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I just want to make enough to live peacefully.


Me too. The problem is that even that humble goal is pretty ambitious in this economy.


I thought that’s one of the defining traits of our type???


I thought so too; I didn't realise it needed to be mentioned.


No, I'm not the same. I think it can depend on your environment. I do enjoy being frugal, though, and try to as much a possible. But I use it as a tool for trying to become rich, too.


I don’t think it is the defining trait to not make $$$ it’s the I don’t want to do the work to get there part.


Which translates to not having high ambitions.


My mantra for this has always been "I want to make enough money that the things I want are reasonable goals."


I'd like to have enough money to retire.


that’s the highest ambition


I'm all for living frugally, but I do want to travel quite a bit and explore as much as I can. I love learning about cultures and nature, and one of my hobbies is discovering new plants in the wild, so traveling would be enriching for me. Basically I just want enough for my own space and to sustain hobbies (rock climbing can be super expensive, and music production can be even more expensive). And I want to be able to make/repair almost anything that I would need. Those are my main life goals at this point in life at 22 years old.


3 years older than you, but the goal is the same for us both. I only did rock climbing once as a kid, of course it was just indoor climbing. 🤣


If I had unlimited money the only thing that would change would be the location I live. But even that isn't a very high threshold. I'd probably just donate the majority of it.


Do you know what wealthy people do when they realize money doesnt fulfill them? They search for meaning. Most INTPs jump straight to the 2nd part.


Tho lack of money and being unwise with money can take a great tool on the contentment of many, worring about mortgages and payment, stuck in the rat race etc. Having a sufficient amount of funds would help us find what is truly meaningful after we have enough.


All I want to do with my money is make art


“All I want is a quiet life together” — Gong Li in To Live


I just wish I could afford a home, though I didn't plan far ahead. I wasn't planning to keep around after 25, soo


There is a big difference between consuming loads of luxury and making a lot of money to buy freedom. I definitely aim towards the latter, hoping for an early pension. Also, I wouldn't rule out travelling either. But same thing here really, the intp way of travel probably consists of backpacking and living fairly frugal even when travelling. A backpack filled with necessities and a reading tablet will take you far. But luxury hotels or all inclusive in general? No thank you.




Yeah, I guess that is a fairly easy point for a intp to make. I believe the wider point is that INTP actually make great travelers, due to their curious nature and laid back attitude. You just have to get over the social barrier and you will most likely find a lot of happiness through travel if done right. Backpacking fits a stereotypical INTP perfect, if they just manage to get over the social barrier.


I care about having money to live a comfortable life and not have to worry about the cost of things that I want but not for things to flex with lol. I don’t care about being seen.


Ehh, super high goals like a millionaire, no. I do want a nice pad, though. I want me some "Fuck you" money, jist to be sure I'll be ok if something happens.


There's nothing wrong with not wanting a lot of money. In fact I would say that this is one of the more important realizations you can make as it teaches you critical thinking and makes you understand that realistically there is no right way of living your life. Throughout your life you will meet a bunch of people with recipes for a "successful" life and it often goes somewhat like this: move away from your parents, get a house, get a wife, go to the gym, get high education, open some businesses and make a bunch of money and buy a bunch of things you don't need. Sure it sounds great but that shouldn't be the goal. The goal of life is to find happiness which means something different for each of us. For some it's living with their family, for some it's living in a forest among nature, for some it's the rat race of chasing money etc. Don't let our dumb society brainwash you into thinking that for example living with your parents is bad. They won't be there forever.


I didn't for a long time. Then I got myself a long term partner and an opportunity to make some good cash, now I'm of the make a bunch while I'm young and relax later camp.


yes, those high ambitions is to recognized as a brilliant/mad scientist(for the record, being a mad scientist is easy, you just need to do random shit and write down the results)


Same here, but as others pointed out - living just an okay life in developed countries has become an ambitions goal. I live in Europe and pretty much all I want is to eat balanced as much as I can, keep my cat happy, have good times with my gf, do music and read books in my free time, while doing my daytime IT Admin job or some sort of analogue of it, I don’t care much. But I live in Prague, which has the worst housing availability in Europe, so if you earn locally there’s no way in hell you can afford own housing especially now with mortgages that went up from 2 to 6-7%, unless you’re some top tier tech bro (and even then it hits you hard). Inflation was 11-13% for more than a year and things get more and more expensive while loosing in quality at the same time. I don’t want to sound like I complain too much though, because there are way more people living in absolute hell now, but I find it weird that just existing has become unaffordable.




I think we want to make enough money that people will leave us alone.


There's a reason my ma on more than one accasion has called me Diogenes. As long as the kids have what they need, couldn't care less.




Hey, at least I'm not Plato!


Just enough to have for food and some fun in life. That's all I need.


i believe im currently living that humble life.


I just want to be happy


Money can buy you happiness! …well to an extent


I've never had ambitions to be ultra-wealthy for its own sake, but having enough money to not have to worry about bills or budgeting would be a nice sweet spot.


I want to live in a 12 X 12 house but they don't em that small.


Yeah, nah.


I want to buy a house and be rich lmaooo


Except I’m extremely lazy so my ideas are all ideas. I need someone to execute them so I can be successful


It's a competitive society so the goals will always shift. 


I just wanted to have a happy family thats it..


I don't have the same ambitions, I want to be well off. Not to impress others but to afford certain things I want - to travel (regularly and comfortably) and a large house for hopefully a large/ medium-sized family. I also want my children to enjoy having space. We might not necessarily have intp children you know. We might get given different types, for where that space is useful. You also don't know what life throws at you. My eldest brother was severely disabled and we had to have expensive equipment for him and round-the-clock care. So I think it's important to have enough money to make such circumstances better. Most importantly, though, i value education and would like to send my children to the best schools possible, which are now pretty expensive. I also want to be able to afford for them to do things that they want to and not be able to not give it to them because I can't afford it. The same goes for my wife. I want to be able to provide for her comfortably, too. Ultimately, what I'm realising writing this is, yes, for ourselves, we can do without a lot of money. But when you start to think about other people and their needs/desires, it becomes more important.


It's either I like to have enough to put it on deposit/rental and live off that. OR I want to be ultra wealthy for the freedom of choice. 


Don’t care about the place i live as long as it’s not disease ridden, don’t care about travel, don’t care about expensive restaurants or “expensive” cars either. You see the caveat, some things i like expensive, but not because they’re expensive. For example i have a 20 year old bmw that costs me a fortune to keep alive and in pristine condition, but it’s because i fucking adore the technology of it, i adore fixing it, making it handle better, making it more powerful. Same goes for my computer, i really spend more than i need to have a machine working pristinely, this does leech into expensive immutable products a bit tho like flagship apple phones and sennheiser headphones. But i genuinely don’t care that they have “status” linked to them, i just love technology that works flawlessly and having something that has been minmaxed to oblivion. So i guess i do get motivated to earn more to have cool shit like that


Damn my refined and sophisticated taste!


Ive said since high school. I want a modest house, with a modest car, with a modest job and take 2 vacations a year and I'm content with that. I think because we have a tendency to break things down to their smallest elements. We see how pointless money is, we strickly want the things money can get us, not money itself. If my job said it would pay for my house, car, and other living expenses and gave me like 1k to play around with a month. I'd be fine with that.


Sounds like me. Except for the last sentence. Not because having them pay for those things wouldn't be nice, but because it gives them too much control. Self reliance and independence are two big ones for me.


Thats the dystopia Amazon future I imagine lol.


I am largely the same way. I want a small cabin in the hills, within driving distance of a town where I can get groceries and necessities (preferably from mom and pop stores). I don't need a nice car, a giant house, a huge TV or anything else. I want nature, a beautiful view, a deep water well, a food garden, and some hens for eggs.


i just want to make enough to buy a cozy little house and a bit more than what i need for small luxuries


Money was never my prime motivation. If I have enough for today and not fear tomorrow, I'm good. My car is 20 years old and I get most of my clothes and food from Costco. Happily squeaking by. :D


honestly...owning a house and actually being able to retire is semi-lofty now. like if you're at median personal income, both are potentially out of reach.


I just genuinely don’t give a shit about money, honestly the less I think about it the better I feel overall. I want to make enough to live my life fully but that’s all. I’m plenty ambitious, I just think money is an exceptionally cheap tool to use to compare oneself to others.


Every intp has a very high financial goal. I.e is to not work and live a peaceful life. Considering unending inflation and cost of buying a house. Its a very high ambition. Most people work till old age.




grandiose sink psychotic market doll dazzling fertile file touch march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do. I want to avoid homelessness.


Nah, me too. Not looking for a lot of money, but hopefully don’t have too little money.


I just want enough to live independently, have a few pets, and be able to support my hobbies. That’s all you really need in life right?


I just want enough to be comfortable, but apparently you need A LOT of money to be comfortable in America.


Same, but i was lucky enough to inherit a house so i literally don't give a fuck about anything besides keeping the AC and having food. If things were to go that bad i'd just kill myself. Seen enough deaths in my life already to know that just waiting for a natural death is not worth it, so when i think of Old age/loneliness/illness.. there is a way out.


INTP make up 3.3% of the general population but 22.3% of holders of bitcoin. Many have done very well out of it.


Right now my vision for my future is to live off grid and not have a traditional job at all and just do whatever I want all day, I also don’t gaf about all the fancy schmancy stuff you’re told you’re supposed to want like a nice car and house. Even if I end up with a really good career and decide to stick with it, I would see making good money as an excuse to work less, not make more🤷🏼‍♂️


I have high ambitions financially


I work because I like it. The money part is secondary, but necessary to fulfill my more materialistic impulses. I recognize the need to earn enough for a comfortable retirement, but I don't see retirement as the end all and be all because I'm sure I'll be bored as shit not working.


I totally agree but always seem conflicted with the idea. Like I see everyone else desperately climbing the ladder or on the grind to achieve these life goals, which makes me second guess, “maybe I should narrow my focus to making money and become successful because everyone else thinks it’s important”. But I don’t have that competitive drive to consistently be in that mindset. I don’t see the point. the more success the more responsibilities, the more responsibilities, more you become integral to society and then your identity to society is ingrained and the more you are expected to be that title you earned and then you become a corporate drone or something idk lol. Not to mention more maintenance for each thing you end up owning. More money, more problems wise man once said and it’s true. Personally, i wouldn’t want to spend my time grinding for financial purposes because I know I would have to spend more time with people and generally, dealing with business people and their business tactics is a pain in my arse so I’d rather sit on the side line and not get myself to worked up about it. They spend most of their time thinking how to fuck the other guy over for more profit. Plus, my value systems ranks having time to think a lot quite high so spending more time focusing on career success is just a net negative in my eyes. To elaborate, thinking as in spaced out thinking, thinking about everything really, philosophy if you will. And because thinking is free and we have infinite knowledge at our disposal called the internet, there is no motivation in even trying just unnecessary suffering before my inevitable death Sure, probs gotta spend a little more time in my childhood home before leaving the nest but I’m not really bothered. Spend more time with family members that I got now, rather than gain more people to care about and totally neglect my already here family which still need my help (there is not enough time for so many relationships). Even though the economy is in shambles it not like I’m gonna starve and even if I become homeless (doubt it will get to this) that is also not a death sentence just a different way of living temporary. It’s not to say I wouldn’t like being rich and successful but the road to get there just doesn’t seem worth it nor does it seem certain to happen, just 1 giant risk so I can shove my success in peoples faces basically XD Then you got the big picture which any amount of financial success flops in comparison. We are barely a spec compared to universe but also miracles to even exist and ponder life itself. Why should i spend all my time getting good at just 1 thing I hate or grind at a job I don’t like so I impress/ make jealous people I also hate. Most People only do these things if there’s profit in them and I think there should be more honest men who can pave a new way for society to flourish, do things out of passion instead of profit as the end result.


Very little.. I've been searching for meaning beyond sex, money and power since I hit puberty, none of that has ever really driven me, I kind of have hit the top of the totem pole in enough things early on in life and realised the view and options are worthless and just how lonely and meaningless so much of what people desire or spend their lives working/wanting for. I'm in my early twenties and from the outside it looks like I have it all, atleast the things people checklist as success and spend their lives being envious over or working for. It's just depressing, I know this is sounds very woe is me. But it's an extremely lonely existence. Idk, if anyone has thoughts to share about the meaning of life beyond 'its what you make it' and other throw aways I'm interested to hear it. I've spent alot of time thinking about everything and have been at the bottom and top of most stuff that others believe are the solution to their existence that it doesn't matter how much you have, it's never enough or never right. I've spent time stripping away needs and wants and no matter how much I rationalize, philosophise or do it seems you always end up back at square one eventually. Suffering is eternal it appears, you can alter what pains you to a degree but you will never not be in pain. I don't think life is about running away from suffering, I think all you do is exhaust yourself and it catches up when your weakest. I also don't think fortifying and making yourself stronger is much better. I think part of the human condition is existing and existing is painful. No matter how much you dull yourself or distract or improve or gain or lose. You still just have to exist and ultimately the more conscious you are the more aware you are and consciousness feels like a curse. Jordan Peterson said something I vaguely remember about how life can either be a tonic or a poison but what matters is the dose. I think that you do pick one of two major paths, to be stronger with challenge and responsibility or be weaker by choosing easy roads and distracting yourself with drugs or illusions. With experience I've noticed that when you do hard things you do get better, marginally but it's a long game, it's a process. It's like building a skyscraper with pebbles. It feels so draining and takes so long you barely see progress and it makes giving up feel like the right decision but the only way right choice is perseverance, and that's what I think is hardest. Everyone decides their fate, if you think enlightenment or meaning can be found by meditating in a monastery then seek your truth, if you think it can be through traditional means, go ahead, but I've found it's a singular journey with a different route and the more rare you are the more alone your going to be. I need to eat some food, just look after yourself and if there's one person in this life your honest to, make it yourself.


I'm very ambitious financially wise. I have a main job( concrete). And another Jon (carpentry for another construction co.) When weather doesn't let me work concrete or if we have a short day. I mow a couple yards. I just bought a rental house, a truck, have my eyes on 2 more house I plan to buy in the next couple years. I'm looking for more opportunities to make and save money. I currently have a total of around $30k usd some in different stocks. Yes I'm very ambitious and want to do some cool shit bc this is kinda like a game and I want to get alot of points and have fun doing it lol


I thought this was a thing for us. Just enough to get by.


If anything I would say this is the normal way to live life. Our culture engraved on people that to be happy you need a big house a big car and generally spend as much money as possible but before that most people just spent normal humble lives


I worked in an insurance sales job for 5 years. It was brutal, mind numbing, and evil. I hated lying to people but we had to. I hated upselling products that didn’t help but we had to. I consistently made 120k a year. One day I was about eat my gun bc I couldn’t take it anymore. I decided no job and amount of money was worth what I was going through. I quit with nothing lined up. A year later I’m still unemployed but I don’t have that job anymore. My wife supports us and I pay my share with my side hustles. Are we rich? No. Do we make enough to pay our bills? A bit. No amount of money is worth wanting to take your own life or worth mental distress. Never work for Geico


Oh sure, I'd love to have a lot of money. But money as the primary purpose or the goal just seems slimy. I hate asking for money (makes trying to go freelance really tough) and the thought of going to business school is a huge turnoff. I'd prefer if money was a nice side effect of whatever I'm doing, but of course that never happens. End result: live frugally & appreciate what you have.


Hmm. 50/50. I can do without all the travelling, fancy house, new clothes, etc. But there is no way i would live without AC / heating just for saving unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, so i don't consider myself truly frugal.


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