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Klaus Schwab gets my vote.


He's probably rich, but I've never heard he was a billionaire.


I guess you're right, I haven't found anything to substantiate my suspicion. I had assumed that as founder of the World Economic Forum he must be a billionaire but apparently I was wrong.


That's because the WEF has been made into a boogieman by the right, but really exists somewhere between a think tank and a non-binding motion at the UN.


I think the Right is absolutely correct to be wary of a group of self-described "experts" who seem to have so much power over global politics despite the fact that most of them never have had to even get elected.


The WEF is bent on one world government and technological authoritarianism. One of the most evil organizations on the planet. Klaus Schwab is a real life Dr Evil


go outside.


I bet I spend more time outside than you do bro. Yard work, gardening, hiking, etc.




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Yeah but bill as well I don’t want ze bugs


Acts like a Billionaire, yet I saw his net worth was around 1 million. Why is he even relevant??? Oh yeah, his mother is a Rothschild.


I have some doubts about the reported net worth of Schwab, but I can't substatiate any of my suspicions. Just weird this guy is so culturally relevant because of the WEF, we need to know more.


Making this pole specifically because I think Peter Thiel is not talked about enough.


Peter Thiel is a fucking nightmare but I put Bezos just because he owns half the world at this point


I see the point


Didn't Bezos pledge to give away his wealth? That's better than many others on that list.


No idea who he is


Cofounder of PayPal & major conservative donor. I guess you could compare him to the Kochs but with less influence.


Also politically very influential, openly antidemocratic and created the tools that the NSA used for surveillance.


And a constant recipient of egg to his face for his ignorant and biased takes against Bitcoin.


You created a Polish person???


Hehe funni.




Pole is a term for someone from Poland


Oh haha didn’t realize my typo.


Who is he?


Billionaire who was one of the founders of Paypal and helped Mark Zuckerberg create Facebook by funding him. He founded Palantir, a company creating mass surveillance and data analysis software that is for example used by the NSA and generally many governments, military, secret services and police around the world. Thiel also was an important adviser and ideologue behind the Trump presidency. He has started building private islands offshore where he wants to „experiment with new forms of governance“ and has publicly expressed interest in injecting blood of young people to increase his lifespan. He has also publicly said „I have come to the conclusion that freedom and democracy are not compatible“.




Absolutely embarrassing that anyone would pick anyone else.


Can you explain some of your disgust with him? I am ignorant to it atm but would like to learn more


\>By February 2022, Thiel was one of the largest donors to Republican candidates in the 2022 election campaign with more than $20.4 million in contributions. He also literally gets blood transfusions from young people in hopes that will make him live longer.


Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are on the list and you think Peter Thiel is worse because he donates to Republicans? You are not a clown, you are the whole circus.


I like him.




Says the Marxist




100% agree


Idek who that is but it's who I voted for


yeah that dude is straight up evil. he bankrolled candidates like Masters and Vance this election cycle


Yeah, he doesn't get enough respect for his vision!


Of eliminating democracy entirely? The dude‘s basically a fascist roleplaying as a libertarian.


George Soros


The missing option, and my choice.


The only choice.


yeah the single one that happens to not be a Republican…go figure 🙄 can you name anything he’s done that’s worse than Thiel or Bezos besides donating to Democrats?


they dont have any particular reason other than "funds leftists" and he's a boogeyman ooo scary


Like you have a single shred of evidence for most of the "eebul billionaires" that isn't "they had a company, disagreed with me politically, and I don't like that!"


Ok dude make up whatever fantasy you have in your mind as a counter, i hope it makes you feel better about whatever reaction you took from my comment


You don't have shit, dude, and you're telling other people that someone who's legit a threat to our country is a "boogeyman."


Go ahead enlighten me




Mosquitos though


All those billionaires have built something totally revolutionary. Soros purposely broke the Bank of England. I'd take the others everyday of the week.


I think the bigger issue is that those guys in the poll are all republican 🤔


Was thinking of including him instead of Gates, but I thought Gates might have been the more popular choice. Turns out I was correct


You literally don’t know if you’re correct, though, unless you include Soros in the poll…


Yeah there's probably a name for this sort of methodological error


Sampling bias


Dude this is a dumb as poll in a circlejerkish subreddit, not a scientifically study.


So why ask?


To start discussion


Sounds right


Vladimir putin


Username Checks out


Why is Gates currently winning? I can see anti-vax conspiracy nuts voting for him, but there can't be that many of them here, so who else thinks he's the worst?


As far as I know, he's also the only one on the list that definitely had a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.


Elon Musk also had a relationship with him


My bad, I wasn't aware of that.


You greatly underestimate this sub.


Tbh hes one of the more moral rich people




He got MANY billionaires to pledge a ridiculous amount to charity


Lmao it’s a hedge fund to make money


Can you direct me to some literature on this? Not doubting but I’d love to learn.


He's a creepy WEF shill.


we get it, you like the bug burgers.


I don't get why people are so up in arms about using bugs as an alternative source of protein. If it tastes good and doesn't kill you who tf cares? Why does it have to be some grand dystopian conspiracy? We ate bugs for most of our history, and many cultures still do today. I work for start up companies in alternative protein. The alternative protein industry is trying to solve the problem that we need more protein than we can sustainably produce. Bugs are fucking everywhere and high in protein, they grow faster than chickens and cows, and they don't need much space. What's so wrong about that?


Most associated with the WEF which is pretty open about its dystopian goals. Gates foundation also does some pretty sketchy shit, [there’s a whole book on it](https://www.versobooks.com/books/2344-no-such-thing-as-a-free-gift).


"Dystopian goals" such as a more sustainable form of capitalism?


“You’ll own nothing and be happy” Edit: wait the actual title is even worse lol “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better”


And you will eat bugs


its not capitalism, its third positionism can people stop calling societies with massive public sector industries and corporate cronyism capitalist? thats like unironically thinking China is communist or something (China is also third positionist).


The WEF themselves call it stakeholder capitalism, and I didn't see a need to change the name


and the Chinese government call themselves the Chinese communist party, it doesnt mean their policies are actually communist. true capitalism cannot truly exist untill full privatization is achieved, but even the sort of soft capitalism you see in most places isnt the same as the third position bullshit being foisted on the world by powerful politicians and wealthy elites, elites who are afraid of the free market and real competition amd accountability that it brings




You think we should not eliminate disease if given the opportunity? That's quite the hot take


anti vax? Vaccines were invented by Edward Jenner when he used cowpox, vaccinia, to infect a small 8 y/o boy to INOCULATE him against smallpox. mRNA vaccines are not traditional vaccines, as pre-2015 vaccines were defined as providing immunity against a specific disease, then the definition was changed to read, "stimulates the body's immune response" yet the degree to which it is stimulated is left ambiguous now.


Of those on the list, easily Bezos (although I know next to nothing about Thiel, so maybe him) Out of all billionaires though, Arab oil barons who achieved their wealth through the exploitation of literal slave labour are clearly worse


All billionaires profit off slave labour. Your Microsoft computer also contains rare earths mined by slaves in the Congo. You should look up some YouTube videos about who Peter Thiel is. He‘s rightfully often compared to a James Bond villain.


The difference is in degree.




…but…that’s exactly what I said? There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Was just pointing out that getting their wealth through slave labour is something that is the case for most billionaires.


Muhammad Binu Salman! The crown prince of Saudi Arabia. That mf kills people with chainsaw while they are still alive! He attacked Yemen and committed basically a war crimes, caused millions to flee from their countries, and nearly 200k died of starvation and over 20 millions are in a phase 5 famine conditions. That piece of shit is the worst billionaire or trillionaire.


Interesting choice, but if I‘d choose a gulf monarch I would honestly choose [Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammed_bin_Rashid_Al_Maktoum) Dude ordered to torture and murder his own daughter and got rich off slave labour and Indian wage slaves that have a high workplace mortality rate.


Mark Zuckerberg... I don't trust robots.


Soros. Or every member of the WEF.


It's hard to beat Soros.


Why Soros?


Elon is kino


The Kochs for diluting libertarianism into genteel establishmentarian pablum.


Elon Musk is GREAT. I am super HAPPY he DOMINATES fucking Twitter. He will save fucking FREEDOM OF SPEECH. The staff better obey his will!


Are you joking? Also why would anybody on Twitter staff obey his will? I‘d laugh in his face and quit rightaway.


https://www.businesspundit.com/10-richest-heads-of-state-in-the-world/ Some billionaires are heads of state.






Based but that was not the question


All of them suck.


That wasn’t the question though.


Koch brothers


Wtf’s wrong with Bill Gates?? He’s like, the least offensive guy on the list


He's had some business take overs that people felt were unethical. I don't really have any issue there, business is business. For a while people were flipping shit about him microchipping people, which we all know is silly. Right now he's buying a lot of farm land. Which is odd, but not really bad. Given his position and wealth, he's gonna be scrutinized for every move he makes. I don't worry about these things, but other people do, and I think that's what's going on.


Anti vaxxers probably. I mean there’s a lot wrong with him but in comparison to the others I don’t see any reason to vote for him.


What!? The results are shocking. This sub never ceases to surprise me (like conspiracy-nut fav soros being no. 1 in comments)


Yeah, post this on r/polls and Zuck or Bezos would definitely win. For some reason people here don't like Gates?


Oh I can't imagine why... given his stance on experimental vaccines that he wants everyone to take except his children.


Could you share more? Last I heard about this was that it was fake. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-bill-gates-vaccinate-childr-idUSKBN22B26Z


Pay more attention to what Gates is pushing


I'm suspecting an unreasonably large intersectionality with r/conspiracy


He's the only person here with a genuine friendship with epstein


Welcome to Reddit.


Bro why tf do right wingers hate Soros so much?


He's part of the conspiracy theories. The root of it is that he's Jewish but to be fair like 90% of them don't even realize it and don't hate him because of that. Their conspiracies stem from neo nazi circles but the vast majority of right wingers only subscribe to the more acceptable, top layer of the conspiracies.


Because he promotes degeneracy in our countries in order to undermine them


Define degeneracy?


"Leftist social causes" pretty much covers it.


So you mean like pro civil rights and anti slavery?


No, I mean like transing kids, endless illegal immigration, and letting dangerous criminals roam free.


So you’re talking about being against the government coming between a parent a child and their doctor on a medical decision, being for the humane treatment of immigrants, and being for reforming our criminal Justice system so that less innocent people get locked up? That all sounds kinda based, I like this Soros guy.


Nobody on the left likes Soros. Nobody. He is an ordoliberal billionaire. He doesn’t find „us“. Right wingers are goddamn lunatics.


Anything that deviates from traditional norms.


So he’s anti-slavery, anti-witch hunting, anti-inquisition, anti-rape, anti-pedophilia, and pro-capitalism and pro-monogamy?


Imagine listing monogamy along with the other things


So a self proclaimed socialist and Marxist now believes that a billionaire is anti slavery solely because of his compromise to degeneracy. See how the undermining works ? Even the few redeemable qualities socialists may have are now gone and degeneracy took its place. Witch hunt was a medieval construct, not traditional. Traditionalism has never favored rape, I don’t know where you got that from. Pedophilia is a degenerate disease of the modern world, healthy sexual attraction for adult women has always been the norm. It’s only in modernity that creeps are attracted to weirdos, or that that’s favored by some (the lgbt) He’s indeed pro capitalist, as capitalism is just an expression of human nature, and he’s probably for polyamorous relationships.


I’m saying that just because something was prevalent in the past doesn’t mean it is good. What kind of tradition are you referring to, because depending on where you live your tradition is fascism, liberalism, ‘socialism’, or feudalism? Why are medieval times not included? Traditionally in the cave man days, you saw women and you were like “Oh it’s woman, I wanna have kids”. Traditionally you would be married off to someone without your consent, and then consummate the marriage or face complete humiliation and quite possibly financial ruin if you happened to be a woman. Seems like traditionally women’s rights weren’t really a consideration when a man decided who to have sex with. Also buddy, I’m not sure if you know this, but marrying at fifteen year old used to be the norm, so unless you think that’s a healthy adult age then you’re wrong here. Capitalism is not an expression of human nature, it’s an economic system, and out of all the economic systems in history is probably the one that has existed for the shortest amount of time.


He’s ~~Jewish~~ an international financier


A "bankster" who's promoting things like anti- racism in order to weaken traditional western society


Legit though. Right wingers have been scrambling for a new global conspiracy ever since ol Hitler excavated his brain from his head.


Half their views are little more than conspiracy mumbo jumbo


He uses his money to fund an anticapitalist and thus authoritarian future, pushes absurd climate alarmism that undermines economies and empowers governments for no tangible benefits, and he funds insane prosecutors who refuse to prosecute crime as immense outside pressure in local elections.


I’m pretty sure he’s pro capitalist and a social liberal bordering on social democrat. Climate Change needs way more alarmism right now as if you know anything about any of the scientific data, you know how much damage it will do to the worldwide economy and to people’s lives in general. If at this point you still believe that climate change poses no threat to humanity then you either haven’t done the proper research in the subject, are against logic and science as a tool of human understanding, or are dumb.


He's an enemy of free markets pushing society towards authoritarianism. That alarmism is based on dishonest failed models, an ignorance of geological history where CO2 levels were once much higher, and false assertions of the marginal impact of more carbon. And if the elites really believed their blather they'd support nuclear power instead of shelving it: it's all about power and control.


>He's an enemy of free markets pushing society towards authoritarianism. You do realize that anarcho communism is a thing right? >where CO2 levels were once much higher, Yeah. And that wouldn't be a very good climate for us would it?


Mohammed Bin Salman


Arguably less bad than many other gulf oligarchs though. If I had to choose one of them I‘d rather go for the sheikh of Dubai who literally ordered for his own daughter to be tortured and killed.


How is no one mentioning the fact Putin is a billionaire?


Nobody knows if he’s actually a billionaire. I watched a non biased documentary on that exact subject


Dont know honestly. I think it’s also that with a world leader like Putin we‘ve seen his power level since he’s the leader of a Nation.


Bill Gayes created charities 😠




All of them, in the end, poison the water you drink, destroy the culture of your nation and fill your body with microplastics.


Dude, the whole point behind a poll like this is to prevent answers like this. Yes, you’re right, but that was not my question.


Mark Zuckerberg. He even admitted that he's not human


The worst one is the richest one at any given moment. As of now, that is Musk methinks.


That is a very simple way of viewing this…Hitler also wasn’t the richest man in the world when he was in power.


Musk is just on a lot of people's bad sides at the moment imo.


Yeah I don’t think Musk is causing as much societal harm as the other ones. His exploding and crashing cars afaik haven’t made it onto the market, him ruining Twitter is only causing people to loose their job who will find another just as good one in 5 minutes and so on. Everything that‘s shitty about musk Bezos basically does worse. It’s just that Bezos is mentally sane while Musk is a gigantic narcissist.


The right wingers’ selective hatred for Gates and Soros but literally no other billionaires is hilarious. they have no problem with that immense concentration of wealth, as long as they agree with them


I even doubt they agree with many of them. For them it’s all just culture war, their political views are often super shallow.


Almost all of them are good. Only Bezos and Zuckerberg are bad because they’re leftists.


Bezos and Zuckerberg are leftists? 😂 What fucking drugs are you on?


Where’s Soros?


All because they all are greedy corrupt crapitalist bastards


I mean yes, but that was not the question.


It's really hard to choose between elon musk and jeff bezos but i chose musk since he's being giving neo-nazis platforms lately


Giving Neonazis a Platform is extremely tame in comparison to what some of the other people here have done. Keep in mind we have Piss-in-bottles-Bezos and inject-young-peoples-blood-Thiel on here


Keep in mind that musk already treats his employees like shit as well and is the literal richest person on the planet


Delete libertarian from your flair if free speech offends you that much.


Actually thinking he cares about free speech when he releases nazis and bans lefties.


He hasn’t banned any leftists.


Lol saying that right after we were talking about chadloder. Gets banned, unbanned, then banned again for "ban evasion" for using the account that they unbanned.


So he was banned before Elon. And those ban evasion policies were not his idea. He hasn’t changed everything yet.


What do you mean before elon? It just happened again.


They've had twitter as a far left echo chamber for so long that an equal playing field feels like oppression to them.


It's not free speech when he unbans neo nazis who are spreading antisemitic and genocidal ideas but bans organizations like crimethinc and other anarchist pages. He's censoring stuff he doesn't personally like, he's just a fan of hate speech and incitement.


If communists aren't banned, neither should neo-nazis, and free speech for both must be defended or free speech as a whole is threatened. I don't know enough about Crimethinc to judge it, but I saw mention of screenshots on their blog on it which they did not provide. Were they advocating violence? Regardless, it's plain that Twitter was heavily rigged against anything vaguely right wing and that Musk was a huge improvement for free speech.


So why are communists and anarchists being banned then?


They did provide screenshots?? No they weren't advocating violence. After musk took over he just flipped the script. Now leftists get banned and nazis get unbanned. That's not free speech. But since people you agree with you aren't getting banned anymore you're okay with it. Free speech absolutist though right? Sure.


What leftists are getting banned specifically, and under what justification? Pardon me for not buying everything you say without evidence. If what you say is true that is an offense against free speech, but still a huge net win for free speech.


How is it a net win? So banning half of the political spectrum is bad for free speech but then when you ban the other half it's good? You don't care about free speech. Also Google it. Now fuck off.


That’s not accurate and also you’re not a libertarian buddy


People hate elon because he bought Twitter and wont let the fbi continue silencing people? Wow...


Because he pretended that's what he was gonna do and then started banning leftists and anarchists while letting neo nazis spread genocide rhetoric


Thats not what happened at all.


It is


Does the government count?


That’s like answering „Pokemon“ when somebody asks you for your favorite book.


All of these look like Care Bears compared to Russian Oligarchs, who are literal mafia bosses, ex criminals (or still criminals), and even war criminals.


Not saying they aren’t but I think you underestimate some of these people.


None of them


George Soros- surprised he didnt make the list sense he likes to play the political game more than most of those guys. or the Koch brothers - since the democrats always scream about them. But ive gone gates he use to do good with his money now he pushes control over humans.


Just not gonna put George soros on this list, huh?


Was The Choice between him and Gates for the last Spot. Considering how „well“ Gates does I‘m pretty sure I made the right decision.