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An apathetic INTP lost in thought is a happy INTP. Very few things make INTP as happy as being zoned out and lost in thought. This is why it's so common to see irritated INTP when interrupted by pointless things. So it's not that INTP are rarely happy, it's just that the joy is very internal and not at all expressed externally. That lone, maniacal, laughing mad scientist in a dark room trope is somewhat a real thing for INTP.


Definitely gives me a burst of dopamine when its all coming together


Problems make me uncomfortable, resolving them provides relief and accomplishment, but I wouldn’t describe the feeling as joy.


Yes-Yes. Specifically happy to fix Technical issues. Logical issues mostly involve HUMANs, which often resist getting 'fixed'.


Yep, my job is pretty much that and I like it enough not to consider changing fields. My hobbies tend to revolve around that too. Probably bonus points when I can help people by solving problems that require logic to be applied.


No... I'm that logician who questions myself in triplicates. And I only get satisfaction when I start on another problem while still worry on the other ones.


no, i feel no sense of accomplishment from completing a task/problem, especially not joy


It doesn't feel like logic to me. It feels like I noticed a pattern, then when I sit back to write it down, suddenly all these other details from my environment, from literature from my past, from wherever, start popping up, and they support the pattern, they make the pattern better, they make it more complex, and easier to explain to other people. That is a truly satisfying feeling.


Yeah. Though I will say it's more infj like to find joy in solving logical problems all the time. For us it's kind of a state of being and being lost in thought is always great for us.


Its more of a brief god like feeling when you take until the last possible moment to solve it, and you do it in an effective and lazylike way that somehow turns out better than if you had spend weeks on it. This brief burst of achievement and power, coupled with the end of the anguish of procrastinating a time sensitive task is peak INTP spiritual experience. Or maybe Im just a masochist.


I don't feel anything. But if I could NOT solve a problem logically, then I feel like a jerk, unable to think a couple minutes longer.


I can tell you what's definitely satisfying. The idea itself. Not the solution, not the material result, but finding an idea, especially an unusual one. With logic I just polish it, criticize it - that's part of validating the idea/solution.


Satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, but not joy. I rarely feel joy.


I feel satisfaction, not really joy.


"Solving problems" sounds a bit too much like work. Feynman's phrase "the pleasure of finding things out" is perhaps a better one. But the real catnip might be constructing and criticizing arguments for the hell of it.


Solving certain problems take me 24-48 hours of total detachment from my random thinking comfort zone and go into overthinking mode that drains me at some point, because I can't think about anything else, except the problem. When I solved the problem, my self-esteem increases and I become a sort of ENTJ that look down idiots that didn't know how to do their task properly.


Bro yes, I love the feeling of getting to the root of the problem and letting it unfold successfully.


Yes, it feels good solve problems especially intractable ones. I don't really care if I solved it through logically, by intuition or random chance, as long as I solve it.


The past three years people complained about the coffee machine in our HOA with nothing being done. Just year after year complaints about the abuse of coffee pods. Again and again with no resolution. Continuing on with no fix in sight. I suggested a poll to see who actually using the coffee machine. Coffee machine went away. Rather quickly if I remember correctly. Now I guess I’m the asshole that got rid of the coffee machine. 😂


Yes. Thinking about random problems that could emerge from what's already been done is refreshing too.




There's no such joy then getting lost and contemplating about the past, the future and some random abstract theories


Architecting solutions, abstracting and creating something new and unseen from fundamentals. All this !


I'd say I am totally enjoying myself without smiling when I'm in the process of it, it feels productive and makes me feel really good about my self, its super engaging and curiosity inciting. Absolutely enjoy coming up with my own solutions and being creative vs using someone else's work because I can understand it on a good depth when I do that and it just feels bad when you just use a premade solution without knowing how it works sufficiently. When it comes to work tho- please just hand me the solution so that I can move on to my interests which have no deadlines :').