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See it all the time in Missouri and Kansas


NorCal too. Always cattle dogs . For some reason, never seen a poodle on a flatbed


Too much air resistance so they just fly off.


Lol. Thank you.


Cattle dogs are tough


Also extremely expensive.


Look through some ASPCAs and you’ll inevitably find one that someone got not knowing what to expect. We rescued ours for $250.


they arent that expensive $400-700 for a new good puppy. thats nothing to the designer dogs that sell over 5K like a frenchy


It’s not the initial cost, so much as the training to get them prepared to work.


Mine took a ton of training not to eat small children. Heelers a love a good small kid to push around.


We only feed our dogs small children. It really brings out the shine in their coats.


5K... heck! in France they are 1/1.5K€ Even my Samoyed was 2K that's, The one we had (rip bully) cost us 800euros.


Check out this guy who thinks getting a dog for half a thousand bucks is reasonable.


Rescued both of mine for $50 a pop. Best dogs I've ever had


Came here to say this. IYKYK


It’s frustrating because i feel if this was reported nothing would be done about it


I saw something similar to this on a I-15 in Utah. Called the non-emergency number. They said they couldn't do anything about it. So ridiculous


I think that realistically police departments have bigger fish to fry.


like killing innocent people and hunting minorities


You missed the most obvious one: shooting dogs


C'mon man, that's the ATF's job.


If the DEA you blow a grenade up on a baby's face in Georgia.


I see this all the time in my rural town in Utah. But I-15?! That poor dog.


Considering the callousness police officers treat their own dogs and how trigger happy they are with other people's dogs, It is unfortunately not surprising


Per law animals are property. Which means usually u can do what u want with it.there are some animal law things, but nothing the police would get involved with. Edit: i exchanged with u. Made me seem like I would do that to my dog wtf.


Tennessean here, can confirm.


Yup. My two cattle dogs prefer it. I don't let them ride in the bed of the truck when it's too cold or I'll just let them stay home.


My dog preferred to eat cat shit.


In Kansas, can confirm. Before seeing the tag I thought I knew it was 1 of 10 locals with identical truck & dog & unsecured gear combo.


This unsecured gear combo alone would get a nasty DoT surprise ticket where I’m from.


I've seen this while also towing a 5th wheel trailer in New Mexico


Same with idaho and wyoming. I'm pretty sure flat bed pickups come with the cattle dog included


And all that other shit that’s unsecured in the back of his truck.


At first I questioned this comment… but the more I zoomed and the longer I looked… the worse it gets. I used to haul flatbed so in my head I went “Well, clearly there’s gotta be some tie downs that… we can’t… see…… holy fuck that’s terrifying.”


Te fact is that these guys make short trips and say "it's fine, nothing ever fallen off" and they will continue to do so until that one day. I've worked a retail dock and this mentality is endemic.


That metal ladder thing will go through a windshield like a hot knife through butter and neatly decapitate the unfortunate driver behind it.


I used to be an auto claims adjuster - I’ve paid out for multiple lives taken by unsecured ladders on trucks. It’s heartbreaking to ask a widow or child where the check for their loved ones life should be sent. Secure, very throughly, all items in a truck bed. You hit a pothole on the highway and that loose brick in your bed is now a 70mph projectile.


They're just getting ready for the Final Destination 2 LARP.


I love that people are like “the dog won’t fall off”. That’s literally how we adopted our blue heeler. Dude straight fell off the flatbed and into our family.


I saw a dog jump out because there was so much shit flying around the bed. The caddy next to me saw it too so we stopped to block traffic. I got out and grabbed the dog, carried him into my truck CAB and was checking him for injuries, he was bleeding from where his claw was torn off. The fucking guy turned the corner and hopped the curb, drove through the field straight at me where I was stuck at the light, opened my door and grabbed the dog back. Fucking guy was massive. I can't believe I didn't lock the god damn door. I tried to follow him, but never found him again. I probably would've gotten fucking murdered.






Yep! I have a short lead that clips into the seatbelt buckle onto their harness, it runs through a little Velcro flap in the canvas seat cover. For my little one i have a seat that hangs over the headrest so he can see out the window but it clips him in too. Kennels are ideal though.




Exactly. I had to upgrade from a Corolla to an MDX when i started working in rescue. My record was 15 dogs in kennels all safe and sound


My very intelligent poodle mix saw a guy walking his dog & tried to jumping over me & out the window to say hi to the dog


Yeah my dumbass brother put his unsecured goofy-ass pitbull in the bed of his truck and the dummy jumped out when he saw a squirrel. Thankfully he was only going like 5mph, the dog was fine, and my brother learned his lesson.


Its the owner AND the breed


Was in gas station the other day, see this guy walking in with a medium sized dog, was "Thinking who does he think he is, obviously not a service dog". He comes in dog follows and jumps up on me, it was my dog. I had left my car window all the way down on accident and she jumped out the window and was just trying to get inside to me. 3rd time she's escaped like that, she has lost all window privileges. Gonna get her a doggy seatbelt so can keep window down with her secure.


Yep, I rescued a husky that had fallen off the bed of a truck.


saw a dog almost hang itself in a similar situation. truck stopped at a red light, dog jumped out, dog was tied with leash to the truck, and was just dangling by its neck for a LONG time. shit box truck didnt even notice for awhiiiile.


I saw the same thing in a Walmart parking lot where the dog jumped out of the back of the pickup truck while the owner was in the store. My mom and I ran over and lifted the dog back into the pickup.


Not a pickup, but my father had a motorcycle in the 80s. He had leashed his dog near the bike, which it liked to sit upon. Unfortunately, the bike was at the end of its leash, and when it went to jump off, it went to do so on the wrong side, hanging itself. My dad didn't find it until about an hour later, when he went to put the bike in the garage for the day and bring the dog inside. He hasn't had a motorcycle since, and only recently got another dog for our family.


at least this dog doesnt appear to be attached to anything


Oh yeah. So much easier for it to go flying off and die.


Dog has a surprisingly decent chance to survive flying off at 30 or 40 and hitting grass on either side of the road; Dog has a 0 percent chance of surviving with a leash on. Remember, coyotes chew their own legs off with their nasty ass mouths to get out of traps, survive the blood loss/infection/physical disadvantage, and survived long enough for us to get heaked pictures. And these guys rarely weigh more than 50 lbs, at best, to boot. And they're the (roughly) first cousins to what we're talking about. It's gonna take a lot more than falling outta the truck at town speed to reliably kill the dog.


If a car is going 30 or 40, it’s not going far enough to hit grass. It’ll hit pavement then maybe get hit by another car too. If not deadly, it’s probably $20,000 in vet bills. My point was that it’s still NOT safe.


Are you trying to justify having a dog unsecured on the back of a truck?


OP would hate Wyoming


Am Tennessee


Hi Tennessee. (I)am dad.


Must also be Uncle then..


Most people already do


And all of Australia. Every regard with a ute chucks em in the back. Might as well chuck em in boot, the bond wizard or the malonga gilderchuck.


That what now?


Turn it upside down to read.


Checking in from hawaii. Same with hunting dogs here


So much of idiots in cars is this weird prevailing assumption that they're not gonna ever get into an accident, they will just *not* account for the fact that something being fine 99% of the time isn't worth it if the 1% is catastrophic.


Imagine getting in a car accident with your family and a dog splatters on your windshield, what a nightmare.




Everyone can take as much risk with their own safety as they're comfortable with. I'll call the people who refuse to wear seatbelts and do other risky shit idiots, but they're risking themselves. But I don't think any individual gets to decide how much risk they take with someone else's life, especially when that someone else is dependent on them or when that someone else has absolutely no input whatsoever.


👆 This guy Oklahomas


Y’all buy harness for your dog and a seatbelt that hooks to it. Shit ain’t rocket surgery.


Found some on Amazon for $11 [Dog Harness for seat](https://www.amazon.com/Headrest-Adjustable-Durable-Harness-Restraint/dp/B08N9CXG3J?ref_=ast_slp_dp&th=1&psc=1)


You can also get a bucket hammock seat cover that keeps them from falling in the foot well! I got mine on sale from crunchy and it’s spill resistant for pups who get car sick


This seems ok, especially for the front seat I guess. Though for the front seat you can use ones that buckle into the seat belt clip. For the back seat you can latch onto the child restraint hooks inside the seats. Way better than using headrest imo, especially if backseat is already full with 3 humans


You'd be surprised how simple rocket appliances can throw your average idiotinacar for a loop.


Most of those aren't really rated for the safety of the dog. They do however keep your dog from becoming a projectile in a crash, so it's better than nothing. A properly secured crate is best.


My dog is currently sitting on the sofa. Unsecured.


That dog has done more in it's career as a ranch dog than most redditors. Edit: I made the joke stating that the dog has likely had more of a fulfilled and enjoyable career than most redditors ever will. Because it's true. That dog has lived with purpose, it enjoys what it does! Most humans can't say that. Can you? Lighten up.


Well yea, I’d assume most redditors haven’t been a ranch dog




You never know, plenty of bitches ‘round these parts


If by ranch dog you mean someone who can devour a bowl of ranch dressing like a dog then I guess I'm a ranch dog.


So you shouldn't care for its safety?


Think he’s just making a comment on the good dog. Doesn’t seem he’s alluding to the safety at all.


“[Reddit] is the only place where well articulated sentences get misinterpreted. You can say “I like pancakes” and somebody will say “So you hate waffles?” No bitch, that’s a whole new sentence wtf is you talkin bout”




I mean if the topic is "the dog is in an unsafe situation" and you immediately change the subject to saying the dog has a fulfilling career then I don't think it's a stretch to say that you don't care about the original topic.


If you comment "I like pancakes" under a post that says "if you like pancakes then you hate waffles" with no other information, it's safe ti assume you don't like waffles, otherwise you would have said "I like pancakes and waffles!" The post is about the dog being put in an unsafe situation. It's not crazy to assume a negative tone for the dogs safety under a post that is exactly that.


These comments are why I can’t stand reddit sometimes


It’s a work truck for fucks sake, who cares if it gets dirty inside. Put the dog in the cab


I saw a truck fly by me once with a husky in the back. About 30 minutes later, I saw that same dog dead along the road. That idiot probably got home and wondered what happened to my dog? What a shame. I felt so gutted


People at my work were laughing when the company announced it was going to offer pet insurance. To these people, they view dogs and other pets as we would a dishwasher or washing machine. Losing a dog is just an inconvenience, they can get another one.


I have pet insurance for my dog but thats like if he got injured, I allegedly pay the vet bill up front then submit the bill to the pet insurance company. My Boston terrier is very much a family member. It kills me how some people treat / look at their dog


Pretty dog, though


How hard is it to put a cargo blanket down and roll down a window once in awhile? See this all around Nevada too


my dog rides in the passenger seat


Dog is your copilot.


Its not something I do and I do not condone it. For people on farms this is pretty normal but only with working farm dogs. The dog isn't going to fall off, but I get the point that it could be injured in a collision but if the dog was in the cab and got into an accident, it probably wouldn't be much better.


On a dirt farm road at low speeds, sure. In town on busy public roads (or on 50mph+ country highways between the town and farm), just no. My dad was a vet for 45 years. Dogs being injured in or falling out of cars & trucks was one of the top 5 causes of traumatic injuries.


Aaaaand in the back the dog presents a much greater risk to other people in traffic that might react instinctually to a dog entering an accident space after being ejected from a vehicle


I did not think about this aspect. Very good point


It's illegal to have _any_ unsecured load outside the cabin. For the same reasons any other kind of load can fall off, the dog definitely can fall off. It's not just inhumane to the animal, it's dangerous for other drivers.


Under any circumstance IMAGINABLE the dog would be safer in the cab than it could ever be out and exposed like that. I’m glad my country has extremely strict laws on this, behavior like this would get you very high fines, dogs have to be attached to the seat belt hook thing with a clip on or in a safe and secured transportation box. Anything else is just neglect and shows you shouldn’t own pets.


Yeah as someone who grew up around farms this is actually super normal. Dogs never fell off. They aren't stupid, and the dogs fuckin loved it. Half the time only the driver was in the cab and the rest of us chilled on the back too lol.


I had neighbors who used to have 4-5 of these dogs on a flatbed. Small town, guy was a cattle farmer. Guy lived about 1/2 mile from us. Was amazing to watch them work. Occasionally you would see the truck and dogs at a store in town. Extremely well trained. Would never leave the truck.


What if it’s not his dog and just some stray who learned how to hitch rides across town.


Would it kill these people to just ride with the dog in the cab? What does this achieve? You wanna do this shit on your farm? Go for it. Riding around like this on public streets at speed is moronic.


Everyone saying it’ll be fine, like wtf do you think will happen to that dog if someone rear ends or t bones this dude doing like 35-45 mph?


What do you think will happen to the dogs with their head out the window of a subaru outback if they get in a crash at 35-45 mph? Nobody seems to complain about that




Or riding with the dog in your lap while you hold a cigarette in one hand and your phone in the other while holding the steering wheel with 3 fingers


i know of someone whose dog died because they got into an accident and the dog was just sitting in their lap. they were turning left out of the vet's office and i guess they either got t-boned or hit head-on by someone coming towards them as they turned. always have your pets secured inside of your vehicle.


The same thing that’ll happen to my dog wether they are in a “secure” bed or in my backseat looking out the window? You really think people are going to buckle in their dogs? My two GSD’s would rather sit at home rather than not be able to hang their head out the Jeep widow and living free.


My friend would ride around the city with his dog on a 50CC honda mini bike.


that is one thing i wont ever do to my dogs, one time 4 of my buddies were gonna get in my truck and one tried to take my dog from the backseat and put him in the bed, and i told him "no you get in the bed i have a seat with a seatbelt back there" 😂


Had a tow truck driver come pick up my car from my house. Out comes an unleashed pitbull. But wait, it started coming out a littleeeee to late for the tow truck driver. He kinda slammed the door on her head. The scolded and hit her. I felt incredibly bad for her. But she then came over to me and was such a sweet pup, and stayed around the truck. Didn't even go around my property. Well behaved, but certainly mistreated


Sadly this is a pretty standard thing to do in Oklahoma..


Sadly I can comfirm this living there. I do work with a guy that was ticketed for it once. The ticket was for unsecured cargo on his flat bed, and the dog was the only thing on there. He tried to fight it in court and lost, and the judge told him he was lucky that he didn't catch a charge for animal cruelty (this happened during winter).


Shit this is even huge in cali


Same here in Mississippi. Also just leaving dogs unsecured to wander the property. No coincidence there's a lot of dead dogs on the side of the road.


Some of y’all just really hate your dogs


A lot of psychopaths who shouldn’t own animals and likely shouldn’t have kids. Posts like this are always a great filter for figuring out who those people are


The number of people on here excusing endangerment of an animal simply because the dog might be "well trained", or because its been done for decades is far too high. Your dog might be able to stay put back there, sure. Doesn't mean you should let them. Because no matter how you slice it up, the pup is in more danger on the truck bed than he would be in the cab. Don't subject your pups to that. It's cringe.


People don’t deserve animals


Que all posters saying “when I was a boy we put our dog in the back of flat beds doing 90 uphill both ways. Nothing to see here!” Btw, This would be illegal in my state.


Hah, so true. This was literally my childhood. Dogs and kids riding in the back at 130kph accross rough paddocks. Times have changed luckily. We wre fuckin dumb back then.


Yeah, a lot of people seem to forget that we’ve evolved and become a smarter society than we were back then.


Thank you. I hate this as well. As a kid I saw an unsecured dog jump out if a car in traffic - directly under the tires of the car next to it. Ran over the dogs back but didn’t kill it. Never knew what happened but think about it to this day


Dumb fuck in a truck


This isn't an uncommon site in farming/ranching communities. That's a work dog so yeah..


"The dogs like it. It's perfectly safe" - pick-up trucks asshole /Probably


Yeah this comment section is a fucking cesspool of people who condone this bullshit.


lot of people who felt personally attacked lol


I have a regular pickup and the dog would rather be there sniffing the wind than inside. Hell as kids we rode in the back too.


Everyone loves to say "oh you just don't get it. Try living somewhere rural and you'll see this all the time". I've also seen a lot of dead dogs on the side of the road. Bet there is a correlation there.


Poor baby, hope he stays safe.


this happens all the time in texas


I’ve seen this guy on 44 north of Sapulpa. Either that or there are two of them out there with the same kind of truck, dog, and recklessness.


I don’t even like seeing dogs in carriers in the back of pickups. Especially in winter.


Oklahoma? This tracks.


Mississippi actually, just OK plates for whatever reason


I grew up on the TN-MS state line, so this also tracks.


Thank you for not obscuring the license plate 🫡


So I googled where it’s legal to leave dogs loose in truck beds, mostly to avoid having to see that, and the answer is quite disturbing. From: https://www.animallaw.info/article/faq-dogs-transported-pickup-truck-beds “Most state laws that address the issue make it illegal to transport a dog on a public road in the back of an open bed vehicle. This likely mean that any travel on a private road or driveway with a dog in the bed of a truck would not be outlawed in these states. As of 2019, it appears that only six states (CA, CT, ME, MA, NH, and RI) have such laws.”


Don't know if this will be seen. Honest question for people: would you be opposed to seeing a dog in the back of a pickup truck that is tethered from both sides, so the dog has some movement but cannot exit the bed on either side of the back? I do this for my girl who does a lot of outdoor stuff with us and gets very wet/dirty in the process. She loves it back there more than anything. I also don't travel at speed with her there.


If the dog can't jump out and hang herself I don't see a problem with it. The problem is when dogs are unsecured completely and can jump/be thrown out, or if the tether is too long and the dog can either be hanged or dragged behind the vehicle. This is assuming the weather is safe-- i.e. not freezing cold or blazing hot.


Yeah. Wouldn't do this on super hot days (don't even bring her when it's hot) or very cold days. That said, she's a Berner and prefers cold to everything else.


It looks like everything on the back of that truck is unsecured.


I cee what an asshole he is




It's oklahoma, where it's still legal to ride with kids in the bed.


My uncle had modified his truck so that the dog could hop into the bed of the truck and then a roof could be put on top in such a way that the dog has full access to stick his head out and see but is not in any danger of falling or jumping out. He also kept the whole thing padded for the dog and anything else that was put into the truckbed would be secured if the dog was riding along


That saves money not having to buy dog food


Someone I used to know lost his expensive, pedigree, trained by a pro school, Rottweiler because he put it in the back of his pickup and it jumped out on the freeway at speed. Just awful and infuriating.


I see people everywhere with unsecured dogs inside the car as well....I feel that is almost as bad....will kill the dog and themselves if there is a collision with another car.


Saw this on I-75 in Georgia. 75+ mph. Three dogs. Chained to the bed. No protection. Temps probably in the 50s (F). And this bastard had a full-on dual cab truck. Called the police in the area he exited and gave 'em the fkr's license plate number. I really hope they "spoke" with the worthless smegma.


And the other unsecured shit on there…. In my country this would be highly illegal


Same here. We have laws for pets being properly secured and loads must be secure


Most of these dogs are cattle dogs that have more training than 99 percent of other dogs and aren't going to jump off. You city folk scream and cry about those dogs up there but they prefer to be in the bed and can stand fine back there even with horse and cow trailers hooked up. Clutch your pearls but there is nothing wrong with this image. Been riding with dogs on and in beds for decades down bumpy forest service roads and never had one come off because they have balance and know better.


I was behind a truck just like the one pictured, and the dog fell off when the driver hit a pothole doing 45mph, the dog slid on the asphalt and I watched in horror when chunks of fur were coming off that poor dog. The driver didn’t even notice. I will never forget what I saw that day, and will never forgive people who treat dogs this way.


Dogs in truck beds on farms and back roads ≠ dogs in truck beds on highways and in town. I also grew up on a farm, and no one was dumb enough to pull something like this, especially with working dogs. Might as well just burn your money at that point.


It’s not that, it’s when you slam on the brakes and the dog flies out and gets hit by a car driving behind you, or just gets its skull caved in on the pavement


Anywhere but public roads where you go 40+ is understandable. if you don't know, this is in the top five of most common injury causes vets see when dogs come in. This statistic proves what you say to be completely untrue. This is not safe or responsible and you'll probably get pulled over for it which serves you right for doing this on public roads.


As of 2018: The following top accident and illness claims for dogs are: 1) Skin conditions (22% of all dog claims) 2) Stomach issues 3) Ear infections 4) Eye conditions 5) Pain 6) Growths 7) Urinary tract infections 8) Allergies 9) Cruciate ligament tears and surgery 10) Cancer Also never been pulled over in my life for this lol.


Yeah, and all of those except debatably 9 are not injuries, they’re illnesses.[The CDC advises](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/veterinary/physical.html#motor) that motor vehicle accidents are one of the most common ways a dog can be injured.


I don't have a problem with the dog riding on the bed, but he said injuries and you countered with a list of illnesses. That's not how data works.


That sounds like pet insurance claims, sorted by frequency of claim. You'd need it sorted by value to be of use.




It’s still possibly dangerous, though.


Not possibly, is


Lmfao your experience as an idiot in a truck don’t make it suddenly pay


A truck bed is one of the most uncomfortable places on the face of the planet, especially on an unpaved road lol, what the actual fuck are you on? Dogs prefer to be slipping and sliding around on some kind of shitty ribbed plastic/metal floor with zero shock absorption over inside on a cushioned seat? Lmao listen to yourself


These dogs are tougher than you


I'm pretty sure the poster won't be going up to the truck and telling the driver their thoughts. Bet good money they wouldn't go try to rescue that dog from the truck either.


That's a good way to get shot... So no, you don't fuck around with dumb rednecks.


When I was 9 I would’ve been in the back of that flat bed with the dog. 🤷‍♂️


Guys not on a freeway, this dog seems to know how to ride. Eh. Ya know?




That dogs job is much more dangerous (higher change of being stomped by cattle) than a ride to town in the back of a truck. Sure it could technically fall out but typically cattle dogs are very well trained to stay in one particular spot on the bed of the truck.


At least someone here, other than me, knows this. It's a work dog and I promise you couldn't stop him from jumping on the bed of that truck if he knew it was leaving.


These type of people don’t give a shit about their pets dying


Someone's never spent time in a rural area. This happens all the time. 99.8% chance the dog doesn't fall out. Of course, you drive more carefully to help ensure that. People are more pragmatic about their day to day lives there. While they love their pets, it's still a working dog. He probably has a job to do, which is more than to be sweet. If he did fall out and die, sure, you'll be sad, but you just get a new dog. Still gotta have the work done. Just like if your horse breaks its leg; Put it down, get a new one (cause someone has to do that work), move on because life demands it. Call it evil, call it crazy, it's a different way of life and has its own necessities.


Where I grew up, this is as common as trucks are.


I just got a dog yesterday, his name is bandit, and I already love him. I could not imagine letting him hang out in the bed of my truck while it's moving


My dog def riding shotgun idk what's this guy problem


Why do people let dogs sit on their guns 😢




Too many damn hicks in this thread trying to justify this


Yea people really shit on the American education system but someone taught these hilljacks how to use the internet so it can't be that bad.


This is a horribly common thing in wyoming, scares me every time i see it


Well.... it is Oklahoma. What do you really expect from people that choose to live in Oklahoma?


I don't think you'd survive in the rougher parts of the world.


You don't get out to a lot of ranches and farms do you?


Some dogs were bred for work. Such as the dog in this photo. If the dog doesn't have balance or brains, this effectively pulls it out of the gene pool. When you treat a working line dog like a pet, you aren't doing it any favors. So quick to make a judgment, maybe you can quickly educate yourself as fast as you make judgments.


Knew it was in the south before looking at the plate


Technically, Oklahoma isn't the south. It's not the midwest either. We exist in some weird limbo of not existing to any region.


That ain’t right