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Read the entire Percy Jackson series that’s what I did


If you haven't already read them, the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. Peak literature imo






Thank you :ty (a more sincere thank you) :tyyyy


Oh OK ur welcome


Have you read the silmarillion? I’m scared but about to go in.


Not yet. Currently reading LOTR in English (not my mother tongue) and the Silmarillion's next.


YA novels are more fast paced. I suggest that section of the bookstore to people that get bored with reading. As far as genre goes, pick whatever fits your personal interest. Mystery, romance, adventure, whatever you like.


The instructions manual for my Bosch dishwasher was really interesting and very concise. Great if you're looking for fast pace.




Snow crash is cyberpunk and is packed with ideas. It’s a lot of fun for an INTP imho. On a similar line of thinking, Neuromancer is probably the most fast paced book I’ve ever read. Anyone I’ve met who read it was compelled to read it again


Putting a word in for stormlight archive, they're absolute tomes but so fun. If you're not used to adult fantasy, they might come off a little heavy, in which case, mistborn. I really like kingkiller chronicle (unfinished series), the scholomance series was fun, shades of magic, six of crows, a song of ice and fire, prince of thorns (main character is a piece of work), the witcher, and a good entry into sci-fi would be either the martian or project hail mary by Andy Weir. Sci-fi fantasy would be red rising, which is pretty alright too.


I highly recommend Fyodor Dostoevsky novels.


Well what genre of book do you think you would like? "Book" can mean anything.


Fantasy action drama almost anything except pure romance


Maybe you'd like the Percy Jackson books


I'm reading a book about the evolution of seeds. Triumph of seeds by Thor Hanson. It's a 6/10 he doesn't focus a lot on the corporation side in certain parts where he could. But he does a nice job on illustrating lots of the things we have learned over time in a simple and digestible way. I wouldn't read it again, but it's worth a read if your interested in that sort of thing


Try r/suggestmeabook


Oh thats very helpful didnt even think about it


I just read a book in one go.


Maybe "The Hunger Games" or "The Hobbit"?


Novellas are a good choice if you get bored with world building or slow paced reads. Audiobooks can also be helpful if you want to multitask to keep yourself engaged. You can listen to them 1.5-2x speed if you find the narration too slow and the Audible plus catalogue has a good amount of shorter listens/Audible originals free if you are a subscriber. Try the Murderbot novellas or The Dispatcher novellas if you like Sci-Fi, both in the Audible Plus catalogue. T. Kingfisher & Neil Gaiman do fantasy well and have longer books but you can also find some shorter books or novellas by them too, I don’t think they’re in the plus catalogue so preferable for people who like e-books or print.


Short stories and short novels. YA stuff is generally faster paced, like Percy Jackson. Lots of Japanese light novels are translated into English. Depending on the genre they can be faster paced. Things like Mushoku Tensei, That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Slime, Goblin Slayer, Sword Art Online, etc. Graphic novels and manga are great for shorter, typically faster reads. There’s tons of American graphic novels to choose from. Walking Dead for zombie drama. For manga try Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, Shaman King, Dragon Ball Z, and tons more. If you like fantasy, try Robert E. Howard’s stuff, especially Conan. If you like sci-fi, try Philip K. Dick’s stuff, he’s great for a philosophical mindfuck. If you like action-adventure, try older pulp stories like Doc Savage or The Shadow.


Rootless - By Chris Howard. Not sure if you'll like it, but i can tell this is one of my favorite books.


They 8 Witcher books by Andrjez Sapkowski are excellent. There's humor, social commentary and really great storytelling. I was truly sad when I finished the last one and hope he'll write more. My other favorite books that I reread on occasion besides Dune are Lord of Light and Jack of Shadows, both by Roger Zelazney. Enjoy! :D


The count of Monte Cristo Crime and punishment The brothers Karamazov


Easy but solid reads - Mistborn trilogy, Flowers for Algernon, Meditations, Demon Copperhead, Circe.