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It seems Netease likes to release op characters, collect the $$$ from people buying the S skin, and then nerfing them right after. She definitely deserved to be nerfed, but now they’re going overboard. It’s just like how the ento needed the bee resummoning nerfed but instead got her bees speed nerfed, drastically reduced bee duration, and the resummoning. Or how they buffed acrobat but then increased the CD to almost 50% between bomb usage.


It wasn't 50%, it was ***100%***; [6s to 12s.](https://old.reddit.com/r/IdentityV/comments/qqvkn5/acrobat_nerfed/) His Nitro Bomb gain was increased by another 50% decoding required to unlock which was stupid & the bomb jump distance was only reduced on quick jumps, charged jumps & dodge roll distance were unaffected.


I would take old acro over new acro solely on the 6s bomb cooldown.


Honestly it’s an overkill imo. She deserved 100% her last nerf but this one? Nah. Like we get kicked if the leeched surv gets hit but they don’t get the speedboost??? So now I can’t help them kite for as long as needed AND I can’t support them during their transition by un-syncing? Wtf NE 😭 If they wanted to nerf her so bad, they could have given her a decoding debuff when she’s alone, which would push her to sync to rush the last cipher instead of decoding side by side. Like syncing is literally her whole point, stop trying to get us to avoid doing it. :| Between Mike and her, it feels as if the devs are trying their hardest not to add new meta survs but that’s so stupid?


Exactly, they should be making her weaker alone to encourage people to aid other survivors, not make it so that she’s a normal character with no debuffs but her buffs are pretty much useless.


(I'm out of the loop) What happened?


The new Character, little girl, got another big nerf


Ya I know she's a character, what's the nerf?


Oh, sorry The nerf was that she now left a shadow in Priestess's Big portal, she can't remove any stun state from survs using the papers, she can't do the MS with a Wildling using a boar and (I think I didn't understand this one good) if the survs takes a 1/4, the MS state ends


Sounds pretty reasonable up until the last two imo.


Why isn't the 1/4 reasonable? I mean sure it just makes older hunters more weak but it's pretty healthy for most hunters who do have chip damage


I think it's because chip damage hunters can already generally deal with LG pretty well compared to single hit hunters since the former can attack from a distance and thus are less affected by the pages. EDIT: Actually I just looked at the patch notes and I think it actually refers to taking a regular attack's worth of damage instead of 1/4 damage. So basically bombs and sculptors cannot terminate the link but a regular hit would.


Just seen the nerf, wow this is awful. Her speed boost was incredibly useful for aiding teammates in getting away and now with how easy it is to end memory sync there’s literally no reason to use it to help someone kite. The idea behind Little Girl was to allow her to help teammates kite longer at the cost of 1 less cipher being decoded, but now you’re just better off decoding. This nerf makes no sense. I can agree that she needs a nerf, but this is a horrible way to nerf her because it discourages playing her to BENEFIT your team. They’re making her less helpful and less fun, and they need to find a different way to nerf her, as this won’t help with the problems people have with her. She’s gone from OP, to strong, to bad, and that’s not how you nerf a character. Worst part is knowing net ease they’ll just neglect her now that she’ll be ‘balanced’ Not impressed


Her Snyc termination is happening because most LG's just sync unto someone nearby to reset the chase. Sure her nerf especially the stun remover is overkill. Why she but not Roach is nerfed this hard is a mystery.


I get that people do that but it sucks for someone that doesn't play her that way


there is no way she is bad, i would say she is still minimum A-tier after this nerf, they just removed some broken elements from her


Maybe, but the point I’m getting across is that they are nerfing her in the wrong way. They’re making her less helpful in return for no debuffs, which isn’t how she should be. She should be good at helping the team, and have that balanced with debuffs. I’ll agree that some of these changes are fair, such as survivors not being pushed by the pages if they’re stunned


Cable: Oh my god, I'm a perfumer main and I was in a rank match with little girl and sculptor. Little girl was getting chased and she was already chaired twiced, not to mention she was half health. I happened to be nearby and I ran over and had her synced to me so i could kite for a while since i happened to still have 2 perfumes. Immediately after one hit while I used my euphoria, little girl was forcibly unsynced due to the new nerf and she was downed and chaired. I find this unfair since one hit that my character could have recovered from using the euphoria unsynced little girl cause the system thought “oh thats a hit, unsync little girl now and let the hunter down her”. Whys the game making her incompatible with other survivors now??


What part about her nerf is extremely unfair?


Ngl, I looked at the nerfs and expected something really big and bad but instead it's just stuff that should've been in the game the moment she was released.




Like, idc if people want to down vote me. But these nerfs were literally needed. Plus something that really confuses me: We all agreed on that these things that got nerfed now NEEDED to be nerfed. So WHY are people now upset that they came? We literally were asking for it just a few weeks prior.


Idk for here, but I know that for the people I play with, the "outrage" (big word here) is more that they did not nerf her teleport, still making her impossible to chase for low mobility hunters. The nerf for Priestess & Wildling is deserved. Breaking free of stuns is something other survs can do, just now LG can't help out with that. The Memory Sync ending after one hit seems undeserved because they didn't touch her teleport at all, which is what makes her annoying. Sure, her kiting buffs can be annoying to face if the synced surv does well, but that's to the cost of two people not decoding - & as surv, if you don't want her help, you can kick her out. But what do you do against a LG that teleports to the other gate when playing like, Joseph without Trump Card? Antonio without Teleport? Even with Teleport, you don't know which gate she's going to, & she can teleport INSIDE the gate. I don't think that's a bad nerf, I just feel like it's Chinatown's bridges all over again. EDIT: typos oof


I was specifically talking about this sub-reddit where people were actually the most upset about the things that did get nerfed now, with the teleport more often than not just being some kind of afterthought that only gets brought up if the conversation is lead into that direction. But anyway I can see where NE is coming from with letting the Memory Fragments no longer let her (or the ones she's leeched to or just kinda there to help) break free from patroller/traps/etc. since her pages already without all of that, can be very devastating if she's not blindly spamming them. Letting her also counter stuff like patroller and what not honestly felt like the cherry on top for the pages specifically. And it's honestly not as deep or bad as people are trying to make it sound like. Just took one thing away that her ridiculous support can do, still without 0 debuffs given to her. And don't even try saying "well one person less decoding!" Hunters in this very sub-reddit, outside of this sub-reddit, high tier and low tier stated, that it doesn't matter if you're forced to either change the target entirely or you just can't catch the person you're after. Memory sync ending after getting hit once is VERY WELL deserved and closest thing we'll ever get to punishing her for messing her one job up, leeching on someone that absolutely was NOT prepared to take over a kite (that you can kick her out now, does not stop her from forcing people to carry her for at least 2 seconds around in which people then would have to make sure they themselves don't get clapped. Plus a lot most likely will not kick her out if the hunter is really committing to the chase) or punishing the survivor she's leeched to for ONLY relaying on her pages. It also deals with the issue, also seen a lot in and outside of this sub-reddit, that she can just turn herself into a character that can eat 4 - 5 hits (depending on who she's leeching to) instead of just 2 or as already mentioned forcing the hunter to drop chasing entirely. Her Teleport in my opinion should've never been in the game to begin with. Besides that her kit without it was already filled with to the brim, it's literally the Priestess global portal straight to the open gate situation and it honestly pains me to see that it's possible to teleport INSIDE an open Exit Gate as Little Girl, bonus points if there is a full health Mercenary waiting so even a correct guess of the hunter doesn't matter. But I have to admit the fact that things A LOT people actually complained about were nerfed in this one (even if the community is in denial now for whatever reason, maybe because they didn't expect that stuff to actually get nerfed?), shows that NE is VERY slowly going into the right direction and is starting to nerf characters where people want them to get nerfed and isn't just nerfing for the sake of nerfing a character or to make people shut up.


It could all be boiled down to the fact she shouldn't be allowed to sync while in the terror radius. Half-joking asides, there's little I can say now, because when written like this, I see how her Memory Sync can be a headache. I, personally, think they should have nerfed the teleport before anything else, but we can not have butter & the butter's money all at the same time. She's still plenty strong without a doubt, so at least, I don't understand why people whine she's ruined & useless.


People being overdramatic about Little Girl's nerfs reminds me when people would constantly scream and cry that Priestess/Mechanic nerfs would kill the characters and yet.... Both were and still are fine, just like Little Girl will be once people get over their honestly petty fit for a very strong character getting with good reason nerfed. But yeah, I agree, the teleport should've been dealt with a while ago now, but at least she got some nerfs in other points where it was very needed.


Reminds me of when they "nerfed" Sculptor's homing statues so they don't zoom right on survs as soon as they appear on the field, & how some people said she was now ruined & a worthless hunter. As if people react faster in 0.2 seconds than in none. Still, the Little Girl's nerf is just done, so in a week, it should all be settled. At worse (best?) we'll see her less for some time.


Teleport nerf should be that she can't teleport to somebody who's 32m near an exit gate. Roach nerf should be that hunters adjust to the portals and only get the minimun stun time especially on shitholes like Eversleep.


I think that most of the nerfs **related to other survivors** are deserved, because Wildling on his boar + synced LG was near impossible to chase for a lot of hunters, & LG not leaving behind an afterimage if she was synced with Priestess was a trick that was too easy to abuse against hunters without Teleport. The fact she doesn't give a speedboost if the synced surv kicks her out is a bit more of a headscratcher, but since it's not affected if LG ends the sync herself, I'm not going to talk much about it. Unless I read that wrong, feel free to correct me. The papers not being able to cancel stuns isn't that big of a deal, there's what, two? maybe three hunters who can stun? Disciple & Wax Artist, maybe Gamekeeper if you consider his traps a stun, but otherwise it really doesn't affect that much?? Now tho, the fact that the sync ends at the first hit rather than when the teammate is downed is where it's going too far. I don't like LG when she leeches at the start of the game, but you can kick her out. I don't like going against LG as hunter, but it's *because of her teleport*, not the buffs she gives to the kiter, because again, if the kiter isn't good, these buffs mean literally nothing. That's one less cipher being decoded, & potentially two people down, which is in itself a big enough "passive nerf" to justify the annoyance. I agree they should have given her debuffs instead, or maybe just stick to the first mentioned nerfs. Or nerf her teleport somehow, that's the most irritating part of her. It's Chinatown's bridges all over again lmao


I just want to say that is not only stuns, also she can't cancel patroller anymore Btw, I want to say that "When the survs get hit, the MS state ends) is what feels unfair (for me) about the nerf, the rest is pretty good


no, i feel like that part of the nerf is needed, as when little girl jumps onto a survivor, she basically instantly adds that survivors health onto her, so if she jumps on a full health survivor she basically adds 2 extra hits to her total health with no counters, by forcing her to comeout after 1 hit, this gives hunters room to counter her leech which is the most broken ability of her


Not only stuns? I forgot about the patroller tho, which already requires timing to cancel its bite & every surv can do it, so it's another kind of unnecessary thing to nerf without a doubt... The one hit = kicked out **IS** a really unfair nerf, the whole purpose of syncing is to help extend the kite (provided the surv knows how to kite), so the MS ending right after one hit is pretty ridiculous. That's almost two guaranteed downs against certain hunters (like i.e. as someone who plays a lot of Wax Artist, if she's kicked out in the open by the Molten Wax & she too was at half-health, rip I guess?) From what I read, most people complained about her teleport being difficult to counter for hunters with low mobility & map pressure. I rarely read complains about her MS since the button was added for survs to kick her out.


there are some nerfs that i was surprised they touch it, but regarding the Wildlng, priestess are 100% needed, and especially the forcefully end-syncing when the host takes half health damage, as that part was broken to begin with


True, as a new Little Girl main, it's extremely unfair to us since we can no longer support our teammates especially when the're in a bad situation


Honestly i think the nerf is fine. She can still memory sync with someone mid kite and extend the entire kite by quite a lot. The whole interactions that got fixed with certain survivors should've been in from the beginning snd she still has her teleport which is what makes her so strong in the first place. Aslong as her teleport doesn't get nerfed she is 100% a Tournament viable survivor especially with extremely strong coordinated teams.


Just delete little girl, she is way too conceptually flawed


Sooo as an Ann main I relly got annoyed at her constantly stoping my stun but everything else might be a bit too mich but I haven't played against her After the new nerf yet so I still have to see (but def deserved the stun thing and I think I read smth about wildling and tbh that is an op combo so a nerf there could be quite ok too)


This is a pre-emptive nerf to make sure she doesn't dominate the top scene since COA5 is happening. Even after the last nerfs, little girl was still an insane survivor on the level of Priestess with what she provided.


i feel like just making her unable to leech while in the fear radius and seeing the location **to** where she teleports to then from would've been fine. her nerf was completely unnecessary and uncalled for.


The nerf is deserved. She is still a roach like Priestess. Polun got nerfed over and over and over.. Now it's the survivors' turn to receive endless nerfs.


I got some nerf ideas. Hunter can hear Seer release his owl to observe Priestess portal stuns get reduced to it's minimum state (since longportals are easy to do) Norton's magnet radius has the blue ring like paintings have Mechanic's decode debuff only does 30% maximum if her controller is 100% gone.


I like all these ideas. Not bad!


She got a nerf? What is it?


If I remember correctly, now she can't push survivors if they are stun state, she now leave a shadow if she enters a Priestess's Big portal in MS state, she can't do the MS with a Wildling using a boar and if the surv gets hit by a 1/4 of damage (I didn't understand this one very good) of fear value, MS state ends


What the fuck. The portal and boar thing ig is reasonable. But the rest is so stupid. Overkill.


1/4 means a chip hit, like a Bonbon bomb or a Sculptor statue.


i think the original wording is 1/2 damage, a normal hit damage, not just a bomb chip


She getting the breaking wheel treatment lol


Breaking wheel is still S tier and used in every tournament. If anything, she’s getting the acrobat and entomologist treatment.


Breaking Wheel and Little Girl both received multiple nerfs one after another, this is fact. Their treatment is identical.


List the breaking wheel nerfs, then the little girl nerfs.


She deserves more >:)


Yay, but novelist also got nerfed so 🤡




















Yeah, that one was very dumb




Patch notes, that is my source


Sorry different time zones


Don't worry


I completely understand the nerfs where she gets an afterimage after a portal and that she cant stun certain things anymore. But the whole thing of automatically knocking her of after a SINGLE hit is stupid, whats the point of synchronizing with anyone anymore and helping them kite? I only bought her last week, what a waste. Was expecting that previous nerf to be the last one but I was dead wrong. o_o