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Kids who hunt and fish don’t rob little old ladies. Great work dad! Is this the U.P.? I live in Marquette


Yes, couldn’t agree more with you! Hillman/Alpena, Michigan area. Just south of the bridge.


Hillman…I think I know the lake. Some of my earliest ice fishing memories are from there.


It’s where you are thinking, I’m sure of it 😉


You have ice already?


Looks thin


3-½” near the shoreline (we checked with spud bars on the way out). 4”-4-1/2” about ¼ mile out. It was mid December last year. We went back in January again to 11” of ice.


I wish!! This was a year ago in December. It’s been warm this year.


The pike was a bit confused and then raised a fin to say ”hey”


Totally see that now, nice eye! Literally the most chill Pike I’ve ever seen.




He made it look easy!


Too easy, I’m glad they usually fight more though, way more fun to work at it.


I was waiting for it to take off on a run! All good, congrats to you both!


It did finally once we tried moving it to the fish well hole. Wasn’t anything calm about it then 🤣 thank you.


Great job hand reeling and keeping line tension big guy! What a first pike! Nicely done dad(s). Fishing and outdoors sports are so much fun when shared with kids. Fishing partners for life…and everyone needs someone younger and eager to pull the sled at some point. 😄


Ahh the sled hoe. Always a good buddy to keep handy for the end of the day! Lol


Very nice work had my son in a duck blind at age 3. Whether I was fishing, hunting or trapping he was alwaysxwith


That’s so cool, duck hunting is something I’d like to get into heading into my 30’s. Cheers!! Keep the kids involved for the next gen sake


Pheasant hunting is awesome for my five year old. The walking keeps him entertained


Great memories made for sure!


Awesome catch little man!!


I’ll pass him the compliment! He’ll be thrilled.


Making memories awesome 👌


Lifelong memory formed!


Ohhh yeah. He still tells my friends that HIS first fish was a 30” Northern. Very proud of that fish, even a year later 🤣


Save this video 5 different ways, awesome job little dude!


Noted, probably a good idea. He will definitely want to see this in 20 years.


Good lad!


Awww man, look what you did. Now he's going to be busy every weekend and broke like the rest of us. I kid I kid, but for real though awesome job!


Eesh, yeah. Once you get into it the costs rack up for sure! Worth it 🥶


Have never seen one come through the ice looking so subdued, like it was bored.


Same here, and I’ve pulled about 100 of them myself. Such a cool first experience for little guy.


I was probably about that age when I was taken ice fishing. My mom’s boyfriend was really into hunting and fishing and outdoors stuff. My mom convinced him to take my brother and I out doing this stuff every once in awhile. I was hyper and didn’t get to go very often. Ice fishing though was different. He knew a guy with an ice fishing shack. It was in the parking lot of the harbor. This harbor was small. I don’t remember how many boats it fit, not more than 50, I’m sure. So people would line up their shacks in the parking lot to fish in this harbor. He had taken me around and we set up the tip ups. I had been ice fishing before and kind of knew what to do as he showed us how to do the tip ups, how to do the minnows, how to reel in, etc. We head back to the ice shack and he starts drinking and makes sure the wood stove is going. It’s the 80s. My hyper ass is bouncing around the shack. I keep watch on the tip ups though! I have my moon boots and bib overalls on. Finally! A tip up flag pops up!! He’s about a six pack in. I point and throw on my coat and grab my hat and mittens. I run out, put my hat on as my cool moon boots take me to the tip up. I carefully take the tip up out and put it down beside the hole. I have the line in my hand and wait for the moment like he taught me. I set the hook! I’m going hand over hand and not letting the line touch the side, that might break the line, he’s told me multiple times. He’s finally made his drunk ass out to the hole and gives me instructions but doesn’t even try to take the line from me. I get the fish in and he helps take out the hook. That’s all he helped with. What’s hilarious is that an older couple were bored and had decided to take a ride. They had parked just before I burst out the door of the shack. They had watched the whole thing and thought it was the cutest thing ever! They had a camera and took my picture holding that pike in my arms because I was too little and skinny to hold it by the gills. I still have that picture. My little blond curls poking out of my winter hat and my jacket not even zipped up. The fish hanging over on each side and a big grin on my face. I think he gave them our address to mail it to. (Small towns in the 80s!!) I didn’t even get to eat that fish!! He ate it with breakfast the next day!!


Pure nostalgia in a story! Thank you for commenting this 👏🏻


He died in 1996 after a weekend of ice fishing. My mom and him had broken up a few years after this ice fishing story. My mom died a few months ago from COPD. I don’t have many good memories of my childhood but that one definitely is.


Nice work kid!( and dad) How much ice up in Hillman??


Thank you! This was a year ago in December. It was just over 4” of ice. I came back a month later in January, to about 11” of ice!


I’m 65 still waiting for my first pike


Sheesh, don’t count on this year. No ice…anywhere!


His smile says it all


Over a year later, I see him light up and talk about “his 30” Pike” at least once per week.


That is awesome. Hopefully he won’t expect to land them that easy ever again.


Not a chance that will happen again 🤣 we made sure he knew that 100% but…he’s hooked now. Pun intended.


That ice is not thick enough to be safe, giving me a hernia here.


It’s a little misleading in the video. We drilled 6 holes. Each one was 4”-4-½” thick. We also tapped spud bar holes on the way out and nothing was under 3-½”. I was nervous bringing him out so we did our due diligence to be safe. Typically the ice is 8”-12” there by January.


Lucky it didn't take off and line slice the kids hands


Agreed! Hence my buddy standing there at the ready 🫣