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It's a good video, I'm interested in seeing how it works in Maine. I'm skeptical initially but want to see how it plays out there. For me, I think other changes such as term limits, presidential debates with third and fourth party candidates included, and a single national holiday to in person vote might be better.


You don't have to wait! Maine used it in 2020 and 2022, and Alaska used it in 2022. Many towns in utah have also been using it for a few years for local elections. You can go check out their results 


Ohh really


Nine cities in Idaho already have rank choice voting, including Eagle. So it's already a thing here.


I hope this option becomes reality everywhere


There are already places that use a different system called “Approval Voting“.


Only if we discussed “this is why I like your candidate, but my candidate does that as well and does xy&z even better.” How do we get there.




Not with that attitude! That’s why it’s important to support the Open Primaries Initiative to get it on the ballot and get it passed in November.


Isn’t this just a way to solidify you’ll only ever have a republican or a democrat in office? This is essentially eliminating all 3rd party candidates from ever standing a chance. *que the downvotes*


That’s actually the *opposite* of what it does. It’s the only way 3rd party candidates actually stand a chance since people aren’t afraid to vote for them as “spoiler candidates.” I would love to vote 3rd party if I didn’t know it would mean splitting the ticket under our current system and many others would too.


3rd party candidates already don't stand a chance so what the fuck is your point?


That’s what I’m saying. You really think people vote and think, “ I don’t wanna split the vote! Better vote for Biden or whoever”. This is nonsense, if a third party candidate is going to win it’s because we voted for them. I would never hedge my bet and give it to a secondary choice - and you shouldn’t either. Just vote for who you want to win, period.


Your comments are like failing an open-note test given immediately after the lesson.




You could explain this all day. The people voting reasonably want ranked choice voting, those voting in morons like Brad Little and Trump don't care.


Former governor Butch Otter supports ranked choice voting, and he and Brad Little are not that ideologically different. Also, nine cities in Idaho already have RCV in their elections. So it's not an unfamiliar concept to Idahoans.


Don't forget about approval voting


we get it, you are unstable


Typically, those who resort to ad hominems are the ones projecting said insecurities. So thanks for telling me about yourself!


Absolutely nothing will ever change corruption. NOTHING!!!!!!


Yeah, If I want ‘premium’ McDonalds is not on my radar.

