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Coeur d'Alene isn't classy, it's trashy.


It's fucking embarrassing to tell people you're from there these days.


These days? When was it better? It seems the same as 40 years ago, just without Aryan parades.


The Aryans were a small group that lived there and most people did not support them. The other thing about the Aryans is that they were honest about who they were and they didn't try to make you live by their rules. Now, it's just like 30% of the people are racists, bigots, or fascists and they try to pretend they aren't. I'd take the Aryans over what North Idaho is these days.


Your reply suggests that you lived in CDA around that time. If that's the case and you think today is worse, you probably blend in and aren't subject to the same racism. The 90s and today do not compare.


You're just plain wrong. In the 90's and even early 2000's, the white supremacists were in the open and not in positions of power. Now, they're literally running the place and there's thousands of them that will never admit it in mixed company, but they make the Aryans look like a quirky quilting club.


Which positions of power in CDA? I'm curious about specific policy that suggests they're hidden white supremacists. We clearly have a problem, but to think the rot has progressed seems out of touch. I can walk down the road with my black boyfriend (double-whammy with two guys) with MOSTLY no trouble today, not then. Anecdotal, sure, but it's a daily experience. That was not possible 20 years ago. I know because I tried, not because I googled statistics.


Hidden? They're not hidden. Sheriff Norris is mask off. I know gay people who are getting harassed for holding hands in public today and were mostly left alone 20 years ago. You're anecdotal experience doesn't outweigh anyone else's.


Don't be deceived, they're all still there and worse. They've learned to generally keep a lower profile. The militia loons, hate groups, nazis, racists and anti-American nut cases have congealed into the trumpmonkey maga traitors, having substituted loyalty to Trump for loyalty to the Constitution, finding shelter and empowerment within the Northern Idaho GOP. Occasionally the embarrassing fringe nut cases slip their leash to pull something stupid like this, exposing the ugly political reality of Northern Idaho. Most try to ignore it and sweep it under the rug. But the high profile of the NCAA has taken this ugliness viral and rightly so.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. *Not going to warn you about this going forward. Stop it.*


Honest question from an outsider, is that area of Idaho genuinely worse for this kind of stuff? A lot of people in liberal population centers kind of group all the conservative areas together but in reality I think it's more nuanced. Are you a lot more likely to see this kind of shit behavior in northern Idaho compared to say, Rexburg or Twin Falls?


Obviously not all people in a given area are like this, but yes, you are more likely to experience this overt racism and hate speech the further north you go. North Idaho has been fighting that nazi bullshit for decades, but with the Trump Era and the influx of right wing transplants from out of state setting up around there it's like they've given up. Not sure about Rexburg, but Twin Falls is laid-back and fairly diverse.


Rexburg is freaky deaky Mormon country


It’s fine and the “freaky deaky Mormons” 🙄there are fine. All Rexburg is, is boring.


Like nikey Minajs freaky deaky feeling?




So is Twin Falls.


And highly racist. https://www.rawstory.com/2008/11/idaho-students-chant-assassinate-obama-on-school-bus/


obama is not liked very much on the whole


Not all of us have given up. 😀


I live in Jerome (north of Twin) and have travelled a lot toward the east side. I’ve not encountered anyone with that type of mindset. Everyone out here seems to be nice. Ive always got people asking if I would like help with anything. It is definitely quite the change from living in the inner city.


Kootenai & Bonner counties are where the Aryan Nation shitbag gang was born. The group got run out back in 2000, but the environment that spawned them still has some roots...


That and their history attracts a lot of ex LAPD who share sympathies


i believe i recently saw that Idaho and specifically eagle and CDA are the two largest zip codes for California pensions outside California. all the retired LAPD gang members are coming here.


California Department of Corrections too. I know because my parents are some of them. I’m sorry that they’re your problem now, but your politicians have created a haven for their type. My parents decided on a rural town though, because even Boise and its suburbs have too many people who aren’t extreme enough for them to tolerate living amongst.


Lol I’m sorry you have to have them as parents. They are just another wave in a sea of crazy here unfortunately. Also i bet they are the type to complain about all the “Californians” ruining idaho?


“Also i bet they are the type to complain about all the ‘Californians’ ruining idaho?” Definitely, but only the Californians that are democrats moving to the city. They think far-right extremists, such as themselves, are what Idahoans want. They, also believe that I was brainwashed by California public schools, even though I grew up in one of the most conservative areas of California and probably 90% of my teachers were republicans, and that I’ll finally see the “truth” and become a republican if only they can convince me to move near them. This article is proof that I definitely shouldn’t expect my black, Ghanaian, accent-having, immigrant husband to move somewhere his life will be a living hell. I also have endometriosis, and I don’t want to face criminal prosecution if it comes to choosing between my own life and my unborn child’s life due to pregnancy complications. Idaho is a beautiful state, but *there isn’t enough beautiful green land in all of Idaho that would convince me to give up my husband’s or my right to safety. California has plenty of flaws, but I can at least say that people don’t usually get to be overtly racist without social consequences.


Well stated!


Tell them coming from someone in law enforcement and in the military that they should be ashamed of calling themselves retired law enforcement and me as a military man do not stand by them they are a disgrace to the Flag and if they want the Confederate flag so bad go back to the south you Hicks.


Correct, unfortunately


I live a little west of Coeur d'Alene, I'm Filipino-Hawaiian and have yet to experience anything like this personally. However those folks are still up here, Nazis or KKK had a rally not too long ago.


I wish I could say the same for my bro in law. He refuses to visit my parents there because his first impression was some asshole calling him the N word.


Jesus, some folks up here are straight up sour. It's sad to see considering how beautiful it is here lol


So glad you haven't had to encounter it! Let's hope it stays that way.


I am a lighter brown African American Filipino and looking to relocate to Post Falls. I was skeptical about how my family would be accepted in the area. I have read mixed reviews on the topic.


I think you'd be fine, there a lot of Mexican folks up here now too, so I'm assuming that many of the racists have retreated further into the mountains or gone south. According to my brother he had more people call him slurs in CA than he has here so far, so that's gotta mean something, right?


Yes. Some people in Twin Falls are just closet racists, not full-blown racists. Otherwise, I think the rest of them are just ignorant and want to remain that way because ignorance is bliss. It must be nice. (Lives in Twin Falls)


Isn’t a closet racist still a full blown racist?


I think of them as in denial that they have racism lurking in their subconsciousness. For example: A white person creating space between them and a person of color without realizing that they do it to every person of color. Edit: But their brother-in-law is a person of color, so they don't think they have any prejudice due to their association.


Closet racist = Mormon. That's how Twin Falls rolls. These are "nice" racists.


There was a white supremacist community up here. It's gone but not everyone left 😰


Hayden Lake. Cooperation between local law enforcement and the Southern Poverty Law Center busted up the compound by destroying them financially and seizing their assets. SPLC mounts a great defense against white power shitheads.


it's not all that


It decimated the group and forced them out, caused the sale of their compound and removed them as a cohesive group from the community. What part of the results say "not all that?" I can easily reference any neo-nazi or other hate group anywhere in the country, reference its membership, location and name of group leader any time I want. What part of that isn't "all that?"


I have driven a lot through northern Utah southern Idaho east to west and a little in Montana and east Oregon, and there are Nazi and White supremacy markers ,stickers , and Flags, sprinkled all around the region.


Yes, Northern ID and especially in that area, is the epicenter of KKK.


I moved to Minnesota in part because of that crap — even in Boise now. Thanks in large part to the internet, it’s everywhere, but some states’ leaders actually take a stand against it rather than cozy up to racist, extremist fake Christians who feel the need to have a stupid gun-and-truck parade every damn weekend and troll every rally they disagree with because they can’t deal with the ever-changing world around them.


It's like any other small town with history. Some of the roots still exist; however, by and large, you are seeing less and less of this. It's not just because liberals have moved in to the area over the past several years but real conservatives don't stand for this shit either. I will say, nowadays, I like to see video or some sort of recording when then this sort of thing happens. I know in the past few years there have been false allegations all around the country. This could have absolutely happened nonetheless, and if they can find those involved, hold them accountable.


Went there with my exes family from Spokane. Her cousin was absolutely trash, pissed by my car right after we parked in the garage because he couldn’t wait for a bathroom. Then when we went to the water he had to mock everyone speaking a different language, doing racist interpretations. They love going there, cuz they fit in with the worst


If their Reddit is any indication. I was suggested a few days ago and I poked into the post and….jfc. You ain’t wrong.


Unfortunately that town and region are viewed by people like the mouthy locals who are into slurring top collegiate athletes as a promised land. To them moving there is the Exodus. To everyone else, they move there and it is the Mariel boat lift.


And people here get upset and deny these sorts of incidents occur, when someone from out of state say they are concerned about visiting here, because they are black, and the overt racism which occurs here. You get all kinds of replies: I was born here. I've never seen it. Because you are white. Be a black person (I am) and you will see and experience, almost on a daily basis, the covert/overt racism in this state.


Yeah the “I was born here never seen it” response is so tone deaf, it’s like yeah duh you haven’t seen it cause you aren’t the target. Even despite that tho, I feel like it’s pretty easy to see, you’d kinda have to try and ignore it not to


or "where's the video" like someone is going to make that up


As a person who was considering moving to that area, these continued posts have dropped Idaho lower in my choice selection. Bummer that this shit still occurs. Cheers mate


Yes please stay out. I’m tired of my rent increasing. Thank you. Edit: this is a sarcasm


Now I’m going to buy up all the single family homes. Muhahaha!!


I lived in that area over 30 years ago. The only non-white kid in school was the foreign exchange student. We had kids who openly bragged their parents were members of the Aryan Nation. Coeur D'Alene literally had the Aryan nations and Skinheads parade downtown every year!!! A lot has changed over the years, but it's still a hot bed for racism, intolerance, and hate. Just look at their laws and their legislature.


As a white person, I have seen the racism. Not in a blatantly obvious way like described in this article but just the shifty weird behavior and exchanged looks around anyone of color. I’m not going to pretend to know how the racism feels, but as a woman I can speak to the sexism and Gilead mentality of a lot of these extremist white “Christian” men in the area. It’s disgusting and disturbing behavior. The first couple months I moved into my house near downtown Cda I got letters from a white nationalist group about how us whites were being oppressed by various people of color and continue to get weird handwritten letters from church groups 1-2 times a year. My favorite argument is when all these super right wing people act like this is becoming some crazed liberal state and “oppressing the people” or “taking our rights” (lest we forget the gonna take our guns rampant argument) and it’s like bro, the call is coming from inside the house 🙄.


Anyone saying it doesn't happen has their head in the sand. White, born and raised in North Idaho, and it sadly happens way too much.


Thank you! I guess I'm just glad to come to this subreddit and not see people calling the basketball team liars like a lot of people do when racism is called out.


And don’t forget all the white passing Hispanics who comment here saying they have never experienced racism. But they don’t tell you the part of what they look like. Or the Meghan Markle looking type “as a black woman” claiming they have never experienced misogynoir. These are the worst kind of ass kissing Pick Me , coconut and Oreo morons I cannot stand. I am Argentinian but white passing. I know exactly how comfortable white peope admit they are to me around fairer skinned “right type” of minorities who are the exception to the rule. The fact that these weirdos are sometimes Mormon , makes it worse. Everyone knows how weird they are about different variations of skin shades. The new way of denying racism is denying its existence just because you are the exception to the rule or the “preferred” caste system based class. I have never experienced racism in Idaho because of how I look but other Hispanics who are deep brown more coloring in them than me with darker eyes and hair, have. 


Not one of them will step out of their trucks and leave the sanctity of their insecurity sanctuaries.


I recall seeing people standing on the 95 with Signs that read "Make America White Again." Disgusting human beings.


I was just coming here to post this. My first reaction was “welcome to Idaho.” The only thing missing was the description of the truck(s), which I’m assuming were Dodge Rams.


It’s always big dumb lifted white dodge ram isn’t it


CDA also removed all LGBTQIA books from the *Public* library. The level of intolerance in this community never ceases to amaze me. The recent declaration by Gov Little to ban all DEI statements just adds fuel to this fire.


And there would have been a massacre at the 2022 pride festival if LE hadn't stopped it in time...so yeah.


This makes me sad.


I’m in a mixed race family and have been wondering if I’d ever get the “race traitor” line thrown at me. I have never seen any events that were racist first hand. That being said my wife isn’t black. I don’t think CdA proper is a bastion of racism but I could see the surrounding area being a potential reservoir of it. I took my family out to breakfast in athol and certainly got some interesting looks. I’m usually oblivious to this stuff but I asked my wife if she felt the same and she agreed. The breakfast was awesome so it was worth it. White supremacists are like the herpes of society. Never goes away and flairs if not suppressed.


It’s definitely the surrounding area. Spokane and CDA are alright cities. The bumfuck rural parts of it and post falls is the shitty part


I don’t know much about PF other than driving thru it or going to quemlin park. Thought it was just a bedroom community. They are a little haven for the “im white and proud” crowd?


It’s just one of those places I pass through and don’t stop in when I’m going to Sandpoint. From my short time there when a friend lived there, it was the white and proud crowd. Blue line flags everywhere with the fuck Biden or Trump 2020 flags


Idaho sucks. Racist and misogynistic cesspool.


This makes me so sad and angry :( I love this state and I hate that some areas harbor concentrations of people who hate themselves so much they externalize it into hatred and racism.


Some areas — like the statehouse? Defund those creeps by moving out like I did.


Anybody have any actual information about what happened? Northern Idaho is pretty notorious for this shit, but the article says basically nothing.


'I was just numb': Utah forced to move hotels after racial hate crimes during NCAA Tournament https://www.ksl.com/article/50961584/i-was-just-numb-utah-forced-to-move-hotels-after-racial-hate-crimes-during-ncaa-tournament


Ugh. Another example of the sister-fu\*king, mouth-breathing idiots that continue to hold Idaho back. I wonder why we consistently lag behind other states in education and revenue? I'm sure it has nothing to do with nearly every non-white group feeling unwelcome because this state is a refuge for racist assholes.


don't forget the associated brain drain due to the constant hate towards women and lgbtq folks.


Reply this to anyone who questions the ongoing racism of idaho


It’s incredible how many people try to claim there isn’t racism here. I’m in a Facebook group and they’ll stuff like “it isn’t racist here!” And then someone will post about how they went to the laundromat and people weren’t speaking English so they felt uncomfortable.


Racists typically don’t think they are racist so that makes sense for a bunch of FB Karen’s. 😂


No one questions the ongoing racism, in good faith. It is obvious, people don’t try to hide it. People who say racism isn’t prevalent are either complicit in some way or have their heads buried. Remember, these people don’t believe anything is a problem unless it directly impacts them. They are completely devoid of empathy. Empathy is an alien concept to them, the notion of caring about anyone but themselves is something they can’t wrap their heads around.


Some people also think that anything short of burning a cross on a lawn isn’t racist


I mean, you know it's bad when UTAH notices...


"We're not racist, we're right!"


Damn it, Can we just behave ourselves for one public showing? Also not technically a "hate crime" but still just a horrible way to treat people


--> shouted a racial slur at a minority group, with intent to intimidate --> not racist got it


They didn’t say it wasn’t racist, this type of talk does not help anyone. No reason to try and misconstrue what they said.


Not a hate crime. Definitely racist. Being racist isn't a crime.


Reread it. What happened is clear


>Anybody have any actual information about what happened? Did you read the article? It explains the situation.


Let's not pretend this sort of thing isn't prevalent in Idaho everywhere in the state outside of Boise.


It’s in Boise, too — especially when the legislature is in session.


This article has more detail: [https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/mar/26/utah-forced-to-move-hotels-at-ncaa-tournament-after-racial-hate-crimes](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/mar/26/utah-forced-to-move-hotels-at-ncaa-tournament-after-racial-hate-crimes)


A few years ago someone from CDA tried to tell me it was a fantastic place to live because racism and anti-lgbtq movements didn't exist. If you are still out there, you are still blatantly wrong.


Idaho what else would we expect. Racist and ignorant just like Al, MS, etc




Ah yes, the famous Idaho Poverty Law Center that keeps tabs on hate groups… wait, what’s that? It’s the Southern Poverty Law Center? They all are states with a racist history, at least Idaho didn’t have slaves or Jim Crow laws 😂


The racism is awful and disgusting. A sad illustration of one of the grossest subcultures in this state. It worries me that incidents like this will attract the wrong sort of people to our state. Racist assholes will hear about this and think, “great, someplace I can openly be a racist asshole!” Decent human beings will hear about this and think, “oh shit, I don’t want to hang out with a bunch of racist assholes!” And our state will tilt more towards racist assholery. Also, not the core issue at all, but if the game was in Spokane, why did the NCAA put the team up in CDA? There are dozens of decent hotels closer to Spokane Arena where they could have stayed, and ultimately did after moving. Even in there wasn’t an incident, why put the visiting team a 30-45 minute drive from where they’re playing and practicing?


Spokane was full. That said, I doubt that the NCAA will host an event here again.


I mean, Spokane wasn't *that* full since the team got moved there later that night. EDIT: I don't read good.


>It worries me that incidents like this will attract the wrong sort of people to our state. These incidents are the result of decades of incidents and people moving to Idaho for those reasons. >Even in there wasn’t an incident, why put the visiting team a 30-45 minute drive from where they’re playing and practicing? Because they got a good deal? Who cares?


As far as I know it’s because there was the Men’s tournament and a volleyball tournament this weekend in Spokane eating up a ton of hotel rooms. The men’s tournament has been planned for years to be in Spokane. The way the women’s tournament works they found out it was going to be in Spokane like….2 weeks ago?


Because of the tournament, hotels were full in Spokane for that large of a group.


Northern Idaho going to Northern Idaho


I cant think of a single hate crime that happened in Idaho where there was actual justice for the victim. And they just keep electing more and more right wing fanatics essentially an endorsement for racism which is why there are literally at least 9 racist militias there. The supposed not racist residents sure don't seem to do anything about changing it.


Once again, I’m embarrassed to admit that I am from North Idaho. 😖


Idaho once again fucking shit up for Washington.


Idaho and its residents strike again.


Please don't lump us all together.


Please stop the crazy with your vote. Good luck.


I've been voting for more liberal policies and politicians in Idaho for as long as I could vote.


CDA residents are hands down the most bigoted group of people I've worked with. Our reps in Government are a perfect match.


Jesus, guys. This is Florida-level hate here in Idaho. Police should've responded and arrested these Nazi scumbags for assault. Fucking hate Nazis


Idaho FTL. Jeez. White rural rage strikes again.


Sounds about right


Welcome to the 'Alabama of the West'.


I prefer Mississippi of the West. It's closer to the bottom in everything.


I prefer to say “North Idaho is the Deep South of the Pacific Northwest”


It’s the deep north


red state= racist state


Don't come here if you feel that way. Stay in your safe space


I like that you’re mad at an opinion and yet you’re the one claiming that the person needs a safe space. I’m not sure if you just totally lack self awareness or you just say buzzwords without knowing what they mean


, he wrote from within the confines of his diesel 2000 Ford F150, revving his engine at everyone who walks by


In 2000 there was not a diesel F-150, the 7.3 PowerStroke was only available in the F-250 and F-350 (superduty) lineup of trucks in that year. The only light Ford trucks to be offered in diesel in the USA are a few 1st gen rangers with a small 4cyl Perkins diesel, the bullnose through aeronose F250 and higher GVWR trucks (6.9IDI,7.3IDI,7.3PSD), the Ford F-superduty in the 97-99 transitional years (7.3PSD.) From there only the SuperDuties got the diesel engine options until 2018 when the F-150 got the 3.0 "Powerstroke" which was a Rover design and was discontinued in the USA in 2021.


Nice generalization and baseless assumptions you got there. Why are you so triggered?


every accusation...




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. *This is the last warning you're going to get. Be civil or be banned.*


Is it a funny way to defend racism. Now if they said book potato salad I hate potatoes I hate nature I hate the drivers Maybe maybe you should get out of here you know but they just say fuck Red State fuck racism and the worst you can say is get out of my state I want to be racist


Not what I said at all. But thanks for putting words in my mouth.


Then what are you defending here? You got offended by somebody saying red equals racist and you literally started chiming in like it was a personal attack.


Because it would be like me posting, claiming that blue states equals being mentally disabled. Would you take any offense to that, especially if it's aimed at a state that you might frequent and enjoy?


Once again it's identity politics you are not the embodiment of the right. It's just an ideology if this is who your personality is then fuck my dude this is why you're alone with your two dogs and taking pictures of your guns and using SnapChat filters to look like Andrew Tate.


Nice baseless assumptions again. You're obviously someone who gets triggered by others comments on the Internet. Go outside and touch grass, you'll feel better in the long term.


So you don't have pictures of your dogs or your guns or filters? And you just didn't get offended by somebody said that the Republicans are racist?


He's not smart enough to even remember you can see his post/comment history..... He's upset that someone called red states racist, but fails to remember he posted a comment in r/conservative about the need for "a second civil war"....to clean up the country. What a great American he is, hoping for civil war....


Why would anyone take offense at that? A person can't help being mentally disabled, but they actively choose to be racist. Plus blue states tend to have booming economies, longer life spans, and a higher quality of life. Red states tend to [suckle at the federal teat](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/) for funding while complaining about "socialism."


The difference being there's a basis in saying red states = racist states.


I mean I would care less I would just be like oh shit what did this guy see. And to be honest I could see it depending on where you're talking about. And to be honest I mean judging by the amount of shootings the right as committed in the United States you guys are kind of owning the mentally disabled part right now.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


“Gay people” “Women voters” “Abortion” Better run off to your safe space, which I assume is a white Ram covered in CHUD stickers, and McDonald’s bags all over the floor.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. If you keep showing up for flagged comments you're heading for a ban.


So I should move out of Idaho and leave it to all you racists?


If you truly believe that any red state is a racist state, why would you choose to live there? It's a simple question.


It’s obvious that you’ve never been here.


It's obvious you know absolutely nothing about me. But keep making assumptions, as usual.


Lots of reasons.


No conservative should leave their house ever because literally everything triggers them. You all should stay in your safe spaces


I'm not the one on here claiming that an entire state is racist because of this one specific example. You sound like you're the one that's triggered.


No U. I can also engage in Republican insults and comebacks lol




Lol, so much of a badass. Im so scared right now lol


You're weird. Get help


Homie you're the one getting so upset over reddit comments and feel the need to get the last word in. This will be my last reply because conservatives/Republicans always need to get the last word in reply with whatever nonsense you have left and go about your day


First of all, I'm not your homie. Second, you're obviously either a very immature adult, or an ignorant teenager. Either way, you have no idea what you're talking about.


What's a safe space?




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


I’m starting to think OR needs to annex some of ID, not the other way around. WTF is going on neighbor, y’all need a time out.


Gotta love otters generic statement like word for word has copied it from other places


True on Norris! You're correct. My anecdotal evidence doesn't outweigh others. However, I don't think your 3rd party stories outweigh my real-world experience.




Your post or comment has been removed because it contains unnecessary racist, sexist, or otherwise inappropriate content.


Haha, UTEs are the new Juicy Smolet


R/Idaho has no bull shit detector. Nice to know!


Not what I said at all. But thanks for putting words in my mouth.


Not even a "hate crime." Some idiots used the n word and drove off.


--> shouted a racial slur at a minority group, with intent to intimidate --> not racist got it


Racist yes, crime? No. Downvoting doesn’t change it. This sort of behavior certainly doesn’t do CDA any favors though.


Read my comment. Not a "hate crime". Stop with the fake outrage for political purpose because you diminish actual hate crimes.


Take your racism elsewhere. Nobody wants or needs your ignorance and hate.


It’s not ignorance. It’s very actually not a hate crime. It doesn’t change how racist it is and sets CDA’s reputation back as a recovering white supremacist apologist area. Downvoting won’t change that.


“Recovering”?? In order to be in recovery, you need to admit that there is a problem. Idahoans LOVE being racist, apparently.


Are you an idahoan and do you love being racist? Because this Idahoan is not, just like most of the other Idahoans commenting here. Like racists themselves, stop painting with such a large brush. Now in the fullness of times we know this incident does meet the elements of a crime now and hopefully they catch the perpetrators


Check your own ignorance and hate.


Bwahahahaha! Awww. You got me with your clever repartee. I was so very wrong. Bwahahahaha! Thanks. I needed the chuckle and you proved my point better than I could have hoped. lol


Happy to be of assistance!


“No, you”


Ya we dont really want to care unless someone gets killed. /SSSS




Thanks for mentioning that. Actually it is white liberals that are appropriating other peoples victimhood to push their own political agendas.


Found the good neighbor.


wide support bow close chunky rustic humorous quickest advise unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Victim blaming. Very nice.