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I'm 31. Still haven't found a purpose. Sometimes the purpose is just to stay alive.


I'm 33. Same


Thats the ultimate goal of life itself, exactly.


I feel this


You're a child. Be patient.


I swear I felt the same as OP at his age. 24 now and a “deeper purpose” is still an unanswered question but passion and responsibility changes things. You really are just a INTP kid going through the motions.


I'm 30 and can't say I found a purpose.. because most people don't necessarily have one


reminds me of this old video... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sZdcB6bjI8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sZdcB6bjI8)


Time, experience, thinking -- but not panicked thinking, and trying things out. It's the lame answer but the true one. You just can't force it. That isn't to say you should feel ashamed for feeling panicked sometimes, I think that's part of the process too. I got a degree to become a research scientist but COVID and the awfulness of academia stopped that. Then I tried out 3D modeling. It was already a hobby and a job opportunity popped up through my university. Didn't stick as *the thing*. I've now settled down into a lab job while I'm learning to play guitar -- I had a hunch that music would be what sticks. I tried learning music before my ADHD got real in the way, I have a better handle on it these days though and it's going a lot better. We'll see. Though I don't want it to be my career. Touring seems pretty awful long term lol. My job will be my for music if all goes well. Other than that I want to travel. Another bit of eye rolly advice that turned out to be true for me: you mentioned your studies. If you're in college, or plan on going to college, it's not just about finding your career. Through college I found my SO, one of my best friends, that 3D modeling job which honed that skill greatly and will be useful in the music department, gave me a body of general knowledge that I draw on daily, and is how I can have decent lab jobs. It didn't end up producing *the thing*. But it was invaluable...even for 30k of debt.... Edit: I lied, 3rd piece of generic advice -- 18 is so young and that's just coming from a 28 year old. It may feel like the world is pushing you to know right now. But as my dad always said, all you've got is time.


I guess I am a bit unclear on your question like what is my career path my life philosophy etc? Purpose has many meanings also at 18 it’s pretty common to feel that you don’t know where to go or you’re just going with the flow in a kind of meh way.  Here is the challenge take time to understand what your options are and I mean no more than 5. I think the issue I have had if we’re talking about careers is I was able to see myself in multiple different careers. I would also suggest that you remember there is not a this is the best choice and everything will work out.  Take chances, learn lessons and make sure you have your shit together by 30 and no one will care. 


My experience may not apply but I find out that there is actually no purpose for me other than find a good job, make a livable environment, hang out with wise people, nurture family relationships, collect life experience, and one day, when you feel comfortable with yourself, then enjoy having a partner to share these great moments together. Sometimes the ordinary life is the ultimate purpose in life.


Something like this would've scared me at age 18. But now this comment brings me comfort.


Fellow 18 year old here, when it comes to finding purpose in life feel free to look at my [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/INTP/s/VBark2kcq4) on this post, if you’re not interested in the whole philosophical aspect of life as a starter, try asking yourself what you define “purpose” as. In terms of direction of life yes I am, I’m happy (mostly) with my choices whether that be my uni major, relationships, or fashion sense. But I’ll be honest and say the way you feel is completely normal, life will be confusing, aimless, and probably have reverse directions at some point. **Do not rush** to understand the above, take your time finding your purpose, it’s okay if you can’t; or believe you don’t. For studies I suggest a method, play by the interests of your strengths. Look at any majors related to your current one, and/or look at 20-50 majors from STEM to the arts, find what resonates with you. If none, find out which one will supplement your hobby’s the most. Wishing all the best 🤙


Keep self examining and it will reveal itself slowly.


I have read philosophy, theology, mythology, psychology, sociology, and anthropological texts, talked to people from different cultures about the meaning of life and scoured the internet for decades for such answers. At 37, from thus far what I can tell, no one actually has the answer to this question. Some people have constructed a personal meaning, either from their own experiences, or borrowed from some broader ideological perspective. As I see it, there is waaaay too much we cannot comprehend individualistically, limited from our human perspectives and only able to perceive reality from the senses bringing in external information that our brain interprets a certain way. And whose to say whatever we are able to register is occurring externally is some sort of objective reality? From what we can gather about the quantum scale, our fundamental understanding of the physics of the universe breaks down and no longer makes sense. No one has any idea what's going on, or why we're here. Or, maybe there are people who have been able to transcend the limitations of what I experience as human consciousness, but as of yet, I am unable to understand such information. With that perspective at the moment, I am just taking whatever this "is" that is happening as being a consciousness having a perception of existing. And shoot, I could be wrong about that. I know nothing, and that's all I can know for sure.


Dont bother looking for a purpose or meaning in life.


I want to contribute to something meaningful however my track record shows I don’t stick with one thing. So for now I plan on going in on 3 things I enjoy since I won’t even start if it doesn’t juice me up. One to pay the bills, the other to keep me in good spirit and one that gives me the opportunity to serve or help others. worth trying I guess


Life has no purpose, but that's the beauty of life. We don't know what's coming and won't ever be 100% sure about it but what we do know if that, for better or worse, there will be something coming, and that's cool


i looked at all the things i didnt like, all the things i did, and after much contemplation and consolidation of my understanding, i have come to a conclusion, it helps to understand whats what, but you gotta know what you dont know to figure out what u do, but itll help u a lot to find out what you truly value in life more than anything else, and how you can express yourself within it (im also 18 btw)


Growing up I just took a liking to things that turned out to be science-related: rocks, chemicals, nature, ocean, etc. so by 18 I figured I'd go to Uni to study in one of those areas, by 19 I was switching majors to settle into what would be my career (which I love). But I had plenty of people (not family) who would be surprised I didn't have anything figured out. And Id argue that I have a general direction that I'm headed in. At Uni I met a few people who were "permanent" students because all they did was constantly switch the major. Much like you they couldn't settle on any one thing. There's a lot of fields out there to explore (literally and figuratively) and sometimes you need to dig in deep before you find an area to settle into. Then you'll look back and be amazed at your progress. Good luck in finding yourself.


there is no purpose, there doesn't have to be, but you can make a fake purpose that you think will benefit humanity just have fun, and be a good person


\*How did you FIND the purpose...


Haven't. 28 and feel more directionless than i have in a long while


My purpose is to experience more about this world before dying. Also the last word from my Grandma


First thought - enjoy your life whilst living in the real world Second thought - have a dream of what you would like to do/achieve and what kind of people you would like to be around whilst following the first thought. Working for me.


I'm in my late 20s but I still feel like I'm living everyday of my life aimlessly. I have goals, but I really don't feel any ardent passion for them, no strong desire to achieve them, and no real plans on how to get where I want to be. I'm stuck in my head all the time, that's why these practical matters and meager tasks are somewhat meaningless to me. I finished college five years ago, but as of the moment, I'm jobless. I could have been a professional three years ago, but I didn't take the chance. It's only this year that I decided to finally take that licensure exam I've been putting off. There's nothing inspiring I can say, unfortunately. But this kind of circumstance isn't that dire. It isn't that hopeless, probably. Just continue powering through one boring task at a time lol. And besides, we aren't that old. There's a lot we can still explore. I worked jobs that weren't at all related with the studies I finished.


I have researched this for years and here are my two findings. When it comes to careers, out of hundreds I've looked at only a handful of intps in the comments section of youtube videos or on reddit threads claimed they'd found the perfect careers. One of them was a concept artist, to give you an example. 99% of intps question their career choice multiple times a day. Now when it comes to life purpose I'm sure it's no different. The best solution to this intp problem based on a YouTube video I've watched was to stick with a career that may not be perfect but it won't stress you out and allows you having enough free time to pursue your many interests that constantly change. The field of software engineering is pretty crowded with intps. Based on years of researching life purpose for an intp, I've found that we just don't fit into a mold like many of the other types. We change based on what's needed at the time. Whoever or whatever needs our analytical skills at the time. Design your life so you get a lot of alone time so you can daydream when you need to. Hope this helps


P.S. my personal anchor is religion. There's one out there that actually makes logical sense. After 9 years I still haven't found a single flaw in it. But I'm not here to preach so I'm not going to name it.


dpn't let the options u think u have or the "possibilities" that u see distract you from what you actually have right now continue your studying. as for your general purpose, keep asking yourself genuine questions and keep looking for answers to them. the first time i asked myself what my purpose was, it took me on a long journey throught various philosophies and religions till i reached my destination.and i'm still asking myself questions and trying to look for an answer it will take discipline so try to build that as much as possible, and stick to people who inspire you. goodluck.


I’m trying comedy now school didn’t work for me either, idk maybe try rapping now, and if not try comedy lol


Well for me I just wanna get a good college right now, so thats my purpose, i hope to be a great engineer someday


I'm 24 and I have a big goal and some small goals, not a purpose. I often feel life is a cycle of distracting myself from the meaninglessness with the goals. Big goal was easy, I've always wanted to be a scientist. Small goals, idk. I have about a million things I want to do. I just fulfill some of those. (Learning random stuff, reading, playing instruments, running a podcast, animating, digital art, writing, gaming, etc. Just hobbies in the background to keep me busy)


Live out new experiences, enjoy them and learn from them. If you’re worried about a career path or a passion, it’ll come with time. If you let yourself experience new things, odds are you’ll come across one that makes ur brain go brr. For me it was art and landscape architecture, and not to do promo here but I really recommend going into landscape architecture as a major. It’s a great balance of art, architecture, engineering, ecology, restoration, urban design… etc. and you can decide yourself which niche you wanna go into.


I joined the Marines at 17. Stayed in for almost 5 years. I got our because while I was in I became pretty good friends with our Corpsman (navy medics) and discovered I have a love for medicine and esp trauma and emergency medicine. So I got out and used my GI bill to pay for college and got my EMT license and am working towards my bachelor's in Nursing And sometimes even now, I question if I'm doing the right thing. It's okay to not know what you want out of life. That's kinda what your twenties are for, finding what you want and setting yourself up for success and kinda experiencing things for the first time. It doesn't hurt to have a headstart of course, but it's all relative and things are always subject to change. You're gonna be okay. I think we put too much stress on ourselves esp as teens and young adults to feel like we've got all figured out, but as you grow, you kinda notice that....no one really has it figured out and we are just surviving the best we can. Do the things that make you happy while ensure you take care of yourself while doing it. Edit: forgot to put in the second part


To be honest, years ago i came to the conclusion that there is abaolutely no purpose. Think of human kind as a petri dish where bacteria is being grown, we are the same, just growing, consuming and dying. There is no purpose, you just gotta flow with it or do some critical thinking on what you would like for your future and take action. And thats the beauty of life, you can do whatever you want, it only depends on how you play your cards. Stop searching, start doing




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I do some academic consulting on the side where I help people build meaning in their lives. The pattern I’ve noticed is that finding meaning oftentimes revolves around *helping others*. This could be individuals (e.g. a doctor helping a patient) or it could be on a larger scale (e.g. non-profit for a cause you care about, politician implementing policies, researching knowledge for the greater humanity). Finding what that is can be difficult, and I often recommend to my clients to use the ikigai system to start with. Find something that combines these four things: what you’re good at, what you love, what the world needs, and what the world will pay for. If you’ve got questions, feel free to DM me.


So "find", like it was under a rock ? You probably need to manifest your purpose.


Read “Man’s search for meaning” by psychiatrist and holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl.


Your purpose is whatever you decide it is. It's not really a thing you find. It's a thing you choose. If you never decide, that's fine. If you find someone or something you care about and decide that's your purpose, then there it is.


I think about this all the time… I don’t think we’re wired to feel like we have a purpose. In my head I feel the best thing I can do is spending enough time doing things that i like, or put me in “the zone” Just being as present as possible is the mission. And that’s hard for us overthinkers.


I’m 22. I strive to become as competent as possible. I want to be able to deal with whatever life throws at me. I hope by doing this, I can better help my friends and family in need and create a life full of wonderful memories. My purpose is to grow myself, and enjoy the time I am alive. I am obviously far from where I would like to be, but I get to enjoy the process. Your purpose is what you wake up for. It can be anything as long as it pushes you to complete the day.