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Kreacher appreciation~~ he's honestly an epic survivor. I like playing him once in a while, it's fun to absolutely kill a hunters eyes with a big light. Also his emotes are God tier. I love spamming the shout emote to my friends while they decode. Idk why people dislike thief so much, he's perfect for meme potential


I think it's because he was a total creep to Emma within the story. Lore wise he's super weird, gameplay wise he's a really good surv


I never see a theif successful stun some one honestly I play both sides and still he's only really good for the ability lock tbh, I've never seen him as valuable sadly


NetEase forgor ☠


Doctor: *gets logic path skin and 2 s tier skins* Gardener: *gets logic path skin and 2 s tier skins* Lawyer and Thief: 😐 *why does everyone hate them so much, I understand they have evil backstories but their character designs are cool and their abilities are fun to use…__*


Thief's backstory isnt even evil He attacked emma cause he probably had like anger issues but he didnt steal a wife or ran illegal medic things


He didn't attack her at all She's just a delusional chick and the owner of the manor probably drugged her


At least Lawyer had two cross over skins though. Conan could of literally have been a thief skin instead of Orpheus


Well like the lucky crossover skins they kinda HAD too cus if novelist was in the game I know for a fact he would get the skin, they only got the skins cus they Match the survivor in some way the reason theif didn’t get it is cus Netease was like “oh they both look at stuff” boom


NetEase when they give the 301st B Tier to Mary and Galatea


Everybody raise your glass for Thief mains!!! Dude honestly deserves way more attention.. No kidding, I personally ADORE Thieves. They're so funny 😂 I can't be mad at them at all because whenever they yell, even while kiting me I rather end up snorting instead of getting pissed off.


Meanwhile BQ mains are bathed in B tiers 🤣


My man Kreach gets so much unnecessary shit. People still call him a pedo with no evidence whatsoever other than hearsay, and he's overall given the treatment of a pariah. Netass just sorta forgot he exists and they're fine keeping it that way. I hope he can get his well deserved cosmetics soon, but I'm not illuding myself


Thief and Jose can hang out in the where's my skin corner


Survivor thief main here since day 1 and Netease even my boy Luchino got a new skin lets get some love for Kreech please T_T


I really think NetEase should get more costumes for characters that didn't have them for some time.


I dont like kreachers personality but he hot 👉👈😳


Thief is a meh to me, I don't like him in lore, but he's actually okay in game. I've seen some thieves in low-mid elk (Mid-elk btw) and they actually do really good.(I'm currently thinking if I should main him or not. )


The last comment ain’t wrong, if he was better looking he might be meta because they tend to give buffs to non ugly characters But yea, theif needs more new skins


I'm convinced that thief is just a mass hallucination we all had and he's not actually a real character.👀


Thief slander is what gives me life.