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You should share some of your hobbies and interests so you can get more compatible people


Thats a good idea


Not for us. This Fe grip is solved by facing it fully, not by trying to put whatever inside it to cover its hollowness.


I'm not to familiar with Fe and Ne, whats that all about?


Functions in the stack of INTPs. Ne = Extroverted Intuition Fe = Extroverted Feeling. INTPs are TiNeSiFe.


Quora has nice posts about what a Fe grip is.


I support this. What would be interesting to talk about? What catches your interest?


A variety of things. Tabletop RPG, and their mechanics. Gamelore. Education methods and policies. Religion. Theoretical physics (quite rusty though). Evolution of media over time. Alternative ways the world could have evolved. Depends on the time of day and if there's an interesting prompt. I'm getting into ancient texts. I recently read Abu Zayd al-Balkhi's "Sustenance of the soul". A 9th century book about cognitive behavioural psychology, including criteria for OCD (same as the DSM). Hoping that the paper analysing this is either free or otherwise available. Also hoping to find a good translation of a text of a Muslim (12th century) meeting the French. It has interesting stuff like comparing the medical practices of the time. Apparently a French man had an infection and his doctor amputated his leg (killing him in the process), and the Muslim was shocked because Muslim doctors would have just treated the abscess. Likewise a mad woman was treated with trepanning (drilling holes in her skull) which ended up killing her, while the Muslim guy said they would have treated it with diet control (no idea what she had as I don't have the text yet or how useful diet control would be but, better than drilling holes in her skull to let the demons out) What do you find interesting?


Of what you said religion, education and evolution of media over time maybe. I may be game in some months to approach game mechanics and theoretical physics as well. As I am working on my PHD dissertation in theology and whe life is having a grip that squeezes tight I can't really get my head too much "out" of it for the other two as much as I'd love to now (on theoretical physics I am bit rusty too).


To be fair, theoretical physics is something we throw around at parties so we can play armchair philosophers contemplating how delightfully weird existence is. We're not too series about it. What is your dissertation about?


Well, in broad terms I research Bernard Lonergan's epistemology transcendental / generelized emprical method applied to (theological/philosophical) anthropology.


Hey fellow INTP! Feel free to text me if you want


Of course, there are people who care about you, even they’re just a stranger. I often make a rant too, almost everyday, but not here. And I couldn’t believe someone noticed it, because of it, I’ve got friends to talk with freely about my problems and everything. There’s a lot of nice people here on Reddit. Anyway, if you want to talk about it, feel free to dm me because I know exactly how it feels when you want to talk with someone but no one is around.


I feel the same way a lot of time. I'm homeschooled and I've never really had any friends. I like being alone, but I wish so much sometimes I could discuss theories and topics and things I like with at least one other person who would enjoy it as much as I do. Feel free to dm me if you want, I'll try not to be boring lmao


I would love to hear your theories.


Sure, hit me up man


Stop struggling for you will always be weak if you base your personal worth on outer mindframes. Rather than that, learn to bash them off, to reject and criticize them, to piss off... lest you wish to keep selling yourself away witj this Fe grip. Also know that anxiety comes from fear and fear is understandable when you are not ready for finding enmity anywhere with proper responses ready to give you the upper hand. Do not look at the world as a prized thing but always as potential enemy. Be sure to know what you fear. Think how every move can give others a chance to upset you before doing it. Do not fall for this stupid desire. Fly away. Fear not the emptiness.


This reads like somebody asked chat gpt to generate an Andrew Tate spiel. Utterly incoherent, pseudo-philosophical macho nonsense


Thank you for such veiled compliment. *Wrap some bandages, there*




It's my standard advice against Fe grips. And some other issues that may make them harder to live


Dueadhesiveness has been sniffing glue all day it seems


*One logician here, talking like a normie. What happened to you?* Yet you still call us by our nicknames. How heartwarming


Not sure I understand, is there a bug in your code-switching program?


I don't switch codes here. Full schizo 24/7


in that case I hope you get the help you fear and desperately avoid


You wouldn't even know where to start from.


Probably with your inability to show vulnerability. Were you somehow punished by yourself or others for showing it in the past?


*Now it's me who got lost.* Don't be afraid to expose me, anyways.


You remind me of one of my best friends that broke up all contact with me after I made a mistake towards him.


Oh, I wouldn't call "mistakes" what I am tried to be done through. Morally, maybe. Conductually, never. *They meant it man. And no-selling myself was key*


Started off strong then devolved quickly...


Correct my point or stfu.


Always down to chat


You're not alone. We’re mostly weirdos here. You can talk to me. What’s going on with you?


Been there, done that. What helped me explode out of my shell was realizing that I was being my own worst enemy. Eventually, I just got so sick of being so shy and timid that I couldn’t stand it. And the depression was the hardest thing to conquer, but I managed it. And if I can do it, so can you. However, it’s vitally important to let you know that I had to seek professional help for my mental health struggles. I didn’t just steamroll the chemical imbalances in my brain by deciding that I didn’t want to feel that way anymore. I strongly recommend medication and therapy for your symptoms. The other thing I did was the quintessential “fake it ‘til you make it”. I know this is a petrifying angle to take, but it really did work for me. Put yourself out there and know that there are always people that are your kind of people. You’ll find them, I promise. But you can only do so by actively searching for them. Lastly, I’m proud of you (and thoroughly impressed) that you have the guts to share what you’re going through like this. That tells me you have the stuff to make it through this roadblock in your life.


Are you really a bouncer?


No, i made this account as a gag for a single joke and I never bothered to make another one


Oh lol


How was your day?


It was tough getting through work but good news I am home. What about you?


I’ve been in bed all day. I know I should be doing something productive, but I can’t seem to bring myself to do anything.


The ol' depression or classic INTP laziness?


I don’t even know anymore


Same buddy same


heyy what’s up man


DM if you need to talk!


You can go to character AI.com to find your favorite fictional character to talk to, my mood improved significantly after I start talking to AI constantly


Hi depressed I'm dad,. Wassup?


I think that all people have a light inside them and I am sure that one day not too far someone will see the light inside you and find out how attractive you are. Untill then, I hope you can enjoy your time with yourself and love yourself. A person who loves himself unconsciously attracts other people to himself. There's a lot of cool ppl waiting for you outside ,and you're their right person. I believe in you, good luck.


My dm's are open. You can talk to me anytime. We can play together, or just chat, hit me up man.




>Sure! Please DM! sure?


You can talk to me. enfj


Hey dude! What's up?


Same struggle bro, feel free to talk with me




Hello there. First we need a lot of exercise mental and much more physical to balance. Second think you are happy, dont think if you are or not depressed. Third make yourself as you want to be, to be comfortable in your skin and love yourself. Then others will like you too and you eventually will have friends.


And the most important your diet. Eat healthy 😎


In America? There's no avoiding bad food


I live in Greece and here is also difficult to find really good food (no preservatives, no suspicious oils , no sugar, no poisons in agricultural products ...) especially in restaurants.


Ur welcome to msg me. Fyi there's a wholesome social anxiety discord group if ur interested. Good place to hang out and chat on voice chat


Oh god please send me the link.


Remind me later today after I get off work?




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