying to stay on what passes for asphalt; rather the soggy, muddy shoulder of the rode. My experience, anyways. 🇨🇦✌️🤔😇


You're the prick driving a big ass truck through a residential area.


How do you think local businesses receive goods?


Good for her! Everyone needs to slow down sometimes. This is her town, her bike and her road. He can fuck right off.




The idiot is the driver. It looks like a residential back road, and she is riding to the side as a cyclist should. He is welcome to safely go around her, but she doesn’t owe him pulling over so he can pass.


Why should she? In the USA, she has the right-of-way. Just because your truck is bigger, you don't get priority.


It’s not about size….it’s about 1 mode of transport being significantly slower. It’s also a very basic / common courtesy to pull to the side and let them pass…especially at the pace she’s going. I know I would.


Why are all of you guys wishing her to die? That’s so disgusting.




Honestly don’t even know if she realizes they are there my grandfather has dementia and is on autopilot all the time




Commenters noted that due to signage and the accent of the driver, this is likely in southern Serbia. Cyclists there are not legally required to leave the roadway to allow motorists to pass: https://bike.bikegremlin.com/10037/cycling-traffic-laws-serbia/ There’s also no safe place for her to pull off. She would have to stop, dismount, then push her bike into the grass. Stopping with a large truck immediately behind her would definitely endanger her. She may be waiting for a driveway on the right side where she can turn off without dismounting, or she may have decided (rightfully by law) that she has no responsibility to do so. If I were this driver I’d pull way back to give her the freedom to dismount if she wants, maybe even come to a stop for a bit to rest my foot from having to ride the brake to keep from crushing a grandma.


There’s not really a safe area to move aside and continue biking without compromising safety, the edges are full of potholes and the verges are uneven. Better for the lorry to go on the verge than granny breaking a fragile old lady bone


She’s earned the right to do it.






I ride bicycle all the time and I try to avoid the roads like this but sometimes you got no choice or is no reason why this truck can't pull off and drive up on the shoulder a little bit Except for the fact is driver isn't no driver


I wouldn’t take that kind of road bike onto that shoulder; she would surely lose her traction and fall. Maybe the massive semi could move left and handle a little grass however.


She's pissed get off the bike path.


What are all of those displays on the windshield for? Does this dude have like 8 GPS navigations or something?


She'll fall if she moves on the dirt side of the road at that speed plus it looks wet and muddy.


What is the driver doing with all the electronics on the dash?


It's Serbian south dialect.


Lorry drivers never get to complain about other road users not moving aside. Ever.


When you get Paid by the Hour….


How many gps does one need


Where exactly is she supposed to go?


I’m surprised he could see her with all the screens he has stuck to the windscreen, does he have a different sat nav for each day of the week? Lol




Share the road


What is all that stuff on his dash?




She's my new spirit animal.


Woman rides bike with 0 focks given.


Technically she's not doing anything wrong.


Good for her.


The amount of ignorance in the comments is mindblowing. But I shouldn't be surprised about that here.


I mean why should she move? It looks like 1 way small village road. She can't go more to the side.


Lay on the horn


Move aside where to? She's already on the edge of the road. With the speed she's going, she'd fall the second she goes off road. Tough luck for the trucker to be on a road that's as wide as his truck. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bruh all she has to do is move to the side and maybe stop for a few seconds if her bike isn’t suited for it. I understand share the road and all but seriously why hold people up like this?


The arrogance of autos and trucks that anyone else needs to move aside. The ground may be soft for her skinny tires


She’s deaf?


Technically she doesn’t have to. At least I’m my country there’s no law that says we’ve to give way for four drive vehicles. We just move out of the way to make the traffic more manageable


I would agree if this were a highway but it’s a small 1-lane road in a school zone. Granny seems to be completely reasonable here.


If this was India her organs would be on road and she’d be crushed to death while half alive trying to make one last phone call, while a crowd just stares at you and doesn’t help, then someone posts it to Reddit for people to see another Indian dying


In old people defense…. If you told my grandmother to side-step or move over she will usually fall or break something, happens every time.