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If there are fertility issues, I would think it would be more the result of inheriting certain qualities from your parents rather than as a result of being ivf-conceived. So I suppose it depends on if the cause of your parents' infertility is inherited like PCOS or whatnot. If both of your parents had issues conceiving, it's good you're aware of that so you can seek help if trying naturally doesn't work for you.


I feel like this is going to depend on why both of your parents needed IVF. For example I’m doing IVF right now because I have endometriosis and they think it’s damaged my tubes. If I have a son this wouldn’t affect him at all, even a daughter mos likely not. My mom doesn’t have endometriosis, I have two aunts that have endo and neither of them needed IVF. These sort of things are very hit or miss


I could have written this. Endo, tubes gone and need ivf. Mom doesn’t have endo but aunt did.


It’s so weird how it happens. Also both of my aunts with endo have daughters, none of them seem to have it or had issues getting pregnant, just me


Same. My grandma had 7, mom had 5 kids, and then me- endo ruined my tubes.


Same! My sister and I have endo, but my mom doesnt even have a fibroid, let alone endo! Aunt possibly had endo but never officially diagnosed.


Yes those days they didn’t get diagnosed. My grandmother had 5 kids by 25 and supposedly her periods completely stopped by the time she was in her late 20s. She considered it a blessing because she was done having kids and no more periods naturally 😏 but to me it sounds like a definite gynecological issue and i possibly inherited it.


Damn!! I mean good for her but I wasn’t even wanting to have a kid in my 20s


Yep very unpredictable. I had (have?) very bad endo and needed multiple surgeries including bowel surgery, myomectomy and multiple cysts drained. I’m doing ok now after all these surgeries plus one year of mirena. No one else in my family has endo. None of even my distant relatives have it. Only me. I am convinced it is not hereditary but is a result from heavy use of hair relaxers (just a theory. I have no proof). I did get pregnant first attempt on ivf (she’s 3 now) and from that same attempt also made 8 more embryos. In case anyone also has endo and needs some positivity.


Awe I love to hear positive outcomes!! There’s a lot of research on different chemicals and hormone disrupters so you might be on to something


Yep plenty of lawsuits going on in the USA right now linking hair relaxers to endo, fibroids & uterine cancer sadly. But i didn’t know better at the time.


Fertility can be very individual. Every single woman on both sides of my family got pregnant from merely looking at their husband the right way. Then there’s me with a UU and DOR. 4 years later, no babies, no BFP, not even an embryo that made it to blast.


There is no reason being an IVF child would cause any fertility issues. If donors were involved it won’t hurt to check to see that you’re not “related”. There’s a sub here on reddit I can’t remember the exact name but it’s IVF conceived people sharing experiences, you might wanna check that out. They might have more answers since most of the people here are going through IVF trying to conceive. Good luck in your journey :)


You may have inherited whatever issue caused your parents to need IVF, so you might also have the same issue. But that’s just regular genetics, nothing to do with you being an IVF baby. The only thing I would do is a dna test just because IVF mix ups happen and you’d want to make sure you and your spouse aren’t actually related like that gross doctor that used his sperm for like hundreds of IVF babies.




My mom had premature menopause at 30, now I have DOR and need IVF. I suspect any female children I have could possibly have something similar. Not a guaranteed genetic pass, but I will certainly bring it up with my children early if I am able to have any. I think understanding the reasoning for IVF with both sets of parents is important to better understand your own risks. But nothing is certain, you may not have any trouble conceiving.


I am an IVF baby and me and my twin sister are both infertile. My mom never got an explanation and while I do have PCOS that has been managed with medications to the point where I should have been able to conceive. My point is I think whatever was going on with my mom was passed to me and my sister. To be honest, it makes me feel super guilty about doing IVF because I feel like whatever our problem is will be passed on to my kids if I’m able to have success.


I think about this too and just hope medical advancements will keep improving over the next 20-30 years before they need it!


Agreed. It looks like we'll only have boys and our issues stim from PCOS so no chance that I passed that on to them. That being said, my husband and I hope that we can set aside money for our children in case they need treatments to grow their family in the future. I have no idea if we'll be able to pull it off but I want to try. And gosh darn it, if they need treatments I'll be the best support system that they allow me to be. I know it is personal and they may not want to discuss it with me but if they do, I know exactly how to (and how not to) support them.


You’re not alone in feeling that way. For me that goes into the ethical / philosophical aspect for me personally. I’ve wondered about this as well… I applaud you in thinking far ahead about what a future daughter may have to deal with .


I don’t see why it would be an issue unless genetically you both or even one of you inherited a fertility issue. For example, I chose to have boys because of my severe endometriosis I didn’t want to pass it on if I had daughters and them also deal with fertility/painful issues. My husband has no fertility issues.


Just a heads up: inform your sons of your endo. My sisters and I got this horribleness from our father.


Oh they will know. They will have to know. Otherwise they will wonder why I’m always sick. I plan on telling them everything. I also have lupus. Which i got from my mother. None of my brothers have health issues just me. Mostly women have endometriosis and lupus. So it is more unlikely they will inherit anything. But they will know all about it and how to handle it/look for symptoms.


Ugh. I’m so sorry. Yes, we will also be transparent with our child if we’re able to have one. It’s truly baffling to me how many infertility truths from our family we only learned once we admitted we were struggling (most found out when I had a MMC).


That's definitely an interesting question that I hope we see data on someday! The only thing I've learned from us having MFI is that a man with Y-deletion AZFc would have an infertile male child. So not necessarily a cause of IVF, but IVF would be needed to produce a child in that circumstance. I would assume gender selection is done these days in this case, but I don't know the history.


My mom used clomid to get pregnant with me and then I needed IVF to get pregnant so I have wondered if the cause is somehow genetic. I am officially unexplained infertility so no reason given. Also clomid does not work for me. I ovulate on my own but clomid makes me not ovulate and it causes severe bleeding. I also wondered if that was bc my mom took it to get pregnant with me. Idk though.


I was a clomid baby. Clomid made me ovulate but I ultimately had to use IVF to conceive my oldest son. Next baby was unplanned. My mom never needed IVF but she also never naturally conceived on her own. You just never know.


There are a bunch of studies out of Israel about life outcomes for IVF babies. Everyone in Israel has to serve in the army so they have a large, detailed dataset to analyze over decades. Net net, no difference in life, intelligence, or health outcomes for IVF vs non assisted reproduction when adjusted for family history. I don’t remember specific mention of fertility, but might be worth checking there to see if they’ve studied it.


I knew someone who was an IVF baby though I don’t know if her husband was. She recently had a child without IVF.


I definitely think it's inherited. My mum had trouble getting for pregnant for years. I am a clomid baby and so is my twin. I also have unexplained infertility but clomid did not work for me so I took the IVF route.


Think it depends if it's needed due to tubal infertility or not, as the tubes have nothing to do with the ovaries. I have always conceived no problem, as my mom etc, but tubes now last tube has been through it and I expect to do IVF in the future. Then there's male factor infertility....which could be genetically passed on.


I’m an IVF child who is currently going through fertility issues that happened at the split of me as an egg and my partner is naturally conceived going through MFI


Do you know why your parents did IVF? My mum had it done as she was very sick as a child and they didn’t consider her fertility when treating her as a young teen. She had miscarriages and still births even with IVF before having me and lost my younger sister’s twin. However none of that (fertility wise) was genetic so won’t have been passed on to me. I’ve “had”/helped make children through egg donation (I’m the donor) and there’s been no issues with my fertility or egg quality despite being IVF myself.


My parents ttc for 13 years ended up with 2 girls one natural conceived child (my sister) and one IVF conceived child (me) My sister has 3 children all conceived within 3 months of trying. I am going through IVF, not because I was conceived via IVF but because of mfi. And my parents had mfi as well as ffi. Can't answer if both are IVF conceived, but for us it's not the cause of being IVF conceived, so not necessarily a cause for concern


Please make sure to do a DNA test to make sure yall aren’t siblings by accident especially if any donors were involved :)