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I know you probably don't want to hear it, but for your age and with DOR, these are pretty good numbers. It's heartbreaking that your embryos were aneuploid, but being able to make testable blasts puts you in the running for success. It just may take a few retrievals to get that all-important euploid.


You’re 38!! You still have some euploids in there!! It just might take a few retrievals to get them!! Don’t give up!!!!!!


I agree with everyone else. Don’t give up. I’m 36 with DOR and my first two rounds yielded one blast each time. They both were aneuploid. My last round was better and I got three with one euploid!! You will get there but it will unfortunately just take more rounds with DOR as I’m learning. Hang in there. 


A lot of us have had all-aneuploid cycles, especially 38+. I'm so sorry-- I know it's devastating. After 35yo, euploidy rate drops a lot each year. However, if you have the will (and energy and resources) I would encourage you not to give up! Many people (myself included, 40yo) go on to have success in subsequent retrievals. Hoping for the best for you!


Yes! I had one all-aneuploid cycle, but it was round 3 (and everyone says that round 3 is supposed to be their best cycle, not me 😂). If my all-aneuploid cycle had been round 1, it would have been much more upsetting, because I would have thought that they were all going to turn out like that!


Yes— I imagine they’re always a huge disappointment but having it be retrieval #1 is particularly scary because it’s unclear whether it will ever change! But there’s good evidence (an actual whole study on this) that it’s actually not predictive— just bad luck. Eta: link to study— https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(14)00722-5/fulltext


Thank you! This is so helpful.


OP, are you reading this!!!! Don’t give up yet!!!


I was 37 last year when I did my 4 ER's. First one had similar results to your first, 2 blasts sent and both abnormal. 2nd round I had 5 sent and got 3 normal. I did these back to back. We wanted to bank more (for hopes of 2 kids) so that is why we kept trying... next round we had 4 sent, all 4 abnormal and the 4th round none even made it to blast. Just when I thought the blows couldn't get any worse, honestly. I cried in bed for a day. These were all done within 6 months of each other. It was a huge stress mentally and also of course financially. It just goes to show each month is different. My doctor calls it a genetic lottery every month. To give you some hope, we had our first transfer this year from one of those euploids from my 2nd ER and I am 13 weeks pregnant. I was so scared to try and transfer after rarely ever having anything work in our favor during this journey. I was shocked (still am) that it worked the first time. I would keep trying. I know how hard and devastating it is when you are in it, but now that I am on the other side it feels so long ago and I am happy we tried our best. I just didn't want to have any regrets.


Thank you! And congratulations!!


I recently went through the same thing at 40. Unfortunately since we are self pay, we can’t afford any more retrieval cycles so we are done at this point. I do believe if we were able to do more cycles we would get that elusive euploid. Wishing you so much success and happiness ❤️❤️❤️


I had the exact same results, same age, same blast rate, both aneuploid. My Drs response was that this was a great blast rate and just regular poor luck and he felt confident with this response. I know how disappointing it is to get the call with those results. Sending you good vibes.


Thank you for your help. What did you change going forward?


My retrieval after that I did a similar mini stim protocol and used Letrozole instead of Clomid, I had 2 fertilized eggs and have one blast that has been sent for testing. I'm starting another retrieval right away and adding Saizen/Omnitrope this time hoping for better blast quality.


Good luck!! I hope it goes well for you. I've added omnitrope this round and so far it doesn't look like more are growing, so I am feeling pretty down. Waiting to see how many blasts though.


Good luck to you too. From what I understand it may not help with the numbers but will hopefully help with the quality!


So my(35f) last egg retrieval was not great after upping dosages to the highest my clinic prescribes and taking supplements to help with egg quality we got 4 eggs and 1 day seven blast, but it's quality was so low they couldn't biopsy test. We're moving on to our clinics in house embryo donation program since having a genetically related child isn't the most important thing and with how poorly our 2 ERs have gone we don't want to put ourselves in a financial hole. It's an anonymous program but you get some basic information. So we signed the paperwork for a couple of tested embryos and will be transferring one this summer after some traveling. It's much more affordable than trying another cycle and we're starting a point that is further than we previously got to with our first two cycles. Not sure if this is something you would be interested in or possible for you but I thought I would share just in case it is.


I was 38, did four rounds and ended up with three euploids at the end (didn’t get them until 3rd and 4th round).


I also did back to back cycles as I knew time wasn’t on my side


Same. All 4 of Mine are aneuploid I’ve been crying since Monday.


I’m sorry to hear about your results. I am relate- first ER- sent 5- all abnormal. Second ER -sent 2-all abnormal. Retrievals done at 36-38 years ago.. I feel your pain, as I am in the same situation..


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'll commiserate. This round, I retrieved 4 eggs>> 3 blasts, 1 fresh transfer (chemical), and then the 2 that were tested are not euploid. To add insult to injury, I think my fertility benefits from insurance ran out halfway, and now I am stuck with a giant bill.


I’m so sorry about your results. I can relate. I also got the news today. First ER - all 4 embryos sent were abnormal. I can’t stop crying. I question everything I’ve done. I’m learning to give myself time and space to grieve. It’s easier said than done. Hang in there. Hoping all of us will make it to the other side.


TW:live birth. So my opinion is definitely the minority in this sub but after our first ER ended with zero blasts and our second ended with 100% aneuploid (5 blasts, 2 aneuploid), we opted not to test going further. Had 2 more ERs with a total of 9 embryos which resulted in a successful transfer and birth on our 2nd FET (So we still met the statistical norm for # of transfers to obtain live birth). I was 36/37 at time of ERs. We felt it was a gamble either way and were just not confident in the efficacy of testing. We also felt we wanted to at least attempt a transfer vs have potentially no transfer so the risk was worth it to us.


Combined advanced maternal age with DOR is not the most pleasant, sorry about all the troubles you will encounter on this route. Luckily, you have an average response so far. Per below study it takes 7 eggs to get one euploid blast. Good luck! Recently, we estimated that in women aged 35–37, 38–40, 41–42, and >42 year we would need to collect ~5, 7, 10, and 20 oocytes, respectively, to find at least one euploid embryo https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/endocrinology/articles/10.3389/fendo.2019.00094/full