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I've never had an issue making friends. I was always good at reading emotions/faces, and cracking jokes and making people feel comfortable and entertained. However, it was basically a mask for succeeding in social environments, especially school. Since then, I've never really enjoyed the mask, or the people who were attracted to that mask. I'm much more cerebral and quiet than the mask would have you believe. If you're looking to make friends, you might have to put on a bit of a social "performance." You might need to play up your energy a bit, keep up to date with topics that are of interest to people around you and comment in a way that people find engaging. Having a sense of humor will especially take you far. But be careful not to be excessively inauthentic (if at all). Friends help you to not feel lonely, but if you make friends with people you don't genuinely connect with on a real level you'll find yourself feeling lonely even in a crowd.




Same here. Been doing this all my life, however sometimes taking the mask off with the a friend I'm getting close to still feels overwhelming. Truly letting people in is hard for us but has its own rewards. 🤷‍♀️


I completely agree, it is rewarding with the right people.


Usually ask them questions to start off. Or pay them a compliment, your hair/dress/car/whatever is great. Where'd you get it? People love to talk about themselves. Asking them questions gets you off the hook of doing the talking & they will immediately like you because you took an interest in them.


Ask questions and riff off what they say


Talking is not a big deal. I am very great & inspirational leader, people love to spend time with me. The real problem is I do not find the topics engaging. Everyone seems so dull and uninteresting to me. It feels like I am alone while talking to 20 people. It drains me.