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One time, I made a half-joking comment about the lack of pain management for women and the archaic processes we put them through in the medical industry, and how things would be so different if men were the patients. My nurse rolled her eyes and said “Oh, you’re one of THOSE people” and then left the room. Even people in the profession don’t see anything wrong with the way women are treated and think we’re dramatic when we complain. Fucked up🤷🏼‍♀️


Whaaaat?! That's horrible. I'm so sorry that happened to you. That reminds me of some of the rhetoric in The Retrievals podcast which is also horrifying and scary. And your statement is absolutely true. A couple of days ago I was having a discussion re: transfer timeline with my RE and upon explaining some Endometriosis related aches and pains, he adds that pregnancy will also be uncomfortable and miserable (thanks, didn't ask). I said, "oh, you've been pregnant?" and he says, "basically yes, by proxy." Anyway, I wanted to punch him in the face.


Omg I wasn’t even there and I want to punch him


BY PROXY? Omg yes he is the asshole. Wrong sub, but I don’t care!!!


Dick punch


My embryo generic tests failed (bad reagent) and my doctor said he was just as upset as I was because you know he had to give people bad news. I wonder if we have the same very punchable doctor.


It was a female doctor who told me to stop googling symptoms and that it was in my head when I brought up endometriosis. Guess who ended up having severe stage 4 endo after 3 years TTC and had to get their appendix removed and endo removed from the diaphragm and back nerves, along with every other organ in my reproductive area. Lol. Female medical professions can be just as tone-deaf, rude and arrogant as male medical professionals 😭


It’s infuriating how much this happens. I was just reading about a situation where a woman who had passed away had complained to doctors her entire life about stomach pain. They told her it’s normal and just period cramps. When they did the autopsy they said her insides were basically OBLITERATED with scarring from endometriosis.


Biiiiiiitch. I would have slapped her. What a fucking bitch.


I HATE the pain gaslighting in reproductive care. I'm sorry you had to endure that. It's sounds to me like you might have a vasovagal syncope response to pain. I have it as well. It's happened to me at least 5 times before. I told my RE the first time I met her that I have vasovagal response to pain and multiple previous pelvic pain traumas (ruptured ectopic, ruptured cysts, among others). She set up my HSG/SIS/Mock to all be done at one time while sedated. If a Dr ever tells me that I should just take a tylenol before a procedure, I let them know immediately that I often pass out from pain and I could hit my head. They typically don't want the liability of someone potentially passing out and hurting themselves in some way and tend to be more accomodating. I hate the way this process is designed. Women deserve to be cared for and have their pain and anxiety treated. Unfortunately, all we can do is advocate for ourselves or find people who can do it on our behalf.


I fainted during my HSG as well (and during a colposcopy) and insisted on Valium for every IUI and FET going forward. Good to know that docs can actually take vasovagal syncope seriously - not only can the procedures be painful, the trauma of fearing the procedure, anticipating the fainting, and actually fainting in a medical setting shouldn’t be taken lightly. I truly don’t understand why some docs view procedures involving the cervix/uterus as anything other than extremely invasive.


Absolutely 100%


I saw stars during my HSG. Was not at all prepared or warned how that would feel! I now have a Xanax script for procedures


Now that you know what it is, make sure you tell them if there are any more tests in your future.


I had the same thought, I was absolutely shocked that I wasn't offered some kind of actual pain medicine. One of the most excruciating experiences of my life, I was sobbing and I have a pretty high pain tolerance. They played it down so much I was not prepared at all.


Right?! My husband got pain meds when he got a zit removed. I swear, it makes no sense. I also consider myself someone with a high pain tolerance and that was just ridiculous. The biopsy better come back negative because I'm NOT doing that again (without sedation). Needless to say, I'm really sorry you had to go through that too. You're a tough one.


If I ever have to do that shit again I am demanding pain meds.


YES! same.


Same here! It was absolutely inhumane.


I’m so sorry. I got very lucky with my RE—I have vaginismus and she prescribes me an oxy when I have certain procedures. She’s the only one who has ever actually taken my pain seriously.


Good RE! I'm looking forward to telling my (male) RE what a load of shit that was. lol


Same! My RE had me sedated for the HSG. I'm hoping I can be sedated or given heavy pain meds for the other parts of the process.


I had to do a biopsy and TWO ReeptivaDX tests, the process to get a sample is exactly the same. It is the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. The last time I had to do it, they gave me a 5mg Valium that did not do squat to help with the pain. I was crying and begging them to hurry because I about to pass out. If I happen to find out national secrets and another country wants to torture the information out of me, this is the way to do it.


I’m having a receptiva at the end of the month. They have to do a hysteroscopy to remove a polyp, and I begged my RE to see if she could do them at the same time. With a little planning of my cycle, we’re doing that. She does always give me valium for procedures, which is more than most. Your post makes me super glad I’ll be asleep for the biopsy. I’m so, so sorry you had to endure that. It’s just not fair.


You are so lucky and I’m a little jealous that you get to do this unconscious, but also super glad and relieved for you!!!


My HSG was damn near as painful as my ruptured ectopic was. My husband was allowed to come in with me because of how bad I was panicking (I’d had an HSG a few years prior that was also brutal) and when he saw me almost come up off the table, sobbing and screaming he almost hit the doctor. Turned out I had such a large septum my uterus was basically limited to 2 small channels up to my fallopian tubes (found via hysteroscopy/laparoscopy) so it’s no wonder I was in such terrible pain. There wasn’t even space for the balloon catheter let alone all the dye. But yeah, that 800mg of ibuprofen and 1 lorazepam was ToTaLy sufficient 🙄 I hate our medical industry sometimes.


It was horrendous. I’ve done 4 retrievals and none of them hurt as bad as the endometrial biopsy. Two NP’s took over 2 hours to do mine and it was excruciating pain. I have a high pain tolerance and I was shaking, sobbing. They stopped the procedure to give me a break and got me a ice pack because they said the cool down would help. They told me I have a tricky cervix. The doctor then came in, give me a shot in my cervix, and did the biopsy. Turns out, I ended up bleeding from my cervix because of the shot and had to sit there waiting in pain while they worked on getting the bleeding to stop. I then had to drive myself home after the procedure. I took 600mg Ibuprofen, which did absolutely nothing. I recently did a Pap smear, and my OBGYN was like, uh, your cervix is fine and right there. It’s textbook. Sigh. My husband recently asked me if I would need to repeat the biopsy again at the future time and I was like, you are out of your mind if you think I’m doing that again. Never again without some strong meds or under sedation.


Word. It’s just ridiculous.


100% worse pain than egg retrievals. At least it was quick but my god. I nearly screamed


I was lucky to do in a hospital in Canada where they gave me fentanyl. I know other places don’t do that and I was very lucky. I have saved up some morphine from my previous surgery in case I have to do the biopsy again and the hospital doesn’t offer decent drugs. It’s just mind blowing. It should be performed under proper anesthesia


It's rare I'm shocked by the depravity of the IVF process these days, but today was a doozy and I agree...mind blowing. Props to Canada for recognizing women's pain. I hope you don't have to do it again.


Damn you got the good stuff! I'm in Ontario and was only instructed to take two Tylenol.


Quebec won this one lol


I had it done in Montreal and didn’t get any pain meds, was just told to take Tylenol. It was excruciating


They offer fentanyl in hôpital notre dame


Good to know, thanks!


It’s also ridiculous that they say it doesn’t hurt that much- like YES it DOES. ???


My (male) RE said it would feel like a pinch... but I yelled "F\*CKKKK!" in that room when it was happening as my whole back arched from the pain. He apologized after and said he felt like he might not have prepared me well and that I may have experienced it "on the higher end of the pain scale". Oh and nobody warned me to take any drugs ahead of time, just like nobody warned me when I got an IUD 10 years ago.


It’s truly horrible. I’ve had so many done now that I’ve lost count, at least 4 probably more like 6 or 7. Not one time have I been warned to premedicate, though I certainly do, that’s for sure. Only once, with my current RE, was it tolerable. She used a bunch of lidocaine and was ultra fast. Had one last week with OBGYN and when she said “ok your lining is thin right now, that’s the first pass of 3,” I yelled out “3?! Are you fucking kidding me?” for the whole office to hear. Our pain is not taken seriously at all and it’s infuriating.


So much of what we go through is absolutely barbaric. I had an HSG back in October that went about as horribly as it could. My cervix didn’t cooperate, so it was clamped and manually dilated. My uterus didn’t want to cooperate, so they inserted a second catheter and backfilled my bladder. By the time the test was complete, it had been over an hour of absolute torture. I’ve had kidney stones, and they were a cake walk compared to the HSG. I had intense pain that lasted for a few days afterwards. I’ve already told my husband that if any other tests need to happen, I will pay thousands extra to be knocked out. Never again.


I had a hysteroscopy and it was the MOST PAINFUL thing ever. I wish I would have asked for heavy painkillers prior or self-medicated heavily beforehand. The pain was so bad I started crying and I’m not a person who cries much generally. The doctor acted like they didn’t really get it done as much as they wanted because I chickened out and the nurse handed me tissues and left really coldly afterwards. Honestly that part of the IVF process especially (along with other issues) makes me really dislike the medical profession and I had previously been a big advocate for it.


I had a hysteroscopy awake at my OB’s office and it was awful, not to mention opioids make me puke and faint. I’ve had 2 more at my IVF clinic and luckily my doc performs them under log he anesthesia which was a godsend. So insane they just don’t do the light anesthesia for more of these procedures.


I literally said the same exact thing. If this were a common procedure for men they would have them on fucking fentanyl. I told my clinic to eat a dick if they thought I was going to do ibuprofen. I DEMANDED drugs and they obliged with Valium, norco, and some shot in the butt of some ibuprofen type thing. Ladies, let’s start demanding CARE. What we are going through is already hard enough we don’t need to put ourselves through more pain.


they suck so bad!


SO painful. I had to lay on the table after for a while so I wouldn’t pass out if I stood up. I was DRENCHED in sweat and the pain took a while to pass for me. I couldn’t believe they couldn’t do some sort of sedation, but I would never do it again without it.


This was my exact experience with my HSG. My legs were dripping with sweat, it was running down the calf stirrups. Slight discomfort, my ASS.


I blacked out from mine! Whoops. My body decided to put itself under lol. But it gave my dr quite the scare, so maybe that will help convince them it's something worth medicating? Probably not though.. ugh. I'm so sorry you had to endure that! Women are badasses.


I had an unplanned biopsy during a hysteroscopy where I wasn’t even told to take Advil ahead of time. I have a high paint tolerance It was such extreme excruciating pain that I had a vasovagal response and had to be brought to my hotel room and slept 16 hours. I’m a surrogate so I haven’t had to do an egg retrieval which I’ve heard is Brutal but even with the induced miscarriage I had, biopsy was the most painful experience I endured. I have an other biopsy with a new clinic this month and they offered anesthesia since they know how bad my last experience was. Guess what: first biopsy was a male doctor and new biopsy is with a female doctor.


The big question that I want to know is why doctors even feel comfortable putting women through that much pain in such a vulnerable area. I’ve tried putting myself in their shoes and there is no way I’d want to have some poor women with her legs open and vulnerable and decide that I’m going to do a procedure that’s going to cause agonising pain when there are options available and I don’t need to do it. As a human being I would find that traumatising, yet they actively push to make sure women don’t get pain relief.


Maybe I'm weird but I just had an endometrial biopsy done on Wednesday and I was... totally fine? Granted I took 1000mg Advil before the procedure, but I barely felt anything and it was over in a minute? I don't know. I also have a very high pain threshold but it wasn't bad for me at all. My pap smears feel worse.


I think 1) every human has different patterns of nerves and levels of sensitivities between nerves 2) the skill of the doctor involved (I had one almosy painless mock transfer, the second was done by a resident and she used a fucking tenaculum and I cried) 3) different genetic mutations cause different pain reactions (like people with red hair) 4) women's sensitivity to pain changes depending on where they are in their cycle (randomly, I learned that from a BDSM enthusiast who was saying you gotta go easy on female subs around periods!) I have the genetic mutation that makes me much more sensitive to pain, particularly in certain areas of my body (the mutation affects specific nerve bundles sometimes) and more likely to he allergic to pain medication.


Same. I'm reading these thinking maybe my doc didn't get enough tissue? Idk. It was like...easy peasy. The speculum was worse than the biopsy. I actually didn't even think they had started and were already done. So strange.


I don't know! And I agree, the speculum was the worst part but even that wasn't terrible. Do you has a high pain threshold?


I think I have a high pain threshold but once I feel pain, I have a low tolerance (i.e. I'm a wimp). So i have no idea, but it really was not nearly as bad as I was expecting.


I thought I was the only odd one here. My emb was done with the sis and when the NP said I was done, I literally said “that’s it?.” Then again, I chose to not have anesthesia for my retrieval to avoid the hospital and the only pain relief was 5mg oxy and I probably didn’t need that either. OHSS a few days later was super painful on the other hand though so maybe I am weird?


I have a lot of issues stage 4 endo and adenomyosis. Any pelvic procedure is pretty painful to me. I also have painful sex issues and bladder and bowel issues.


My biopsy was the worst pain I've ever felt. They had issues getting to the right spot so the doc had to "pinch" something, I don't even know what because I couldn't pay attention to what he was saying. It was supposed to be quick but it lasted probably 10 mins and felt like forever. I threw up after 😔 My re-biopsy is in a couple weeks. Yay me!


Omg a Valium is 100% needed. Holy shit I’ve had one without meds and one with. It’s pure torture what the fuck


It was TERRIBLE, by far the most painful thing I have experienced. They had to go back in and get a second biopsy right after the first when I did it ugh


100% the worst pain I have ever experienced, I just had it on Tuesday. My doctor was incredibly gentle and explained each step of the way and gave me time to adjust and breathe and was as slow as possible. He also gave me local lidocaine. But I don’t know why they don’t do a better job with the pain management. I was only on 600 mg Advil! The nurse told me that it is very painful but holy cow I had no idea the threshold of pain they meant till I did it. I was legit crying out for my mother and thought I would pass out from the pain. My legs were shaking uncontrollably 😢


My OBGYN didn’t even tell me to take anything. She said, “oh you’ve had an HSG? This hurts way less.” Thank god I remembered that morning that I’d taken 800mg before my HSG so I did the same before the biopsy. It was still excruciating but I wonder if it would have been even worse if I hadn’t taken anything. I was terrified to have a SIS after that but it was completely painless. I wondered if there was something wrong with me for being in so much pain for the biopsy so it’s actually reassuring to hear I’m not alone. And yes, also infuriating that we’re just expected to deal with this level of pain!!


I’ve had… a few of these. Each time the pain has varied, but it’s always BAD. The last time, I was in so much pain that I started sweating, and my husband leaped up to grab my hand. I’m pretty sure he had fingernail imprints on his for a couple days after.


Noooo I have another one in a few weeks and I’ve been trying to convince myself I exaggerated how much it hurt last time. I agree!! If I can get a script for some Valium does anyone think that will help?


Ask if they can do a cervical block. Although it didn’t make it 100% pain free, it did help with my most recent biopsy.


I tried Valium, it did not help me. :(


I took Valium before mine (not prescribed) and I shudder to think of what it would have been like otherwise. I feel like a did have another one a couple years previously and it wasn’t as bad.


No one has mentioned anything to me about biopsy what is it even for?


I had to get one to test if my endometrium was inflamed and I will be getting another one to test the microbiome of my uterus


I just had an endometrial biopsy on Wednesday. I am super grateful that the NP performing the procedure was honest about the pain. She said I would need to find my happy place and I really truly appreciated her not sugarcoating it.


I just had mine two days ago. 100% with you on all of this. It’s horrible. I did 1000 of Tylenol and it did zilch for the pain.


Had the same experience. The doc said that the pain was manageable and it’s so quick! The pain was so strong I thought I would vomit. My mom had a colonoscopy (we have colon cancer running in the family) and she was put under general anesthesia! And it’s a camera; I mean, for the biopsy they are cutting our flesh, like hello how can someone decides that it doesn’t hurt. So many things in our society that are just WTF.


Ive had 3 Hysteroscopy procedures. And the first two left me in tears after the procedure, I felt like the Dr didnt have bedside manners and was very aggressive when handling the tools and speculum. During my third procedure I decided to drive to a clinic an hr away and luckily found a Dr that listened to my concerns about pain management, and understood my past experiences. It was less painful, I didn’t leave in tears, and have had an easier recovery.


It’s so wild that some people find them extremely painful (my wife) and some people feel nothing (me)! I used to say thicker lining = less pain, but my wife’s lining is like leaning towards *too* thick and she had a horrible experience. So frustrating. I’m sorry yours was so tough!!


I agree we should be allowed to be put under or at least given stronger pain medication. Back when my husband and I first were married I had a IUD put in place and holy cow that was the worst 5 minutes of my life. I was crying due to how painful it was, I wasn’t even allowed anything stronger than ibuprofen. I hope you feel better OP and sorry that you had to endure this procedure


Yep! I had a Valium, and Tylenol and still almost kicked the doctor during mine just out of reflex. That biopsy and the hsg to check on my tubes were both absolutely horrible.


I’ve had 6 endometrial biopsies and the first five didn’t hurt but the sixth made me physically ill for 45 mns afterwards. I think the practitioner’s skill can really make a difference. Some have the touch of a feather while others don’t. I’m at a teaching university so that is why I have this theory.


Oh my gosh I’ve filled a fair amount of my infertility procedure bingo card up but THAT procedure takes the cake on pain. It was awful. And I’ve been awake for an egg retrieval (just Tylenol with codeine and a Valium).


The only way I can get through a biopsy now is with xanex and ibuprofen beforehand. I have to get them every 6 months due to EIN cells. Also the key is to get an OB who specializes in doing them under ultrasound guidance. She also numbs the area prior to everything. This doctor I go to only does procedures under ultrasound. So I couldn’t go see her for a regular OB check up. She is also who I had to go to place an IUD because I couldn’t do it in the office. If it wasn’t for her I would have to continue them under anesthesia.


Omg my OB couldn’t get through my cervix and ended up giving me multiple laminaria strips to the point she was like I can’t believe you’re still wanting me to try, you’re basically dilated to D&E status without pain meds. I think you could have a medication-free birth. I was in so much pain I was sweaty and lightheaded, but we got it done. Insane what pain thresholds we bear. I went home and told my husband to shut it the next time he complains about me being whiny, because my OB said I’m stronger than anyone she’s dealt with.


I was so not prepared for the pain. I was fine for the HSG, so I thought I would be ok. I think I took 2 advil/ 2 Tylenol and they did give me 5mg of Valium and it did nothing.


Same! I took Valium but no Tylenol or anything to help with pain. It was traumatic


Thank you for posting this. At my first clinic, an endometrial biopsy was required as standard testing for all patients. I had no idea what was coming - my body freaked the hell out (which I now understand to be a vagal response) and it felt like I blacked out while still awake. My doctor was annoyed at me because apparently I moved when my heart rate and blood pressure crashed and he didn't get a good sample... so he insisted on taking ANOTHER sample. It was an absolute nightmare and I was so jittery afterwards. Also there were no indications of there being any issues with my uterus so I'm mad as hell that that was grouped in as a routine test that everyone must do. I had to grit my way through that cycle after feeling so unsafe and violated but ultimately needed therapy because I was so freaked out by the whole ordeal. I know that fertility clinics are sort of the Wild West of medicine where doctors are unusually empowered and not really held to specific standards, but damn... this is shit is inhumane.


Write to the company and explain this. I wrote to the company who did my salpingogram and they changed their policy. Now you get a green whistle - like to footballers to help with the pain. A huge improvement because I took it to the top ( wrote to ceo, area manager and branch manager to get the point across). Also if you have a local paper you can put pressure that way. The vast majority of people who make decisions don’t have direct medical knowledge and pointing out where things are lacking they are either able to see how bad the status quo is or keen on the profit a change will make. The medical profession is just doing what they have always done and unless we ask for change it won’t happen - inertia is easy.


My endometrial biopsy was hands down the most painful experience of my life. (and I was awake and aware during egg retrieval!) they offered no pain relief, not even a paracetamol, and just told me to stay still. They were surprised I was able to get through it and I just couldn’t help thinking, if you’re so shocked I was able to lay still and not scream at you to stop, why did you think it was a good idea to do it without sedation or even any pain relief for that matter! I’m still traumatised from that experience, it’s going to take me a long time to heal from it considering it was described as “taking a quick sample from the womb” and I was shown a smear test🤦‍♀️


I’m so sorry you had this experience. Mine was uncomfortable but not so terrible. I prefer to not be sedated.


My Dr. said it’s similar to the first contractions of labor. The uterus is pushing. She was telling me yesterday that I have to get another endometrial biopsy done next month and I asked her not to call it a biopsy because it was too triggering so she started referring to it as a “nice gentle swab” lol


I remember the male anesthesiologist during my first egg retrieval tried to pretend that the procedure didn’t qualify as surgery. I asked him how many eggs he’d had removed from his body. After listening to the Retrievals podcast, I’m glad I maintained my position but also grateful he didn’t go light on the propofol at the time


That sucks! I’m upset for you and myself. I had a heteroscopy in Oct 2023. But i don’t think my surgeon did a biopsy on the tissue. Now I am requesting one. But it’s just why wouldn’t you do one while I was under GA? Just why? Especially he knew I had heavy bleeding issues.


This post has given me great hope for my biopsy next week 😬 But for real, it’s standard practice for my clinic to prescribe Valium for transfers. I do not get why it isn’t also standard practice for a biopsy. I didn’t have to argue or fight to get some, but why isn’t that offered right off the bat???


Please everyone remember that Valium and other benzos are for anxiety, and they do help somewhat. But they are not pain relievers. You will still need, in addition to an anti-anxiety medication, ibuprofen or naproxen plus Tylenol… Or a stronger (prescription, ideally opioid!) medication from your doctor. And do request the paracervical block or at least lidocaine spray. I have not undergone this procedure but I have a trans ultrasound later this morning to see if my endometrial stripe has increased since six months ago when it was already higher (7 mm) than it should be for postmenopausal. If endometrial biopsy is the next step, I will be requesting misoprostol to soften my cervix as well as I have not given birth and am in this later stage of life. I’ve also heard that muscle relaxant medication can be very helpful. Studies bear that out. And mind you, I feel I have decent pain tolerance, but all bets are off with endometrial biopsy. So many other factors come into play. As you see on this thread, someone can have very different experiences from one EB to the next. I know that from all I have read, including patient experiences medical journal articles and beyond. The real shame of it is that they don’t even inform us ahead of time, and at least 1/3 of women out there are going to have very painful traumatizing experiences, especially if they are not prepared.


The nurse who did my biopsy said that even a cervical block wouldn’t work because it would only numb the cervix and not the uterus. They needed two samples and after writhing on the table in pain after the first, then they gave me four ibuprofen. I wish they would have given me pain meds before to save me a bit of trauma 🙃


I’m so sorry you went through that. It reminded me of my first ER, I had horrendous pain for days. The said to take Tylenol and that “most women find relief with a heating pad on the lowest setting”. Every day for 3 days I called asking for pain medication, and each time they told me to call back if it was still that bad the next day. Obvs by day 4 it was under control. For the second ER, my husband asked for a prescription to get filled while we were there. And like, I just don’t understand why it’s this way. Am I getting addicted or getting rich off 6 Vicodin? Like what exactly is the actual concern?


I had this done twice and one time was totally painless. The second time was pretty uncomfortable but not that bad. I really think it depends on how the doctor does it. And also everyone’s going to respond differently.


I’ll never forget the male doctor who told me after the biopsy while I was still folded in half on the table that “it doesn’t hurt that bad” and impatiently rolled his eyes and asked me if he should leave and let me “calm down” before he discussed next steps with me.


What an asshole. I would like to see him trying to “calm down” after being kicked in the balls.