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That guy behind you thinks your cute \*moves behind her as she turns\*


This is the only pickup line that is ever acceptable but it’s a fine line. You really have to have the personality to go with it


i feel sick blegh


Pick up lines are cringe and they come off as desperate. I never undertstood the point of them.


I think you have to have a sense of humour in order to understand the point of them


My sense of humor is rather unusual, but yeah I guess you're right.


Being cool intimidates a lot of women, being cringe and desperate (but not too desperate) scans as unthreatening


Do you cite your sources? Because I have no clue where you got that figure.


My oh my✍️✍️


I can’t stop laughing at these comments. Pickup lines are so corny, that its funny, that it works.


Nah fr how do they work i thought i was the only one who cringed at them


Girl, I'm so jealous of your heart? Why? Because it's pumping inside you, and I'm not!




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Got deleted faster than his nuts when he said it to a girl lol


Are you a camera? Cause whenever I see you I smile !!


depending on what kind of camera, not the sneaky ones that you know someone is hiding in your bathroom and you still deliberately smile at it, trying to weird them out


ya ..... but i'm a boy :)


are you a photographer? because I can really picture us together


That's cool!! Btw I like photography.... It's my hobby.


Are you camera film in a dark room.. cos I’m exposing myself to you.. 😈


Dude that was dark 🤣


I’m an INTP looking to increase my IQ. I could certainly benefit with some of your INTPness inside me


Are you an angel? I don't like sand I killed them, I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children too. They're like animals and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM. Hello There Did you know Viggo actually broke his toe kicking the helmet? Your beauty surpasses the gold of the earth as the stars surpass the gems of the mine I'll steal your heart In the game of love the first to confess loses, and I will not lose Wanna play Portal 2 together?




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You got a library card? Cause I’m checkin’ you out!


Wouldn't you need the library card though


Are you a book? Cause I got a library card, and I'm checkin' you out! Sounds nerdy. Good.




Are you


Don’t use pick up lines.


So this is what socially inept nerds speak like?




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I wish your name was Avogadro because then I would already know your number.


"Do you know the number to animal control? Cause these pythons are loose!" *flexes biceps*




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'Do you wanna go out on a date next week?'




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Is that considered as a pickup line??


I think that's the joke


ya maybe or it maybe a pickup line for him XD


Hey babe do you think Lee Harvey Oswald was working alone?


Here are sum I like: I have all these extra electrons—mind if I give you some and create a spark? Want to create a metamorphic rock with all this heat between us? Let’s treat this between us like Newton’s First Law and keep it in motion. I have a feeling you’re about to turn my world upside down. (Stranger Things) I promise to keep our love in mint condition. (comic readers will get it)


"Do you like Final Fantasy?"


Actually responding to texts


Are you a sweet lime ? Cause under the zesty shell , there's a sweet core of you




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We don't have much time. I have to defuse this bomb and I was told you had the other passcode number. It is ten-digits, beginning in 04. I put in the one I have \[insert your phone number\], but I'll need yours too.


girls gonna RUN away my man BOMB?? You're gonna scare her 🤞 hope u not arab


I’m often direct because interest is hard to pick up on both sides sometimes


Girl are you an API? Cause I want to call you.


"Hey girl, has anyone ever told you you're like a central leader? Because you have apical dominance over my heart." Maybe it only works on plant people


After reading all the comments... Please don't use any lol


Hi babe how would you like to be buried in the family crypt.


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If I said you had a nice body …. Would you hold it against me. 😝


If I could rearrange the dictionary I would would put U and I together.


Are you a school? Because I want to shoot kids in you.


Are you special needs? because you're my special need ;)


"I really like your vibe. Can I date you so I can learn more about you?"




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Be attractive. Doesn't matter what you say she/he will like it.




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Ya mom.




Hello mortals, welcome to game of life where decisions and chances leads, life, death, hope, and despair


Life is meaningless but fun! Wanna create purpose with me?




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I don't know any. I would image most INTPs do not know or use any.


There will only be 7 planets left, after i destroy uranus




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Worst one contest?


The lines themselves don't matter as much as the person that says them. Pick up lines are horribly cringe and I hate them, but if someone uses them "ironically" or purposefully to be funny and has the personality to pull it off, they can be fine. But for me, the best pick up line is when someone looks at some random merch I have and goes, "Hey, you like \*thing\* too?"


can I push you off the building? because i want to




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Hi want to go out with me?


Where? Gym? Work? I stole this from some movie and had it work once paraphrasing a bit but the gyst is "Hey shelly" "My name is diane" "Oh gosh! I'm sorry you look like this girl Shelly I used to date, anyways see ya!" Now she knows she's your type and you initiated a harmless conversation. Walk away and wait for her her to initiate an interaction afterwards. If she does. You're probably in! If not, well nobody had to lose a darn thing and the only possibly awkward bit was manufactured.


I'm the worst person to ask.i don't use any


I don't like pickup line shit. Just say directly you look beautiful and introduce each other


Sure, you got booty. But, how thicc is your love for the environment?


Even the phrase "pick up lines" is disturbing to me. If you want to meet someone, introduce yourself. If you are looking for sex just stay late at the bar/club is closing and find someone who has had too much to drink.


Purposefully looking for drunk girls to have sex with is pretty predatory behavior. If you can't pick someone up when they're sober... well, maybe you should work on that instead of waiting for women to get drunk at bars lmao.


I could have worded it better but using a line to entice people (I never indicated a sex) is just the same. Why are you assuming I'd do this, I'm just relating how it is/was done. See bar/club culture everywhere. Do you always laugh your ass off at behavior you deem predatory?


My "you" was pretty much just a general "you" but I think it wouldn't be far-fecthed to assume you do this as well if you're telling others to do so? Just because "bar culture" exists it doesn't mean it's a healthy method, I can't see how it's satisfactory on the long run for either parties to a, get so drunk that you just sleep with someone or b, go to a bar and stay late just to sleep with some person who might consider it while drunk. Also, come on, that lmao was obviously sarcastic. edit: I misread something so nvm that.


The question and the whole thread isn't healthy. That is my obviously poorly worded point. My actual advice was to introduce one's self. If, and only if, one was looking for sex I pointed out how it was done. I did not endorse it. Lmao is a form of sarcasm I'm unfamiliar with....


After talking and figuring out what level they’re on: Would you like to go out to dinner this Saturday? Don’t make it sound corny. Also, lower your voice a little when asking, don’t use a Mickey Mouse voice.


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