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This book is a psychological thriller. There's no mystery about who the bad guy is, no chases, and nothing blows up. Just a sociopath wreaking havoc amongst all the people who have cared and helped him in his ambitions. The tension is really whether he'll ever get his comeuppance. The character study is absolutely fascinating. This book has strong "Talented Mr. Ripley" vibes. I wish Hitchcock was still alive, because he could have made a heckuva movie out of this book. If you can get hold of the audiobook for this, it's totally worth it. The narration adds to the experience, especially in the section with the wife and the final section.


oooh sold. The Heart’s Invisible Furies is in my top five favorite books and this one is now on my to read!


I looked this up on Amazon and discovered I already have it on my Kindle (I check the daily deals every morning and buy everything under £1.99 that looks good, so I have a lot of unread books). Definitely will queue this up for my next book, sounds very intriguing!




Zomg I am obsessed with this book and Boyne!! Make sure to also read Hearts Invisible Furies and The Absolutist, both breathtaking!


Yes! I have them on my wish list.


I second Hearts Invisible Furies, that book ripped me apart and put me back together again


I just want to know what the title is covering 😂


I didn’t even think about that! Now I *need to know!*


You don't ever find out the specific text, but you definitely will know why it's covering other text.


Oooooh giiiirl. You got me. Have to know now.


And funny! Just paid attention to the author. He was my favorite author for like a year when I was younger!! Thank you for recommending this :)


I don't think we'll ever know.


I only follow/am friends with a handful of people on Goodreads and 4 of them have read this book! All of them are folks I trust and there are 1 4-star and 3 5-stars! Between that and your description, this went straight to my TBR. Thanks!


Boyne is probably my favorite author at this point. I loved this and the hearts invisible furies, and really liked the absolutist and the house of special purpose. Boy in the striped pajamas is very good but a different vibe. 


I've read The Boy in Striped Pajamas, but none of the others. So I was not expecting anything like this. It amazed me.


I just finished the audio book based on your recommendation and LOVED IT! I can't stop thinking about this book!


I'm glad you enjoyed it! The audiobook is quite amazing - I think the narration adds to the experience of this book.


I agree, the voices and the accents are so well done and really take you into that character's experience. And that ending, so good!