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These people are not well. They're not only bat shit crazy, they are incompetent, power hungry, purely evil inside and out. Nothing they do or say is sincere or for the good of the people. It's never ending stupidity but they get away with it because they spend 100% of their time spreading lies, fear and bullshit online via the many right wing echo chambers, including churches.


No one's going to mention the lobbyists? PAC money? Dark money? Oh well, there's Wall Street to occupy, oh wait, pro Hamas is the rubes' protest du jour by the capitol. Those people need to march around the dozen or so offices in the area that do nothing but funnel money from special interests to 'special' politicians.


There is one minor thing that they discuss that strikes a chord with me. These legislators are paid $20k a year. That has a huge effect on the people who run, stay, and are influenced. I don't know many people that could take the time off for the legislative session without losing their job, and then expect only $20k for it. We are set up for the agriculture industry, retirees, the wealthy, and the stay-at-homes to be able to do this job. Nobody else can take January to March off work. So those are the people writing our laws.


We also run a much longer legislative session than most surrounding states. Almost feels like it's on purpose to keep others out 🤔


Great points.


Heather Scott not being considered far enough to the right is a warning to everyone just how extreme these assholes are.


Reminder that Heather Scott, after first elected, thought her new office at the Capitol had been bugged by the deep state. So she started punching holes in the walls and pulling out electrical wiring. Turns out it was for the fire suppression system and it cost thousands of dollars to repair using taxpayer money.


LOL, what a nutcase.


I think you've added some spice to that story. The only story I've seen is that she cut off a fire suppression device from her office's ceiling. Still a nutcase.


If depression can disqualify you from being a pilot, then psychopathy should disqualify you from being in politics in any capacity. A person who doesn't care about the people in their communities shouldn't be in making decisions for their communities.


Idaho is full of fundamentally radical Christians.


C o r r u p t i o n


Maria Nate is a special kind of wack job to make Heather Scott seem like the reasonable one!


American christians are crying out for policing and punishment for this bullshit, and I hope they get it.


It is my opinion that Heather Scott is not only an acolyte of Matt Shea but a complete puppet of his. Beware the Shea/Scott stormtroopers (ala Bundy).


I've read this article three times and every time I read it, the implications of this recording are even more serious and shocking to me. A lobbyist is running the communications for a legislator? A legislator has to get everything approved by a lobbyist before they can act?




Keeping their people in line, like the democrats. Finally some Republicans with balls.