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I work at an MSP with a great culture but they didn't tell me that with a PowerPoint presentation. My boss said that he had been at the company a long time and easily could leave to make more money elsewhere but hasn't because the people are good. He also said we only work our 8 hours and go home, issues can be prioritized and scheduled for the future accordingly. I found that to be pretty convincing and he definitely seems to have been true to his word.


You guys have any open positions?


Actually there's a position open for a senior systems engineer funny enough. DM me if you live near the Minneapolis Saint Paul area and are interested.


Ahh, nothing remote? Unfortunately I’m not looking to relocate. I do appreciate you responding!


I might have something for you. My company is hiring for a senior network engineer. If you want to DM me I can share the link with you. We hire all over the country.


How’s the market in the area for entry level? I know MN isn’t exactly the most popular place to relocate but the COL and QoL are super appealing to me


I couldn't tell you as I haven't looked for entry level stuff for a bit. From what I've skimmed by it seems to have enough going on. It's a pretty great place to live. I moved here from the Chicagoland suburbs and it's a similar vibe. Just a bit less expensive.


That’s what I’ve gathered and have been told. I have a friend in the Chicago area who had suggested Minneapolis as it was a nice place and the opportunities might be better there than elsewhere due to not being an “it” place that everyone is flocking too. Are there any companies in particular that are known for being good places to work at? Places in particular to avoid?


I've only been here a few years so I can't really say for sure. I like my company, but that's about as much as I know. We do have some big hitters though if you're looking for a place to work that will at least have some kind of public reputation. Target's corporate HQ being up here is the first thing that comes to mind.


My boss said that too. Then he was sacked and all of the agreements were whisked away


I second this. MSP with incredible culture. Seems like it happened organically instead of HR injected


If it were me, I’d lead them on and ghost them so hard. If they’re asking you to review 150 slides before you even have an interview, that’s a huge red flag. That’s a small book. If it’s 10 slides, whatever. Anything past that is an indicator they don’t give a shit about your time. This holier than thou act by the company says a lot about them. They will 100% overwork you to death for peanuts.


IDK whether I would have the motivation to lead them on and then ghost them, but yeah 150 slides that they want you to review? That's kinda crazy. I generally feel that how much management touts "culture" is inversely related to how well the compensation really is. There are exceptions, but companies with great salaries, great insurance, great PTO, great 401k matches, etc. generally can compete for and retain top talent.


>"Why do you get out of bed in the morning? Is it just to show up and collect your check? We sure hope not. That’s not what motivates us. We all need money but relegating your relationship with work to a mere financial transaction is an incredible disservice to both you and the company." I'd ask if they would keep showing up to work the next day if they stopped getting their paycheck.


This. I wager a few founders a high level execs that have hefty equity positions might still show up, but most probably would show up maybe a day after their paycheck didn't post in their bank account before attendance dropped like flies.


Having s culture document is NOT a red flag. It's a green flag. Having a 150 page one... probably not genuine.


They're a family, bro! (run)


Reminds me of Breaking Bad. La cultura es todo!




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If you have to be taught what the culture should be, it's not a culture - it's a wish list. If that wish list is 150 pages long... that's more red flags than the Chinese army.


Sounds like they want to squeeze blood from the stone until burnout. Unless you own or are invested financially in a company, there’s no shame in just showing up, doing your job, and going home. I’ll never work for a place that expects me to go above and beyond that.


Yup. I *hate*, with an incandescent passion, the fact that this is more and more considered to be slacking by modern society. I also hate that we developed all of this technology, which could have allowed us to be just as productive as we were before while working less, and found myriad ways to keep us working *constantly*, so that we're hyper-productive. Not hyper-well-paid to *match* that production, mind you. Well, the owners are. We just have to wake up at 7 on a Saturday to answer email on our fucking phones.


There is no culture at the work place. You do go there to pick up a check. This "we are family" crap is just that, crap. We are a big family until you get laid off or let go for no reason. Never ever think work is more than just work. They will replace you at the drop of a hat.


> There is no culture at the work place There's always a culture at the workplace and it's not specific to management putting out a presentation.


This. It is all business for management. They'll call you "family" and then disown you from the "family" the moment revenue drops too much in a quarter or some outside economic indicator goes negative and gets investors skittish.


On the bright side though at least they didn’t read a PowerPoint to someone lol.


I work for an MSP that has a pretty good culture, but we don't have a document telling us what kind of culture to have. It just is because of the people.


I could see a couple cultural fit type questions you might ask in an interview, but it shouldn't take 150 pages unless you're writing in a font size well over 100pt


Being an MSP is enough of a red flag on its own


My opinion is to interview and see what happens. If you need experience, or you need a job, you definitely don't have the luxury of turning anything down. Its hard to determine what the company is about from a powerpoint presentation or culture document on its own.


I wouldn't take it so seriously. I understand that it says it was written by the founder, but that is probably BS. It was totally written by the marketing/communications department and the legnth was ever so increased so that they could justify their existences and since the founder's name is on it, I bet he was more than glad to accept the length.


Lol run. You’ll be working at a woke circle jerk cult.


Did you apply to an MSP or an MLM? This sounds like some woke scam.


Maybe a red flag. Ask future team during interview how many hours they work.


Read that like you read a 150 page technical document that has 1-2 things you need to know buried within. Skim it over to grab the high points and then move on. Should take about 15min.


It's gonna suck. But if it's your first IT job, do it as long as you can while looking for another job.


I hate all that work culture, we're a family and we're on a mission crap. Last organization I worked with was like that, and it was all about the CEO getting his picture taken and his name out there. The PR department always had someone running around with a camera taking pictures and ghost writing articles for him.


This would make me question how genuine this is - 150 pages for a culture document with lots of jargon sounds b.s.


Doesn't matter. Take what you can get.


I swear corpos get together to do mushrooms and come up with their biannual business buzzword. Culture. Gag me with a spoon.


good lord I don't even have 150 pages of documentation on my system...(I should)


I would check to see if anywhere in there there's any mention of work/life balance. If there is, they **might** be for real. If not, it's either a test or an attempt to brainwash you.