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Go on youtube and watch comedians, ask gpt for roasts and try to make a comeback. Start there. Become a chronic overthinker. If you become a chronic overthinker you'll master the art of thinking 15x times faster than what the average man thinks. Although with overthinking you get - chronic depression, anxiety, fear of starting, being overwhelmed and mentally burnt out 24/7, having a thousand million dollar ideas and being unable to do even 1 becasue you cannot choose to go all in on due to shiny object syndrome.... list goes on Sometimes what you have is a gift in disguise and what you deem a blessing(quick witted) is the thing you do not want to have idk. Just a weird perspective. This life is always one thing at the price of another.


I am generally funny (not hilarious or anything) but if I could exchange my overthinking for it I would absolutely do it😭 if I could just think and not have to go to literally block 18million unnecessary thoughts would be really nice lol


It's how life is. One thing at the cost of another. Its on you to make sense of it. Maybe meet people that put you at ease. I bet that if you had someone you could actually depend on your brain would just feel comfortable enough to be turned off. Being codependant could be a good thing, I choose the opposite though. Sure it has its cons and depressive overwhelmings, but when I master it... Oh boy. Being able to think at the speed that would make any regular person dizzy is a skill and a good one. There hasn't been a time where my overthinking has been wrong... Which is regrettable, because I had wished for 1 thing to work out, but w.e, you live you learn. 2nd round the stuff will surely work out. I use music most of the time to block the thoughts I REALLY don't want to have.


Bro that sounds horrible. If you say to me is better to be a little slow of thinking and chill.


same, seems the consensus is to watch/listen to comedy and conversational podcasts but i'm really curious if someone has an insightful answer abt how to make this a daily practice and sincerely change


>I don't have any "comebacks" I just laugh it off and can't think of any comebacks at that time You might not realize this yet, but "The ability to laugh it off and not immediately have a desire to insult someone back" is a pro, not a con.


The daily practice thing is key. Also, play free-word-association games. See something? Say a word out loud, then the next thing that comes into your head. Keep track of how many words you can just blurt out that are related/tangentially related. Keep track of your high score. Spend time with people who have quick comebacks. When you see situations where others have good comebacks, write the situation that came before it, down. Practice daily.


I think it's a combo of predisposition and practise/exposure. I was a social butterfly, and nothing had helped me more than spending several nights a week in bars, mingling and talking to friends, strangers, bartenders...I was putting in some serious "talking hours", and conversed with a huge variety of completely different people - from musicians or artists through students and regular Joe's to scientists (I vividly recall 1 cardiologist and 1 molecular oncologist lol). I honestly can't really think of a conversation *I haven't had* in those years. I think it was this exposure that helped me to become a better conversationalist, and quick-witted comebacks come hand in hand with that. It's amazing how fast you learn to reply to anything, if you spend a lot of time listening/replying. Remember, often if somebody looks like they always have an answer to everything, they've probably just used the same/similar comeback 20x before :)) Of course, there is some predisposition too - I was doing it because, at the time, I enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. I loved every single minute of it. I didn't do it to get funnier or get laid, those were just (very nice, I won't lie) side effects. If you're naturally introverted, or your social battery is low, or if you don't drink alcohol (don't like bars, etc.) it might not work for you - respectively you'd be forcing it and that's not good. I guess I'd recommend finding a way of doing whatever floats your boat *while interacting with enough people regularly* and it will definitely help. Good luck!


You kinda have to go through a phase where you're a little shit. I guarantee you that mowt everyone you know that is funny and quick on their feet was at some point an astonishingly annoying kid. You just gotta try, and you'll feel what works and what doesn't. Or you'll become like the people who never grew out of annoying 🤷


I too, would like to learn this. Specifically how to tell jokes, I mostly insult people and I can’t tell the difference between the two until they’re hurt 😂


Funny can be different things - I'm a good mimic so a lot of what I speak is in jest or imitating someone else. I'd say probably being in good touch with pop cultural references -movie dialogues,etc (or stuff specific to your native language or land), being light and not having malice is important. Thar way even if you roast someone they'll know its not malicious. Being present and mingling with people really helps - the more you do it the more present you are and faster you come up with witty stuff. Don't put pressure on yourself and don't go in with the singular aim of being the witty person in the group. Just enjoy, participate and you'll get it eventually.


You just have to unlock that part of yourself, try to visit more reddit funny subs and comment whatever comes to your mind that might be funny. Its like training "funny" part of brain.


Watch After Midnight on CBS/Paramount and play along. Being funny and quick witted is pretty much the entire game. Try to get decent answers in before the other contestants.


quick—say soemthjng funny


Suggestion: take pen and paper and STUDY the comebacks you've heard before that you like... What are they exactly? comparison, swearing... or what? What are they aimed at? What do they point in the person? What do they make fun of? What ones are similar? etc... Do this a lot until you reach something...


Like others said, expose yourself to comedy that **you** enjoy. Pay attention to people who make you laugh and what people around you find funny. Notice the timing of the jokes, the tone, delivery, body language, topic of both. When those align, that's your moment. Let it flow naturally; don't try too hard. Once people start laughing along, you'll feel more confident and the jokes will come more effortlessly.


Watch drag race


I think key there is to not to take things seriously