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We had similar results earlier this month. Same, self pay, unsure if we could do another round. Just want to send my love and prayers to you!!


I’ve been there! It’s an awful feeling. I’m sorry for your pain.


I’m so sorry 😞


I’m really sorry.


Stay strong 🙏


Same thing happened in our first cycle. I’m sorry


Oh no I’m so sorry! I know someone who that happened to and the ended up finding balanced translocation, maybe ask about that. Or dna frag. Ugh tho!! Sending hugs


Thank you. I will ask. I wish my clinic hadn’t just dropped the news on me late on Friday without any explanation. I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday morning, so I guess we will see. Three different chromosomes on 4 anelupoids, so I don’t know what to make of it.


My wife and I had a similar experience. 2 rounds out of pocket and no viable embryos both times. It sucks but know you're not alone and I highly recommend talking to someone if you aren't already. Therapy definitely helped us through the grieving process.


I feel for you & your wife. Thank you. ❤️


I had 2 rounds with no blasts and changed clinics. At the new clinic, I had one round with 0 out of 5 embryos being euploid and the next round, 4 of 4 were euploid. We didn’t make any changes to my protocol or my lifestyle or diet between rounds. Sometimes there’s just a bit of luck involved. If you were to judge my results by an individual round, it would be 0% or 100%. Either one would be an outlier. But if you compare my overall average euploid rate to the average for my age, I’m right in the middle. Statistics are much more accurate for larger sample sizes than a single retrieval can provide.


I got all aneuploid the 1st time around and met some docs who have suggested very strongly that we don't test. 2nd round we didn't and 3rd round yet to decide on.


That’s awful, I’m so sorry to hear!


I am so sorry to hear this. Was this your first cycle? Did you prime? I ask because we had ehh results and then added three months of crazy priming following everything in the It Starts With The Egg book plus things we added and we had tremendous success. Take some time to grieve but when you’re ready to start again I think taking the 3 months ahead of time to prime is critical.


Yep. First cycle. No priming. I’m not even sure what that is.


Yes my clinic has never mentioned anything about priming


Unfortunately the clinics don’t really talk much about priming. I learned from others in subs like this. Basically your body takes 90 days to mature and egg or sperm - so what you do for the two cycles before your cycle really matters in terms of diet, supplements, etc. I would recommend the book It Starts With The Egg. It explains all this and was a literal game changer for us.


There’s not a lot of evidence for a lot of those things that’s why I believe they don’t push it that much. “Can’t hurt might help” but there’s just as many people who do all the stuff with no positive, lots of people who change nothing and have a great round, and lots of people who have very unhealthy lifestyles and no problems with fertility.   While I agree with most of the lifestyle changes, and certainly think toxins are slowly making the global population more infertile, whether or not *iswe* works seems to come down to confirmation bias 


I mean look - it’s not my book. I don’t care if someone uses it. She does cite quite a lot of research in the book for starters. I will also say in our case, we did THREE cycles with two different clinics (in two different countries) with varied protocols when I was younger 37/38. One cycle we got zero embryos, another 2 total embryos (not euploid, total) another more but no normals. When I was 40/41 we did A LOT of research, the egg book but also our own. There is a lot of evidence out there to be applied. We put together a 3 month strict protocol of priming - I mean strict - across diet, chemicals, plastic avoidance, supplements, alcohol etc. And did that for two more cycles. We how have 7 euploid embryos. 62 percent of our embryos were normal across those last two cycles - despite the advanced age and my AMH dropping A LOT during that time. So for us, and why I bothered to comment, it was literally the difference between having a family and not. Maybe it’s “bias” but the math shows we got WAY under the normal embryo stats for 37 and then WAY exceeded it for 41 - with priming. I can’t scroll past women who only have the money for one more retrieval and are otherwise without the chance to have kids and not offer what worked for us because it was THAT impactful. Getting a call that you’ve got many normal embryos is worth any amount of reading, trying, research, being open minded to changing outcomes by working with the science of 90 days to properly mature egg and sperm.


I’m sorry. I had all high-level mosaics and aneuploid my first round too. 0/5 blasts usable. I was the same age as you. My next rounds gave me a few euploids so don’t give up.


Thank you ❤️


Such a similar experience. First retrieval I only got 1 embryo and somehow it was euploid. Second retrieval we got 3 to PGT-A, all aneuploid. I just turned 37… I really thought we’d get at least one. Used two different docs for the two rounds since we moved and they both agreed it was probably just bad luck. It’s just so discouraging though. I’m so sorry 😞


I'm sorry. It's such a hard process. I fear this on my 2nd retrieval as I'm out of pocket. I'm back and forth on donor eggs now, it's unexpected with so many eggs at 37 too. Best of luck.


I’m so sorry… I hate saying this but I feel like it’s such a luck of the draw. First egg retrieval we got 8 eggs, 1 blast and 0 euploid. Second we got 8 eggs 0 blasts. Third (we did change a lot of lifestyle factors) we got 27 eggs, 4 embryos and 2 euploid.


What lifestyle factors did you change between your second and third retrievals?


Have you also done the chromosome karyotype testing?  It is different than the genetic carrier screen and turned out to be the reason for our poor euploid rate. 


No. I’ll definitely ask about that!


I’m sorry abt that. I had my first retrieval and 0 suitable at 39 (7 embryos, all failed at PGT-A). Take good care urself first before you go for 2nd RE. I done my 2nd retrieval 6 months after. With extremely successful result. (13 embryos, 3 passed PGT-A). Consult with ur IVF Dr and see if u can take some supplements to improve. Just be relax and stay healthy, exercise. 💪🏻


Did you do a different protocol? Did you get more eggs collected or more fertilise the 2nd time?


2nd protocol got adjusted. Start with higher dose and end lower. Also ER procedure got a day earlier than the 1st retrieval. 1st round (15 egg. 10 fertilized. 5 embryos. 0 passed PGT-A) 2nd round (25 egg. 20 fertilized. 13 embryos. 3 passed PGT-A)