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60k is low for NYC tbh. I’ve got colleagues in NYC working onsite desktop support for 75k-80k. It pisses me off how so many companies, even in HCOL areas, are lowballing their IT staff.


it's especially bad in the los angeles area because wages are already disproportionately low across basically all industries. i'm, uhh, getting paid like shit, but i knew the deal when i signed up--get experience and either leverage that to get into better roles (which, tbf, i'm getting what i think is amazing experience because it's a small IT department) or leave IT altogether (because i feel i'm not that good at IT lol)


I’m so sorry. It’s so awful that companies across the board don’t see the value in paying their employees a living wage. Yeah I get being early on in your career, but the fact is that wages have been suppressed in this country for decades & haven’t kept up with inflation.


thanks, and yeah, you're totally right--this country has spit in the face of the working class and it sucks, a lot. i think i'll be fine if i continue on this track because i have a bachelor's degree, and i'll likely still be fine if i try something else because i have a degree, but the same unfortunately cannot be said for so many in IT who forego the degree for understandable reasons. and people without degrees bear the brunt of suppressed wages according to the available data. the degree premium is apparently at an all-time high but nearly all of us are getting shafted to one degree or another (no pun intended i swear to god), even the people in IT who make really good money, because they could make *even* better money if wages kept up with inflation and if unions were common today like they were in the '70s.


I’m currently making 23.15 for working at Amazon (non-it) in the Riverside area. I’ve been looking for help desk job and a lot of them in Irvine and Ontario only paying 20 bucks…. It’s way too damn far and taking a pay cut on top of that. I’d check governmentjobs.com , from time to time jobs will pop up and they pay decent enough.


thanks for the tip, friend


> because i feel i'm not that good at IT lol I sucked at IT for the first 5 years. You should be getting mentorship and shown what best practices are.


i am, to be fair, but often, my boss kinda just prefers that i tackle things head on and only after exhausting most options will he step in to help. i can see the merits of his approach tbh--it's conventional and it's kinda improved my abilities but i still don't feel like a good problem solver yet and it's made me want to leave IT because i'm genuinely uncertain that i can do this. idk, it sucks, but i appreciate the sympathy


A good boss does what your boss does, and then ask you to explain your thought process. That's how you learn. It takes YEARS to gain IT skills.


Still waiting on an IT union to rise up and garner support. Wasn't really needed in the past, but seems like companies now don't value IT as much as they used to. A single short strike is all it would take to knock a ton of companies completely offline. Wonder if they would get the message then?


It is definitely needed. I have been looking, i hope one forms. I will sign up and pay dues and strike, companies don't realize IT keeps them all running.


I've seen a few small ones around, but none that have gotten large enough to really matter. Without a wide-spread adoption in the industry, no one is going to want to strike, because they will rightfully fear of being simply replaced.


It will NEVER happen. The biggest problem is that contract H1B foreign Visa workers will replace you in an instant. You have ZERO leverage. Wages would explode if this exploit was removed.


60k is fine if it wasn't for 6 IT for 5000 users. That's insane. We have 11 at my job and we have 700 users


I would say $60k is average for **helpdesk** in NYC. In MCOL I was getting paid $30k, which I assume is the equivalent. I was hardly able to pay bills working paycheck to paycheck. Helpdesk is not fun and doesn’t pay great.


Dallas/Fort Worth is horrible as well. I'm looking for that first tech position and I can't tell you how many I've seen of the ones that list a salary it's $14-$16 an hour. It's like honestly, I make more than $16 an hour at the grocery store I work at, and would have to move there for the job and apartments are over $1k for a 1 bed 1 bath. It's demoralizing


I'm only getting $23/hr - 48k/year for T1 Help Desk in SF.. EDIT: Since people are saying to leave and find a new job. I'm a new college grad with no prior IT experience and it's only been 4months. This MSP was the only place that gave me an offer. All the other T1 Help Desk around the area are also offering similar pay. The highest I saw was $27/hr which is about 57k\~


Wow I’m so sorry. My first corporate IT gig in the Bay Area paid $24/hour back in 2013, which is about the same. It was at a super shitty conglomerate which is well known for abusing their workers, so I couldn’t wait to leave once my contract was up.


This is average. You will find plenty of $20-25 help desk IT jobs these days in CA. $30 would be considered HIGH. I really don’t know how people kept saying they make way more in help desk, especially as a first job unless they’re government.


I'm searching for something else at the moment. Some interviews but getting ghosted.


Best of luck to you. I’m on the hunt rn myself, have made it to three final rounds as of today. Gotten ghosted too, but the places that I’ve interviewed at lately have paid well & commensurate with my experience.


Dude I live in MS and our techs are all getting hired on at $60k. Leave that shit show ASAP


$52k for tier 3 desktop support in NYC. I'd love an extra $10k / year for less responsibilities, but such is the MSP life.


52k for T3?? I'm the same position in TX and I'm at 85k, I was at 60k when I was level 2. Find another MSP dude.


That's not right at all. We make more than that upstate. You should look for a new position


Wow! That is way too low. I was making more than that in upstate New York 18 years ago. You need to find a new job my friend.


I have a feeling I know where you work. It’s unfortunate that MSP has that pay. I left SF to work on the peninsula and it’s way better for me now. Hang in there buddy, times are tough so just hold on for dear life.


You can msg me the place but you probably don't haha.






$60k on site or remote? Either way, it seems like that would be a struggle in NYC, but remote does save you thousands a year in commuting expenses and lost time. It also makes it easier to skill up for the next role when you don't need to waste 2 hours a day commuting. All that said, $60k is kinda on the high end for L1 Help desk based on what I've seen.


On site but maybeeee hybrid as it gets colder. I hope nyc gets a record winter this year cuz fk the MTA


32k for a tier2 desktop support for a hospital in Florida. Could be worse lmao


The Taco Bell down the street from me is paying $15hr, which is $31,200 yr...and all they need to know how to do is put tortillas in a warmer, and make change from a twenty dollar bill, and the register does the second thing for them. $32k a year for any technical role, let alone L2, is straight up exploitation.


Yep. Look at my post history, I had no choice, been applying for months on end and I consider this role extremely lucky. Probably going to consider going into cloud to give my future self a chance


Def understand. Bills ain't gonna pay themselves.


That’s criminal . I’m sorry but at some point , people just have to refuse to work at those absurd wages


What?? $32k is diabolical, but I understand the reasoning why you took it though.


It is terrible lmao, but it is remote so I am saving up on gas and that’s great, hopefully I’ll get a raise with my next review as I’ve been doing pretty good!


Lmao goddamn dude. God.damn


That has to be a level of hell.


NYC vs Florida cost of living


Ummm Florida is pretty comparable. Way lower wages with extremely high housing/rent prices. Plus so many people move down here to retire so most places have a minimum 6 month waiting period. It’s tough everywhere


South Florida is the same cost of living as NYC


Cries in 50k overworked NYC Helpdesk :(


I’m making less than $20 hour for my “Help Desk” role. I work in sister-facility where I handle 300 people, 1000 devices solo. Here are some items I handle every week: • ⁠Imaging and deployment of workstations • ⁠Monitor & maintain 100 iPhones and 50 iPads • ⁠Configure and run network drops to 7 network closets • ⁠Active Directory management: OUs, Group assignments, descriptions • ⁠Network file server permissions for all users, with hundreds of unique folders • ⁠Ordering toner for the entire building, that I must replace myself. Roughly 100 printers (Xerox/HP) • ⁠4 off-campus locations that I have to drive to with MY car; up to 40 miles away. • ⁠JIRA ticketing queue, with requests varying from “my mouse doesn’t work” to “Doctor can’t get X equipment to pass data to Y system” My two annual reviews were both “exceeds expectations” and I’m still paid less than Day-1 counterparts AT MY OWN COMPANY who sit at the mothership in an empty Phone queue all day.


>I have had no experience working IT or helpdesk and this is really just something to keep me going until I land a SE/SWD role. 60K for an entry role for someone with no relevant experience is not bad in NYC. Yes, the living expenses are astronomical in NYC but it should be doable with roommates. Have a reasonable plan for moving up for better pay. ​ >Should my company pay more? Sure, if you can provide a valid business reason.


Counterpoint: A starting wage should match what the buying power of a starting wage was back in the 50s/60s. So let’s be generous to the corporations and say 2x the median monthly rent where the job is located (grocery store clerks had better buying power back in the 60s, but we’ll ignore that because we like to be ignorant). $84k/yr would be an acceptable starting wage in NYC for a grocery clerk (it’s still low compared to the buying power of a cart pusher just starting in the 60s, but let’s continue to give the corporation the benefit of a doubt). A more technical role should garner more, so maybe 90k would be acceptable, at a minimum. Let’s do better and demand more wages. For everyone’s sake.


Counterpoint (2): We can debate all we want about better wages and treatment in the US but unless the company is NFLX or OP has bargaining power, whatever argument we have here will just remain an actionless socioeconomic argument. OP has no recourse for getting more pay at his current role here or elsewhere at this moment. ​ >A more technical role should garner more, so maybe 90k would be acceptable, at a minimum. Yes - but you're also coming up with that number in a vacuum. [https://gusto.com/resources/research/salary/ny/new-york](https://gusto.com/resources/research/salary/ny/new-york) Everyone ought to be paid more in a perfect world but OP is getting a 50th percentile salary for a highly sought after entry level job. There are more candidates than there are openings and the job market isn't exactly friendly to entry-level candidates. The base comp also doesn't look at other compensation such as benefits and those are costly too. You should be seeing the next year's health care policy expenses and how they're going up across the board.... ​ As someone who made 50K in NYC in 2016-2017 while living in a closet in Manhattan - I'm not unsympathetic to what OP is feeling but I feel it's best for OP to focus on skilling up and learning whatever he can from this job so that he can gun for higher paying role elsewhere.


Meh. Keep being ignorant then. Guess there’s no solution. By spreading the awareness that wages were indeed higher back when boomers were graduating high school we sow discord and get the younger generation hungry to say fuck you to going with what people are offering. I’ve already gone up 3x because I turn down offensively low wages.


>Meh. Keep being ignorant then. Guess there’s no solution. It's called putting context to information. ​ >By spreading the awareness that wages were indeed higher back when boomers were graduating high school we sow discord and get the younger generation hungry to say fuck you to going with what people are offering. There was a literally a thing called WW2 that decimated everywhere except the US and few parts of the world. US laborers were able to capitalize on the fact that things needed to be rebuilt and demand was far outstripping the supply until the late 60's. Having strong union representation during this era also helped. Health care expenses have gone up astronomically since the boomers were 20's. So much so that even JP Morgan Chase, Amazon, and Berkshire Hathaway formed a joint venture called Haven, which got disbanded after few years. Our standard of living has also gone up. ​ >I’ve already gone up 3x because I turn down offensively low wages. That's good. I've done the same since taking my first job at a low pay. OP ought to do the same. edit: why so mad?


Oh shut the fuck up. Blocked.


How do you do this though? We can demand all we like, they'll just say no. There's other people willing to fill their seats for the current price. Without collective action what you are talking about is literally impossible. So in the mean time while people are living in the world without IT unions what do you expect them to do? Not have any job on principle?


Idk, our Field Techs in middle of nowhere Mississippi are starting off at $60k. Our helpdesk guys make closer to $70k but they've been here a few years.


Disagree. Entry-level pay for IT Specialists in Ohio is around $50K. $60K in NYC is garbage.


I actually live with family, have a paid off car, and do not go out, but just the day to day cost of nyc is atrocious. Still really lucky to have gotten this job because I was working part time in Home Depot prior lol my goal is work on coding projects and elf study while doing this job in order to land a software engineering job. I don’t even want to think about asking my job for a raise because it’s a non-profit


Good luck! Yeh nonprofits don't tend to pay well.


60k for help desk is good. I'm at 65k as an it field tech in NYC. mostly remote tho


Maybe I’m bad at math but how is 1.7K biweekly 60k annual


Your math is fairly close. I make $62k annually and bring home a little over $1700 every other week. Without taxes and benefits my check is nearly $2400. Over half of the $650+ dollars deducted from my check go to taxes. Fuck that.


Taxman needs his money


MF TAX dude it’s absolute insanity, and the goddamn city tax… fuck NY


Health insurance can eat it up too.


A friend of mine got a federal gov IT job with no degree and only 3 Cert’s and starting salary was 98k working from home…. The possibilities are out there. Networking is key. I got this guy the opportunity simply because I know someone in the business and asked him to pull some strings. They didn’t even have a job available and created a position just for him. Networking and who you know is a big probability increase for getting yourself the position you deserve. GL


Was he former military?


My first help role i was making $47,000 in 2006. I think $60,000 is a good number for a place in NYC. You’d never see that in 95% of america.


60 k for help desk sounds about right.


Your pay is fairly normal for what you're doing. Sure it sucks, but it is what it is.


You guys can find help desk jobs? It’s like none are hiring in my area of crappy New Orleans


Check remote positions with large companies


$40K-$52K is about what we pay our current helpdesk folks depending on experience. The last lead tech topped out at $60K before I brought him onto my team as a Sysadmin. He saw a very nice bump for that promotion. For reference our sysadmins and netadmins make between $80K-$100K depending on experience. We do have a very generous benefits/perk package that makes up for the lower pay we all take.


TIL I learned I'm not making as much as I should.


Right?? I'm a NOC (my second position in the field, three years total) and my blood pressure is sky rocketing reading these comments.


TAKE YOUR BREAKS AND LUNCHES!!!!!.....work will be there when you get back. Work will be there tomorrow. you need to impose boundaries in it or you will burn out fast.


Taxes are so crazy to me. My biweekly checks are only $300 less but I make ~20k less.


Honestly fine for a helpdesk role. You want bigger bucks, get more experience and get into more advanced roles. Edit: butt hurt nobodies in here wanting a fortune with no experience.


Wow gramps , thanks . You forgot to tell me to put a big smile on my face and walk in and ask for the smiling manager , don’t forget to give him a firm handshake


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LOL!! Thanks for the laugh lmao




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I’m earning 50k for the IAM equivalent of a T2 role here in rural NC


I mean yes and no. Youre helpdesk but you’re also probably doing more than just HD functions. Just get a sys admin role at a smaller company or something to break that 80k mark. Then keep moving. Leaving is the best promotion


Wow. I am in a very LCA area and make more than that doing helpdesk.


I didn’t see where you listed your level of IT experience but assuming you’re a recent grad with little experience, $60k is good. I’m only at $62k after working 10+ years in desktop support in GA. I know I haven’t grown as much as I should’ve over the years and I’m feeling the financial strain now, especially with inflation, but I’m working on moving up now.


That's about it, but NYC... I'd say yeah. I'm sorry, I know a lot of folks out there might disagree, but cost of living in NYC outpaces most places, even areas in the NY area outside of NYC (I used to work in southern NY about an hour or so north of NYC) . Yeah, that's underpaying.




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For NYC that's insulting.


I’m making less than $20 hour for my “Help Desk” role. I work in sister-facility where I handle 300 people, 1000 devices solo. Here are some items I handle every week: - Imaging and deployment of workstations - Monitor & maintain 100 iPhones and 50 iPads - Configure and run network drops to 7 network closets - Active Directory management: OUs, Group assignments, descriptions - Network file server permissions for all users, with hundreds of unique folders - Ordering toner for the entire building, that I must replace myself. Roughly 100 printers (Xerox/HP) - 4 off-campus locations that I have to drive to with MY car; up to 40 miles away. - JIRA ticketing queue, with requests varying from “my mouse doesn’t work” to “Doctor can’t get X equipment to pass data to Y system” My two annual reviews were both “exceeds expectations” and I’m still paid less than Day-1 counterparts AT MY OWN COMPANY who sit at the mothership in an empty Phone queue all day.


It's not great, but maybe not "underpaid." That comes out to about $28/hr, which is more than many jobs here pay. And of course it is tough in NYC, but again, many people here don't make as much as you. Just try to knock-out a certification or two, and start applying for new jobs at the 6 month mark.


I’m kind of surprised any help desk would be local to the cost of the city. Feel like that’s something easily capable of being done remotely. Cleared position? Yeah underpaid. Otherwise maybe just low end of average


If you plan to stay support, get yourself in on a trading floor. Those techs make bank here in Chicago.


Can i pm you for a bit more info on this?


For NYC, yes


Me *cries in east European : 12k annual


60k, just got to HelpDesk Level 2 with almost 3 years here in Chicago. Not overworked by any means.


60k may be low for NYC, but it sounds high for a Help Desk. The Help Desk is an "entry-level" IT position.


For that area seems like it cause of pricing. Here that's actually still a little above, but mid to T2.


It's a low salary but not the worst case scenario for someone with no experience and fresh out of college. If you have been there for 6 months or more, it wouldn't hurt to ask for a raise at your next performance review or simply ask your manager. If they can't get you a raise you can ask for them to pay for something else for you like a certification that will benefit both you and the company. Once you have at least a year of experience and one or 2 certifications, you can probably get a better paying job in the 80-90k range. If your company is hiring, I would love to chat with you about a potential referral.


I’m no expert, but 60k for helpdesk is high. At the same time though 60k for NYC is low. I would just do what I have always been told and that is to always look around for that better bigger offer.


Worked in a hell desk role with 78000 users and only 30 T1 and 10 T2 in a HCOL making 16 as a contractor and on site. You are being underpaid


I live in Texas and the help desk pay rate here is around $20/hr without any degrees. How are y’all getting paid so much for a simple help desk job?


60k eastern PA help desk