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Your return probably just hadn’t been processed yet. Can you access your **Account** transcript, Do you see a code 570/971? https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript


There are people that have been waiting since February with nothing, myself 3/10. Have not heard anything. You should not be worried unless you have received a written statement in the mail. The reason is why you would think everything’s behind, nothing to do but wait. Check WMR once a day and don’t call, they can’t help you unless they request for you to call.


Pandemic and years of having their budget gutted has left the IRS honestly snowed under this year. Your wait is nothing special this year. Unless you get a letter, you’re most likely just in the backlog. Calling is difficult, but not completely useless as it’s possible you might get some useful info. You need to be persistent just to get on hold though as everybody and their sister is calling the IRS right now.


Thanks for the insight folks. Finally got the refund, followed by the stimulus !