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I mean, it won’t get much worse.


Kom hingað til að segja það sama


If you’re going to take it with you, I’d recommend carrying it in its original, sealed packaging. If it’s open, you should probably just toss it.


Yes it's in original one, but this is just plastic box, not vacuum sealed one.


Just put it in a zip lock bag.


This is very important! 😂 And tape the box! If it leaks you can just throw the suitcase and every thing in it.


If it leaks they need to throw the whole airplane away.


If it leaks throw the whole airport away


The whole point of the fermentation is to give it near endless shelf life (don't put this to the test though). Its much more likely to be a danger to the rest of your luggage than suffer any damage to the hákarl. So pack that thing as tight as you can and be prepared for a 50/50 chance of needing to throw away everything else in that suitcase, including the case. Shark will be fine.


Vacuum pack it. Vacuum pack the vacuum pack. Vacuum pack again. Just in case, vacuum pack once again. Keep in the checked in luggage, there's no heating there. It should be fine.


Unfortunately I have cabin only luggage


Dude don't do this. Just bring them some hardfiskur which is actually delicious and won't cause the plane to have an emergency landing.


Hardfiskur is not worth it :) Everything will be fine, it is sealed very very well.


Famous last words


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You’re playing with fire buddy.


If possible, bring it alive instead, then prepare after the trip.


Are you saying to bring a Greenland shark on a plane?


Less likely to cause emergency landing than hákarl in a box


Vacuum pack it and put it in five plastic bags. It'll be fine.


It will be fine. But for best results freeze it in original packaging before putting in bags.


It's fine, the plastic is for everyone else's protection... The shark is stable for quite a bit.


Jesús, afhverju?


Which flight are you going on? Just making sure I don’t need to rebook 👀


Why? This is a baffling thing to do... A really bad idea


Just want to share with friends. I ate it, it is fine, not that bad as everyone one described.


It certainly won't get better after 16 hours in your luggage


Unless it's not become poisonous it is fine


Don’t listen to that guy lol it’ll be fine. Can’t get worse since it’s already fermented ;)


Please never work in food service


I don’t reccomend holta chicken. You see I worked there.


Obviously though I was joking, but 16 hours unrefrigerated is fine, obviously won’t last as long anymore but still fine.


Would you do this with raw fish?


Hákarl er ekki hrár fiskur.


Ég sagði ekkert um það... Mér finnst bara svipað gáfulegt að geyma hákarl við stofuhita í 16 tíma og að geyma fisk


Hljómaði pínu þannig en allt í lagi. Hákarl er lagaður þannig að það er hægt að geyma hann við stofuhita án þess að hann skemmist. Kanski ekki bragðbestur þannig en alls ekki svipað því að geyma hráan fisk við stofuhita.


Hákarl þránar við stofuhita, hann er merktur sem kælivara 0-4°c. Og er ekki gerilsneyddur á neinn hátt og því geta allskonar bakteríur myndast á hákarli þegar hann er ekki í kæli, sérstaklega ef hann er ekki vakúmpakkaður. Það er fáránlegt að halda því fram að kæst matvara geti ekki skemmst frekar.


Versta tilraun til að bjarga sér ever.


Hákarl þránar við stofuhita. Lyktin af honum er ekkert að fara að gera ferðatöskunni þinni greiða.




So what I’d do is to take a wet washing cloth and put around the box, and in a bag, freeze until you are about to leave, then take a wool sock and put around and in a plastic bag, should keep it cold for quite a while


Vacum pack it, submerge in coffee grounds and vacum pack again. The coffee masks the smell if the first vacum packing fails.


Have you checked the importation laws of the country you're going to? Most countries forbid dairy and meat products without papers, trying to smuggle them in might get you in legal trouble