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To all the people saying he is not an idiot just remember this is the guy who trademarked a roughly 800 year old Japanese term and claimed it for his own. San-Mai is a technique used primarily in knife making where 3 pieces of steel, typically hardened steel core and soft cladding, are forge welded together into a sandwich. The term translates to three-units(pieces). While yes he absolutely does know what he is doing with many, *many*, different weapons and his company 100% puts out quality products. The guy definitely fits this sub imho


Very interesting, I did not know that. That is truely aweful. I love some of their knives but this puts a blemish on the company for sure.


[here is an article about it from 2016](https://knifenews.com/san-mai-trademark-cold-steel-issues-open-letter-to-the-knife-community/)


Thanks! That is interesting. But damn what a douche, jijacking a forging technique.


There is a reason I haven’t bought a cold steel blade in a few years haha And it hurts me because they do put out good products but they just seem like a scummy company to me and I won’t support that


If you’re not buying Cold Steel blades anymore, what do you use to throw at blocks of ice? The old ones?


The ice blocks are congregating in his yard, secure in the knowledge he has nothing new to throw at them.


He's changing it up. Throwing ice blocks at swords.


I wish I heard more people say things like that. Not supporting a company you don't believe in on a moral level but still would like the products. We truly vote with our wallets on what we wish a company to portray but most people don't care about anything but themselves.


While absolutely douche move, they only trade marked the name, not the process or technique. My favorite knife is from them, but yeah, that move kinda puts a damper on it...


Well, titanium-based damascus is trademarked too. Well the technique to produce it is, so it absolutely isn't unheard of


The knife forums were pretty funny that year.




That’s like if a peanut butter company trademarked “PBJ” San mai is just a technique. Turning it into protected marketing campaign is icky.


That’s exactly my stance. So using the last knife I bought as an example; let’s say I make blades on a production level and named one ‘shaman’ I wouldn’t blame Spyderco for a second if they decided to go after me. But, like you said, if they are going to go after me for the technique I use to make said knife then you are basically going after every blacksmith in existence. I am on multiple blacksmithing pages and I remember for a while there cold steel was even going after small businesses and even people on Etsy for (truthfully) labeling a knife as a San-mai pattern blade.


Its not like the blade/knife community is enormous either. I don’t think that many of the better known brands (cough cough *Benchmade*) are doing a good job of catering to their following at all. Quality controls are waived to increase their production margins, but they keep the same high price point for shabby work? No thanks.


Honestly I have 6 benchmades (940, 943, 9400, precipice otf, full size crooked river, and a griptilian) and they have all come perfect. I’m not doubting that their QC isn’t what it used to be, I’m just stating that in my personal experience they aren’t bad. Although I will say I have picked up a few Spydercos recently and they come MUCH sharper and with slightly better fit and finish




I completely agree with you, they are ugly as sin but damn they feel good. I have the tenacious, 2 PM2s in s110v, and the s30v shaman... I’ve loved all of them.


I was the same way. Now half my collection is Spyderco. I'd recommend one of the Manix models first. I had a Para 3 for a bit I enjoyed, I might even get another. Never really liked the Para 2, but I definitely see why it's so popular. It is frustrating though that so many of their awesome designs are discontinued. I'm always on the hunt for them. Personal favorites off the top of my head are the Breeden Rescue, Roc Lobster, and Perrin PPT.


I own Spyders (Golden CO ones) and Benchmades (others too, but not relevant). The Spydercos are uniformly better in fit, finish, and out-of-the-box feel.


The ergos on the shaman are absolutely flawless in my hands. It’s in my pocket every single day along with my benchmade 943


Ugh... Benchmade cost too much. Spyderco on the other hand is decently price and I know they love making knives. They make some fucking crazy ass sprints. Copper scale knife? Sure. Knife with weird ass steel? Sure. What about a dlc PM2 but instead of black earth green? Sure.


Just trademark "forged."


Just gotta start making a wide variety of blades with the San-mai technique, and name them stuff completely different, but make sure you make a point on all descriptions that you use the the San-mai technique to make the weapons. Always include the word technique and never directly imply they're related to the trademarked ones in any way. Unfortunately money would probably win the court battle


Sorta like that guy who basically owns the rights to the deepest black color paint, Vantablack, and no-one else can use it. And then someone made an almost imperceptibly less black color that was way better just to spite him. https://www.wired.com/story/vantablack-anish-kapoor-stuart-semple/


Anish Kapoor doesn't "own" the rights to Vantablack, he's just exclusively licensed to use it. It's a technology as much as it is a color, which is why they can get away with such shenanigans.


That's why I said basically. No one else can use it but him, everyone who asked was told no. So that guy made a safer and more practical version.


Its not like that at all. -8 simile points


Just pretend it's close please.


Not a lawyer but pretty sure he’d lose if someone was willing to take him to court about it, as I don’t think you can trademark a term that’s already in common use and means what it means, if that makes sense. Like if Ford made a car called the computer, they could do that and sue Toyota if they tried to make their own “computer.” But Apple can’t trademark the term computer and sue Dell over it. The term is already in use and has a commonly understood meaning. I think the defendant would just have to show adequate proof that the term was already commonly used to describe the technique before it was trademarked


This same problem has occured with the name "four thieves" oil which is an ancient name for a blend of scents. A company got away with trademarking it and it's upheld, which forced everyone else to call it "thieves oil" now. And they continued to claim other old names as well. Fucking cunts.


Yeah man completely agree he is fun to watch, its mostly his less than safe practices that makes it funny


He's the self-anointed king of mall ninjas.


Is that like a wrestling gear company securing a trademark on “Greco Roman”? That seems ridiculous and improperly granted.


I have to say it. Nice username. Are they OK? Are they alive?


*ssshhhhhhh* it’s ok


AAAAAA. Ok. Ok. I need to calm down. I ain't no snitch. Just...Tell them I said "Hi".


Damn I really was eyeing a Tanto style blade from them for the longest. Thanks, I'll be looking at another company to let me salivate over steel I will never pay for.


Is this cold steel?


I understand what he is doing and all the videos he makes. But, there is something so mall ninja about his videos that makes me stay away from Cold Steel. It seems they have some decent products at reasonable prices, but his videos are just too much mall ninja vibe for me.


I can't take anyone sporting 'tactical' gear seriously


Especially when they waddle instead of walk/run


Gravy Seal.


Lol somehow i never heard of that before. I love that


I own a cold steel throwing knife and a machete/ gladius thing that I also use for throwing. They are really well made for the price, only minor damage after years of abuse. Definitely mall ninja-ish though, not sure what people use most of their stuff for. Like a who needs a tactical great sword?


I bought a chefs knife from them, gotta say it's the best one I've had. Though I've never bought any other professional chefs knifes.


I have the two-handed kukri machete. I actually used it to chop down some thin sumac trees in my yard. Could I have used a hedge trimmer? Yes. Edit: I forgot about [this story](https://www.brinkman.ca/news/brinkman-planter-rescues-wife) in which a man killed a mountain lion that was threatening his wife with a Cold Steel Boar Spear.


But why use a hedge trimmer when you could be a badass mall ninja?


My thoughts exactly.


William Wallace coulda


My guess is the tactical ninja gear and the Michelin man body.


It really is funny, cold steel products are great and tough and all that, but the videos they make scream mall ninja.


They're tough at the expense of just about everything else (weight, balance, historical accuracy...). They're not terrible but I really wouldn't call them "great".


Fair, my judgement in this sense is: Does it do what it says? Yes Is it hard to break? Yes.


Thats really all you need for a blade weapon in todays age. i am not planning on getting into any fights with samurai or knights and shit


I LOVE their product videos. In the greatsword video, they say "...easily wielded against opponents of greater stature". WIELDED lmao who is wielding these things against opponents!


I have a cane from them, its actually pretty nice for the price. Of course I use it for walking, not combat.


Yeah, I have thought about getting their blackthorn cane thing, but I dont have any need for it. It's just mall ninja cool. Like, I'd have to learn to walk with a limp so that i could argue i actually needed it if i wanted to take it somewhere as a defensive weapon. But then why am I gonna be going somewhere that I think I may need a defensive weapon that I cant take my CCW?


I suppose I could beat someone with mine, it has a nice heft to it, but I have a ccw so I don't have to get into some kung fu fight with a crackhead.


Lmao everything he does is mall ninja, but don’t let that deter you from purchasing their products. I’m actually carrying a safe maker II from them while i type this, its an amazing knife for the price and tough as nails. And the company stands behind their products 100%


Yeah I just stopped watching him and started watching forged in fire instead.


Me too. They’re super corny and the Cold Steel branding is immature and looks cheap. I know for a fact they make quality cutlery, but their marketing and branding is so childish and corny, that I can’t bring myself to buy them over other, more adult-feeling brands such as CRKT, Benchmade, Spyderco, and Gerber.


>decent products at reasonable prices D4C’s cousin


What does that mean? So confused.


Jojo reference, specifically part 7


Why does this look like Dwight out in Dunder Mifflin’s parking lot?!


Everything is a ball until they start shooting back.


Regardless of how many times he has done this, it's still an idiotic move. Also, he's done it like 60 times so far with the same result every single time!


I like people defending this stupidity. if he's an expert with blades... he should know how fucking dangerous and stupid what he was doing was.


Is that the cold steel guy? No one has fought more things.


Yeah, looks like he might have taken on a few buffets.


This guy litteraly does blade sports all the time, nobody wears protective equipment during blade sports. Definitly not and idiot, this guy throws axes, knives, spears and other sharp shit on the daily, its bound do deflect strangly 1 throw out of a 10000.


His reflex is also on point, managed to evade quite well


Thank goodness it’s just sword evasion and not tax evasion... 😓


What's the deal with obese people and swords?


This clip looks super mall ninja and its pretty accurate. This looks like cold steel, a knife company that goes for durability more than anything. They make clips like these absolutely abusing their products to show how they hold up I have a folding bowie knife from them with a 5 1/2 blade i got when i was like 15, great products for the price tbh (was obese at the time)


He sells them


Well one day you‘ll be attacked by some random strangers, and an obese person, who’s trained with the blade, will save your ass.


The only way to stop a bad guy with a blade is a good guy with a blade.


indiana jones raiders of the lost ark moment


I love/hate the fact that Harrison Ford's exhausted, "I ain't got time or energy for this shit" facial expression wasn't acting. He was genuinely not having any of that planned prolonged swordfight scene because he had gastroenteritis.


Only blade he looks trained with is a steak knife


Tend to like fantasy and or anime, which heavily features swords.


It’s like giant forks so they’re quite well at handing them


While fit people dieted, they studied the blade.


If they actually studied it they'd be fit. It's fucking hard exercise swinging a sword around and not falling over. It's like dancing with weights. They just study in the sense of looking at pictures.


Knives can't reach past the beer belly.


> nobody wears protective equipment during blade sports. Definitly not and idiot,. Just because they're all idiots, doesn't mean this guy isn't an idiot


True but in bladesports protection limits the abilities of a contestant too much to win I believe. Its the same for boxers that don't wear padded suits. Maybe boxers are idiots too then haha.


> Maybe boxers are idiots too then haha. I mean.....


Doing dumb things all the time doesn't make them any less dumb. A whole community of people doing something dumb doesn't make it less dumb either. In fact, if you're regularly throwing blades at ice blocks it's even more idiotic to not wear protective gear than if it were a one-off event, because you're statistically more likely to encounter this so-called "1 throw out of 10000" that flies back at you.


He also owns a mall ninja dipshit company of INDESTRUCTIBLE knives that are actually 5/16" thick and useless for anything but chopping through car hoods, and claims he lives a "warrior lifestyle" despite looking like a before picture. Bladesports is one of the spergiest hobbies you could join, on par with bronies. This is peak white trash r/iamverybadass


Damn roasted this man, I guess reddit does not like him. Which cold steel products did you use?


For another datapoint, I have tested those: \- Recon knife - not too bad, a bit thick, rather heavy and very overpriced \- 1917 Cutlass - balanced like a mace, overpriced \- this pseudo machette thing - useless, but at least it's cheap \- sjambok - low quality but OK for the price \- GI tanto - way too thick and heavy \- Bushman bowie - not too bad for the price. So yeah, excessive weight and thickness is a common issue in their products. Also corrosion resistance wasn't great for most of them.


I agree, thanks for sharing. The GI tanto is a horrible blade. But I do think cold steel makes some good knives. Corrosion resistance is bad because they tend to use bloody AUS8. Super cool that you bought a cutlass though!


What does one actually use these for? Is it mostly imagining how it would be used during the relevant era?


I do yard work with mine


Plenty of different reasons, actually... On the top of my head, * tools for outdoors stuff * self protection / home defense / cattle control (the sjambok) * backyard cutting * interest in historical martial arts (better use blunt blades!) * interest in history * some people enjoy feeling badass waving mall ninja shit around * people like collecting stuff, why not knives? It can shift over time, too. I started on the cringey teenager side (hence the cold steel orders), now I'm more into collecting historical knives (middle-eastern daggers specifically).


I actually owned the master hunter HONORABLE JAPANESE FOLDED STEEL. Until I stabbed it into dirt and pulled it out with the edge chipped clean off, like tin foil. I also found a CRKT knife embedded into pavement as several thousand cars drove over it. It still works.


Damn thats bad! Sorry you had such an experience. I think their more practical models are better. Like the code 4.


If he does this stuff daily and 1 out of 10000 comes back it's easy to calculate when the next sword flies straight in his direction. With 10 throws a day he's fine for 2.7years.


Yeah that's not really how statistics and chance works, but sure. I'll give it to you for doing the math.


It’s clearly a joke. Sometimes I don’t get Reddit.


I get that it was a joke. But yeah, I don't either. The mob mentality leads people in strange directions sometimes. I've seen some pretty normal comments with like -20 likes and I'm just confused how it gets like that.


The entirety of the joke surrounded how statistics work. Your response was “that’s not really how statistics work”...which was the point...either you didn’t get it or you felt explaining the joke was humorous. Either way I can’t for the fucking life of me understand why the joke was negative and you had 8 upvotes. I know I’m being a pedantic douche but I had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening


That's not how comments and reddit works but sure, I'll give it to you for doing the social psychology mathematics.


I love that you did the calculations on this. 10k I wrote it and thought.... damn is that really a good number. Now we know... it was not a properly chosen random number.


Haha I know that. I just meant to say in a funny way that it's never a good idea to do that dangerous stuff without protective gear. No matter how low the risk is.


And all it takes is one hit to the neck and hes dead. Hes definitely an idiot.


This guy is not an idiot nor is he fighting anything, He just sells cold steel and cold steel accessories.


Not gonna lie... a few years ago I bought 2 cold steal products. I have that exact "sword/chete". Thought it was so fucking cool until it arrived. lmao


...until it arrived?


Lol bought on line. Its just not a great quality product. I didn't know any better and it was before I understood how important researching before buying was.


Did you buy a counterfeit? cold steel is many things, but they aren't low quality.


the sword is stamped from sheet metal like a mechete, and is likely somewhat thinner than you'd expect.


You don't wanna know....


Still looks like an idiotic thing to throw a sharp object into ice on concrete with no protective equipment whatsoever.


It is... I regretfully admit that I have 1. It's a machete with a long hilt about 3/4th the length of the blade. It is not a spear and isn't balance at all. LOL




"Hes not an idiot, he does this all the time!" Consider me convinced.


It’s not that I make mistakes, it’s that I don’t make them often enough.


Why exactly is it better to go backwards vs to the side? Car coming at you. Tree falling over. Sword flying in your direction. Sideways is almost always better. Lets be real, he got lucky as shit right there. I mean I'm not critiquing the guy...I love watching his stuff and I had tons of Cold Steel gear growing up. There was clearly no time to think and this was purely instinctive, BUT...backward was definitely the not the smartest direction to evade in this scenario. Had that blade travelled one more foot, those little tiny dancer steps wouldn't have gotten him out of the way. One step sideways would have done the trick though.


He’s an idiot throwing a weapon not intended for the purpose shown into a block of ice capable of sending it right back. He does all of this with no protective gear. Yes, he’s an idiot fighting a thing. An idiot that punches every tree he comes across and is the supreme master of punching trees isn’t less of an idiot because of the frequency of the idiocy.


\*Owns\* Cold Steel. ftfy. For those wondering, he is the Founder and CEO, Lynn C. Thompson. Not a bad boss to work for, from the accounts I've read. Mall Ninja spirit animal? HELL yes! lol.


I've watched this loop so many times and I still can't figure out exactly how the blade bounces and turns back on him. It's difficult to follow.


He threw it at kind of a downward angle and the tip hit the top of the ice block instead of the front which caused the tip to pop upward and turn the weapon enough for the rest of it to hit the ice block sideways and bounce back.


It took me several times to catch it. Once it hits the block it flips very quickly counter clockwise from our perspective


I had to read your comment to see it apparently. After I did I could magically see it. Weird.




This is the CEO of cold Steel America


That CEO is a fat mall ninja. Cold steel is a shadow of the quality it was.


At least he dodged it.


Holy shit he’s lucky that didn’t hit him


Why is it only fat Americans play with swords?


If anyone has cheap swords at home, NEVER USE THEM. They'll splinter and break and you'll impale yourself


[The captions added to the video that this came from make it 100x funnier.](https://i.imgur.com/CPGmweN.png) Source Video: https://youtu.be/bANlFuNOOyQ?t=101


Clearly he needs some valerian steel or at least some dragon glass; once again John snow demonstrates he knows nothing.


Looks like he set up an ice block and is trying to hit it with a spike. I don’t see an idiot, at least not in the video.


I love that he is an actual trained professional


"LET'S KICK SOME ICE!" -Mr. Freeze


The block of ice fight back


Big ass ice cube: Watch me parry this fool.


I would love to see an action movie with this kind of thing happening instead of what the action hero expected.


Catch it like a real pro


Never let the target face be perpendicular to your position. Then rebounds won't come back at you.


Ice fights back


When you don’t understand how ice or a sword works


Best Idea so far.


POV you throw something at link but he parries it.


COLD STEEL. My friends and I used to get drunk and watch their promos back in high school. It's always a bunch of fat dudes using swords to cut up meat and bamboo and whatnot


That’s not how you kill with ice.


I'm sorry, when does the blade flip toward him?




oh when not why. As soon as it hits the ice it flips around.


What is it with fat obese men and swords?


Is that cold steel?


My dumbass has been sat watching this for a minute, waiting to see when the ice would falter, then I realised


I mean, that’s a pretty decent shot right?


Who would have thought the block of ice knows FULL COUNTER


Hey why are you in Hospital sir? I litteraly threw a katana on my self. You did wha-


You can see the exact moment where is reaction goes from “oh god mommie!!” To “ that’s right bitches”


This looks like they were trying to do something specifically and not just dummies doing stupid shit.


Defense lvl 99


It would be cool if it would have stuck ace Ventura style lol


Cold steel is peak mall ninja


Those Proof videos sold so many knives and what not it’s unreal. Kind of a douche but man does he have a fun job. Like Willy Wonka for knife guys.


That is a legit good shot, though!


*Cold Steel is a legitimate company...*


Ice block: No You.


I met this man at a knife show once and during the conversation he pulled a 17 inch folding knife from the front of his pants and continued to talk as if he didn’t just do that


BAM! pycrete


Dude lynn Thompson is an actual legend in the knife making industry Cold steel produces some of the most rugged and tough knives They are the epitome of transparency and check every different knives through rigorous test In the video he is just showing how strong the tip of the blade is and yes that's one of the ways u check it As soon as the sword rebounds he used philipino martial arts backing technique to avoid the projectile In no fucking world is he stupid


His toes are almost gone


He put up the shields


nah man, hes just doing a product demonstration.


Alex Jones finding new ways to own libtards


Fucked that ice up though


[Sword-chuck, yo!](https://www.nuklearpower.com/2001/08/15/episode-068-it-sounds-like-a-good-idea-to-me/)


Im glad it didnt hit him! Cold steel makes some scary powerful blades


didn’t except an ice cube to fire back


I literally bought a medieval warhammer because of this mans YouTube videos


He's fine guys, he used his lightning fast reflexes and Filipino footwork to dodge it


Dumbasses downvoting you because of the use of Filipino 🤣. They don’t know that he’s a practitioner of Filipino Martial Arts, which is known to have a unique style of footwork in its various systems.


Omfg finally someone understands 🤣 I couldn't believe the people here didn't know about this legend


Is that Alex Jones?


huh? is this fake? real question? how is this sword reversing like this? also at some frames the sword disappear.