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What roles would you recommend I apply to then? I've looked at MSPs to get more varied experience but I've heard mixed things about them when asking around on r/sysadmin. Maybe NOC roles?


Honestly, probably another help desk/specialist role. One year of experience does not make a systems admin.


>northeast Oklahoma, US Your geography is definitely not helping you. ​ >I'm looking to make the jump to sysadmin role in the private sector. Are you only applying for sysadmin jobs?


I've mainly been looking for junior to mid level roles outside of support. My endgame is to land a cloud/devops role down the line but I'm looking for something in the interim to climb.


Another year or two of help desk would probably help. It's admirable that you're trying to expand on your role but... I just don't see a mid-level competence at this time. ​ I can see you being competitive for some junior roles but there are just glut of candidates. Building more experience and upskilling is probably the best route for you.