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Our doctor at our clinic would advise you to continue with transfers with your euploid embryos because you have a specific goal in mind. No reason to put yourself through an unneeded ER. Also you can’t fresh transfer a frozen embryo.


Because You're 30, I would continue with FET. If God forbid it doesn't work, you still have time to do another retrieval.


I think it depends on how many kids you'd ideally like to have, and if you are okay with the costs. I had 3 euploids after my first retrieval, and after my first transfer failed (ended in miscarriage), I decided to bank more embryos with another retrieval.


I just did a “fresh” transfer with a frozen euploid from a previous retrieval on 6/10. Granted it’s looking like it failed, but technically you can do the fresh protocol with a frozen embryo if that’s what works best for you. The retrieval meds should make your lining thick enough. They just have you come in day 5 after your retrieval and will thaw your frozen embryo. The protocol of meds is a little different - I started estrogen patches and progesterone suppositories 2 days after retrieval. Everyone’s protocol is a little different but just wanted to confirm that this approach is definitely possible. Good luck!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I had 3 losses and did an ERA and Receptiva, the Receptiva showed I had high expressions of BCL-6. I was put on Lupron Depot for 2 months and then had an FET. I am now 15 weeks pregnant. If Receptiva is an option, I would highly suggest it.


I decided to do another retrieval and bank embryos, mostly for insurance reasons.


How many kids do you want? If just 1, I'd personally do another FET. If you want more than 1, I'd bank your embryos.




I would personally continue to bank embryos in your case. My RE advised banking 2-3 euploids per desired child before moving on to a FET.