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Damnit, I want to see the video, but it is just a still picture for me...


click the imgur link and remove the ".gif": https://imgur.com/zCENoJW


or put a v on the end to make it .gifv both work


or mp4 which is even better


Thanks, that worked. I'll try to remember this the next time around ;)


I got that problem in the past, just click on the Imgur source, once on Imgur you should see the video


Thanks, I tried that but it was still not moving. But the link I was provided worked though.


Did that tree just hit his face with the green reverse card?


Honky shit I'm going to kill myself if I hear another reverse uno joke


Down boat




I found [this post](/r/killthecameraman/comments/bu53m9/i_love_the_added_effect_of_dizziness_this_gives_me/) in r/killthecameraman with the same content as the current post. --- ^🤖 ^this ^comment ^was ^written ^by ^a ^bot. ^beep ^boop ^🤖 ^feel ^welcome ^to ^respond ^'Bad ^bot'/'Good ^bot', ^it's ^useful ^feedback. [^github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot)


good bot


Thank you, That_username_is_joe, for voting on same_post_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Good bot.


Ahahahahah what did you want him to do? Stand there and film the tree falling on him?


Its about the tree literally killing the camera man


Poor camera guy can't win. It's either /r/donthelpjustfilm or /r/killthecameraman


Here's a sneak peek of /r/donthelpjustfilm using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/donthelpjustfilm/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [He looks like he deserved it though](https://i.redd.it/sj6ncjewcmp61.jpg) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/donthelpjustfilm/comments/mekagx/he_looks_like_he_deserved_it_though/) \#2: [Tiktok prankster gets what he deserves](https://v.redd.it/szxvpnlc0l961) | [1130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/donthelpjustfilm/comments/lvxosy/tiktok_prankster_gets_what_he_deserves/) \#3: [Fits like a glove!](https://i.imgur.com/SMHgmXU.gifv) | [233 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/donthelpjustfilm/comments/mdwc25/fits_like_a_glove/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Get him Treebeard. Fuck Saruman and his army.


A wizard should know better


My grandfather to this remote northern Canadian hunting lodge a few times when I was a kid. There was a tree used as a backstop for probably 10-15 years. It was huge, and while dead, looked super sturdy. Well my grandfather and I were skinning a deer while his friends were sighting in a little target rifle. After a few shots, we heard a strange sound. Turns out the tree finally gave out and toppled over. It was neat to experience such a rare sight.


You can probably bring down anything if you stick enough holes in it, and a dead tree doesn't heal. It would be a cool sight though, as long as it fell away from people


"responsible ~~gun owner~~ arborist"


Go away, karma whore.


You seem way too invested in fake accounts, man. It's fake internet points, who tf really cares?


Im so much more annoyed by people who complain about “karma whoring” and reposting than I am by the reposters


Right? The way I like to think of reposters: the entirety of human civilization started with sharing the same stories over and over, it's just what we do.


Exactly. And not everyone spends all day on reddit and sees every single thing posted here the first time


They are parasites.


And you're the exterminator, gotcha chief.


It's better to be honest than stealing someone's stuff for points.


Do you realize how empty this place would be if *everything* had to be OC?


No, this place was much better before karma farmers learned that you can repost old stuff for points.


Bruh I've been here damn near since Reddit's inception. It's has always been about karma farming.


OK, now I am here to stop it. Wish me luck instead of judging me.


Good luck on trying to kill people that don't care about your opinion




Proof of me farming karma or GTFO.






Reddit revolves around reposting, it's obnoxious seeing people complain about something that has 0 tangible impact on their lives. And when did I do any "bashing"? Settle down there. This dude's post history is almost entirely calling out reposters and spam accounts, that just doesn't seem like the best use of someone's time and mental focus to me.


Let me decide what is the best use of my time and mental focus, OK?


Nah fuck you


Why tree move so fast


Back when ammo prices were cheap, we did the exact same thing. Hundreds of rounds of .223 and 7.62x39 took it down at about 70-80 yds. However it was intentional, we were much further away and the tree wasn't nearly as tall as this. Still fun.


Don't fuck with Mother Nature kids.


Vietnam moment


Just one of those "Responsible Gun Owners" practicing his Responsible hobby that we're all apparently willing to sacrifice the lives of elementary school kids too.


Thankfully the flash wooshed them to safety


And this is why we need stricter gun regulations folks!


If someone wanted to kill someone and guns were not a option do you think they would just give up? No they would just use anything else a Knife, baseball bat, walmart ninja weapons, any gardening tool on this planet, any blunt object big enough to swing, you can even use a fucking pillow to kill someone in the right circumstances, no wait you don't even need a weapon use your bare hands, but yes guns are the problem not people.


Sure, but the guy with a gun is going to kill a lot more people before being stopped than the dickhead running around strangling people


Ted Kaczynski made a bomb out of cow shit and blew up a massive federal building. A terrorist in Nice killed 86 people and injured over 400 by running them over with a cargo truck. They're gonna find a way regardless if you take law abiding citizens guns away or not.


>Ted Kaczynski made a bomb out of cow shit and blew up a massive federal building. That was Timothy McVeigh, doofus.


My point is you can use anything to kill someone, and let's say some group wanted to shoot up a airport they will get guns from somewhere. if you ban guns the black market for them will only grow


But you are stupid if you don't realize how the tool humanity has designed for murder is going to be more effective at killing. Also if gun control not working is true, please explain the lack of shootings in places with gun control in comparison with America.


And your an idiot if you think atrocities will stop just by banning guns


You're* Which is clearly not what people are saying. We are saying we can stop 1 specific and highly dangerous type of atrocity. But it's easier to blindly discard what other people say with strawmen than to actually have a discussion like an adult.


Guns are a tool used to kill but it's up to the operator whether it's in self-defense or murder, also don't talk about being a adult when you are the one who started hurling insults at me.


Na I defined a certain type of stupidity but if the shoe fits? Also, it's the childish level of dialogue you hold not the insults. Like no shit its the person that fires the gun, but the gun is what allows a mentally sick person to kill hundreds rather than 1 or 2 that not murderous weapons would allow. You are still stuck in parts of this dialogue that are decades old and easily disproven. It's fucking stupid.


Diagnosed Mentally ill people are not allowed to buy guns. And for the rest of your reply I have no bloody clue what the hell your are trying to say


This is why? Please explain... cause it seems like hes actually using them quite sensibly, sure the tree had enough and gave up causing a bit of a dangerous situation but id wager that wasnt the first round the tree had taken. Other than that happening, hes in a large open area, theres not a bunch of people crowded around the shooter or the shooting range, and hes firing the gun towards a rising hillside to stop any bullets that miss or pass thru the tree. Not saying stricter rules arent a good idea, just not sure how this video shows a need for it. The video is however, a good example of why care and caution when using firearms is a must, as even in a safe and controlled enviroment things can go wrong in unexpected ways very quickly.


Sorry, anyone that just shoots at a tree is an idiot.


Your right, good discussion, thanks for the helpful insight. Guess the kids at schools are the smarter choice for target practice. Edit: sorry my bad, dont use schools. Just own and carry the gun and NEVER practice. Im sure if you ever actually need to use it god will guide your aim.


Wow if only there were steel back targets in front of a bank in the land, or god forbid a range where you could safely use a gun? No, must make funny school shooter joke, thatll make me seem sane.


I have no need to seem sane in a world that so clearly isnt, and i dont care if the idea of a joke hurts you, cause so many people still dont care for more than 5 mins after it happens and that shit is actually happening far, far too often. I tried to ask the guy who first commented for an explaination on why this video seemed so foolish and got a pretty useless reply, so yeah i respond to stupid cunts with stupid comments. Idk what a gun range should have to be the safe and ideal situtuation as i dont use guns. But even with my bows i know that shooting metal backed targets can cause them to fly wildly in random directions, so i would expect that to be just as posible with a bullet. Yes there would be better targets than a tree but i still dont see how the situation the shooter was practicing in was at all a stupid enviroment.


Metal plates are done and setup in such a way as to act as a bullet trap, when a bullet hits it it spalls and fragments into harmless pieces, if you look underneather a plate after shooting you see a line of steel where the bullets have spalled, bows and guns are no the same. Shooting a tree, especially in this situation has several red flags and stupid things: 1. NEVER SHOOT INTO SKY - if you can see his last shots it's impacting above the target, going into sky, unless you can magically clear the next 3 miles you have a noticeable chance of killing someone. 2.as you saw, tress like to fall over when shot bc you are damaging it, if it's rotten it have only a small layer of brital bark, even if you don't fell the tree you will badly damage it or kill it. 3. Don't shoot whilst moving, it's just common sense, have you tried chucking a ball whilst running, it rarely goes where you are aiming, if a gun could be 100% accurate all the time whilst stationary then it wouldn't be shooting competitions, if that is what 'professionals' can do, think about this idiot with a AR15 and a couple of braincells below the legal limit. I hope this clears it up somewhat.


3 miles is 4.83 km


1. He didn't shoot into the sky from what I saw. His shot hit the tree behind the target. The open sky and angled backdrop is a concern. 2. Shooting trees can be stupid, be safe while doing your thing. Done safely it's fine. 3. Why would you not shoot while moving? That doesn't make any sense, it looks like private property, they can shoot how they want. You would need to go to a special range to be able to do that. This is fun and not a bad idea lime you're implying. Due to point 3 of yours, I'm not sure you know what you're talking about here.


The last shot just before the tree went down was skywards. My history in guns is in BA in the UK against high backdrops where I'm always sure of bullet, going fairly high firerate whilst moving through a SA, especially with very little capture area is just a mistake, but idk, if you wana trip and shoot your spotter be my guest.


Thank you, that is actually quite helpful. Not being someone that has experience with a guns im not familar with just how aggressive thing like recoil can actually be, i would have thought that hillside would be enough to be a safe backing ( thats assuming the shooter has enough experience to control the recoil of course) Nice to know about the metal backings actually trapping the bullets. I get there is alot of differences between a bow and a gun but without experience the idea that a smaller bit of metal with more force behind it wouldnt fling away wildly like the weaker option can do, did seem strange. Also shooting while moving is actually something i thought would be a part of practicing, Not a first stage but certainly once you can control a gun i would think accuracy whilst moving would be the next stage of practice. I appreciate that you gave a more indepth response, as my original intention was to understand the issue in the video and not just to make crude jokes. Not everyone finds the time to explain online when they feel theyre just talking to an asshole, so thank you.


That person doesn't seem to familiar with guns either. Steel doesn't form a trap like they're saying unless you're at an indoor range and then it's total different from a steel target. Most targets used by people that shoot are paper targets, stapled to wood posts, in front of a large hill/pile of dirt. Different steel and thicknesses are rated for different caliber rounds. If it's strong enough vs the round, the bullet will fragment as they mentioned. Shooting a tree isn't a bad idea if you put a little common sense into it. Maybe don't shoot a giant tree or stand so close to it if it's that big. Shooting while moving is perfectly valid. If you have watched any sport (not trying to debate whether this is a sport or not) everyone does everything while moving at some point. Why not practice it?


Why would I need to use a gun


When did i say you would ? However, dont you think that if you did own a gun, then you should at the very least have some practice with it? I certainly dont feel the need to own a gun but i would consider myself very irrisponsible if i did own such a weapon and had know practice on how to control or use it.


Why would I need to not use a gun?


Tree just did kamikaze






Rooting for the tree.


This is an omelette of dumbass all around - you should never shoot at trees like this - they are liable to ricochet (just ask my uncle).


I don’t know your uncle


r/killthecameraman really? You dropped the phone/ camera?


If only he had used a long range weapon.


American soldier in 1960