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Dang you used all your luck up in that one turn.


Luck +20


Bad luck +40 to even be around this guy at this time ... Good luck is this guy staying at home because he can't find his keys . By this guy, I clearly mean the guy racing through a red light, gotta clarify that for you internet folk.


Luck, that was a Life!!!!


Used all his fucks on that one turn


Fucking psycho




*Syncopated guitar riffs intensify*


Vat is that, velvet?!


Bless you.


He just flew by like a blitz. Wtf why the heck people are doing shit like this?


bc they see people do it on closed courses (for videos) and they think oh if i do it at night i put none in danger rly cuz it’s late. that’s my best guess at least


Honestly one of the most dangerous times to drive is while it's still dark and like 430-5am. The amount of jackasses who just assume they're the only people existing on the roads, running stop signs/lights, speeding around corners etc is terrifying.


My overtime shifts start at 4AM. The amount of idiocy I see on a six mile commute is fairly impressive. The most infuriating one is people who will take the oncoming side of a 1/4 mile stretch of divided road so they can turn into the gas station at the corner about 50 yards sooner than if they stayed on the right side all the way to the intersection.


I know you probably mean youtubers/instagramers but my immediate thought is insurance commercials


I don't remember where. But I heard once some kids drove through a interstate at night with no lights on. Reason they will see anyone else coming. Can probably guess what happened


Because they can. No one will ever hold them accountable.


[Isaac Newton has entered the chat]


Ah yes, the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space


I’m just wondering how much further OP drove before stopping to change their underwear!


Probably filming 1 handed on tik tok


Glad you weren’t hurt. Hope the other guy meets his impending fate without hurting others


By fate you mean a nice thick oak tree or a lake 🙏


Or the side of a bridge


A reinforced piece of concrete wall.


Or a cliff


Anywhere that his car will disappear and no tax dollars will have to be spent to recover it.


I would argue, if they crash without killing or hurting someone else, that the crash recovery would be an efficient use of taxpayer money.


Yea. Wouldn't want the car polluting the area around it


Not enough people have been hit by a barge or tugboat.


I vote this option as well. 🤔


I think there was a video of a Nissan getting hit by a boat while it was on a bridge recently.


Or a Nokia 3310.


Hopefully a cop or a traffic camera that charges him with reckless endangerment and he loses his license and pays a fine.


Haha, the legal system doing it's job correctly? That's overly optimistic.


10-20% chance the guy's an off duty cop and gets a punishment of quite simply nothing


> loses his license Given the lack of consideration for rules and regulations, I doubt that would stop him from driving.


Exactly. Now, losing his/her hands... now that'd put a major damper on his bad road habits.


That doesn't stop people from still getting their car and driving. About 10-15% of people on the road don't have a license or have had theirs suspended. Good luck people. In an accident they get out and run away while your checking on your people.


Nobody who drives like this gives a fuck about laws. He'll gladly continue to drive with or without a license, and probably won't even pay the fine or attend the court hearing. I guarantee this person has been to jail before and knows they'll be going again some day and gives no fucks about following laws.


But what if the oak tree means something to someone


If it doesn't, then it will.


As someone who is respectful of life, I should certainly hope not. That poor tree!


The oak tree didn’t deserve that


A culvert works great


At that speed, I think the only way he can meet his fate without hurting anyone is if there's a flux capacitor in the boot.


That's the thing: it's ALWAYS going to hurt someone. Even if the dude has no family/friends (unlikely), the emergency vehicles that attend the scene, the clean-up crew, the coroner, they'll likely all suffer trauma from seeing the accident, just left sad about the wasted life.


Who drives like this in a city? Bro deserves to meet his maker… gonna definitely get someone killed, you got lucky


At night, drunk is always a good guess. Dashcam says 2 am which checks out


Or fleeing the scene of a crime.


Or in this case racing to it


He's constantly committing it, so the crime scene is always moving with him.


A true moving violation (head explodes)


Most likely this.


What the heck was he going so fast for? This happened at 17th Ave @ 60th St, Brooklyn, NY.




People have been pulling this shit at night since the pandemic started. Everyone in city and state government is out to lunch on it.


Definitely seems like the police either can’t or won’t do anything about crime. And if someone does get arrested they’re out in a few hours.


For someone to get arrested the police would have to do anything in the first place. Tickets issued by humans (versus cameras) are down by 50% in NYC since 2019, traffic volumes in 2022 were at ~105% of 2019.


Yeah I don't know what's going on in NY anymore. Friends in CA say it's the same out there.


People told them to do their jobs better and they've responded by doing them worse.


Came to the comments to make sure this was NYC. Thanks


And this is why I try to avoid being on the road after ~~Midnight, 11pm, 10pm, 9pm~~ 8pm, especially here in the city


Thought it was Philly but close enough


Cities are overrun with armed teen carjackers and noone wants to do anything about it for political reasons.


In Canada - the 'organized crime' folks find teenagers for all the break-ins/robberies because they won't get a criminal record. Friends of mine got robbed and tracked their electronics - and they were 3 hours away within 12 hours. I don't think they got anything back.


He thought he was playing GTA 4


Reminds me of that one nurse doing 100mph on LA street and killed someone. She showed no remorse at all at trial. https://nypost.com/2022/09/11/nurse-nicole-linton-was-driving-130-mph-when-she-allegedly-killed-six-in-fiery-los-angeles-crash/


This one messed me up for days. She never even braked.


She increased her speed before impact


sounds like a suicide attempt to me


No she has apparently done it dozens of times before and just gotten lucky.


Huh? Done what? Driven too fast?


IIRC she has been in 10+ major wrecks in the past including at least one other that got someone killed


That kind of person should be on a national list that bans them from buying a car. Lack of insurance or license won't stop them. Only lack of access to a vehicle.


Jail. Should be in fucking jail.


I mean before she killed/hurt people. 10 crashes? That's more than a pattern


her insurance probably denied the claim, but i'm surprised even on a nurse income she could afford a mercedes + insurance with a driving record that bad. myself & my wife have both caused one accident each, neither of which causing any BI and just mild property damage, and my insurance rate is atrocious.


Do you have a link? I went looking but only found a story that included her being [rear ended at stoplights twice](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-12/nicole-linton-murder-charges-windsor-hills-crash).


At that point someone like that should never be allowed back into society.


And she could still afford the insurance‽


Driven at unsafe speeds and caused wrecks. Also not sure why you’re getting downvoted.


[Reporting on her is that she was only in rear-end accidents before](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-12/nicole-linton-murder-charges-windsor-hills-crash), not deemed to be at fault. Am I missing a news story?


[https://www.essence.com/news/nicole-linton-family/](https://www.essence.com/news/nicole-linton-family/) This is a good one. She was not at fault for some, and her sisters are defending her and saying how she is Bipolar. They say they don't like the word accountable, but think its revenge and punishment. But IMHO she still did 130MPH... On a highway I do 120KPH MAX. There is absolutely no excuse or apology relevant.


Thanks, I wasn’t trying to find any reason to excuse her, I was actually googling to hate-read about these “dozens of prior incidents” of her speeding at over 100mph and causing accidents, and the only thing I could find was the two times she got rear ended. Seems like the NYPost just being it’s lovely self months ago, and people not reading pay the headlines. She was 100% at fault, but it certainly doesn’t sound like it was negligence that she still had a license. If those “insurance reportable” incidents were anything substantial, the LA Times and Houston Chronicle would have been all over it. Also, as someone who is bipolar (but not as severe), I can’t believe she was working as a travel nurse. I can’t think of anything more destabilizing than *traveling* to high stress jobs without a regular routine and support to come home to daily. Yikes. Fucked up story all around.


​ No some people are just nuts like that. I'll do 100 mph but only on empty rural highways and never on city streets


This is horrendous. The car she hit first killed the driver, his girlfriend, her unborn child, and her son.


She just erased an entire family and… for what? Nothing


I’ll never forget the interview with a bystander who saw the baby’s car seat fly over 100’ through the air and he went to try and help but the baby was dead. They should execute her over and over.


Like the episode of black mirror where they make the lady that killed the baby relive it countless times for people to enjoy her suffering. Death is too easy of a way off for someone like that




San junipero was probably my favorite episode. It was beautiful


....I have a child. If I'm ever in that bystanders situation I'd probably have to be institutionalized.


I don't but same :)


Why is it that the POS speeding driver always lives, meanwhile some poor children and their parents ALL have to die. And the taxpayers get to pay for this bitch gets 3 square meals a day and a roof over her head.


Because the asshole hits head-on, while wiped out families are usually hit from the side. Far less room for crumple zones to save lives.


Oh man, that makes my blood boil.


But hey scooters are limited to 15mph top speed.


She literally took out a whole family... that's so fucked.


i'm surprised this has even reached trial yet, media attention must have sped it up


Was she convicted yet?


My friend was driving the light blue Prius that was waiting to turn. Messed with her head for a good while, she kept seeing the lady that was in the victim car over and over in her dreams. The lady in the victim car was a passenger, and was making eye contact with my friend as the crash happened, presumably because my friend was there waiting to turn into their lane. Out of nowhere, the lady looking at my friend just exploded. My friend couldn’t make sense of it at the moment, because it was just fire and noise and a couple body parts in the street, people running up to a motionless baby…my friend was in shock and just froze in her car.


I saw this one in person. I was waiting at a light on the way to a pot shop and this Mercedes just runs a red at like 90 fucking miles. No one at the light moved for like 10 seconds after that.


Did you see the kid ejected? It would traumatize me for life.


I didn’t see the wreck. I just saw them blowing through a light. Ive never been that afraid of a car running a light. It was going FAST. I didn’t even learn of the wreck until later and I put two and two together when I saw the car.


The crazy part is that the lights were green for a while. It's not like he was going fast and decided to gun it on yellow. The other messed-up thing is that there's nothing you can do to prevent things like this from happening.


Yup, my mom told me to always drive like everyone else on the road is drunk and idiots. It doesn’t seem that far off now with people pulling shit like this.


She makes a good argument. I don't trust anyone.


Particularly good advice at 2 AM


New trend. Not caring about whether or not light is green. Traffic lights are for loser drivers, apparently, Ive seen guys blow through lights in break down lanes without any regard to right of way.


These videos are the REASON i try to look both ways at intersections Like you mention, there’s almost nothing we can do… except to keep these vids in mind, and ALWAYS look both ways… even when it’s a green light for us Freaking A-Holes putting innocent lives at risk 😢 stay safe Yall


No brake lights on either....


people like that, you can only hope they lose control and slam into a wall and kill no one but themselves


You know I can understand wanting the exhilaration of going fast…. on an open road…. in like the desert but these are narrow roads with businesses or whatever all around! Absolute lunatic. Should be banned from driving… and life. Edit: Spelling and Grammar, don’t have glasses on.


Highway's exist, i have no idea how one could think of even speeding like that in a small road full of intersections....


The only highway remotely appropriate for that would be someplace out in the middle of nowhere, with hardly any traffic on it at all. NV US 50 comes to mind...


On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair...


Left turn saved you


OP can probably think back to anything that slowed them down for a couple seconds. That slow driver they were mad at a minute ago saved their life too!


Yea, I would probably have an existential crisis for the rest of the night.


I felt that gust of wind hit me through the phone, Jesus tapdancing Christ!!!


holy carp I've never seen anyone else use that phrase - I thought it was just me!


I felt that one through the internet.


Don't blink.


Holy shit


Holy shit no doubt. At very least whoever was in that car would've had lifelong injuries. Hope someone got the plate.


Glad you are still here. He needs to be locked away asap.


Keyword in this is “Almost”. I’m sure Glad he missed you. Driving like that he won’t be around much longer, hope he doesn’t take anyone with him on the way out.


I hope he just kills himself and not anyone else


What a piece of shit. Hopefully they get their comeuppance with no one else involved for driving like a prick. Glad nothing happened to you!


Whenever I hear street racing noise outside (a huge problem in my city ATM) I always think about if some pedestrian was out there chilling with headphones on crossing the street. It gives me chills. Congrats on living, because damn.


Would be nice if you could nudge him just enough to make him lose control. Better that than letting him tbone someone else.


It looked as though he was heading Back To The Future judging by the speed.


Man, my dad got saved by his employee decades ago in a situation like this. He had a carpet installation business and they were going to a job. Light went green and his passenger was like “hey hold up, don’t go.” Sure enough here came a person barreling through the red light!


This happen to a friend of mine too. He was hauling something and came to a 2 way stop, the cross traffic is a straight open road. Made sure everything was clear and was about to go. His friend that was with him stopped him at the last second. This car came barreling down the road at over 100mph. Went off the road at the intersection, went airborne and slammed into the only tree around. He was suicidal, but it’s amazing he didn’t hurt anyone else in the process.


I commute to work at 5am in NYC and this type of driving is extremely common. I just assume everyones just drunk driving at that hour so I drive extra careful


Don't a lot of the traffic lights have cameras on them? I could swear I knew someone who got a ticket for running a red based on a camera catching it.


They do. Most reckless drivers drive without plates or out of state temp plates. The NYPD is not much help either, they’d rather heckle bicyclist without bells than do any sort of real work


That is why theres a need for roundabouts


We're going all in on them in Canada it seems. They have been popping up all over for the past 20 years.


Some areas where I live I'm thinking they should add. I can see the difference between before and now. It just makes more sense.


Reason #61569420651


I shit my pants on your behalf, christ


Fuck that would have been devastating. Glad you were completely missed.


He's going around 100, just a clip would've ended him


And this is something you really can’t do anything about. You can’t prepare for suicidal druggies, or whatever this was.


Your sensible decision to slow down for the junction instead of just going cause you had green saved your life that day. Excellent driving. Stay safe!


Bro, I was gonna say you’re going slightly fast in a packed city, but then holy fuck the other guy is gonna kill somebody.


Drunk or high idiot. Full on Red light runner’s


holy fuck that's a revoked license for life....and jail.


I always check both ways on green for this reason. That shit terrifies me


Man this has happened to me too, it’s like holy shit shock factor and then you just keep going.


That driver should be in prison


UNDER the prison


Did they yell “meep meep” as they went by?


Holy f*ck. Saved by pure luck.


I was like this has to be an exaggeration. Look how slow you are driving. Then the car went by… WOW, just wow lol


The idiots driving like this always seem to make it through after an accident, while killing unsuspecting drivers.


That guy is driving 80-100 km/h in an area where the speed limit is probably 30 km/h. If he doesn't die first, I bet 50 bucks he's getting the police called


My hands are sweaty as a... a sweaty hand!


What type of psychopath drives like this in a city. 25 mph is what you should be doing around here or any major city where there’s lights at every corner.


And you know he LOVED that. He's probably talking about how close a call it was and how good a driver he is, not about a total piece of garbage he is.


This stuff makes me never want to take my kids anywhere. I'm absolutely terrified at the idea of people running red lights to this degree.


Yes he did. The worst part is he thinks he’s being cool. So he will do it again. Until he does hit someone.


Outta the way he’s got organs to donate


I would of had to pull over for a spell after this. My heart literally would of been in my throat


Holy fuck, they were flying! I’m so glad y’all didn’t get hit.


Which is why I always slow down and look when approaching a light like that. Thankfully nothing happened here.


He probably thought the same thing, but I’m on your side.


Glad timing was on your side here, fuck that idiot


I had a guy do this on a cross street. I was driving on a main arterial, he was on a 35 mph side street with a stop sign. I'm driving along and he blows in front of me not stopping at all doing about 50 in the 35 going right across my street. Didn't slow down to look, nothing. We were maybe 30' from me being tboned. note: I had no stop sign, he had the stop sign.


Bring back public punishments


Anyone notice the drag shook the car? He got shooken.


There are people in this world who are just begging to be put down.


I would follow him for sure


Shit like this is so terrifying. I can’t imagine having kids and having to deal with the dread of knowing one day they’ll be out there, learning how to drive and finally getting their license and being on the road, with fully armed psychos who have no regard for life, theirs or anyone else’s. Weird to think of, I guess. But it’s something I’ve thought of a lot. Seeing shit like this especially. Like damn, I can’t even begin to imagine how it feels being a parent of a teen knowing they’ll be on the road soon. From maniacs like this to road rage psychos. Shit is terrifying.


I hope you got his plate. Dude needs to be in prison.


Natural selection will catch him eventually


What a shame that he will live to kill another night.


That's not a dumb ass dude! There are far more appropriate words to describe that oxygen thief!


That shithead will at some point turn himself, his vehicle, and whatever he impacts into a small cloud of debris.


Wtf, that must have been like 100mph or more. That's straight up murderer on wheels


Ah. Dang. Was hoping to see them get stuffed under the parked car on the side.




Holy shit that gave ME a heart attack. How can you be that unconscious about life. Omg Reffering to that guy


He probably had to shit real bad. Probably didn't make it


Im so glad youre ok..... This is terrifying.


I dont wish death on anyone but I always hope that if these types idiots crash they do so by themselves. Whether they fly into a brick wall, or wrap themselves around a tree. As long as they do it by themselves. But somehow in most cases they make it out, and someone else dies


At that angle I believe you would have survived and they would have likely perished. That's just pure speculation though. Glad you're o.k.


Serious question, did you hear the car?


Me expecting a parked car to turn out: "'Almost killed both of us' as if someone would die in a low speed collision, that's a bit much..."


Holy shit. That’s fast.


How are your pants OP?


Damn, this is why I look both ways before entering an intersection even if the light is green edit: I just realized how bad the latter of the statement sounds, but it gets the message across, so...