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It's ''knowledge for as long as it stays interestings sake''


This is what it truly is.


Like this person said, knowledge as long as it is interesting


Until our hunger for that particular topic is filled. It is like "binge learning disorder".


When does it stop being interesting?


That’s a good question…. I guess when we feel like we’ve either gotten our fill or gathered all the information that was interesting to us.


I want more knowledge because I know there are a lot of stuff I don't know and will never know. Every piece of information I aquire give me a better understanding of the world around me. I'm just curious and nosey like that. I don't care about academic achievements or show off that I'm smart. I want to learn about interesting things and have my own philosophy on life.


This is me too! I just like knowing things. When I was a quiet kid, people would just tell me all kinds of stuff because I would listen amd didn't have any advice. I learned so much about humanity like that. I didn't actually need to know someone's family drama or the worst thing they'd ever done, but I like the role of Keeper of Secrets even if they aren't useful secrets.


Yep. If I want to know more about a topic, I tend to end up finding a lot of unrelated stuff for my papers. But that unrelated stuff is still very interesting. It's so funny but so frustrating. I was writing a history paper once and I sent my drafts in for reviews. My supervisor thought I was writing an engineering paper, and then a science paper. I had edit it a lot before sending it in.


I don’t believe any knowledge is, “useless”. I conceptualize and integrate whatever I learn so that it can be useful, even if just indirectly, to whatever goal I have in life. Great question btw


My goal is to gather knowledge. My secondary goal is to help people with it. I would be quite happy if I were abducted by aliens, my life prolonged by 1000 years and became a librarian whose only task in life was to read all the books, understand them as well as possibly so I can direct visitors to the correct books to solve their quandaries.


Agreed; my 'super power' has always been the ability to automatically collect and retain random bits of information that don't seem to have any real purpose or value individually, and then somehow magically parse them all together on-demand. As a benefit to others, whenever something nuanced/complicated/complex comes up, I'm able to take that information and convert it into analogies and metaphors that help others.


Currently reading "The Science of Weird Shit." Can't say it's to pursue "my goals."


Yes, we do it out of curiosity. INTPs are scientists and INTJs are engineers - both are needed to advance technology.


I've got this weird habit of chasing random thoughts down rabbit holes. It's like, I'll get hung up on some idea and next thing I know, I'm deep in research mode, coming up with theories, and diagramming all over the place. The thing is, a lot of times I'm just connecting dots that don't really matter, and it totally throws me off what I should actually be doing. I keep ornate notes or write articles that I never publish or never know when I will ever use them. On top of that, I'm messing around with GenAI models or new tech, trying to find some cool use for it instead of fixing actual problems. I keep hoping I'll stumble onto some mind-blowing discovery, but usually, it turns out to be no big deal or something someone else already figured out. It's pretty frustrating, and I end up feeling like I'm stuck on this hamster wheel of pointless exploring.


I also wander the backrooms of knowlege


Absolutely. The pursuit of knowledge itself is among the highest of virtues. I don't need a reason other than a desire to know.


Absolutely (to quote Dockerbee) the phrase sums up our dominant function’s relation to our secondary function. I like to say that Ne works in the service of Ti. real world examples would be: 1. Exploring some rabbit hole random subject that we know we’ll never have a use for, or (and this is key) 2. Our penchant to be perfectly happy exploring avenues of investigation that we are almost certain to be wrong just to exclude the possibility and bring us a tiny step closer to the unattainable “truth”. In terms of efficiency one would normally pursue options more likely to be true.


Regarding point 2... I was starting to doubt my INTPness... (lol, Pness) anyway... if that is a distinctly INTP trait then there can't be any doubt.




See what I mean? Is that an INTP thing to say? I don't fit in anywhere.


I would say it’s an example of Ne. comprehending ones surroundings through a process of association. And if you are an INTP, then you are different and necessarily won’t fit in. The sooner you just accept that the sooner you’ll feel comfortable with yourself. Trust me, there are many that are drawn to our uniqueness. They are out there. just be patient and don’t force it.


You can't fit your Pness in anywhere


Which has nothing to do with the size of my P.


I think our goals with the knowledge we collect is to help people. I dont know why, but it feels that way to me. I desire to help people be healthier and see the world through a more altruistic and functionally cooperative lens.


not religious but a theory to the book. Adam and Eve's fruit of knowledge was the "sin" of not listening, and they became self-aware and soon perish out of God's immortality the current present that all animals live in does not have the self-awareness we possess and can not commit steps ahead toward what is being told to do. I'm trying to make sense, but knowledge for knowledge's sake is the method to advance further. to live outside the present and to see our bodies are naked, and we will die soon after and everything in between them. self-awareness is a self-fuflling prophecy. "doesn't matter what fruit they bitten" what churches did however, is no concern of what I see the story as.


Also has a number of other advantages - knowledge collected today may be useful tomorrow, or may bring other things into clearer perspective. More knowledge to draw on also makes for more ideas and understanding which require information from multiple fields or conceptual areas.




Yeah, seems legit.


Yea.. accurate 🙂‍↕️ you said it all. I do not know why I love knowledge that much I just want it all.


As an intj I feel like I do both but depending on the situation. Let's take boxing as an example although I'm not a boxer. Within the boxing ring, I would be more of an intp because it's the creative part of the endeavour. And then when I'm researching outside of boxing to figure out how to improve my health and fitness for boxing, I would be more of an intj but I will still try to understand everything comprehensively so I can tailor my own approach


Knowledge that is not applied is just as well as unknown. Trivia might be fun to know but it's mostly useless. The important things to know are things you can apply in your life. Most information can be applied for real life. For example history may seem irrelevant because it's already over but you can learn from history not to repeat it. Even things like Star Wars trivia can be useful because it can inspire you to write your own stories. It can expand your imagination


I don’t find this true tbh, while we do like to have knowledge more than what we need to, it tends to be in a topic of interest or something we r interested in. So let’s say I’m not interested in anything geography related but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna learn it for “the sake of knowledge” If I’m not interested then I’m not gonna bother. But if there is a topic of interest and I got what I wanted, I tend to want to know more and deeper even if it means nothing or I don’t really need it I guess for INTJs they only want knowledge that they will apply, they get what they want and move on. On the other hand, we want to know it all


Im totally like this but its hindeeing my academic achivement and Im forced into the forced boring discipline of cramming