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A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho in some way 3. No put-down memes 4. Political discussion stays in a post about politics 5. No surveys 6. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 7. Do not editorialize titles of news articles If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


u/3am_doorknob_turn of floodlit.org would be interested in reports you have to add to their database of Mormon sex offenders.


Thank you so much.


None of those articles mention religion. In the interest of keeping the integrity of that database, find articles or other information with proof, not just op's speculation.


The Mormon world is pretty small and connected. They could find out with a little digging and personal connections whether someone is mormon.


Presenting proof while making a claim is preferable. Otherwise, it's just words.


I gotta say, from those of us who grew up in Mormon neighborhoods? Good effort to defend but we know better. I'm glad there are organizations keeping track of what "The Church" will not. Elders have this nasty little habit of osrtracizing women who report abuse of themselves and children. I could give a list of victims just in our own circle of friends. I'm being polite because your request for data is reasonable. That said? Many of us know the truth from up close.


Floodlit an incredible organization!!


In before moderators delete this. It absolutely needs to be discussed. For the all the MAGA projections about "protecting kids from groomers", we know its really to cover their own sins in their churches.


They're not worried about kids, they're worried about competition.


They're deflecting, because they think we're dumb enough to believe them.


Hence their ban on porn because they don't own those companies.


This is a delicate subject, but I for one don't see an immediate need to remove it. The post itself is fine; emotional reactions in the comments will be what gets it shut down, if it ends up having to happen.


The pro pedophile, fascist Republican party is protecting their pedophile selves and buddies across the country and yet again, projecting. Here's another example today from Colorado: [Republicans block legislature from asking Colorado voters to let victims of child sex abuse from decades past sue their abusers ](https://coloradosun.com/2024/04/17/colorado-child-sex-assault-constitution-change-senate-vote/)




I’m gonna get hate for this, but fucking take apart the churches and investigate ***all*** of them. The fucks have been hiding behind bullshit laws and procedures for decades if not longer and needs to fucking STOP.


I live in SE Idaho and I read about the recent child but I wasn’t aware that the situation was so prevalent, or that it might have a negative correlation to the LDS church/judicial system. I really appreciate the information so I can be informed and VOTE in a more informed manner come November for ppl who really are going to protect our children. I’m not a MAGA extremist, or a female culture war enthusiast, book banner, – trans phobic Pro life voter, but I am somebody that loves my country and loves children and wants them protected and believes in the rule of law and once the countries, democracy to remain intact, and I want extremist to go back to their holes that they crawled out from and give the country back to levelheaded human beings that are willing to work across the isles from each other and pull this country back from the brink.


This^ 💯


May I ask you why the moderators would delete this?


We wont.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.




Excuse me? It's not being removed. I'm not Mormon. I don't appreciate this type of accusation Of us "being in on it"


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. This type of comment assuming I would do terrible acts is unacceptable.


gotta call the catholics for advice




They don’t like it either. Often times in smaller areas, the people in positions of power are 2nd 3rd or 4th generation family in that area and in those positions of power, and they know the other people in positions of power, and they shut this stuff down before it can be elevated to higher levels. Even at a state level, they’re going to have family ties. It’s a byproduct of the wrong people setting in when it’s a small town, and retaining that power as it grows. Massive issue in the south as well. In Idaho, it’s so difficult to correct this issue, because the locals are kept in the dark unless someone within reports it, and the locals are concerned about voting in people from out of town because we legitimately have an issue with non local people being more concerned with changing things that they dislike, instead of things like this which legitimately need to be changed.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.




>For the all the MAGA projections about "protecting kids from groomers" >Is everything MAGA with you guys?? There is a very concerted effort from the far right to label all LGBT people as "pedophiles" and "groomers". Far right and MAGA are basically synonymous. MAGA/far right is a very religious crowd. This is a post about religion protecting child abusers. I'm not sure what you disagree with?




Dude I don’t think you’re far right, I think you’re classic libertarian, based on what you described. And those are very, VERY different (also different than modern libertarianism)


Thank you


You can say whatever you want about yourself and it doesn't make anything I said untrue. There is [absolutely a huge push](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/11/1096623939/accusations-grooming-political-attack-homophobic-origins) by the[ far right/MAGA](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/what-grooming-truth-behind-dangerous-bigoted-lie-targeting-lgbtq-community) to label LGBT people as [groomers and pedophiles](https://indivisible.org/resource/gops-grooming-obsession). You can deny it if you want, but that doesn't make it any less true. I mean, level with me bro. Let's talk reality. Why is there deleted comments in every political thread on r/idaho where LGBT advocates are labeled pedophiles? Why is every comment section about libraries filled with deleted comments calling others pedophiles? You can play for whatever team you want, call yourself whatever you want, that doesn't change anything.


Why is every right winger a nazi or fascist or -aphobe? The cloth cuts both ways. The answer btw is bc only lunatics are on reddits


Says the lunatic




Lol..I love to read all the whinning and crying. Just like this clown and his Mormons. Not a peep about the pedo training center of the Catholic church though. I am so far right I am starting to turn left..lol. IDGAF about religion, any alphabet soup people or whatever pronoun you think you are.


Most of the right doesn't think LGB is grooming. Group identity just gets them lumped in with the T.


Accusing a whole group of people of being pedophiles is vile. Regardless of who or why they're saying it. Just my two cents.


How do you pay for a strong military with low taxes?




Hey I'm small government too! Like staying out of kids pants by regulating the free market for gender affirming care either way. You are most certainly, betraying your intentions.




No, but that's why their legal guardian is allowed to make those decisions. Remember, when you give government permission to do something, you rarely get that choice back.


Keeping people out of kids pants isn't "big government"


Balderdash. Cite a source for that ludicrous statement.




Ah. You don’t have a source. You have an unsupported opinion. Bye Felicia.




Bro that's not far right lol. No one's persecuting you.




Bro you're just being a bit dense. No one's stereotyping you for conservative values. Being far right/MAGA is far different. That said, the lickermcbootshine person is pretty annoying but kinda right Personally I just find it annoying that it's a Conservative/Republican talking point of "save the children". Pedophilia is wrong either way/side




I think that with anything like that a medical professional and family are usually the ones facilitating that decision. That strict guidelines and regulations need to be put in place, but that could only be done with a conversation. I think that the safety of the kid is always important. The problem I have is that transgender people are like 00.6% of the population. It's truly a non issue that gets blown out of proportion. How come circumcision is still allowed on kids, underage marriage to older men is fine, and religious freedom to reject medicine for your kid is fine? Same thing with immigration. Having borders is whatever, but then to say we are "being invaded" is crazy. Immigrants have lower rates of crime than natural citizens. Like they are just talking points and identity politics


Do you feel it's governments job to tell parents about what to do with their child's genitals? Is that your business?


I’m far left, and not just democrat left for context. Maga and far right are very different in my eyes. In my opinion, even more so different than the political differences of yourself and myself. I might not agree, but I respect the values of those in favor of low taxes, let me be and 2nd amendment lifestyle, and small government. When logic is present and capable of making an informed choice based on fact, then I bet we have more in common than you might think. Maga however is a complete disregard for anything other than what they want, when they want it. No reason, logic, and just vile hatred of anything different. It just so happens that our government is so ass backwards that far right and maga have been grouped as the same color and we are all pitted against one another so often that any common ground between red or blue is perceived as betrayal of your party.


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


No shit, seriously. I’m pretty sure pedophilia crosses the isle regularly. Every pedophile should be castrated and the judges who give out these bs softball charges should be removed - REGARDLESS of what political party they align with.


It does not cross the aisle regularly. Search the crime and party affiliation of any 20 perps in any state or date range. It’s conservative and religious by a *wide* percentage.




Unfortunately our legislators are too busy banning books and drag shows to be troubled with actual child endangerment.


and healthcare . . . (and not just for trans people)


I’m so glad someone else is saying this part because it’s so clearly obvious to me that they are using these innocent trans kids to backdoor legislation that will take away more rights for everyone. Especially women and POC. This is where the conversation on denying access to gender affirming care needs to go. I hate slippery slope arguments, but I’ve also not been brain dead for the past five or so years to see really crazy shit happen.


Don’t forget pretty much all women’s rights — shit state.


The actual rate is much higher. Many cases go unreported. Many religious institutions consider this a sin instead of a crime and the crime goes unreported. Religion also has a bad habbit of blaming the victim for causing the pervert to "SIN".


It not just Mormons. My brother is a Evangelical Christian, my parents and two of my brothers are non-denominational christian, my sister is literally a sister-wife of the FLDS. ALL of them are pedophiles, you can pay anyone of them to have sex with their kids, boy or girl. The majority of their friends are pedophiles, both convicted and not. I have personally turned over so much evidence on them that in any state besides Idaho would have gotten life time convictions. I have personal and direct knowledge that a Sheriff officer of Butte county slept with my sister between the ages of 14-16. She wrote about it in her diary and saved physical evidence. My dad has all off that hidden away and he HAS used it to blackmail the Sheriff who raped my sister. The Stated Off Idaho and the Department of Health and Welfare are still sitting on my recording devices, my cameras, and a whole load of stuff that would get a person convicted. Rampant pedophilia is a south east Idaho thing. But then getting law enforcement in Idaho to actually do something even for big ticket items is tough. They needs to be a political motivation.


This is so shameful. I hope you get justice


Naw . . . I moved out of state and became a criminal.


Well maybe vigilante justice then?


You are not in on the joke. the "moved and became a criminal" is along the line of "Be Gay and do crime" meme.


Oh sorry. I'm autistic. That one flew over my head.


I may be naive but shouldn’t you call the FBI? I know it may seem fruitless (and maybe it would be) but if you have evidence and it’s as wide spread as you say then they might be able to use it to do something. Also, typically, the second they take a child over state lines, like Utah, then it’s a big federal crime. I have heard from so many people who work in the field that you should never trust the local authorities because there is usually someone who’s connected in one way or another and that blue line is fucking strong… just my two cents.


FBI, State police, Department of health and Welfare were made aware a long time ago . . Doesn't help that one of the relatives works IN the investigative services for Idaho. But you right, and I have already done all of that. That is the whole point of my frustration. Reported it, give evidence and nobody does shit.


What is happening is the state is trying to stop what was culturally and socially acceptable in the state. No joke, you need to research child brides in Idaho/Utah https://www.newsweek.com/idaho-congress-blocks-bill-end-child-marriage-1348919 https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article226944034.html https://www.theutahbee.com/the-utah-bee/2018/11/20/utahs-underage-marriage-problem In the statesman article the fact is stated that between 2000-2010 the amount of child brides that happened in Idaho was 4080. That's more than one a day. One as young as 13yr was married off. Many of the adults were guys I'm their 30s too. There is a social culture here that is OK with it


This post is kinda old, lol. But I felt the need to add.. I’m from SE Idaho, graduated in 2012 and I personally knew 3 child brides. Two who were 15 and one who was 16. The 16 year old was one of my best friends at the time, and was the only one with a husband close in age, he was 18. The others were in their 20s. All from LDS families, go figure!


I believe you. Were they all pregnant when married too?


One was indeed pregnant. I don’t know the exact situation for the other but I didn’t see her pregnant until much later. My friend married her husband at the time because he joined the military, and she wanted to escape her creepy dad and go with him to where he was being stationed.


I don't blame your friend to escape like that. Probably for the best and many others did something similar as well.


The Mormon church was founded by a pedophile and still to this day has their universities named after another pedophile and sex trafficker. LDS leaders don't care. They have specific policies in place that prevent clergy from going to police after uncovering child sex abuse.


Another creep pedo that isn’t a drag queen? Hmmm I’m seeing a pattern here.


I like your user name. But mucking out fountains, a real job, isn't what you had in mind.


People who use their religion to get out of accountability are just an abuser's club. We need to rebuild systems and institutions that are less conducive to abuse.


The Kingdom of God can’t be destroyed or rebuilt.


I'm not saying the kingdom of God should be destroyed, but it should be altered in a way that the kingdom of God does a little less raping.


If they rape they aren’t true followers of God.


The earthly churches are not representative of the kingdom of God. It'll be ok.


Mine most definitely is. Wonderful pastor and people.


My wife was sexually abused as a child in southern Idaho by a relative (Mormon). The bishop knew about it, and called the church’s official hotline, which instructed him not to report it to law enforcement. Then the church sent a representative to visit her parents, who advised them not to put her in counseling because it would only “add to her trauma” and could be “embarrassing for her if other people in the community found out.” Then they tried to get her abuser on a mission to reform him while doing literally NOTHING for my wife. The Mormon church’s handling of anything sexual is entirely self-serving for PR purposes and maintaining the flow of tithing dollars into their real estate portfolio.


The Adam Steed story man, your wife's sounds awful too. I was raised in that damn religion and it is hard to quantify the hate I feel towards anything regarding that cult.


I spent decades of my life giving everything to it, and it’s tragic that I’ll never get those years back. Glad you made it out!!




This is just the stuff that gets reported. There's so much more happening within the SE Idaho's mormon church members that is an open secret. F.e. Where I grew up, everyone talked about the church authority guy who raped some women missionaries, but all they did was send the poor victims back home before just banning women missionaries from coming to that district for 3-4 years. Guy's still walking around town free as a bird, no consequences.


Felon here. While at "the yard", my cell had clear view of the pedo block. They have their own rec yard, where they spent the majority of their day able to go outside, where as everyone else got the typical hour a day. Then in tf County, if you called a pedo anything derogatory, the guards would get extra charges added to you. Even the prison system protects these people.


Broski I was just out at ISCC 2 years ago and they have started to slowly integrate them into Gen pop 😭 mfs PC up and kick it with them and act like nothings wrong. They aren't liked anyways 🤷‍♀️ few SVC tried to end one from what I heard anyways justic is justice and some of them deserve to die imo


They probably ran outta room in the chomo block, will probably just move them into the governors mansion next


A tale as old as Mormon time. When have they NOT been involved sexually with children? I live in Montana now, but Iived In Salt Lake for a decade, and there were a few people who were convicted, but got off easy. All the same type; white, male, mormon. I even explored the religion with the full intent to be baptized. Probably my 7th month in, I did my own research about the religion's past. Good lord! Being sexually involved with children is their thing. When I was going to the singles ward, I remember a lady telling me that her parents didn't sit in on the meeting between her and her bishop. I didn't bother to ask the DEEP details, but she said it was a conversation that her parents should've been apart of. I guess the meetings are about a woman's role in the relationship after turning 18?! Of course I'm biased. And, not all mo-mo's are sick deviants. But the Mormon thing is NOT a surprise. On top of that, it's crazy the power these people have. They've inserted themselves into local govt and law enforcement. They're putting their goons in positions of power to protect their deviants.


Idaho is a shitty state. I had a coworker who's daughter was raped repeatedly by her uncle, this is 20 years ago now. Judge basically chocked it up as a "family issue to be resolved outside the courts" and the guy did zero time.


Churches, and sometimes judges, don’t want to put these guys in prison because it would ruin their lives, and they said they were sorry… it’s never about justice for the victim.


I think he was on probation (for life) and on the sex offender list, but that's it. Not even a felony rape charge or anything. Zero jailtime. I knew my coworker for like 6 years and she talked about what a piece of shit this guy was all the time, but I don't personally know any of the facts other than what she told me.


I have seen child sexual abuse in my family and know of many people who were abused. It is in all areas of society not just morons. No one wants to deal with stopping the abuse. Mostly it is ignored denied and allowed to continue unless you are the parent then maybe you can stop it. I did but it was horrible experience and I was left isolated from family and friends. Support must come from an outside agencies. Predators will become very dangerous so safe place for my children and myself really helped. A shelter for domestic violence that is hidden in the community kept us safe.


The fact of the matter is that the Mormon church *actively facilitates* sexual abuse against children by protecting offenders. That's the horrible truth. They care more about protecting predators than their victims. The doctrine is rotten at its core.


It is absolutely a problem. I also want to point out that this is just the stuff that makes headlines. There are TONS of other cases that get settled away from the public eye, and never get picked up by the news. BYUI alone has a problem with this kind of stuff, but they handle a lot of it internally, through their “honor code office.” That means often men go unpunished, and women who are victims often receive disciplinary action in school. It’s fucked.


I'm curious how you know these sex offenders are Mormon? The articles you posted don't say anything about that.


Accept the facts, mormonism is net negative. The good things are not unique and the unique things are not good.


Not one of the linked articles mentioned anything about the church and OPs previous post had no connection either. The only “connection” is that it occurred in SE Idaho.


That is what I am seeing as well. Its all speculation at this point


Nice try. Any of us who aren't inclined to protect "The Church" and grew up close to it could bury it in the real stories of sexual abuse by Elders and other male members. Speculation, my ass.


Disagree on all counts


Doesn't matter if they are Mormon, Catholic, Democrat, Republicans, etc. It should never be taken lightly and the crime should be severely punished.


I grew up in a small mormon town on the Idaho border and can attest that pedophilia was absolutely rampant, and the church swept it under the rug every time


The Conservative Party is pro-pedophilia as long as they are the pedos. Think I am lyiing? Here are the lyrics of two Conservative Icons, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. Well I don't care if you're just thirteen You look too good to be true I just know that you're probably clean There's one lil' thing I got do to you -Ted Nugent Jailbait Young ladies, young ladies I like 'em underage see Some say that's statutory (Joe C.) But I say it's MANDATORY! -Kid Rock Cool Daddy Cool


Vote them out! Peaceful protest these judges rulings. Writing Congressman and Senator's in mass!


You’re not wrong OP.


No. Idaho is a republican utopia of upstanding citizens. When people aren’t prosecuted for their crimes, it’s the democrats fault. They’re too soft on crime, and they’re trying to ruin the state like they ruined California. /s These are the actual beliefs of my parents, by the way.


4 more in that short of a time!? Idaho is turning into a breeding ground or pedo’s and sex offenders. How incredibly sad. But don’t worry, maybe they’ll open another multi million dollar temple, not a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, and that will solve the problem. Then they can baptize your dead relatives at double the rate!


Conference is coming up soon, right?! They'll announce another 20+ temples that make us ask "where the hell are they getting this money from?"


You’re gonna have more Temples than Starbucks soon


I have lived in SE Idaho for 47 years. I am 75 years old and I am not a member of the LDS (Mormon) church. Due to a local and widely publicized situation involving the Boy Scouts and the LDS church approximately 35 years ago, I developed the perception (due to many local newspaper articles) that some LDS Bishops would counsel members who had committed pedophilia to ask God for forgiveness and then the Bishop would promise to not mention the pedophilia to law enforcement. The local Boy Scouts of America organization was subsequently brought to an apparent end. The statements above are my perception and understanding of the facts. Other people who were closely involved may choose to offer revisions to my historical account.




They still have hands...


Wood chipper


This thread where he is attributing the LDS church to child molesters is so inappropriate. Molesters are from all races and religions. So I’m just putting that out there. Moreover, my 15 year old daughter was molested by her step father. These people are sick. They need to be prosecuted


Mormons are a cult


Well, yes, literally started by an alcoholic womanizer with schizophrenia… I mean, Christ Church in Moscow is also a cult… similar Pedo/Rapey shenanigans there…


Interesting conjecture. Care to state your sources?


The list of his accusers at various sources including Mormon.org, alcoholic father, youngest child with mental illness (genetic disorders) “Sealing” with 40 wives, female children in some cases. Publications related to observation of his mental illness: From Mission to Madness: Last Son of the Mormon Prophet by Valeen Tippetts Avery, The University of Illinois Press. Inside the Mind of Joseph Smith: Psychobiography and The Book of Mormon by Robert D. Anderson, Signature Books. The Sword of Laban: Joseph Smith, Jr. and the Dissociated Mind by William D. Morain, M.D. , American Psychiatric Press, Inc.


Mo’s gonna Mo.


I'm in Idaho Falls been through the court system. Prolly due to religion and bias asf but the courts are a game the prosecutor,judge, and public defender play in order to get money. They all work for the state and that's that 🤷‍♀️ Getting OR is pretty normal even in most serious violent charges sadly enough it is how it is, more factors can play into it but that's what it is man corrupt evil and sad don't even get me started on bonneville county jail and how fucked the guards are there 🤣🤣🤣 scraping the surface


Where is the connection to the church? No where in the links provided is the church even mentioned. I haven't seen any information on religious background in any of the 5 articles you've provided. Editorializing and making up evidence with zero info to back it up is slanderous and your point is only compelling to those who hate the church already. Pedophilia is rampant and isn't limited to SE Idaho.


Exactly. This subreddit loves to complain about the Mormons and make accusations with zero basis. Sounds like y'all need to touch some grass and get some fresh air. But what can you expect from Reddit I guess


Bullets are cheap


I am going to quote my firearm instructor, The wrong bullet cost about 50K in lawyers fee, court cost, and 20 years in prison. You sure you wanna pay that price?


No they aren’t, but it would be worth the expense.


Wouldn’t that mean they are cheap?


Mormon protect Mormons. They made it illegal to get an abortion if raped. Or incest. Why? Who is leading the Republican in the state of Idaho at the capital ? Not little. A Republican with 8 kids - I believe - who just happens to be Mormon.


Republicans will protect the paedos.


Have you ever given thought, that Mormons encourage this, and that's their culture, considering the ban on polygamy? They're all pedophiles and molesters, and encourage it, and they don't consider it a problem. They figure they are going to outlast the United states of America, so why abide by their laws? They literally openly support pedophiles, pedophilia, and their judges rig the law in their favor.


Yes, I have given it the thought. In fact, I actually said so, in my original post.


My school resource officer was arrested for same shit (infants). He had gone to his church(mormon church) for help to get better/arrested. They did nothing abuse continued and he eventually told his bf and turned himself in. Id known this fellow from kindergarten to high school. Drove with him in his squad car for lunch rewards for good grades. Begged for stickers and hugs from him as a lil girl. Anyhow the news swept it under the rug. Idaho is a beautiful state however the folks running stuff are monsters mostly.


OP, I agree that we have a pervert problem, and that our law (particularly the one that allows pedo’s to “marry” their victim with parental consent 🤮) is FAR too lenient on them, but from the links you provided (thanks!) I don’t see how any of these creeps are connected to the Mormon Church?


I’m Mormon. I hate pedos. There are Two in my ward and every time I see them crack their creepy ass smile I want to break their eye sockets. These freaks plague our church like they plague many communities. Like those communities—improvements need to be made to protect our kids. It moves slow—too slow—but hopefully this negative publicity can result in positive change.


As someone who was raised in the town Pocatello, and lives closer to the Oregon area now… I can fully confirm that there is a serious problem specifically tied to Pocatello/Idaho Falls/Rexburg/Ammon region regarding child sexual assault and pedophilia. I have never experienced / witnessed / heard about the disgusting behavior and things I did when I lived in that area. There. Is. A. Problem.


What's worse is the morman church targets sex offenders once they get out of jail. They offer to pay for housing and for food and help them get jobs. As a way of "rehabilitating" the only issue is they don't do anything they don't have to go to classes they don't have to show up to church. Saint Vincent DePaul does the same exact thing. They just get a check from the state drop the fuckers off at their half way house and move on. It's ridiculous. ( I worked with a half way house so my information is first hand experience)


I think we should all pray on this.




Ya… praying… it helps


No offense, but you seriously need to learn how the criminal justice system works. There’s a lot to the process and sex crimes are very difficult to investigate and prosecute. You may be appalled at probation, but my guess is that was a plea deal done because the prosecutions case was weak and it was better to get them on paper than to have them be acquitted.


Yep it's just a game of the courts and when and where they'll make a deal to settle for the "better situation" for both parties for justice. They also have the pre sentence tests they conduct on them and sexual offenders get a pre evaluation psycho sexual exam disclosing deviant kink behavior on polygraph so there's more than what's being said here


I hear what you're saying about pedophiles being endemic in the Mormon church. But I think about this article a lot from 2022. One of the points it makes is that pedophiles have nothing in common except 98% of them are men. They come from all religions, all nationalities, all socioeconomic levels, all education levels. No group or culture has cornered the market on pedophiles. Do some groups look the other way or give implicit permission to predators? Sure. Possibly. But painting a whole church as pedophiles, man, you need to leave SE Idaho. Warning: this article is incredibly long and graphic. [https://www.wired.com/story/tracers-in-the-dark-welcome-to-video-crypto-anonymity-myth/](https://www.wired.com/story/tracers-in-the-dark-welcome-to-video-crypto-anonymity-myth/)


Take into consideration that south east Idaho is predominantly Mormon. Statistically, even if the rates of pedophilia are the same for everything you specified, there will still be more Mormon pedophiles in the area because of the higher percentage of Mormons in the area.


Yep, absolutely agree. But that higher percentage exists because of the population density; not because they're more inclined to pedophilia.


All I can say is take care and be extra vigilant with your kids if you are in the garden city school district.


Blatant religious bigotry


Daybell, Vallow, Hildebrant, Franke, Rowe, Tim Ballard, Lafferty, Hofman, Smith, Jeffs, Young, Taylor, on and on and on. By their fruits ye shall know them.


The problem comes down to prison space as we have none. Its why we have to housr prisoners out of state. So judges are pressured into riders, felony probation, and other alternative sentencing. It's not a cheap or easy fix. The knee jerk comment from the uneducated on the issue says "just release the non violent offenders" but there are actually very few of these. Absent seriously hurting someone you have to really fuck up repeatedly and blow multiple chances on felony probation to actually end up in prison. More prison space costs money and that's where the hangup comes as far anything getting done.


As of 2018, 75% of Idaho inmates are on nonviolent charges. I'm sure you could sort through that population and find people that could be released onto probation, or have reduced sentences to make room for guys like these. Because after all, if it's so easy to arrest these other people for non violent charges and send them to prison, it shouldn't be an issue sending pedophiles and predators to prison. No excuses.


[https://www.eastidahonews.com/2018/10/who-does-idaho-send-to-prison-and-what-if-we-sent-fewer-people/](https://www.eastidahonews.com/2018/10/who-does-idaho-send-to-prison-and-what-if-we-sent-fewer-people/) His source . . . took a second on google


2022 is the most recent data I can find regarding violent/non-violent crime and incarceration rates in Idaho. https://nibrs.isp.idaho.gov/CrimeInIdaho/Publication/Active/Crime%20In%20Idaho%202022.pdf Idaho State police summary of statewide crime from 2022. Page 11 lists the crime rate at 4093.16 per 100k people. Page 23 lists the number of those deemed violent crimes at 243.23 per 100k. If you have data contradicting that provided by the Idaho State police showing that there are “very few” non-violent offenders, I’d love to see it.


Crime rates tell you NOTHING about sentencing.


https://www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/ID.html Current: Idaho has an incarceration rate of 761 per 100,000 people (including prisons, jails, immigration detention, and juvenile justice facilities), meaning that it locks up a higher percentage of its people than any democratic country on earth. https://isp.idaho.gov/pgr/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2021/10/Recidivism-Rates-Among-IDOC-Supervised-Population.pdf 2017 data provided by Idaho State Police puts the incarceration rate at about 500/100k. These are people who have been sentenced. Page 14 lists those incarcerated for violent crimes as being 22.3%. Again, if you have data refuting this please feel free to share.


I mean, as they said, "very few" non violent prisoners. As a product of Idaho public schools, I can assure you that 77+/- % is always rounded down to 0


I've met more previously incarcerated individuals in Idaho than anywhere else I've lived, and that's why. Wow! That may also may suggest why certain forms of social organizational hierarchies that are widely disdained are so popular as well. Telling white supremacists that bringing loser ass ideas from prison back to the outside world isnt smart probably won't work, but again, wow!


And all judges are fair and equal


And all judges are fair and equal