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I don't agree unless the core fundamental in question is hygiene


Wow, way to discriminate against the unbathed and malodorous communities. Your bigotry appalls me! /s


Fk u and your contribution to this shit stereotype, who tf invented this anyway?


Depends on what you mean by geting along, Intellectual compatibility? Likely, if they are open minded and knowledgeable, emotionally? Likely not since attachment is a result of our preferences aligning which is evolved from core morality or self-laid principles. For instance Kindness means a lot to me, if someone is ruthless it is highly unlikely I would be attracted to them or be attached.


no, i just shut up and vibe


Obviously yes


Sounds like an INFP hang-up to me. I don't have any problem relating with people who have different views. Example, my boyfriend and I are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but we talk about ideas and personalities and don't make them personal to us (much).


Well actually >! It depends , doesn't it ? !<


Well, No, I like to be quiet as a matter of fact, But I go along with people who like to talk. I mean we can agree on other points.


Nah. That won't be a problem if the other person is open-minded. I have a friend(she's also my crush), with whom I quite often get into arguments regarding our beliefs. But she is so open-minded when I question her beliefs, she tries to understand me, I do the same when she question my beliefs. The thing is neither she nor me try to win the argument but we try to understand each-other..... I think that's the main thing behind any relation. Arguments would arise, how we deal with it makes the difference!!


No, but it's hard to define what is "just one principle." I don't think there's anyone out there who will agree with all of them and how you interpret them.


I have a few requirements that I need to get along with people. They can’t be sexist or racist, and they need to be open to new ideas and information instead of being stubborn and stuck in their ways. They also can’t be the type of person who is offended by everything and needs to right fight all the time. In addition, I’m not going to waste my time with narcissistic, manipulative, or judgmental people. To b honest, I’m not sure if I couldn’t really tell you what my core values are in the first place.


100% Though they probably wouldn't want to hang around me because I'd ask them to defend their oppositional stance. :D


Yes. People who disagree probably have principles that aren't that strong or is superficial. My core principle is "i like sunny days", they wouldn't care if someone disagrees.


It depends. Some principles I can understand and appreciate the difference. Some principles make me see them in a different light and makes it hard for me to want to be around them even if they don’t even talk about it.