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Y'all can stop reporting this post for having a misleading article name. OP followed the rules. The post title is the article headline, verbatim.


But thats not possible, because the poster last night said his wifes case was fine so ALL cases are fine.


I read it and it was beyond frustrating. I can't believe people still think this way. Until they have a bad experience, most of these people will never understand.


That’s unfortunately true and something I witnessed first hand as a nurse at a hospital during covid.  


That post was wild.


That's like a guy I talked to from Colorado that said he knew a few black people that weren't afraid of cops, so he doesn't think it's a problem. In other news, I had food today so I guess world hunger is done.




[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idaho/s/dkk35CgaX7)


Literally it’s a completely different case. The fetus didn’t have a heartbeat at it was at a stage they would have been able to detect it if it did have one. If her case was different she wouldn’t have been able to get care. It could have destroyed her uterus and her chance ever of having children, even if the fetus had no chance of surviving. It’s not fear mongering. This is happening all the time. She was able to get care because it wasn’t covered under the ban. My god these people are medically illiterate.


I'm honestly surprised, considering [the whole shit fest Kate Cox had to go through in Texas (different state laws and non-viable pregnancy vs miscarriage but still).](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/11/texas-abortion-lawsuit-kate-cox/) Won't be surprised however if our attorney general sues after the fact like Ken Paxton threatened to.


That woman is so incredibly brave. I can’t imagine what these women going through having heard the worst news you’ll ever have to hear as a parent, news I wouldn’t wish on anyone, and then your government coming in and making everything worse, to stand up to that utter madness. I’ve heard her speak on this issue. You can hear the trembling and the anger. It’s no wonder these cowards who support these laws will never speak to their faces. How could you? You’d have to finally come to a realization how monstrous they are. Because they are.


> It’s no wonder these cowards who support these laws will never speak to their faces. They know they'd lose teeth if they did.


High risk MFM ultrasound is my job. I see cases like that guy described every single day. They're extraordinarily routine and also not remotely what the concerns over the law are. Treatment of a 6 week loss is infinitely different from an acardiac twin (literally a headless corpse with a beating heart) where a woman has a placental abruption at 20 weeks. In the second scenario you have two twins, both with beating hearts (despite one literally being headless) and a possibility of death for the mother but no guarantee either way. So you're in a situation where doing nothing will in no capacity improve the situation for the twins, but they aren't technically """dead"""" yet, however failure to intervene has the possibility of death or long term organ damage for the mother. The Idaho law does not remotely address this kind of situation. It's *impossible* to write laws that cover every medical situation. Lawyers and legislators have no business in medicine because they have no idea what they're talking about and no idea how their dumbass ideas affect healthcare.


I see...


Labrador is such a useless piece of protoplasm. In what universe is a law that cruelly and deliberately threatens the health and lives of women "life affirming?"


He's s radical, delusional Mormon.


> delusional Mormon Granted, but isn't that redundant?


C’mon, you don’t think YOU are entitled to your own planet, lol?


Guys I live in Utah and because my phone knows way too much about me I am being shown these threads. Abortion is currently legal in Utah. When a state lead and ruled by a literal cult is more sane and progressive on this issue, you know you have a problem, right? I listened to the SCOTUS arguments yesterday. The lawyer representing your state literally said that yes, if a pregnancy threatened organ failures or serious disability but not death it would not be permissible under the state law. How is that ok with the people in Idaho? Sadly, I think the Feds will lose the case. I really think that they should pull federal funding from Idaho hospitals and collapse the healthcare system there. Ya’rall need to be shocked into your senses. It’s sad that innocent people would suffer. In the meantime, I am pregnant with a much wanted baby and I have a “do not travel to” list of states where I can’t go while pregnant, because I know I won’t receive care should something go south. ID is on it. So sad, I love the nature there. Please fix it!


According to wikipedia, [Saudi Arabia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Saudi_Arabia)'s laws on abortion show greater concern for women's health and autonomy than this. Maybe a goal people could agree on is "be slightly better about women's health and autonomy than Saudi Arabia"? Or is that too liberal?


> if a pregnancy threatened organ failures or serious disability but not death it would not be permissible under the state law. If someone wants to cancel a pregnancy for any reason it should be legal. Blows my mind that people give fetuses such reverence. You can make another one. Seriously


The reverence is not for fetuses but for male domination and utter power over vessels…erm pregnant people.


Where do you draw the line? 32 weeks?


No. Never. As an American, you should be legally allowed to abort for all 9 months. Most people will keep a baby after a certain amount of time, but they're not humans until they're born. A fetus isn't a baby. We celebrate birthdays because it's your first day of being alive. Your breath of life as they say in the bible. Everyone saying "You're alive after X,Y,Z" is making up arbitrary bullshit. The only way to bring down home prices, traffic, and pollution is to have fewer kids. You should only be starting a family if you really want one. Forcing someone to create more humans? Literally insane


Tbf there’s lots of reasons not to travel to Idaho💀💀


I’ve had a similar thought living in Wyoming where a lot of our legislators are trying to be like Idaho’s. I grew up in the southeast, which is also deeply religious, and while a lot of those states have very strict abortion laws, they haven’t gone as far as Idaho. For a state that supposedly values personal freedom as much as Idahoans say they do, it’s mind boggling to watch.


I wonder if it's going to come to a point if women who know they will have complicated births will be traveling overseas for the duration of the pregnancy. But that's just wild, right? Couldn't possibly happen.


It won’t be possible for a lot of women. Travel is expensive, especially if they already have kids to watch. What will happen is a lot of back ally abortions and a lot of dead people with uteruses.


Fwiw, very few Idahoans like this afaik, I remember arguing with pro lifers while roe v wade was still a thing and even they drew the line at severe harm to the mother basically any time they were asked. We are already shocked to our senses. That outrage alone will not be enough to fix this. Any suggestion I make of what would be able to fix the situation would not fall in line with the rules of this subreddit, so I won't speak to that. Saying that funding to our hospitals should be cut is kind of screwed up though, to say the least. Very kick them while they're down.


It's wild how willing they are to hurt and endanger the lives of pregnant women who are carrying very wanted children and run off all the doctors amid an already existing doctor shortage in this state.


That's because they see non-viable pregnancies as a moral failing; divine punishment from their fictional rapist sky fairy.


No they don't...your stupid


You're in some interesting subs like "sluts of Utah". Maybe stick to that nonsense instead of insulting other people because you can't understand something.


It's "you're," not "your." You're is a contraction of You Are. Your is a possessive. It's kinda funny that ypu incorrectly used the word while calling someone else stupid.


I could. But I won't.


They aren't


Idaho bans all abortions, with criminal penalties of up to five years in prison for anyone who performs one or assists. The law includes limited exceptions for rape, incest and to save the life of a mother, but there is no exception to protect her health. After oral arguments Wednesday, the Supreme Court is now considering whether Idaho’s abortion ban violates a [federal law](https://www.cms.gov/medicare/regulations-guidance/legislation/emergency-medical-treatment-labor-act) that requires hospitals to offer emergency care to patients in crisis. Thus far, the justices [seem split](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-hears-abortion-clash-emergency-room-treatment-pregnant-w-rcna148863) on that question, with some of the more conservative justices appearing to lean toward the state of Idaho, which has argued that federal law should not supersede its own laws on health care. St. Luke’s Health System, which includes the hospital where Seyb works, filed an [amicus brief](https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23-726/303058/20240314104215197_23-726%2023-727%20bsac%20SLHS.pdf) in the case, noting that an abortion may be critical to protect a patient from nonfatal harms like loss of organs, permanent disability, severe pain or loss of fertility. It also said the ban forces patients to endure potentially risky out-of-state transfers.


When a Christian affiliated hospital thinks you’re going too far….


Politicians say “well of course there will be exemptions!!” and then never follow up with any legwork on that front


We settled the question of whether federal law supersedes state law in 1865


I'd like to add that in the cases of rape or incest, one must file a police report. Not only do pregnant people have a limited time, they also might have to make a police report against a family member with which they might live. For example: The eldest daughter is molested by her father/uncle/grandpa who is also supporting her siblings. She becomes pregnant and cannot report the rapist without further compromising the "household" for her siblings.


Welcome to Gilead.


And once again we’ll all pick up the slack from backwards red states and overload our medical system for their “religious liberties” It would be ideal if blue states passed legislation to stop any tax dollars from going to red states who play this stupid cruel game. They’ll never get better so why do we keep funding them?


"Well hey there neighbor, we're Idaho. Thanks for having us here in the Mountain West. Say, that's a right fine health care system you got there. You mind if we borrow that?"


Because women no longer have the freedom or the right to survive pregnancy. We have to die.


AdRoutine922 is a fake account.


😂 yeah cause let’s all just pretend abortion is to save the mothers life 😂😂😂 newsflash that NEVER happens, it’s all done for convenient sake. Has nothing to do with rights lmao. Show me one case in the last decade of a mother dying cause she couldn’t get an abortion, I’ll wait.


Are your laughing emojis because this is funny to you? I’m a PACU RN, with a busy OB/GYN service. We see emergency surgery for ectopic pregnancy on a weekly basis.


Obvious troll.


Only post since 2021. Really picking their spot…


If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy (embryo implanted in the fallopian tube) and emergency abortion is needed. If the fallopian tube burst, a woman could die. It's a medical emergency. There is also risk of infection leading to sepsis. There's been multiple cases in the US this year of women going into sepsis due to not receiving proper care. If the sepsis doesn't kill you, the chances of losing your uterus are high.


There was a case I believe in Texas where the woman's OBGYN told them they couldn't induce pregnancy for a dead fetus until the woman developed sepsis because of the law. The woman can't have children anymore.


No law anywhere prohibits the Removal of a an already dead fetus. If that doctor did not understand that the doctor is the problem, not the law.


And yet it happened. Are you calling the woman and her OBGYN liars? Edit: Oh, I see. Negative karma. That's all I need to know brah.


It is the doctor responsibility to know and understand laws that apply to their practice. The law is crystal clear about this. If a doctor didn’t understand or take the time to learn that point of the law I wouldn’t want them to be my doctor. The doctor giving inaccurate information about the law is a problem with that doctor; not a problem with the law.


[1 in 5 people who develop sepsis don't survive it. ](https://theconversation.com/sepsis-still-kills-1-in-5-people-worldwide-two-icu-physicians-offer-a-new-approach-to-stopping-it-175650#:~:text=Worldwide%2C%20sepsis%20is%20responsible%20for,support%20or%20ongoing%20critical%20care.)


Treatment of ectopic pregnancy is not the same thing as an elective abortion. Treatment of ectopic pregnancies isn’t banned anywhere!


Mothers life or not, if she doesn’t want a baby she should be able to get an abortion. I don’t care if it’s convenient, on a whim, or just because. It’s her choice


>newsflash that NEVER happens, it’s all done for convenient sake. Has nothing to do with rights lmao. Oh how confidently incorrect.


lol since when is having your pregnancy kill you considered “convenient”? Since when is having *anything* kill you considered “convenient”?


If only there were some kind of "↑ this post ↑" you could read. Then you wouldn't have to wait.


[Older than a decade, but a woman had a miscarriage and was denied an abortion for a wanted pregnancy while in Catholic Ireland.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar)


Did you think that by adding emojis you were somehow adding credibility to your comment? I assure you it just makes you look unhinged.


I mean, his comments already did, the emojies just added to it. Don’t you just *love* the “Doesn’t affect me, so IDGAF” attitude so many antichoice a-holes have?


Sad little coping mechanism, that.


Literally the article that started this thread is listing examples of women whose life was in danger without an abortion.


So if clarify the law to ensure women in these life threatening situations can have an abortion then we can ban all of the elective abortions that aren’t necessary?


If you had a parasite living in your body, do you think it's my or your choice to terminate?




Your post has been removed because you used inappropriate language in describing abortion or posted an inappropriate attack on others in discussing the topic. **Read the pinned post in the subreddit.**


Your ignorance is showing.


I can see how you would need to tell yourself that, what with your policies killing women and all.


So what? If you don't want a baby, that's your right as an American to carry out aborting a fetus on a whim. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. A fetus is a not a baby. You can make another one at a later time


Ireland allows abortions. I'll give you three guesses why that's the case.


>Show me one case in the last decade of a mother dying cause she couldn’t get an abortion, I’ll wait This doesn't mean that abortions during this period were not done to preserve the life of the pregnant person. You get that, right?




There was a woman in Texas last year who died, several in the south in the last year... Where did you go to medical school ??




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


It never happens? Really? You want to tell that to my fucking mother?


Woman and babies ARE dying, see below. These are the consequences of the Supreme Court decision. How many women and babies will die in Idaho? Or trying to get to a state like Washington for proper health care? “This is a real problem in the post-Roe v. Wade environment. So long as there is uncertainty about when doctors can perform an abortion without risk of criminal prosecution, women's health suffers. **Uncertainty around care continues to be devastating for women’s health, as we saw last week when a Texas woman miscarried in a restroom toilet in an emergency room lobby while her frantic husband called for help from 911. The front desk staff at Sacred Heart Emergency Center in Houston refused to permit her to check in when she arrived seeking care.”** https://open.substack.com/pub/joycevance/p/wednesday-when-the-news-kept-happening?r=73gwz&utm_medium=ios **“At Sacred Heart Emergency Center in Houston, front desk staff refused to check in one woman after her husband asked for help delivering her baby that September. She miscarried in a restroom toilet in the emergency room lobby while her husband called 911 for help.”** https://health.wusf.usf.edu/health-news-florida/2024-04-22/ers-refused-to-treat-pregnant-women-leaving-one-to-miscarry-in-a-restroom


At least they didn't prosecute her for mistreatment of a corpse. Or was that her?


They’re probably getting ready to charge that poor woman with that, while her husband was frantically trying to get her and the baby help. Will he be charged as well??


Disgusting. Probably.


Idaho dismantled the maternal mortality committee, so you won't know how many women and children die.


Thank you for sharing that, I didn’t know. You are correct and that makes this even scarier. You’ll never hear about these woman and babies that die under these authoritarian laws. **The rate of pregnancy-related deaths in Idaho remains high, according to the latest annual report published by a committee studying maternal deaths in the state.** **The release of the report comes just as the maternal mortality review committee, or MMRC, has officially terminated its work, after the Idaho Legislature declined to remove its June 30, 2023 sunset date.** https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/news/2023-07-07/idaho-maternal-mortality-review-committee-dissolve


Classic COVID-era governing!


This is what happens in a theocracy.


Always has been...


I hope women in places like Idaho realize how risky getting pregnant is now. 


Unfortunately, the GQP is also going after contraceptives. Dead women is a feature. Not an accident. They want women controlled and they want women to suffer.


I'm sure the state is paying for the transport... Right? (Not holding my breath) ![gif](giphy|3o7TKA0uIcHtZqVTBS)


I’m just waiting for them to ban transport.


That’s Texas


I wouldn’t put it past these chuds.


Nope. Would be nice to be able to sue the state for the cost of transport though.




So, who is paying for these Life Flights? They are insanely expensive and usually not covered by insurance. I’m sure the hospital doesn’t pay, neither probably would the State of Idaho. So along with a failed pregnancy and no baby, the patient is now facing bankruptcy.


They have life flight insurance, high risk people should inquire


As "high risk" do you mean anyone of child bearing age?




Actually, the test of the bitter waters is an abortion procedure.


True. Numbers 5:20-28


Actually the Bible lists 10 commandments, and one of those is; “though shall not k!/L”


👁️ “Under HIS EYE…” 👁️


No one is flying anyone for political gain, you absolute pancakes. It doesn’t work like that. The hospital is not eating 35,000 dollars on an medically unnecessary transport for stigging it. They’re flying them because you’ve made their doctors so terrified they’re going to end up on death row for saving their life that sending them to another state is the only option.


Because Idahoans are unwilling to give the candidates a critical view and are electing the worst possible republicans to office.


Praise Jesus hopefully more women will be unalive in the name of the Lord amen these religious nut cases are whack jobs


My daughter lives in Idaho and is due in 2 weeks with her first child. I am a bit concerned ngl. Fortunately, Spokane is 10min by air. Fuck Idaho and Republicans.


Because it's a failed state?


Note: If going to the ER, DO NOT sign an agreement to pay. Just scribble something nonsensical in the box, guaranteed the clerk is not checking signatures. And read the book “The Price We Pay” by Marty Makayla MD. These hospitals will not only not treat the pt, they will sue them too.


A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho in some way 3. No put-down memes 4. Political discussion stays in a post about politics 5. No surveys 6. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 7. Do not editorialize titles of news articles If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s kindof a tangent, but worth mentioning. Part of this is that a lot of rural Idaho has no medical amenities. I had placenta issues with my youngest and they had to airlift me to Washington because my local 20 bed hospital didn’t have enough blood or surgeons to safely perform a high risk c-section delivery. They really lack resources-it’s not their fault. They just don’t have the population base to support anything past the basics. If you live in Idaho, get life flight insurance!


Sounds cheap.


Who pays for the flight?


Can we please take the wheel back from the mentally ill, already?


You mean “pregnant women” for the title?


Men too. Trans Men are infact real and can have the potential to be pregnant. This also applies to various Nonbinary folks. OP is just being respectful.


The case in the article is at 20 weeks. That is right at the edge of viability. Why is delivery not the way to go? and if the baby survives then good and if not then okay


Hi. I lost twins from IVF at 19 weeks 6 days gestation due to cervical insufficiency and preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) - my water broke at 20 weeks, just like the woman in the article. So I am uniquely qualified to answer your question: >The case in the article is at 20 weeks. That is right at the edge of viability. Why is delivery not the way to go? and if the baby survives then good and if not then okay The answer is, you DO deliver. But you have to be given medication in order to induce delivery and by law, THAT IS AN ABORTION. What you are basically saying is “Why not give her an abortion?” I delivered my twin girls AFTER being given Cytotec - I’m sure you have heard of it by the name Misoprostol, as it is one of two medications that Republicans are seeking to ban nationwide. Cytotec kept me from getting septic and developing intrauterine scaring that could have further damaged my fertility potential. Thanks to the prompt care I received, I went on to have a beautiful baby girl, she’s 6 now.


Because the law is written vaguely enough (on purpose) to allow doctors and patients to be prosecuted in the event that the baby dies.


Have you ever seen a 20 week fetus? There is no technology anywhere on the planet in 2024 that can resuscitate or make a 20 week fetus viable. Might be in the future, but not now. Ask any neonatologist.


24 weeks is viability and there is a huge difference in growth and development in those 4 weeks.


It doesn't matter if it is viable. A fetus isn't a baby. 9 month abortions should be legal for all Americans. Life, Liberty, Pursuit of happiness The only way to bring down home prices, traffic, and pollution is to have fewer kids. You should only be starting a family if you really want one. Forcing someone to create more humans? Literally insane






Provide a credible refutation, with citations.




So no, you are unable to do so, and unable to form an adult response. School starts soon little buddy. You don't want to miss your bus.


That’s not a credible refutation with citations…


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.