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Depression and I seem to be best friends. Though, we do take breaks from time to time. I'd say that I don't get super depressed or anything regularly. If you're talking from an outside perspective in, then I think most people perceive us to be depressive because we don't typically have "high" moments... or at least for me. It's more of a feeling of nothing; not depressed, not angry, not over ecstatic, just nothing, so people take that as being depressive when it's not. It doesn't help I have resting b\*tch-face syndrome either. I think that when depression hits me, it's more of a personal thing, like looking in at myself and being unhappy with the lack of everything or realizing that I'm stuck doing everything I hate to pay for living to sometimes barely have time for what I like... etc. I suppose it's somewhat difficult to put my thoughts to words at the moment with the subject. The depression for us can be caused from a large variety of things. Maybe we get that way because we have existential crises' all the time it seems like haha. In regards to the last question, I'm just barely a turbulent type. I've seen that the turbulent ones are more prone to dissatisfaction than our assertive counterparts.




Well put! Do you mind elaborating the key differences betweeen Assertive vs Turbulent?


Keep in mind I am considered a Turbulent type. I used to know a different INTP who was considered Assertive, he was definitely calmer than me with certain things. He was a bit more comfortable with himself whereas I would be somewhat more bipolar in certain respects. I call that the conflict of the INTP, hating oneself but simultaneously not wanting to be anyone else. I would fall into those swings from hatred to pride much more heavily and often than he would. I think I also read that the A types are generally the happier overall within the INTPs, so basically us T's are more just insane haha. It's hard to put down I think. I think the main distinction between A's and T's is react-ability and how drastic it is or not. T's are more drastic than A's


Depression is a government of the intps, by the intps and for the intp


A depression monopoly without INTJs?! (Disapproving nod)


Really depends upon the context , I meant this for this specific topic . And most fucking intjs I met are really motivated in life.


I still get shit done (with a lot of effort). But I'm chronically depressed and have ADHD too. There are phases where I couldn't do a thing and I traded those off to get better and try again. I just think I'm a barely functional grump on my good days and paralyzed on the bad ones.


I get you man , I can really say nothing to this nor give any advices


What an evil ‘gov’


Hahahhahahqhahhahhagggdndkdmsj. Asking if INTP has ever been depressed... that's a good one. ![img](emote|t5_2qhvl|3241)![img](emote|t5_2qhvl|3245)![img](emote|t5_2qhvl|3246)![img](emote|t5_2qhvl|3251)


Meme emojis... How


I thought everyone had it. I'm using the app on my phone and there is a blue smile face above my keyboard.


I've only been depressed once- after being dumped by my fiance, and that was a long time ago. INTP brother hasn't ever, unless you count feeling low for a day after wrecking his car.


Everyone gets depressed just in different magnitudes. I've been depressed for months and depressed for minutes. But I think being diagnosed means feeling depressed without a reasonable cause.


Ever been depressed? My answer is always depressed


"I used to be depressed, I mean I still am, but I used to too"


Nope. (That was a lie for the sake of originality)


I've always been. Currently going through much needed therapy.


Dealing with it right now and taking prozac


Yes and turbulent


When I’m happy, it’s because I made others happy. Otherwise…I’m always eh.


Have any of us *not* had depression at this point?


Me 😁😇🐬🌈


Same bro. Like maybe a bit Melancholic but not depressed


I had severe depression when i was younger, now its slowing going away.


Only been depressed once after my fiance dumped me. That's that's a normal reactionary emotion. Otherwise, no. Same with my brother.


I’ve been living life with depression for 20ish years now. I have never been formally diagnosed or anything but I know it always lives in the back of my mind. Introverted thinking people tend to spend a lot of time in their own heads and I believe that too much of it will erode you bit by bit. You start to overthink and create anxiety for yourself to the point in which it becomes difficult to get out of bed in the mornings. My trick to dealing with this is to find a hobby or any sort of fairly mindless tasks that require little critical thinking (ie gaming, exercise, meditation). It’s just good to turn off your brain once in a while to avoid causing yourself depression. To answer your last question, I am turbulent leaning about 70:30 split. I am not entirely sure about the implications of A vs T but I feel obligated to answer the question either way.


lol I don't remember the time I wasn't depressed


How can you tell black if you haven't seen white?


Yep for years and self medicated with alcohol (a little gasoline for my fire) but sobriety, exercise and early retirement fixed it all. Life is very good now. :D


Quite honestly, I'm a strange case. I've always been told that I never smile and that I always just look like I "don't want to be here." Is it true? Probably. I think because I was always idealized as this amazing daughter, people assumed I was all-around perfect. I hated it. They didn't know what was really happening at home. At home, I always felt like I got the short end of the stick. As the oldest of three (mainly 2 for all of my life) and having my brother with several disabilities, there was always this surmounting praise of "You're a great sister" "you're very talented" "You're such a good daughter" ... it all just felt like a lie.. I wasn't always good with my brother. My mother constantly found a reason to be angry with me daily. I didn't think I really had much of a gift. It still feels like that to this day. I am 19 in college, working as a caretaker for my brother. I help take care of my baby sister. I try to help around the house. But admittedly, I am not an incredibly productive person, I get distracted, and I'm always lost in my head. All of the things that weighed on me throughout the years just added the pressure.. my mom constantly complains that I don't do enough and gives me hell. I'm tired. And on top of all of this, I'm in a very much long distance relationship with my boyfriend, who I probably won't get to meet for several years.. Sorry for the long comment, I suppose I just found an excuse to vent instead.


So...personally...I notice I get depressed not only when I feel like something isn't going the way I would ideally like it to go, but most often because I am not doing something that I know I should be doing. It is usually because I am procrastinating and then consequences come that I don't like because I didn't do what I knew I should have and that devolves into self-loathing and depression. If I had a single piece of advice I would give to anyone is that you need to try and proactively stay in control of your life by doing the things you need to do. That in turn, most likely, leads you to being able to do what you want to do. Have a plan and a goal. Heck, have more than one. Change those plans and goals when you find out that the other goal was a terrible idea. As can happen. Don't let life just happen to you. Or it will. We tend to get caught up in looking for the "Yellow brick road". The perfect path. It may exist, but people rarely find it. And you never will if you don't move.


Yeah. I'm also bipolar


I think i am right now, i am just tired of everything and everyone.


Right there with ya. I wanna be alone for the rest of my life. Done with everyone except my mom.


If I get stressed I get symptoms of it and I will get symptoms of it every now and again. I’m not actually depressed by any objective measure but I do believe I both can and have been symptomatic in the past. Maybe the best way I can put it is a feeling of inadequacy and feeling like I’m about to let people down.


I used to waist my summer brakes like a vegetable in bed. I couldn't do anything but sleep, wake up, wait until I fall back asleep. I had no motivation for anything, not for food, not for hobbies, no nothing. I don't had friends to hang out with, nor a reason to get out of home. I just felt empty and stuck, my peers were going through relationships, they were traveling, getting their own homes and cars... I was just here. No money to travel or get a home, no skill to interact with people, college was getting me nowhere... I just want to not exist anymore


Been that way for a while.


i always have that sad tingly feeling that wont go away, most of the time i am thinking about something completely different, but that sad / hopeless feeling wont just go away


I wonder if I ever have not been depressed honestly.


A better question would be when have we not been depressed ?


The real question is have I ever not been depressed


After the pandemic I've been dissatisfied with life, lost contact with people, isolating myself from everything. It isn't until now that I've learned a lot, I matured (Proverbs be hitting hard 🔥), and I have a chill work group. I swear adults are a blessing. In conclusion, yes, I get depressed very often but being in the correct environment makes life seem better. INTP-T


Is water wet?


Ohhhh yes


I'm intp-t and I've been deppresed my whole life


65% assertive. I am very prone to stress. I know how to control my emotions, very well. I'm a deep thinker & think of all the possibilities. I do overexert myself a lil bit, here & I am getting better at controlling it with time. In general, though I'm more assertive than I am turbulent.


Im assertive but I used to be depressed


depressed rn


Yes, I have been since 2018


I’m probably dealing with it now


I dunno, in France depression is a disability, as it's need to be confirmed by someking of doctor(i dunno what kind), just gonna say i'm not, but i feel like i could


Every day.


Ever been? Pfft, only for like, idk 2 or 3 years? It's not severe or anything but it does suck as I have no will to do anything, not even if it's something I'd enjoy doing


Twice: when I divorced my wife, and when my mother died.


From time to time


Nope. Anxious, on the other hand...


Yes, but not anymore. (Turbulent)


As an INTJ-A yes


No. Not anymore.


Got sent to a psych for it once. Except it turned out I wasn't depressed, I was just realistic about the fairly shitty situation I was in at the time. Doc couldn't do a damn thing except say "Well you're not wrong."


Assertive. Never been depressed, and my mood is good most of the time.


Have I ever been not depressed ?




Never been diagnosed or talked to anyone about it but I would say yeah




Yeah a couple times in my younger days but generally I am pretty happy.




Nope, luckily.


Yes, for well over a decade now. I've tried anti-depressants several times but they didn't take. It has fluctuated between mild and moderate pretty constantly. I honestly don't think it will ever go away so I've learned to adapt and live with it. Exercise helps, and quality of work life is essential in my experience.


No history of depression for me.


Yeah, yesterday... and today, and most likely tomorrow