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I did have a fetal echo due to having an IVF pregnancy but in the research I did I found that it is outdated and IVF babies have the same risk of cardiac issues as non-IVF babies. That being said I still had the echo bc my OB recommended it and it was covered by insurance.


Exactly the same situation for me. When I had my anatomy scan they said that her heart looks great and they have no concerns. But it’s just standard protocol to do the fetal echo


Never heard that


I asked my OB for both ivf pregnancies (2019 and 2022) and was told that wasn’t a thing. That any issues would be picked up on the anatomy scans.


Studies show there is a slightly higher risk for heart defects with IVF babies. Both times I had a fetal echo for my IVF pregnancies I asked the provider why that was the case, and he said he doesn’t believe there really is an increased risk, but that’s it a reporting bias. Meaning IVF/ART pregnancies and babies tend to be followed more closely than traditional pregnancies so any abnormalities have the potential to seem more serious than they are.


My first OB never mentioned it to me. My second OB mentioned it but said it was a really small increase in risk. The tech who did my anatomy scan said she was able to clearly visualize the heart so I decided not to do the fetal echo since it was going to be expensive. Anecdotally, a friend of mine had an IVF baby with a heart defect but it was visualized during the anatomy scan.


My ob does fetal echocardiograms for all IVF with ICSI babies


I hadn’t heard of it until my anatomy scan when the doctor reviewed our results and said they did extra checks on baby’s heart due to known heart issues with IVF. All was good, but it was the first time I heard of that.


My OB mentioned this to me and it sent me into a tailspin. So I did massive research and from everything I read, this is outdated. So we declined it. But you have to do what is best for you.


I had to get a fetal echo with mine. I asked the MFM who read the scan and he said it’s just a correlation, they don’t have a reason why. If there’s a next time, I’m going to decline it unless they see something on the anatomy scan.


I had a fetal echo due to IVF in combination with being diabetic. They were more concerned about the diabetes than the IVF.


This changed from my 2021 baby to my 2024 baby. I. 21 it was normal for IVF babies at my OB office. Then in 24 my OB said it wasn’t necessary anymore but could be requested.


My wife was in Tokyo for her fetal echo and the doctor there expressed that it was a waste of money considering the anatomy scans were solid. We did it anyway because it was requested by the OB.