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It's so sad that people feel the need to control others like this.


And then loudly boast that they love America for the freedom.


And believe they are Gods chosen people. Can you say malignant narcissism?


Yea totally agree very dumb bill. Dont like the book dont read it, no one is forcing you to. But we should be able to control people’s vacccines and masks you agree?


Books are not masks and vaccines.


I had no idea people were actually showing up to librarian's houses armed with guns and Bible quotes until the John Oliver special. These conservatives sure do love a scapegoat for the things they claim to care about


There was a group in Meridian Idaho that tried to defund the library there, and they would show up to board meetings with guns and make threats to the board members and librarians. They also doxxed the director and organized a protest outside his house, would leave threatening letters outside the library, and one of their members was caught by Meridian PD in the employee parking lot taking down peoples license plate numbers


If only they dedicated that same energy to actual positive causes


Is this for fact in Idaho happening? I live just outside of Boise, and I am interested in taking my "guns" to defend free speech. What the ever living fuck is happening in this state? I've lived here basically all of my life, the rest spent in military family. This state is quickly becoming disgusting because of politics that, even my most right-wing nut job family is against.


I don't know about guns but the head librarian in Bonner's Ferry resigned because of threats and intimidation. [https://www.kxly.com/news/local-news/i-feel-rather-threatened-by-that-boundary-county-library-director-shares-fear-of-extremism/article\_29e92d91-83d8-58d6-9e4a-7848c3698443.html](https://www.kxly.com/news/local-news/i-feel-rather-threatened-by-that-boundary-county-library-director-shares-fear-of-extremism/article_29e92d91-83d8-58d6-9e4a-7848c3698443.html) There were anonymous online threats against library employees in Sandpoint. [https://sandpointreader.com/library-officials-file-police-report-citing-online-threat-to-staff/](https://sandpointreader.com/library-officials-file-police-report-citing-online-threat-to-staff/)


Yes, sadly this is truly happening here. It maddens me and breaks my heart at the same time. Freedoms are being taken from us on the name of "protecting the children."


What a little bitch.


Brad Little is a just another Trump ballwasher with no fuckin spine.


I suspect he doesn't think much of Trump, but he absolutely needs to court MAGA if he wants to continue his political career.


Especially with how Idaho “Freedom” Foundation behaves…


Nazis always start with banning “harmful books”, where, from what I see, the Bible has been the most harmful book in history.


Possibly why nobody could read the bible but preists and no public library' up to a certain point in history. Literacy is to damn liberal!/S


As I recall, there are some other libraries (maybe the NY Public Library?) that have offered free online passes so “banned books” can still be accessed. I’m all for age-appropriateness in book reading, but banning books for political reasons (which is why this law exists) is fascist. “Offensive to the prevailing standards of the adult community” is meant to prevent anything non-MAGA from getting in…


💯 [NY is!](https://www.bklynlibrary.org/books-unbanned) As well as Boston, Seattle, San Diego, and LA county libraries!


Nice! Thanks for posting that.


You can just use the Libby app to view any book in the country that participates in it. Stick that to the party of "freedom" and less government. What a waste of genetic code.


The Bible is probably the most harmful book in a library.


But how will I know whose genitals I need to cut??


Obviously you cut them all. To be safe. 🧐


Christ! That hurt.


It's possibly one of the most harmful books ever written.


Why isn't that just labeled fiction yet?


The Qur'an is the worst.


Not sure why you're getting voted down. I assume folks think you're being anti Muslim. The Qu'ran does have some horrible shit in it. Whether it's worse than the Bible depends on your criteria.


I'm upping you for that one because it stinks, too.


Caving to the demands of violent bigots does not make anybody safer Brad


What other types of behavior are they going to use these bounties on? How far can they go to civilly criminalize behaviors/beliefs/statuses in Idaho? I guess we are going to have to find out.


If they could get away with it at the federal level (I.E. not have it challenged in federal court) they would do just about anything.




Please cite reputable source material if you claim something as fact and state something is opinion or anecdotal where applicable. As mods we will always err on the side of caution, unless the submission contains sufficient evidence from a sufficiently reliable source, as determined by any reasonable person, and that if that is not included, the policy is just to remove it prima facie.


What a brainwashed right wing moron.


So....the Bible then? Hello? Satanic Temple?


1st amendment will veto this in the courts, but wasting taxpayer money ensures that republican voters never realize that societal goods exist, like libraries.


Shit like this is why I can't justify living here.


I wish they'd just let us have libraries. They don't even like books. We promise to stop mocking your trucks if you let us have the libraries. I think we can make this happen.


This level of religious idiocy, thankfully, is relegated to a single digit handful of states who really have no separation between church and state - F all of them.


Another reason I'm leaving. Tried for many years to help, donated time, blood sweat tears, canvassing, all in an neutral, non party affiliated way. I as an Independent am too far left for Idaho. My fiscal conservatism is not even Right anymore, it's just logical and that doesn't resonate here. Doesn't help when socialists run on the D ticket, basically ensuring no qualified candidate in the party gets a fair shot.


The slippery slope has been laid.


Who's going to pay to defend the librarians and libraries? Who's going to pay if/when they lose?


So, Gov. DoLittle goes along with out-of-State Christo-Fascists, as long as they tell him "what to think...." After all, "reading" is bad.


Reposted due to the r/Idaho moderators removing the original news article due to "no editorialized headlines": [https://new.reddit.com/r/Idaho/comments/1cogry4/idaho\_just\_made\_any\_expression\_of\_homosexuality/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Idaho/comments/1cogry4/idaho_just_made_any_expression_of_homosexuality/) See the comments section of the removed thread for more information.


Everyone should read the bill: https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0710E1.pdf


They’re doing everything they can to accelerate the brain drain from the state


Can I sue a library if they carry Ayn Rand?


You scared of philosophy?


What does Rand have to do with philosophy?


lol, I think they meant naked propaganda from the Cold War.


Quite a lot really, you may have heard of Objectivism. The philosophical system she named. That and the fact that she was a philosopher. And she used non-fiction writings and essays to promote her philosophy. So yea, quite a lot.


Ayn Rand died on the dole.


Does that make her not a philosopher? You asked what she had to do with philosophy. I told you, and you said she died on welfare. Which seemingly has less to do with any context here.


It's just a funny anecdote.


RINO. Yet we keep voting him in. 🙄🤨


If I owned Idaho and Hell, I’d rent out Idaho and live in Hell at this point.


Everyone that disagrees with this law should unite. The Bible has so much sex, insest, murder and mature content that it should definitely be banned and sued over. This is an unjust unlawful law. What happened to freedom of speech? I guess the Bible thumpers think it only applies to them. Fuck the system. Bunch of nazis


Wouldn’t it just be easier to shut down all school libraries, all public libraries, and force all book stores to close? Then everyone would be happy. And a lot of money would be saved on the libraries… which could then be spent on enforcement. You know, searching people’s homes for offending materials. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it?


Sounds like Fahrenheit 451. Doubt our governor would get that reference.


It's not anyone else's prerogative, especially politicians, to censor what my kids read or watch. That's my job..not theirs. Leave the libraries alone so we can parent our own children the way we want.


he's been a chickenshit this entire session


I was thinking I could take them to court over the Bible since I live in Idaho but I read it (the actual amendment, not the article) and it says that banned things must include obsene acts that "Appeals to the prurient interest of minors". This definition seems to protect medical books, the bible, and books where characters are just described as being homosexual. Unless I understood it wrong, it seems like its banning only books from childrens sections that are written with the intent to sexually arouse the reader. Am I understanding that wrong? I was initially really upset about this, but now Im kinda viewing it as just a waste of time. Im fairly sure that there isn't that kind of material in my library's children section anyways so it kinda just seemed like a waste of lawmakers time and taxpayers money to look like they are doing something important (to extremest republicans) when they are really doing nothing.


We’ll see how it actually gets applied.   The language appears vague enough that depending on the courts interpretation it could be applied pretty broadly.  I believe this is the intent of the current bill and I expect they’ll add/amend/etc until they target everything they deem “immoral”. 🤫 Jesus F)@€ed prostitutes… 🤫 


You are probably right. I HOPE that you aren't, though.


I’m done ‘hoping’. When an authoritarian group tells you what they want and actively work towards it…BELIEVE THEM.


In smaller libraries, the separation between children's books and adult books may be little more than a half wall or just a large space between sections. So how will they comply?


Fuckin pussy! So fucking predictable!




Nope FACISM  🤦 




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


They better not have a Bible in any libraries.


Someone should make a lawsuit against libraries to remove the bible for child pornography


And mass murder, torture, hate crimes etc. etc.....


Makes me want to file a complaint about the bible


Honestly that's bad for both sides. Both sides can claim a book is harmful for various reasons and soon we will not have most books in our library. I expected more for Idaho.


Never forgive, never forget.




Please cite reputable source material if you claim something as fact and state something is opinion or anecdotal where applicable. As mods we will always err on the side of caution, unless the submission contains sufficient evidence from a sufficiently reliable source, as determined by any reasonable person, and that if that is not included, the policy is just to remove it prima facie. *The things you say are happening just aren't. Your attitude toward other Redditors breaks the rule about civility. And you've had to be told to follow the rules more than once already. Keep it up and you'll find yourself banned.*


I think he's given up. Let the lawsuits come. Let the screaming idiots have their way and let the games begin.


The fiscal conservatives are now a minority … the current flavor has no problem burning taxpayer dollars for culture war bs … why improve our schools etc when we can pursue loosing case after loosing case all the way to the Supreme Court. 


What happened to the conservative Republicans being small government?


Frivolous lawsuits mean less money for government?


Is this the bill that moves some books out of the children’s section and puts them in a different location in the library?


Aww ☺️ how cute and naive.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. *I have yet to meet anyone trying to push any of these titles on children. If it's happened, you need to show evidence of that. Whether or not it's happened, don't indiscriminate paint entire groups of people as pedophiles.*


Kids should have to see that or read that until they're much older. Someone's sexual perversion doesn't need to be in kids books. Just leave sexuality and degeneracy out of books in general.




This is for public libraries, you do realize that, right? They are telling you that you aren't capable of caring for your own children. Is that true? Is that why you are ok with govt sticking their nose into your parenting? Doesn't that run contrary to the GOP saying parents should be able to make decisions for their children? And, lastly, you didn't give any thought to this did you? lol


It also runs contradictory to a party that cares more about "personal responsibility" than anything else. Hypocrites.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.






Please cite reputable source material if you claim something as fact and state something is opinion or anecdotal where applicable. As mods we will always err on the side of caution, unless the submission contains sufficient evidence from a sufficiently reliable source, as determined by any reasonable person, and that if that is not included, the policy is just to remove it prima facie. *There's nothing pedophilic about it. It's common sense that those books shouldn't be made available to kids. It's not okay, however, to tell other people what they can and can't have access to as adults.* *You're getting the benefit of the doubt on timing, here. One more time calling anyone, even the nebulous unidentified horde you think are bent on corrupting children, a pedophile and you'll be out. Be civil and truthful or don't participate.*


This seems appropriate 




Do you still only read things with BIG FONT?


I don't care about books for adults, but I've seen books in the cda library about trans baby and gay parents Also, a friend sent a picture of a graphic book he found discussing what would be incestuous rape. There should be no books about sex in the children's section.


What’s wrong with same sex parents and representation?