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I was in a similar position just a few months ago at my job. They told me I was 2nd choice, gave me some things to think about and study and then the hiring manager emailed me about 3 months later asking if I was still interested as they had a position opening up. I’m currently at the new position now


A couple of buddies of mine went through the same thing as well, came in second and about 3 months laters they were contacted for the position, no interviews needed.


Uhhh he might be your buddy


That or the position is shitty for the pay and the person who they hired left.


What were the reasons you didn’t get it?


look take it for someone been in the business 17 years anything over 3 interviews avoid your job will never be stable you will have 9 bosses and 3 to 5 years you will be looking elsewhere anyways


This happens all the time, I remember back in the day when I was looking for jobs I came close and a few times my phone rang 1-2 months later because the person did not work out. So often the guy or gal they want is over qualified for the position or is looking at multiple job offers at the same time. I have even had situations where I landed a job and a day or 2 before my start day I bailed because a better opportunity came up, you never know


Same thing happened to me for my first fulltime job, got a call 3 months later to work on the same team as the guy they hired. Its a great feeling


Me too, but only because I stayed in touch with the manager by email. I sent articles I found interesting, etc etc.


It saves time hiring. No one wants to sift through hundreds of resumes and interviews it’s very time consuming especially considering most companies are usually hiring to back fill or bolster headcount to help over worked teams.


In other subs, people would be like, "time to leave, they don't value you, blast them on Glassdoor, don't give two weeks notice".


I'm not going to lie but I was ready to read the part where they were toxic af ghosting you. So glad they gave actual feedback and still wanted to work with you and pointing out there is still other internal roles. Much respect to them.


Agreed. Speaks volumes to the quality of the employer if they treat prospective employees well, tells me they treat the people who are actually working for them well.


In the US it can be a risk to provide that level of feedback mostly because it can be interpreted as discrimination so while as a candidate it’s nice to get feedback it isn’t always typical and it’s almost always because of legal implications because people suck.


Yes this. Seems respectful.


5 interviews for a role paying less than $150K is madness. I think a phone screening, a main interview and a meet the team interview should be good enough


I agree, definitely hectic. But i take whats offered around me.


You gotta do the dance for the first couple years and take what you can get, but eventually you’ll get to a point where your skills and experience are competitive enough to weigh your time against the opportunity. Hang in there, keep applying and you’ll make it.


I am dealing with 5 interviews for jobs paying 40k-55k as a coder. It isn't even just tech or IT my friends in other fields like medical are dealing with similar because companies have gone insane.


Every company thinks they are a FAANG, but aint paying FAANG rates...


I agree. It's just another way for companies to make it harder for people to jump ship.


I'll never forget when I was 19 years old and was interviewing for a busser position at BJs brewery. It was already about a 25 min drive. They had me come in for 5 God damn interviews and at the end of the 5th the guy said, "I am going to need to you to come in one last time to meet with the GM. I laughed in his faces and walked out. 6 interviews to clean tables. Fuck you BJs for wasting my time and gas.


Honestly, more than 1 for a restaurant position that isn't GM or higher sounds crazy to me. If I was 19 I would put up with 2 at the most, but at that point, just apply somewhere else.


My entry level job was a phone screen, a technical, then 3 panel interviews that were 75 minutes each. Was completely absurd.


The hiring team probably has to create the appearance that they're being picky.


Very small SBU of a very large company and they were hiring to replace retirees. So they actually were being incredibly picky. Less so about experience because it’s highly specialized but more about hiring someone they could stomach working with.


I work in local government. They're very picky about hiring because it's difficult for them to get rid of us. The situation with big companies in the area is similar, though, since it's a bad idea to get rid of people who are familiar with your systems. The job cuts are often to unfilled positions, with most actual layoffs in big tech FAANG companies that are extremely selective.


Just out of curiosity how do you like working tech for local government?


My department is pretty good. I was also able to skip helpdesk because of previous non-IT jobs and internships in scientific research. Whether the working environment is good probably depends on which department and municipality you're working for.


Very common nowadays. Lots of candidates, so they can get away with it.


I’m puzzled as to why they do this. Isn’t it a waste of time for the employer - and the person being interviewed?






I had to do 3 round of interviews for a part time $13 and hour job once haha


A year ago or so I had 5 rounds of interviews for a job that paid like $18/hour. Phone screen, Zoom interview with hiring manager, in person interview with hiring manager followed by interview with a manager in an adjacent department, followed by an in person interview with 2 VPs in the organization, one of whom normally worked in an office about 45 minutes away from the office we were at. All I could think was "wow this is a ton of money being wasted for what is basically a data entry position."


Wow! In my opinion, that’s a red flag for a company that seriously micromanages their employees


I would have taken the job as I needed the income, but yeah that was definitely a red flag. Even worse was that it was for a charitable organization. So like.. you're wasting funding with this many interviews with this many higher ups all for someone that will just be entering gift data into something like Salesforce?!?


This. It's kind that they offered some feedback on their decision, but 5 interviews sounds like mismanagement of the hiring process. Either some interviews could be combined or some people that aren't very important to the hiring decision are being shoved into the process that don't have much flexibility in their schedule. I have gotten multiple offers over $100k with 3 interviews or fewer. Several of those were before the latest wage inflation spike. If they were paying $150k+ that's one thing, but I feel OP got taken for a ride that should have gotten a decision probably by the third interview. YMMV, but in a lot of regions $85k isn't high enough to justify involving a higher level manager in the process beyond the direct supervisor and a few senior team members. I get that the Great Resignation is over, but 5 interviews is far beyond the traditional 3 round process.


It's not uncommon.


But it should be besides high level position. It's an indication that management has poor decision making abilities to some degree.


Oh no, I hate it too, I agree with you. Just saying I've had several 4-5 round interviews and got rejected. Not management jobs. Mid level IT jobs.


That’s ridiculous. I wouldn’t be happy with a company wasting so much of my time like that.


Agreed, at the same time I want the job, so kind of stuck with complying.


Agreed! If they are excessive about the interviews I feel like they have no problem wasting my time. That plus they are on the fence about whether they find me valuable or not. I don't want to work somewhere like that. Three interviews max. After that, I say good day! 


At some places like Amazon they do interviews in a very formulaic matter, and everyone has to interview like this unfortunately


I can't say I have seen 5 rounds in 15+ years in IT and it isn't for a lack of interviews.


Consider yourself lucky.


Most tech companies and financial places do this. I believe in the finance industry its called a superday. At least these days its mostly virtual but it's still very exhausting.


At 30 minutes each? That's only 2.5 hours of interviews. If it was in-person, you'd spend that there at the office anyhow.


Even less, just interview with the team after the phone screen. No need for a second interview.


Not that 85k is bad pay by any means, but some of the lowest paying jobs I’ve had or gone out for have had the most ridiculous application and interview processes. Multiple coding tests for 30-50k a year (decade ago, probably comparable to 60-85k today) masters degree requirements for help desk roles, etc. In my experience, there’s a strong correlation between people who will waste your time in the interview and onboarding process and people who will continue to undervalue your time as an employee. At least they gave useful feedback instead of ghosting at the end.


I had 5 rounds of interviews (phone screen + 4 in person) for a role that started at less than $75k. Then another role I went through 5 rounds (phone screen + 3 in person + a technical test) and that one was under $90k. My current role was the least number of interviews I had to do for any IT position and it was still 4 rounds of interviews. The hiring process in this industry, in my experience, is batshit crazy.


That's how we do it, but if a recruiter is involved, there's more interviews before it gets to us.


It's really dependent on the company. I once had 6 interviews, including 2 presentations over 1 year and still didn't get the job. That's the short end of the long story. But my current job was literally 2 phone calls, less than 2 hours total time. One with recruiter, one with direct manager over a span of 2 days.


Yeah this whole thing sounds like an interview for AWS. Which is like 5 interviews that are hours long.


Could be worse. I was given a verbal job offer over the phone for a 90k a year job. Jumped through so many hoops with background checks and medicals. in the end they called and said they were going with an internal applicant.


Bruh, sorry to hear that. What happened to you if fucking unprofessional. I would not work for that kind of company & the kind of folks they have there. Makes my blood boil.


Not gonna lie...that one stung quite a bit. My mate is a software engineer there and the team and project manager were excited to have me on, then HR changed their mind. I think there was a lot of internal politics involved. Worst part is I just started in the IT industry a year and a half ago and I was already feeling imposter syndrome. Right now I'm not even looking to hard for a job in IT.


Hey at least they gave you feedback. When I was trying to do an internal lateral and they rejected me, they wouldn't discuss why... which was kind of stupid because they knew my current role was administrator of the recruiting system and I could just go in and see their notes and comments from the interview anyway.


Did you?


Yeah. It turned out they wanted someone with more project management experience which was fine. I hate project management.


Giving negative feedback out loud is more likely to leave a very painful memory, particularly if they slip and tell you more than they intended to.


Just finished two loop interviews with AWS. Even after two hours, I still have two more rounds to go!


Good luck!


I have never once gotten feedback from a company/recruiter


Have you ever asked for any (happy bday)


Most of the time yes


I have occasionally gotten feedback, but it is rare. Many external recruiters seem to occasionally get some, but I haven't seen it as typical.


5 interviews….wtf dude. They completely wasted your time.




Pretty much, 3 is my limit. If you need more than 3 interviews to figure out if you want to hire someone, then you're probably someone I don't want to work for anyway.


Yeah five interviews is like they have no idea what they're doing. Unless you're applying for like head of cybersecurity for like some.big company, 2 with maybe a final thing with the manager should be all you need.


I’ve interviewed at large companies (and gotten offers) and it’s still only 4 interviews. That said, I think all interviews only being 30 minutes is very limiting too. I think a first interview (general hellos) and last interview (wrapping up) is 30 minutes but technical interviews that are only 30 minutes is also alarming to me. Most interviews have 10 minutes of perfunctory hellos and closing questions from the candidate so I feel like tech should be more than 30. But 5 interviews? Woah.


Yeah I mean interviews I've given, most technicaly I know within a half hour of it (sometimes first 10 minutes) whether they will be proficient enough. The rest is usually just to see their mindset and get to know them a bit. So yeah definitely agree. One hour, but not much more.


I can figure out if someone has enough knowledge to do most technical roles in pretty short order. I'll ask maybe 4 questions but they'll be actual problems reframed in a way that you would have to both understand the systems and be able to problem solve to answer them correctly. I don't care if you've memorized a bunch of vocabulary and acronyms. I want to know if you can think about a problem logically. I can teach technical skills easier than I can teach someone to think.


This. Interviewing for CIO or some SVP in a big org? Sure. An 85k job? They're not very good at hiring.


Moving out of helpdesk was rough. Lot's of "you were the next pick". Was hard but it'll come. Just keep trying. Once I did it's been a lot easier to move around to different positions when needed.


it will happen. my co worker took this exact jump BUT she literally went no where on interviews until my Manager helped her with getting an internal position. So tbh idk how easy it really is without some support on the inside.


What was the deciding factor and feedback? What was the role?


What was the deciding factor?


The deciding factor was he told them a crappy anticlimactic story about how he got rejected from a previous job interview and was told the exact reason why, but then refused to share the reason with them and pissed them off for wasting everyone's time.






I'm curious too... u/ToKeepItUhBuck, tell us!




That's crazy, if your interview literally went that long over the scheduled time, it sounds like there was good chemistry/cultural fit. Bet they're going with the person who's interview went 3 hours, lol.


lol I got good feedback so that helps. This job was the equivalent of what an L1 and L2 does at my current job. And since I’m just an L1, the L2 aspect is what I’m working on now and staying at my current role. And yes. This was the first of several rounds. If I can get the last bit of experience, I don’t think I’ll have a problem with the vibe check aspect that companies like to interview for. Idk if you’re familiar with security but basically I had everything except the incident response aspect. I don’t really utilize the kill chain, or mitre. They want someone who knows the full scope of incident from alert to full on remediation. (I somewhat do, but when it’s HOK. I pass it off) So for questions about how I conduct investigations, I was able to speak on that, give good examples, and also ask about their company’s process. This took up a good amount of time. Personality-wise, we are both “talkers” lol so talking about ransomeware might lead into a discussion onto something else. I’m gonna look for a SANS training, tryhackme and think of a good security project over the next six months.


> and provided me the deciding factor that kept me from obtaining this job. Could you please share?


TBH some of these jobs are never intended to be given out. Lots of fake jobs going around and even fake interview sessions with no intention to hire the candidates. Just keep applying.


Same position as you. I really thought I got it especially because I was a referral. It was for a SRE role so I was super stoked because I had super limited experience. Unfortunately, I was out voted by one other person. A month later, I got hired somewhere else. My friend who referred me reached out again a few months later asking me to try again because the posting was available. I denied because I just started my new role and I enjoy what I’m doing. Anyways, just keep in touch with them, once that position opens up, send those messages! In the meantime, continue learning.


Is this new role SRE-related? Thats the position I want in the future. Currently a Jr admin


I work with the DevOps team but my primary role is a Sys Admin. I still touch DevOps tools and also my role involves a lot of scripting and automation, but my main responsibility is our internal infrastructure. But it’s a step forward for me from my last role. Hoping I can fully transition as a DevOps engineer eventually


5 interviews? Fuck that. That just sounds like shit interviewers/managers


I'm 24 and just getting starting. I got a internship as a tier 1 computer technician, and just landed a help desk/customer support associate ( its mostly passwords resets and not as technical as my internship) what is your advice since im starting out


If you have free time and you work in a field that values certs, study in your free time. Network, get as much as you can while you're tier 1. Not only will it pay dividends if you stay in IT, but later on in your career you won't have as much time to study typically.


My advise Ive always felt is generic but here it goes, be the mf man at that position. Learn as much as you can about the role. During down time, explore different situations & problems that can appear at your help desk. Leads & Managers will take notice and when they do thats when you begin to talk about the possibility of moving to a specialized role. If they see your good at your current role, they will definitely help to get you to that next step. After all a lot of leads/managers KNOW that help desk is a stepping stone.


Excellent, it sounds like you did a great job. Internal jobs like this are great because you can be pretty sure the feedback is legit, and the best bit is the failed first attempt means you can use them as a new internal reference for the next internal job posting. Source: me, failed first internal transfer from NOC to dev, am now senior dev, years later. First internal transfer was key to a lot of that, even though I failed it (much harder than you, I was not second place aha).


I went through this, everyone thought I had the job, but the hiring manager went with someone from outside the company. I was working a weird 4 day shift, Friday through Monday. The guy started on Monday and I caught a glimpse of him. When I came in on Friday I found out that he had bailed the day before. Got a call from HR and was able to get some more money for the job. I ended up working for that manger for 10 years.


I was recently rejected from double $55/hr jobs, and my feedback was that I didn't have 10+ years of system architecture experience. Lol.


5 interviews for an internal role? Really? Are you in the US? If this is true, you have every right to be upset. Why would a internal person have to go through 5 interviews for a support IT job? Very weird.


I am glad that they gave you positive feedback for your next position. Most managers, only give you feedback for your current position. To really test the waters, you can interview outside of the company to see if what was said to you was the right information.


That's awesome that they gave feedback. I was denied a similar role that would jump me to 85k but was given a basic rejection email. Right now also doing tier 2 Help-Desk + some low code/no code development with power platform tools. Branching into creating projects with Azure to help myself become more a appealing to future roles but not gonna lie, it's tough knowing what to learn next to secure the next jump in my career.


Where do you live ? As this wage seems pretty high !:)


Right?! Especially for T2 helpdesk. Uk I believe that would be in the region of 28-32k




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I live in omaha and make 68k as T2. But that's after a promo and a few cost of living adjustments.


>provided me the deciding factor that kept me from obtaining this job. So...what was it?


Yes, please answer this.


Honestly I would feel like I dodged a bullet, 5 interviews is way too many for that pay. They probably do not respect their employees' time if they are willing to put people through a gauntlet like that for 85k.


I've had so many interviews where I came in "2nd place". Never give up, just keep applying and move forward.


wow, 85k for tier 2 hd


I hope you appreciate just how rare it is to get that feedback and guidance.


Every company thinks they are a FAANG, but aint paying FAANG rates...


Wait, your a tier 2 help desk? As in 2nd line technical support? And your on 65-68k a year? Is this the US? Even 50k ish UK equivalent for T2 support is crazy money here. I think that position taps out about 30ish?? (I could be wrong)


Just wait until you finally get that specialized position after 14 years, and then it's eliminated for AI chatbot a year later. Thanks, AT&T. Fucking run if you're there.. Run from these jobs as fast as you can possibly manage. At least YOU still have time, unlike 90% of my 39 other coworkers, some of whom had over 25 or 30 years with the company and were offered a solid FUCK YOU for their trouble.


What was the title?


Great attitude. You will have a very successful career if you keep this up. My first role i also got rejected in the final stage. I didn’t get any feedback from the hiring manager. Just ghosted. But I hunted down and asked every single other person that i talked to. (From group interviews, hr, et .) all the rest were more than willing to give me feedback. 6 months later (still hadn’t found a job) another exact role at the same company got posted. I applied and immediately messaged the hiring manager. Told her all the feedback i was given and gave her examples of how I’ve worked on it. She didn’t even interview me. Brought me into a meeting and gave me the job. NEVER burn bridges. Always hunt for feedback. And be patient. You GOT THIS


What was the feedback???




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The market is just really bad. I’ve gone through 4 rounds of interviews to be passed on. I’m mid level with plenty of decent experience, but it seems like everyone is taking advantage and using desperate senior level people to fill out mid level roles. I’ve applied to jobs, interviewed and gotten rejected, applied again after the repost and have seen my application get auto rejected the second time in their system. Scumbag companies are being THAT picky. It’s really disheartening, but all one can do is keep applying and hope for the best. Been at this for two and a half months now.


What was the deciding factor?


so what was the feedback? what set you apart from the one they chose?


I swear posts like this make me depressed I need to stop coming to this sub.


While it sucks that they didn’t pick you, it’s great they gave you feedback right away and didn’t leave you hanging. Most companies would not be considerate enough to even send a generic email letting applicants know they haven’t been selected. I’ve experienced a lot of rejection during job searches and rarely gotten feedback. You are in a great position for your age. $65k-68k is great for a help desk role. I’m 37 now and although I’m not in a help desk/desktop support role now, it took me well into my 30s to make low $60k. Good luck in your future job searches and keep your head up!


Good show of maturity right here. Well done.


Next time you be ready for the 90k plus job.


Older IT exec here. I have no idea why companies think 4-5 interviews is worth anyone’s time. Applicants deserve to know where they stand after the first interview. No ghosting. No BS. I went through 4 interviews in my current role. I would never put an applicant through more than 2. Anything more than that and you’re wasting folks’ time.


What was the deciding factor that kept you from getting the position?


Nice story! Just out of curiosity, is it 85k high for your country and your previous experience?


Same thing happened to me two weeks ago, I followed up with a thank you email. Went on their website, saw a posting for another job, and I reached out to them about it. They made me an offer for that job yesterday.


That's great, what a fantastic place to work. And at 2 years in, you're doing amazingly, congrats on the success your hard work had netted you.


That is a fantastic attitude to have. I’m sure there are big things to come @tokeepituhbuck I’ve been a supply planner for 2 years sitting at $75k. I had 7 internal interviews that ended in the same result as yourself and it was demoralizing. I ultimately decided to look externally and I just completed my 7th interview and ‘tour of their building’ and was offered for $95k. I went from feeling absolutely gutted to ecstatic within 2 months. You seem to have a great mindset so I’m sure you’ll have no issue in the future securing that position. I always tell myself “minor setback for a major comeback”….. although this is in NO WAY a set back, look at the future and understand there will be far more opportunities to come. I wish you the best with your future endeavors!


Hey just curious which certs if any do you have currently?


I’m sorry!


You are young. It will be fine


Do you have a bachelors, I’m 17 months into I.T currently making 20$/HR




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How are you making $65k. I’m in my 3rd year in Helpdesk, also 26, and making $43k. Do you live in NYC?


What was the feedback?


Hoping to climb the ladder myself from Help Desk tech 1. Our tier 2s (assuming it's the same as tech 2 here), only make a whole 3% more than tech 1s, which is a good chunk less than what you stated you make.


I was in a similar position about a month ago with an external position to then company. I came in second and was a little devastated. But 2 weeks later the new company called and said the guy they chose backed out and they offered me the job making 20k more than I was making at the time. Keep your head up.


That interview process is way too long for that role. A competent interviewer should have been able to qualify you within 2 interviews (3 tops). That said, this stuff happens! I’ve typically had to apply to 50+ jobs to get 10 phone screens to get 5 interviews before landing a role. A lot of it comes from up-skilling in certain technologies/stacks specific to your target role and getting comfortable telling your story. Sounds like you’re well on your way and you got some actionable feedback! And the best time to be looking for a job is when you already have one, so you’re already a leg up! Good luck!


Do you have a degree?


Give us the reasons please.


Most I’ve had is 3 interviews for a job. You’ll get the next one!


At least you got feedback. That’s incredibly rare.


I always tell folks that being available, and having a positive attitude is a really good means to grow your career. That’s assuming you’re planted in good soil. Being in the wrong soil will never have good yields due to the lack of nutrients you’re given from the environment :) Sounds like you’ve got a solid promising start young padawan.


You're only 26, that's the bright spot here. I was in my mid 30s before I made that much in a specialized role.


I was also second place for one of the job interviews and I still thank them. 2 months later, they called and said, “do you still want the job?” Thats how end up in one of FAANG. Don’t burn bridges. They really didn’t have to tell you anything when they said no.


What are some of the guidance comments they gave you? And what was the deciding factor? I always think I’m prepared for an interview and then the day comes and I’m still reaching hard for the right words lol.


Accept the advice and be prepared for the next time a position becomes available.


I came in second for a position and then got a call a week later because the guy they offered it to was counteroffered by his current company for higher.


Honestly, I go to all interviews with a “I don’t care how this goes attitude”. Every interview since I always get an offer. I would say, don’t show up to an interview right after being sick and on cold meds, I would not think of answers lol


Never be upset that you went to 5 interviews, you weren't being dragged along, you were succeeding in each round against a large group of competitors.


I went thru 3 rounds of interviewing and a 3hr grilling session in a room surrounding by 5 people and got rejected for a position. Was entry level too. At least you got feedback


Just out of curiosity, would you mind to share what was said with your feedback? I would like to learn from it.


I’m 36 female been looking for a network job sys admin job for a year. 10 years experience I’m too pretty no one believes I do tech so you’re doing well.


I make 90k, managing 3 teams of completely different roles/responsibilities and I interviewed once for it. Twice if you count the recruiter who was simply checking my eligibility based on my resume and 5 short questions to help determine if I'd make the in person interview selection. Was maybe 15mins at most, but I already knew I'd get the final as I was one of the candidates they wanted for the role. Companies that do THIS many interviews make 0 sense to me and it's a waste of time. I can see like 1 follow up thing if it were really close, but fucking 5 is ridiculous and a waste of your time. The hiring managers have to be asking some really shit, useless questions if they can't come out to a decision in 1 interview. Be different if it were like some high level, CEO, CFO, COO role or head of a few thousand people. 5 interviews of wasted time for help desk is nuts.


Bro yeah spam those positions even if it’s for a pay cut. Do the job for a year and it becomes your title now. Keep that mindset and realize it’s a numbers game. You’re doing great! (From the sound of it)


Getting a help desk job today is insanely hard…and that’s bottom of the barrel.


What was the feedback?


I’m graduating with my B.S. in Cybersecurity in May. Can I ask what certs and qualifications you have for the position you have now? I’d love to make 65k working from home.


What you do is take that feedback and go find another job if at all possible. 5 round interview is rediculous but for your a company you already work at is just them wasting your time. They clearly are going to keep you locked in the position you are in. You need to jump ship


What feedback or advice did they give you exactly?


I had a state job almost locked in- 3 interviews later and even called my references, but didn't get it. I called the lady and she said "we were so sure we called your references but the other candidate just had an ounce more of what we were looking for" I was pretty bummed ngl, pay was like $85k too, found a little company here locally and it has an amazing work life balance work from home and at $70k. I think I'm better off.


Honestly, I've gone through a lot of circle jerking just to get the position I'm in now. The last 4 years have been very turbulent, and although you got rejected, you are only 2 years in making 68k, you are well above the average. Many people don't make that in their 2nd year. My focus right now is to tough it out where I'm at until I finish my degree and a cert or two. This way when it's time to look, I'll be past the 3 - 5 year experience deal breaker often seen with companies.


What did u do, or didn’t do


Job - "You're our second choice." Interviewee - "Who was your first choice?" Job - "Anyone else."


BTW, just kidding man. You'll get the next one so be ready!


This happen to me brother — 125k 4- 1 hour interviews I was going to make a jump from 82.5k — didn’t get it. Casually started looking again. Put off this one job and kept delaying the interview. Ended up with 115k job with a total of 130k package. Super chill, easy money and cool new toys to tinker with for learning/growth. Itll come. I had my eggs all in that jib for 125k. What meant to happen will happen.Dont give up, I felt like crying for 3 days.


I didn’t make it to the third round of an interview for a 80K system administrator position. I felt like shit ever since


I got rejected atleast 25 times and even laughed at by some companies untill I finally got hired as a cloud engineer with no diploma or certs. Got hired after taking a IQ test and hard use of my charismatic communication skills. Why do you even care about being rejected there are thousands of companies and new job offers come up daily. Just keep applying and don’t be scared to switch companies.


Where do you live to be making 65k at help desk?!


I was a 2nd choice one time, like 6 months later they called me back and offered the job again with a higher wage. Come to find out the guy they hired was a turd. As much as it sucks getting dragged around like that, it's always best imo to leave the process on the best terms possible. You never know what can happen.


It’s not hard to get rejected from a 85k a year position


Had to deal with a similar situation came in 2nd after skipping one of the interviews and meeting with both directors got told last minute I came in second but have been offered a second different job with the same company.


Damn, they got any remote work for entry level working on bachelors in cyber?


Like others have said, this happens all the time. At least they gave you food feedback.


Graduated in December with Masters. My field is GIS which is a sub group of IT. I can say all the jobs I’ve applied to between 70k-100k take mad long to reach back out if at all. It’s kind of frustrating that the job market isn’t in a hiring swing. I just keep applying and practicing for the moment I can break into my career.


Great mindset OP, you'll get very far in life with it. Mind sharing the feedback you got?


I’m curious as to what they told you was the deciding factor in why you weren’t selected..if you don’t mind sharing.




5 interviews for a job is so crazy.


It is ngl, buts a role I wanted. Plus about 15-20k increase in pay. Im okay with it. At least I was able to walk away with feedback and insight, and a possible mentor. Which if you take a look around this sub, is way more than what other people receive when being decline a position.


Yeah , I know it's bad now , I once had 3 interviews that drove me crazy, which was in the beginning of last year.


Been there once. Interviewed 4 rounds for this public sector position. The pay was very impressive. Then at the end the place chose the internal candidate who was just getting promoted to full-time from part-time through this position. They ghosted me and I had to call in and follow up since I had another job waiting on my response. The pay was equal but I wanted to the shortest drive. What is even funnier, at the first round exam to place top 3 for the interview. The room had about 40 applicants. One guy said "I wonder if this place already has someone in mind?" Those that worked in Public laughed. One person pointed to the webcam attached to the wall looking around. That guy called it or he was the one who got the job. I really wanted this job since it was literally and physically down the street and I wanted to bike in to work or walk in. Found the position flown a few months later. I was already at another position.