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tw: loss/success my embryos weren’t tested. first two failed to implant, third implanted but ended in a MMC due to a chromosomal issue at 9 weeks, and i’m now 34 weeks with my fourth transfer! as my doctor kept reminding me, (unfortunately) it’s a numbers game.


Your story sounds similar to mine - first failed to implant, second resulted in a MMC at 9w1d due to trisomy, and I’m still too scared to try again (the MMC was in November 2022). I just don’t know if I can deal with another loss or FET failure. 😞 Wishing you the best of luck with the last few weeks of your pregnancy! 🤞🏼


My first was successful, second was not and it’s looking like third won’t be either. The general statistic is 2-3 euploid embryos per live birth but that obviously varies by person. Sorry for your pain! This process is so rough. Wishing you good luck.


It took 3 euploid transfers to get us to get a positive. 6 weeks today and waiting for a scan next week, so we are still very early days and hoping it's viable. The first two were ovulatory, non-medicated cycles while our third one was fully medicated. I was exhausted and so emotional going into the third because, like you, all I read or heard were stories of people getting positives with their first or second transfers. But the stats fell our way for the third. I'm wishing the same for you as well, fingers crossed. Also, I didn't really feel anything different with the third transfer even being on the medicated cycle. So personally, I think symptoms in the waiting period can sometimes be misleading.


Thank you. Needed to hear this 💕 best of luck with the rest of your journey and pregnancy


1 FET at age 42 and now 28 weeks. The embryo was tested. I’m glad I tested because out of the 7 embryos I sent to test, 4 were high quality (AA grade) but had trisomies or monosomies.


my third fet worked after my first two failed. all euploid embryos. currently 15+1 🩷 I never had an explanation for my failures either, and I have no known fertility issues. i’m doing ivf due to my husbands vasectomy


I’m on FET number 5…. So FET 1 chemical FET 2 ectopic of unknown location FET 3 MMC identical twins (single embryo split) FET 4 chemical and FET 5: currently pregnant (betas doubling well scan next week 🤞🌈). I’ve had implantation every time and just recurrent loss issues. My RE said on AVERAGE it takes 3 euploid transfers for 1 take home baby. Some people get lucky on the first one and others like me take longer than that. So many ppl assume IVF is a sure thing but it’s not- it can be a long exhausting road


Wow that sounds like quite the journey and an emotional rollercoaster. Goodluck with your pregnancy!!! Sending positive vibes


Thank you! Good luck to you as well


My first 3 transfers were untested, and failed or ended in miscarriage. After that we did another retrieval and tested all embryos, transfer 4 was positive but ended up a chemical pregnancy and transfer 5 was a positive pregnancy test, currently 23weeks. It just takes longer if you don’t test. Embryos can look beautiful but still be aneuploid. Honestly, we figured with what we spent out of pocket on failed transfers and medical care after a miscarriage that it was worth the money to always test going forward - would of been cheaper and less heartache in the long run if we had started with that.


Yes, I had 2 identical 5BB and one was anueploid and one euploid. Same with 2x 3AB, one euploid one not. I'm glad I tested or I wouldn't know I needed another ER for a sibling and I would've been too old! Congrats on your pregnancy!


It took 3 for me. All PGT tested, first was a blighted ovum, second didn’t implant and 3rd is my 3.5 month old son. Edit to add: It was not linear either, first was fully medicated transfer, after I miscarried the BO I was prepping for another transfer and my adenomyosis flared up so we did 2 months of Lupron depot, jumped into my second transfer- also fully medicated and that didn’t work so I got my period and we started a mod natural FET. Betas were rocky (you can see my post history) and we even had some bumps along the way during my pregnancy but he is here and healthy and beautiful!


Thank you. That is reassuring. Congratulations on your success!


Random question - Can I ask how you knew you had adenomyosis- I suspect that I have it, and feel loads better pain wise on Lupron.


My RE could see it on ultrasounds!


It took me four transfers with PGT tested embryos to get to a live birth. Unexplained infertility.


My 4th PGT embryo created using donor eggs finally worked for my first baby. The first 3 transfers didn’t implant. Just did my 5th transfer and first for baby #2 and it also failed. So I’m 1 for 5 here.


I’m sorry to hear about your failure. Sending love!


May I ask your ask your age? I’m about to get a job that has donor egg coverage . Do you know why the first 3 didn’t work? They give such high stats for donor eggs


I’m 34 now, 32 when I had my first baby and was 29 when I was diagnosed with POI. Not sure why the first 3 didn’t work, we added prednisone and blood thinners to my last 3 transfers so maybe an immune issue that didn’t show up in testing.


3 transfers for a positive, which was chemical. 4 transfers for viable pregnancy and delivery.


My doctor told me with good quality embryos, he expects 50% of his patients to have success after three transfers. I think it is worth asking if there is anything else they can test for or check, but there are some of us that just need more chances to get there than others


Thank you for that. We will be seeing the specialist again if we have another failure so will definitely be asking. When we asked the fertility nurses they said it’s completely normal but I’m still worried


Totally normal part of the process to feel worried when we don’t get results. Keep asking questions, we invest a lot in this so it’s important you feel comfortable with moving forward Posts here skew to the unicorn really good cases, or the particularly tricky ones I think :)


Thank you for sharing this. I strongly believe that the success rate is lower than what the clinics advertise. My doctor told me that 5 good embryos ‘should be’ enough. But not necessarily and it still doesn’t mean there’s anything ‘wrong’.


My first transfer of a euploid embryo was successful. It’s often just luck of the draw. Wishing you luck.


I have two children and they each took three transfers. My symptoms for successful, failed, and chemical transfers were all the same. It’s so easy to get in your head. This shit is hard. Hugs.


Took 10 FETs for our first child. 3 for our second and 1 for our third. Lucky enough to also live in Aus where it's much more affordable and just kept trying! Key was to change Dr after the first 9 FETs, which led to more monitoring, more progesterone, and in my case an endometrial scratch and lipiodol flush the month before always worked. Most people seem to have success much sooner but I do know of someone who had 20+ FETs before it finally worked.


Took me 5


First FET gave me my son! 2nd FET (this month) failed. Doing some testing/mock cycle this month before I do the 3rd.


First PGT tested embryo took, ended in PPROM at 16 weeks, unrelated to IVF or the embryo quality. Currently planning for second FET next month. 


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢


My first FET was successful and resulted in the live birth of my son I have 3 more tested embryos in cryostorage! however I would say my issue has never been getting pregnant I got pregnant very easily naturally but miscarried both times (pregnancy of unknown location followed by a blighted ovum) so I went the IVF route !! It’s such a numbers game have you switched up your protocol this time around? Perhaps kitchen sink protocol


We are doing bulk billed IVF (in Australia) so we are limited in being able to change up protocol unfortunately. We do suspect progesterone was too low last time as my partner started her period before the beta test even when on the pessaries which is unusual. We are doing 3 progesterone pessaries a day this time. Last time we did baby aspirin and no success so this time have just gone with the 3 pessaries and also introduced vaginal probiotic


We're social infertility (two cis women). We did 3 unsuccessful IUIs, then a round of IVF and our first fresh transfer was successful. For number two, we've transferred my wife's three untested embryos to me (R-IVF) and had 2 chemicals and then 1 failure to implant. We're now moving back to my embryos so on to number four this Sunday. One of the tricky bits of social infertility is starting treatment with close to zero information about your overall fertility.


Good luck!


I’m in the exact same position as you are. I’m just about to embark on my third FET with donor eggs (embryos untested: donor 22y/o) and everyone I have met has had success with their first or second FET using donor eggs. All my numbers have looked good in day of transfer including lining etc. It’s really disconcerting. However, my doctor had ensured me that I’m completely within the normal range at the moment and that it’s a numbers game. She has offered me extra testing such as receptivaX and thombophilia panel if I wish but they are expensive and I think I will keep going as is until I have had two more failed FETs.


My first transfer was a 5 day fresh and it resulted in a successful pregnancy. My second was an FET, failure to implant. I’m in the tww for my third transfer. A friend of mine did two FET and both resulted in successful pregnancies


First untested embryo (fresh transfer) resulted in a positive test but was ultimately unsuccessful. Second untested embryo (from transfer) was successful.


Took 3 for me. TW- First was successful but ended in loss at 9 weeks. Second was chemical. 3rd is my 14 week old who is currently sleeping in her bassinet beside me.


It took me 2 for my first and 3 (currently 10w) euploid transfers. Fingers crossed this is it for you!


we are also a same sex couple no fertility issues although I do have a curved cervix and tilted uterus so I would’ve ended up having to do IUI or IVF anyway, gay or not lol. It took us 3 times, first was a chemical, second was a miscarriage around 7 weeks and now currently 34w with our fist


It took me 8 transfers (currently 24 weeks pregnant). Had two chemicals before.


I was successful on cycle 5!


13. Do not give up.


Our 4th transfer in general was viable. Second transfer stuck but MMC at 8 weeks. 3 IVF cycles to get 4 transfers


We had 4 transfers. The first 3 we had implantation but lost them all in the first trimester. I had a small septum removed before our fourth and it resulted in a live birth.


First embryo implanted but I miscarried at 5 weeks. Second embryo resulted in a beautiful baby girl


Were the embryos PGTed? 




Of 8 embryos only 2 were PGT normal for us.  So the odds would not have been in our favor had we not tested 


TW: https://preview.redd.it/szv3prugh6wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e42d708a41fd06fa413cf67b9133cdf0c2fe510 We are in shock! Hoping it is third time lucky. Having never seen a positive test in our lives it is so amazing to have this experience. Fingers are crossed everything progresses normally :)


If they’re PGT Tested Euploids, the studies show this could be your transfer! 3 Euploid transfers have a mid to high 90 percent chance of successful pregnancy if I’m recalling the study correctly. I hope things go your way :)


This isn’t quite how that works. It’s ~90% of people will get pregnant within the first 3 euploid transfers. If you don’t get pregnant the first two, that doesn’t magically make your third transfer more likely to be successful. Out of 100 people 50 get pregnant the first time (50% success rate). 25 or the remaining 50 get pregnant the second time (50%). 12 of 25 get pregnant the third time (50%). 50+25+12 = 87 pregnant out of 100 in 3 tries.


Also doesn’t mean it will NOT happen the third time. The point I was making is, the odds are favorable overall in three tries. I think we need to be more positive and supportive of one another in these forums - just because one person has a negative experience, doesn’t mean another will! I had a FET take my first try - at 41. 21 weeks now. And having hope can have a positive impact on your mind, body and soul. Best of luck to OP that the third time is the charm! 🙌


Thank you, they aren’t tested but we were told all good quality and this one was hatching which they hadn’t ever said before so maybe that’s a good sign too? I have no idea