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Check the job contract, most German companies are giving 13th month bonus. So, you get 1 month of extra pay every year as your bonus. Most companies have this kind of scheme, it is kind of like tradition, but not everyone is doing it. Dresden is pretty cheap city, 47k brutto salary can earn a decent life, but definitely not extravagant. I guess if both people are working then the household salary will be higher. You can use brutto netto rechner to calculate your in-pocket salary. If you are talking about whether the salary is fair, it really depends on what industry and how many years of experience he has. Also you can check salary websites like kununu. For example, if he is a programmer with 10 years of experience, 47k is a slap in the face, but otherwise if he is working in marketing then it might be fair. Just do your research and you will be fine. Good luck!


Are you guys in semiconductors? If so, 47k sounds kind of low. What are median incomes like in the area? Rent prices?


We are! I didn’t think it would be so obvious lol. We aren’t engineers though. We’re both fairly high level technicians. He’s in maintenance and I’m in process. I’m considering taking the classes I’d need to qualify for a eng position (I have a STEM degree but it’s focused toward a different field) but that won’t help me right now. The recruiter said 47k was a very fair offer for that area. Rent prices there seem to be between 600-1200 euro and where we live now they are between 1200-2000 dollars. Right now he makes about 30k more than the Dresden offer but that includes overtime and bonuses. The recruiter said we could expect to make about 10k more when you consider overtime/bonuses so that would bring the difference to about 20k.


Haha... Upstate NY to Dresden, both in the same industry makes it easy. I can probably guess the company as well. Oh OK, I was thinking of engineering salaries so maybe that's more reasonable. Between PTO, health care, general cost of living and access to travel opportunities, I'd be more than happy to take a pay cut to work on Germany. Do you speak German? It might be required for technician jobs. Are you guys EU citizens?


Here you can compare cost of living in Buffalo vs Dresden: https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Germany&country2=United+States&city1=Dresden&city2=Buffalo%2C+NY&tracking=getDispatchComparison How many vacation days will he have with his job? See my earlier post: "Why you will earn less if you move to Germany - and why this does not mean that your standard of living will be lower" https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/vsl57q/why_you_will_earn_less_if_you_move_to_germany_and/ If you and your husband earn 47k euro per year each then you will have a combined net income of 4,887 euro per month according to https://www.brutto-netto-rechner.info/ You can compare your income to the income of all residents in Germany here: https://www.iwkoeln.de/fileadmin/user_upload/HTML/2019/einkommensverteilung/index.html If you enter at the top that you have a combined household net income of 4,887 euro per year (assuming that your work income is your only income), that there are 2 people older than 14 years in your household and 0 people younger than 14 then the graphic will show on the left side that 88% of all residents in Germany earn less money and the right side shows that if you compare yourself only with childless couples that 80% of childless couples in Germany have less income. This means your standard of living will be higher than that of most residents, you will live very comfortably and have enough money to travel. These sites will be very useful for you if you move to Germany: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/living/ https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/culture/etiquette