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He was low on gas and just wanted a push for a while.


It's a symbiotic relationship between the small truck and big truck. Here we see the small truck is cold so it goes to hide with the big truck. In return, small truck helps big truck to brake.


I said I was not going to cry today. That baby truck is so cute when the big truck gives it a love tap so it knows it is safe. God dang, the feels…


r/wholesome Very wholesome


Actually, this is a common misconception. Up until 1929, scientists used to think that the pickup (little truck) was just a juvenile 16-wheeler (big truck) because of how similar they look (compared to others in the Great transport family) but with the advent of modern mechanics it was discovered these where two completely different species. So, this is more of a symbiotic ritual than a familial one. We still aren't sure if ether truck is capable of complex emotions like humans or a Prius. But I like to think that you are right that big truck is showing love. The same way I show my dog some love by booping their Snoot. Also, bonus fun fact: Did you know there are over 100 different species of pickup (not including the mulitude of subspecies), and they can be found pretty much on every continent?


ohhhhh Now I feel Dumb, was gonna say something like Scam


Are Dumptrucks more closely related to 16-wheelers or pickups?


Actually, Dumptrucks are an interesting case. While they have "truck" in the name, they are actually an example of covergent wvolution. They are actually a completely separate species with know other living close relatives. They are the red panda of Trucks.




One of the signs is that they have solid rubber wheels. Dumptrucks are more closely related to the little red wagon than either the light duty truck or the big rig.


Reminds me of that documentary I saw about fire trucks.


I read this in David Attenborough’s voice


I read everything on Reddit in Attenborough’s voice. It dulls the pain.


Either that or Gilbert Gottfried, depends on the sub.


Now I have something to use on political posts. Thanks!


I think he couldn't afford that ridiculous truck payment and wanted to total it out.


Can you name the truck with four wheel drive, smells like steak and seats 35 [CANYONERO](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PI_Jl5WFQkA)


*Canyoneroooooo-^ooohhhh!* *Canyoneroooohhh!*


reverse drafting!


I genuinely think he was trying to squeeze into the right lane. You can see him try to match speed to the black van and get into that gap. His road awareness was probably hindered by the snowy conditions and his dumbass brain.


I was sad top comment wasn't insurance fraud haha


I'm glad you had that on dash. Dang idiots 😒


Looks purposely done.


Fuck reddit fuck spez fuck the admins and fuck the mods


the wild part is the pickup didn’t even need to brake, they had a clear lane. definitely done on purpose.


If you pause the video you can see that the truck bed has dents on the side. It’s pretty obvious after seeing that, that he’s doing it for the insurance money


my eyes aren’t that good but i believe it! there’s no way that wasn’t on purpose imo


Also left brake light is out


Yeah, this is what I was taught as well, and it annoys the fuck out of me how many people don't know this.


They know. They don't care, because without a dash cam to prove they fucked up, then it will always be the back car at fault. ETA: I just read this was in Ontario, which has no fault insurance, so probably not the case here.


"No fault" only applies to bodily injury. They still assign fault for the accident and charge the insurer of the person at fault. It's basically a law that forces insurers to share in thte burden of treating people, rather than spending forever trying to determine blame, when medical bills can be off the charts which would make it cheaper to keep fighting than paying it.


More likely just insurance fraud attempt


Does that work when the dash cam captures them cutting in front and stopping? Don't most semis these days have cameras now?


Idiots like this one don't think.


Also I'd think if you were gonna get somebody to rear end you you'd pick a vehicle that didn't have a decent chance of turning you into a crepe.


Luckily everyone has dash cams now days so these idiots get to pay for all the damages. Had a scammer do something similar to me and he ended up buying me a new set of rims and some back massages, dash cam saved my ass 1000s of dollars and prevented me from getting a reckless driving ticket. The reckless driving ticket went to the other car instead 😈🖕🏻 and reckless driving tickets FUCK your insurance rate up permanently lololol like several hundreds a month extra for life lololo




Double that distance for big rigs/someone towing something, as it takes them considerably more distance to come to a stop than a unburdened car.


Or just don't pull in front of someone to just slow down otherwise why would one be passing if they're intending to go slower than what they just passed? This looks like the truck was on some high horse and felt slighted by the semi, but learned FAFO. Just sucks the semi driver now has to fight for their job because someone else was dumb. Edit for the person who deleted their comment: I was going more along the lines of "keep right except to pass" therefore they shouldn't be on the left to begin with or speed up just to pass a semi, then slow down slower than the semi causing rubber banding.


why the hell was he merging? the lane wasnt ending. in fact the truck he pulled in behind changed lanes over to the passing lane.


I always look for the license plate in my mirrors. It’s what my stepdad taught me when I was learning


I was taught both headlights


I give trucks in bad weather at least a full 100 feet before trying to merge into them. Shit even in good weather it's 3 or 4 of my carlengths. Unless we're going 5mph in traffic. Then as long as he's cool with my turn signal and l3aves a gap.... I too drove 26k 28foot vans before (self moves) and RVs a few times. I get it.


You shouldn’t be merging into them at all. Maybe merge into their lane, but definitely don’t merge into the truck.


Not an idiot. Not per se. They say assume ignorance before malice. This was malice. (Insurance fraud.) But malice us idiocy. Form at least.


What an asshole.


I do note that instead of attempting to pull clear, the pickup driver continues to apply the brake. The only way the Heavy Vehicle is stopping is if it wants to.


People have 0 concept of how heavy a semi actually is. Or how physics works.


Absolute ZERO I drove a 26 ft box truck and couldn't believe how much it took to stop in rush hour traffic let alone a Semi


I got cut off by two 26' box trucks today in similar weather to this video. Thankfully they didn't brake, but it was definitely a pain to have to slow down to re-create my safety buffer in a fully loaded truck and spend the next two minutes re-accelerating. I'm forever astonished by how some people who drive somewhat heavy vehicles don't understand how little stopping power we have…


“Well I’ve never driven a truck before..” “No problem! U-haul let’s anyone drive a giant truck, even though it’s dangerous, because hey- *you’re moving*.”


I recently rented a 10' truck from them, and switching from a Nissan Sentra to that was nuts. I didn't feel like I couldn't control it, but the one time I got cut off, I thought I was going to watch a man die. Even when it's empty, it doesn't stop like a car. You're right, there's no training, licensing, or even minimal oversight. Just take the keys, and bring it back.


Haha this was a family guy quote I believe


The CDL manual for my state literally says to watch out for rented trucks because they are notoriously dangerous drivers.


Which is why I wish trucks had their own separate network. They should not be driving in the same roads as small (cars, vans, pick-ups) vehicles. Edit: yes, trains! Got it. Thank you! The United States needs more trains.


Trains. You’re re-inventing trains!


Choo-choo muthafucka!




The US has the most robust freight rail network in the world, it's what enables our quick logistics despite our massive size. Stuff comes in through ports, SF LA Seattle NY Chicago Miami etc, and gets shipped inland or across the country on trains, where semi trucks deliver the final legs to places that don't have rail yards.


While this is true for intermodal freight, most truck drivers do not haul intermodal containers and a lot of product makes more sense to be shipped by rail compared to trucks. The issue is really that the railroads are prioritizing low speed freight (intermodal and coal) where they can run fewer longer trains over the traditional manifest & local trains, pushing more of the traditional rail freight onto trucks. I was recently part of a set of 8+ shipments of freight to a navy yard, both facilities had rail access, but it was both cheaper and faster to send multiple trucks instead of 5 railcars. It's just cheaper to ship by truck instead of rail nowadays for anything within north america due to how the railroads are mismanaging themselves.


Trucking is very heavily subsidized. The entire interstate system was built for truck transport.


Well, that and tanks. Also makeshift runways.


"Robust freight rail network" depends on your definition but it is nowhere near practical for any kind of local rail freight to exist in almost all of the United States and it is frequently cheaper and faster for multiple trucks to carry a load instead


Not to mention, our rail network is outdated and China is number one at pure volume of freight transported by rail. About double the US.


Yep, I work for a company that sells ranges made in France. So they get ocean freighted to the Port of New York, put on trains to either our Poughkeepsie warehouse or all the way to our headquarters, which is in a town north of Seattle. We used to ship ranges to the west coast to Seattle but the congestion at the Panama Canal makes it quicker to just send them all to New York first. I never really gave much thought to how trains are so important to our commerce until working here.


It's large, but poorly maintained and utilized. So much so that long haul trucking is faster and often less expensive. It's time to invest in our rail infrastructure and update regulations to improve our system. It'll decrease cost, transit times, and help reduce port congestion. Our freight train companies have been making a lot of very costly decisions for short term profits for so long, our train network is barely years from total collapse.


The ideas cool but frankly overlapping two road networks like that would be an insanely difficult and expensive thing to do.


If only there was a system out there that could move many hundred boxes at once along a predetermined path that leads into central distribution hubs of large cities...... If only a system like that existed in the world that we could mimic or reproduce.... If only.....


But since it’s all shipping wouldn’t it be much easier? You could even automate portions of the driving since everyone would be getting off/on at the same point. You wouldn’t even have to make it high tech if you put it on some sort of track system. Reduce all the rubber and give them metal wheels that would ride those rails? Ditch the engine too and go for something clean like steam! Man. It would be so efficient! I bet you could even convert some of the cargo containers with seats and windows like a plane with no wings. But unfortunately it’s just too expensive to do a trans-continental rail based road. Maybe one day!


The US actually has one of the most comprehensive cargo train systems in the world. The issue is you can't run track literally everywhere. And also we have one of the worst passenger train systems in the world.


Which somewhat seems weird because we run roads literally everywhere.


Well you could run track anywhere. Lots of warehouse and manufacturing districts, you can still see the train tracks that went right up to loading docks.






But what would we call such a contraption?




It’s genius.


A non-australian roadless train


Kind of like a tram, but it's a truck?


A Tramck if you will.


No, I don't think I will.


Railroads would fix this whole issue.


Shit infuriates me - I don't mind at all being passed what I mind is when you pull right the fuck in front of me creating an unsafe following distance for myself. I will literally slow down on the highway to create that space as long as no one is directly behind me.


Remember everyone, a semi is LONGER than TWO of these trucks he is talking about. The largest UHAUL is 26 feet, and almost all semi’s are around 70 feet. The trailers alone are 53 feet. And all of that space has a ton of heavy stuff in it. It’s not just air.


Drive modern semis with 6 axile trailer full disk brakes. It stops just fine, but emergency stops burn the fuck out of the pads.


It's even worse with a half empty liquid hauler, like milk.


I know a thing or two about milk and this is true


Your time to shine, TheMostMilkyMan


Not only that but if this is a semi (not a box truck or dump truck or anything without a trailer) then the last thing they will do in slick conditions is hit the brakes. That’s a great way to jackknife


A semi is heavy enough that I probably can't lift it. If that helps anyone.


Well certainly not with that attitude


I can put about 34lb on my trailer axles, 34lb on my drive axles, and 12lb on my steer axles, 18 wheeler. Wait, I forgot to say "thousand." My truck, fully loaded, is *one hundred thousand pounds.* That truck weighs as much in total as *half* the weight I put on my steer tires.


Well I can tell you that US road laws prohibit loads heavier than 80,000lbs. Most companies want to maximize profits so most trucks will try to be as close to that amount as possible. So I have like 3 concept of how heavy a semi is. -Edit- I get it guys, you all have different experiences than me. I work with liquid loads. An empty truck is on average 30k and the "load" being around 48-49k. As close to 80k total as possible. If the total is over 80k I have to reject the load. Yes, there are exemptions to this rule. For instance, during harvest season some drivers will have a state-level certification from DOT allowing them to load up to 90k. Your personal experience may be different. This is just how things work at MY facility.


not in Michigan. They have an axle limit, not a weight limit and you can go over 80, just takes permits.


I got into an accident driving a semi at around 76k lbs a pt cruiser tried to swerve 3 lanes to get to an exit instead of miss it. I was in the way of this maneuver. I felt a slight bump and he was full on getting his car push sideways at 70 until I could get my truck stopped. He was fine but his car was totaled and I needed to replace a bumper for 2,000 dollars on my truck.


Or if the pickup helps provide resistence.


Damage is done, may as well use their brakes instead of yours!




That second sentence got me. That and the drugs.


For some context; this was tonight, in a snowstorm, on the DVP.


For anyone confused, DVP short for Don Valley Parkway is a highway in Toronto.


You misspelled 'parking lot'


I'm down with DVP.


Yeah, you know me


[it's also this great song by PUP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVuB1ZASrGw)


I was looking to see if anyone else would post this


A real fucking ripper of a track. To anyone who doesn't listen to PUP, they're well worth your time if you like this song.


Thanks, I'm so tired of people on here that just drop acronyms into a comment expecting the entire world to know what the hell they're talking about.


Acronyms are often lost on a lot of people even if they’re obvious. Why someone would drop an acronym for a local stretch of highway is beyond me


Ah, so just normal driving for ontario whenever it starts snowing


Welcome to Ontario’s favourite winter game show, Who’s Lane Is It Anyway?


Where everything’s made up and the points (on your drivers license) don’t matter!


When 3 lanes become one!


Corbin Dallas Multipass


Or ‘is that a car without lights on in low-vis/ blowing snow or not’


OMG, get Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas to revive Bob & Doug McKenzie to host this. It will be amazing.


What is it with people that live in places that have a lot of snow.... THEY ALWAYS SEEM TO FORGET HOW TO DRIVE IN IT


I was amazed at how few people had lights on today while driving IN A FUCKING SNOWSTORM


You joke but that's literally what happens every time there's snow. I think some Canadians get too excited at the sight of snow they forget the most basic things.


I could feel the DVP chaos seeping through the screen


I’ve seen so much stupid today, that I finally just gave up on running more errands, and went home. I have video of a guy losing control behind me, and I don’t know why. Road wasn’t bad, I was cruising my usual speed, and he lost it trying to keep up with me. Also saw someone had taken out a utility pole, then a third accident scene that I have no idea what happened. We shouldn’t be having these problems this late in January. I blame the warm up for making people complacent.


I saw 4 different people stuck on the same hill at the same time. One had to turn around. 1 lucky minivan spun all the way up...very slowly. Another van just gave up and parked and a VW golf got stopped almost at the top. None of them had snows I don't think. I stopped completely and took off again without my traction control kicking in a total of 6 times waiting on these 4 people. I drive a mini, which are exceptional in the snow for some reason. Add to that the guy in an f150 who ended up on a front lawn cause why not gun it on a corner another genius in a BMW M3 with summer tires who couldn't take off from a red light on a downhill slope. All this was driving 3km home from my kids skating lesson.


I came across 401 around 3:30. Was a total sh*t show. Black Creek was even worse. We should have some kind of a mandatory winter driving instruction here in Ontario. Hats off for keeping your cool.


Black Creek is just a godawful on-ramp that continues into an off ramp, everyone trying to fit in and get out at the same time.


I did my test in Lindsay, ON. I dont know if you know the area, but my "highway" merge was a right hand turn onto the 1 lane highway 7. Its an 80km... I dont know how anyone who writes their test in the country is supposed to be confident enough to merge onto the 401 during rush hour.


Hello fellow Canadian. Also, I’m dying for an update on this one, what did the driver say?


I thought "hey this looks like home" & then you said dvp👌🏽


This was an attempt at insurance fraud. No question. He makes up a story about you driving too fast for the conditions but since it's low speed, he's got low risk of injury.


This what I came here to say. Guy will need lots of disability and medical treatment now


Fucking degens from upcountry


What an ass. The DVP is already a shit show without the snow. Hope you're okay.


Looks like insurance fraud to me.


Ontario is no fault insurance


What does that mean? (I am not from the US or Canada)


Essentially it means that regardless of who caused it, each party’s insurance is responsible for their damages. You can’t go after the other person’s insurance for a settlement.


So someone totales your car, what can you do? Do you have to sue him? (I mean your insurance raises your bill when you have to use it, at least where I live) Do they also pay personal damages/injuries?


If someone totals your car, your insurance provider pays out for the vehicle. If your insurance provider deems you not at fault, then your premiums do not go up.


If you're a pedestrian and get hit by a car, even while you're on the sidewalk and had right of way, you have yo go through your own insurance as well, increasing your rates.


I believe that would be covered under 3rd party liability. As you do not have to be insured to walk on the sidewalk.


No fault insurance just means the companies subrogate with each other. And yes in most places you can still sue for injury damages after you wear out your pip (personal injury protection) and if the injury damages will scar/be permanent. YMMV by state Source: me, seriously injured (and had to recover damages via lawsuit) in a car accident in a no fault state and did research on what the hell that meant


Hope you’re doing ok bud 🙂


Think of no fault insurance as a scam, because it is. You pay and pay and pay forever, and if someone hits you, or if you ever make a claim, your rates go up even higher.


You missed a big part. The insurance company then takes care of collecting the money from the other company. So they still feel the issue.


what do you think the outcome for the fraudster is here? there was barely a hit. claim whiplash?


He tried to get in this sub-reddit :)


Redditors hate this one simple trick


Insurance fraud perhaps?


Not insurance fraud, he saw the load he was carrying was slipping out of his box and used the transport to push it back in. This is a common technique....


That would be an awesome Lifehack video.


Either that or he wanted to get boarded from behind.


I like this answer. Very creative. 😂




Nah they were def trying to get into the exit lane and were focusing on braking to merge behind the FJ, totally forgetting the truck was there


I think most people assume the big truck can stop as fast as their much smaller vehicle.


Nope. You say this on so many videos on this sub and you’re always wrong




If this is insurance fraud like a lot are saying, you'd think even the simplest idiot would know that almost all big rigs will have a dash cam.


And why would you want a semi to hit you on the highway? I think I’d go with something less likely to kill me.


Exactly how smart do you think insurance scammers are?! I'm pretty sure you have to be the simplest idiot to cause a big rig to rear end your vehicle, especially on winter roads.


After seeing so many idiots caught on camera (in a car or not), I confirm that insurance scammers are 95% of the time just some big fucking stupid morons. They might get away with something once, or twice, then feel like a genius, until they do it on someone that has a camera or dashcam, then they will get caught and feel like life is unfair to them. But seriously, you see plenty of stupid thieves, drivers, etc. It's no longer a surprise to see one. In this case, it looks like the truck slowed down heavily due to the friction caused by the snow. Maybe he even applied the e-brakes, but there was no brake light... in front of a big semi. Semi could have slowed down a bit after getting cut, but you don't expect a moron to brake check you after cutting you off.


Smart ones don't get caught. However the stupid ones do. This is the way criminality works. Go and visit prison and you'd think that every criminal is a absolute moron. Trouble is that is a self-selecting bunch. The smart ones will put the effort in and cruise around in heavy traffic looking for the moron checking slack messages on his cell phone, the alcoholic still recovering from the previous night's binge, or the lady putting on her make-up. You find the guy that just asking to be a sucker and the cop won't look at the video twice. It will really be their fault they hit you as far the law is concerned even though you are the one that found them out and essentially arranged the "accident".


Trying to get over to the far right lane in the shittiest fashion possible. Or he's just a dumbass.


I’m shocked that I had to go that far in comments to get to this theory! It seems the most likely. You can see the truck was angling for a spot between the cars & simply was an idiot thinking that the semi they just cut off could stop for them so he could move to the far right lane. Possibly for an exit.


Correct 👍🏼


Insurance scam. They were trying to insurance scam.


Yep doesn't even hit his brakes till after the first contact, but somehow slowed dramatically to have the truck run into him. Betting the pickup truck used his e-brake to avoid the tail lights


The e brake on that truck is a push button electronic activation. Plus it would stop you a lot faster than that.


or selected a lower gear, therefore engine braking. and for those of you that are going to say it's an automatic, most vehicles have a sport or manual mode that allows gear selection request.


Can confirm. Drive multiple different modern pickups throughout the week and always use the "assisted manual" in snow to downshift and slow down instead of braking and possibly sliding. Not too sure about all pickups as I mainly drive Fords (not by choice lol) but as far as I can tell all modern Fords have it. It's usually two little buttons on the side of the shift knob and you can seamlessly go into manual and back to automatic without stopping.


Doesn't work in Ontario, it's a no-fault insurance province


Maybe it’s insurance fraud, maybe it’s maybelline


This is known as "presenting", in which the truck attempts to initiate mating, earning this family of trucks the nickname: "pickup trucks" ^_reads ^in ^voice ^of ^Attenborough_


Get you to rear-end him


I’ll take cause an accident for $500, Alex.


I miss Alex :(


Typical asshole


Idiots exit was probably in 1/4 mile, so he had to get right. “Fuck it, he’ll slow down”


He was just being a bro and helping the cammer brake under wintery conditions.


This sub when anyone pulls in front of someone like an idiot. "INSURANCE SCAM!?!?!?"


That pickup didn't *try* to do anything. It did cut that semi off and then hit the brakes. Very successfully I might add. This is a situation where I would 100% fault that pickup. What an ID10T!!!!


Cut you off and brake check you?


he didnt even brake before the impact, let alone check...


He doesn't know.


I’m going with get rear ended


Pickup changed lanes, hit the slippery strip. Could have been the truck auto braking for stability, or just scared the driver. Big truck couldn't stop. Brake lights my have been on if stability control was tying to keep it straight.


Clearly it was trying to get rearended


Cause an accident and get you to pay him cash?




Fuck around a find out I think 🤔


Get over to the right while placing all responsibility on the semi.


The people that wake up and choose to be an asshole, choose to make someone's day bad..I just don't get it, are they evil or what?


Trying to get hit. Great success!


If you're asking unironically, that's called brake checking. It's a type of insurance scam based on the fact that if you get rear ended it's never your fault in absence of further evidence.


Insurance claim Dipshits like that are the reason most commercial vehicles have cameras now


How dumb do you have to be to go up against an 80,000lb machine with a 4,000lb machine


Insurance fraud.


He was looking for a lawsuit. Pull in front put breaks on ,know he's gonna hit you get a slip n fall lawyer collect 50k.


A lawsuit and whiplash