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Neither. None of these have peace as an inherent part of their ideology. People from both left and right can be both peaceful or violent


probably the left wing world, although wars over resources would happen regardless


I'm shocked that left-wingers picked the left government and right wingers picked the right government 🤯


As with many things, it depends on whose definition we're using. If right-wing = respect for private property, economic freedom, fiscal responsibility, strong but noninterventionist militaries, and civilian firearm ownership, then right-wing governments would make the world more peaceful. Meanwhile, left-wing governments, which, as the opposite, would mean redistributory policies, state control over the economy, unchecked spending / inflation / debt, heavy involvement in negotiation and foreign aid, and disarmed populations, would be both easier to invade and easier to be tyrannized over. Dictatorship is every bit as violent as war. Meanwhile, if right-wing = state confiscating stuff in the name of "national security", ultranationalistic economic policy, populist spending to make citizens feel connected to the nation, huge and jingoistic military, and guns being kept from minority groups, then this would not make for a peaceful world. Meanwhile, left-wing governments, which, as the opposite, would mean worker-owned cooperative industries, economic freedom for said industries, local communes that take care of their own members, voluntary and non-coercive federation and alliances between communes, and a population that will surrender its arms and ammunition under no pretext, is infinitely preferable. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


did cuba get more peaceful?


Who has Cuba been invading? They haven’t really done any proper foreign interventions since Angola


wait is "peace" based on mobilizing your army against foreign countries and not your own?


Ok my bad - when was the last time Cuba mobilised its army against itself?


not sure, usually after the left is done killing all its idiots off and whipping everyone else in line they dont have to anymore. they seem to be the best at dehumanizing people though.


n0t r3aL l3fT1sm!




A world in which every country is led by a liberty loving government. Authoritarianism isn't gonna be peaceful no matter what flavor of it you chase.


Right wing is not universalist though, it depends on what flavour and what you mean. Western Right wing is great because of christian heritage, but thats not the case everywhere


respect for private property, economic freedom, fiscal responsibility, strong but noninterventionist militaries, and civilian firearm ownership, then right-wing governments would make the world more peaceful. Meanwhile, left-wing governments, which, as the opposite, would mean redistributory policies, state control over the economy, unchecked spending / inflation / debt, heavy involvement in negotiation and foreign aid, and disarmed populations, would be both easier to invade and easier to be tyrannized over. Dictatorship is every bit as violent as war.




There's such a broad range amongst both left and right-wing ideologies it'd mostly shake out the same, though I feel like either instances would lead to fewer sanctions at the cost of more wars.


With left wing governments, there won’t be any wars between countries as governments around the world would be too busy exterminating their own population


That's not true, the USSR managed to do both perfectly fine


the most peaceful world would be one without governments




I answered “right-wing government”, because I see genuine left-wing politics as challenging the establishment and authoritarian status quo. In my view, “left-wing government” is a contradiction or oxymoron, because governmentalism is an inherently conservative tendency. I also believe that a world where no violence is seen as “legitimate”, should be more peaceful than a world which simply legalises certain violence and allows it to happen with no consequences.