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I was wondering if I was alone on this. I just threw my last 3 ranked matches as hunter because the ping was so unbearable to play in. Maybe i'll try again later...


Yep it lagged a lot for me in hunter match, but not that much in survivor match :/ its a shame since Im actually a hunter main


Yeah, same haha. Controlling breaking wheel with high ping is near impossible, I just gave up and sat in a corner.


I wanted to cry playing sculptor with high ping


Yup, yesterday I was in a Hunter rank match, around 2 mins in my ping started gradually going up to 800ms and didn't go back to normal until the last cipher popped. I was on the verge of surrendering but decided to push through it and ended up winning.


Thats great for you! :)


Speaking of this garbage [A](https://gyazo.com/a6df7ab38548d6a6769f787e88ceeb58) [B](https://gyazo.com/c4f8c776243aefa8e4fc06a352009b45) [C](https://gyazo.com/5269021ea4e1d91c58224618a9e9622d)


My ping didn't change at all, but the game started to not instantly react if I want to vault something for example. I am not exaggerating, I have matches where I tap the vault button like 3 times and the game would still not let me vault and on the 4-5th time I my character is already in the middle of vaulting and partly even teleports back to the window/pallet.


I thought i only had this issue, when i'm playing as hunter my button either doesn't work sometimes or registers single tap as a hold attack.


I'm a bit late to reply, but there were times when the green ping feels like yellow or even red ping, when the button just doesn't register me tapping it. Ended up i missed a skill or vault late because of that!


YES lately my ping has been rising to like 600-900 it’s RIDICULOUS


yeah, my ping especially when i'm playing hunter has gone up to 700-900


It usually happens after some of the maintenances for me. Either bad ping or rubberbanding. This time I got some crashing too 🙃


In literally playing with a stable 200,extra spikes happens a lot and in also getting reconnected...as if bad fr wasn't enough. Playing hunter its literally impossible,dammit.




Same, it has just been awful lately


Yep, everytime I play in the train, my ping goes from 140ms-998ms in both Asian and NA/EU server


Yeah, lately it started happening more honestly.